posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 11:48 PM
Hmm if you want to share or if not U2U.
In my country we have a Human rights commission which can investigate breaches of fundemental human rights. They can also refer cases to the
International Human Rights Tribunal which can make finding against your Government and order rectification and financial compensation.
Problem however is that often you have to exhaust the appeal process before you can approach them.
My advice too is if there are any official child welfare reports or files, use your rights as a Guardian to obtain the file first. It may reveal
things you did not even realise were going on as I did recently.
I'm not sure if you have an equivalent in your area or not.
In NZ thankfully the Court pays for a forensic psychologist's report. One must first however persuade the judge to issue an order.
The other problem is if the Child welfare authorities are biased, then they can influence and slant the outcome of a report and that is a real risk.
that is what happened to me.
I was declared vexatious for persistently trying to prove the mother was assaulting our boy. Child welfare convinced the judge to ignore my concerns
and only a few months ago I got my son's file. It proves that child welfare actually knew about the violence, but were deliberately lying to the
Their day is coming...
I am just here taking a break from the hard work of writing a huge cross indexed affidavit. Wish me luck.
Oh yeah... the other thing is where possible write letters to other agencies about your concerns, write letters to Congressmen or whomsoever can help.
What I found here was that child welfare wrote letters to the minister in charge of their government departments dismissing my concerns and giving
false assurances.
When I go to my son's file and read what they were actually saying on the file it becomes clear that they even lied to their own Minister.