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9/11: WTC Explosions in Lobby. Wow !

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by earth2
I did apply critical thinking and research before I posted, to the best of my ability.

I may be wrong but to me it looks like you watched a video on you tube and just decided 'thems sound like explosions' without looking for logical alternatives. Some of which are glaringly obvious.

How else do you discover unless you talk about it? To me there is no problem with this.

There is nothing wrong with talking about things, it's when conclusions are jumped to without the most basic logical analysis carried out that theres a problem.

I think everyone should start a thread about things they don't understand and cant find an answer for.

I really find it difficult to believe you couldn't have found an answer to these sounds without asking other people straight away. Things are going bang at the bottom of a damaged skyscraper.

Please explain, were you there to really know for sure they were not explosives?

No I was not. But by the same logic, I can't be sure America exists.

And the firefighters and victims didn't have to be part of a cover up for there to have been explosions down there, that to me is without logic.

The firefighters are right there when the supposed explosions are happening. I find it hard to believe that if they were explosions, the firefighters would just neglect to tell anyone, and not push for an investigation into the 'bombs' they heard. It verges on disrespect of the emergency workers that day, be careful.

Some of these sounds sound like bodies, some sound like explosions. IMO.

And I'm sure if the firefighters there that day who could hear and see what was going on in infinitely better clarity than a youtube video agreed with you, they would have evacuated the ground floor immediately. Staying inside would be risking the lives of themselves and those around unnecessarily.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 08:15 PM
Firefighter said "this, huge incredible force of wind and debris actually came UP the stairs, knocked my helmet off, knocked me to the ground"

I mentioned this earlier but it seems to have been ignored, there are plenty more reports of firefighters talking about explosives, as well as police, workers inside the building etc.

There's the guy who was interviewed all bloody after being in the bottom of one of the trade centers, talk of a 50 ton hydraulic press which was totally destroyed. Just look at the french footage which shows the lobby it looked like a bomb hit it. There is ample proof of explosives at the base.

Also I should apologise for my comments to Spawwwn, Not helpful to the argument at all. Personal attacks don't help anything and distract from all the evidence which is blatantly obvious for all those who care to see. Comments like that do make me angry, but I should have a far more mature approach.

But back to the point, A misrepresentation of sounds doesn't disprove all the other evidence.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 08:46 PM
@ Damocles, yeah i see what you mean about me making a different point that i set out to. do i get abovetopsecret for that? j/k, i all seriousness, the interviews i saw regarding the expolosions included a janitor and firemen. agreed that the janitor may not be an expert on explosives, but his story was consistant of a violent explosion, and so were the firemens stories. i trust that a veteran NYC firefighter would know the difference and have no reason to 'spin' the story.

i looked but i cant find links do the interviews directly, i will try to find the clips rather than entire 'doccumentaries'.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by CaptainLazy

I may be wrong but to me it looks like you watched a video on you tube and just decided 'thems sound like explosions' without looking for logical alternatives. Some of which are glaringly obvious.

You are wrong, I havent decided anything.

You are the one who has made his decision.

And I could be wrong but I think you watched a video on youtube and just decided "thems no explosions"

Just keep an open mind. There is more than this youtube video that supports explosions at the bottom of the Towers.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by thelibra
Well, to be honest, because I'm not on here 24/7, nor am I capable of reading every single post in my assigned 20 some-odd assigned forums to moderate, and compose an appropriate response if needed, and have it posted, immediately following any inappropriate post. Sometimes I'm going to show up late to the party, and sometimes I'm right on time.

Enough said. Thanks for the response. And like I said, I ment no disrespect. Thanks for clarifying. I know you guys must go through enough without me questioning you. Take care.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 11:13 AM
most of us know there was explosions that horrible day but when a bomb goes off it sends a shock wave out which will easily knock a man off his feet, it can even kill you.
how many people in the lobby got knocked off their feet, how many glass windows shattered and how many people stood and looked at each other with sad faces.
the person who put the title on this video needs helped, sorry

i am not an expert in bombs but i live in northern ireland and have seen enough to know. i have felt the shock wave, i have heard a bomb going off and i have seen the devastion it does. i have been hit by the wave a little too close for comfort and from about 3/4 of a mile. when a bomb goes off within earshot, it is instinct to hit the ground.....
this is a bad video

and the bit where it keeps saying, then, then, then. very sad in my eyes

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