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9/11: WTC Explosions in Lobby. Wow !

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:23 AM
I have seen the original video, when there are voiceovers, the sounds are of both people and debris hitting the floor.
I cannot find it on youtube, but i think it was a firefigher mentioning about the sound.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:26 AM
Delay that- found it. (it starts at 2:10)

Interesting, when they zoom into a window, you can see lots and lots of debris falling down.
"You know every time you here that crashing sound, it's a life.. being extin..."

[edit on 12-6-2007 by Watchtheskies]

[edit on 12-6-2007 by Watchtheskies]

[edit on 12-6-2007 by Watchtheskies]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:56 AM
to me, in the video at least, most of the sounds seem metallic like i posted above.

id really hate to think that most of those (well any really but i am a realist) were of bodies hitting

and i can understand why they would loop the audio, trying to make their point.

i just feel that the author of this particular clip is mistaken at best, misleading at worst.

i think personally its a case of someone who has never heard live explosives going off thinking that the sounds "prove" their opinion that there were actually explosives going off when there simply arent.

oh, and to those that think high explosives are behind the people getting blown off their feet in the stairwells, i cant explain why they were but considering that HE detonates at 24kfps, if you were close enough to get blown off your feet, you know, just like in the movies, what do you think would happen to your eardrums? especially in an enclosed area? that much overpressure could easily do massive internal damage. something to look up if ya dont believe me.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 08:43 AM
Those are the sounds of bodies and some of the debris that was falling. Go back to any of the videos and you can see debris falling, and as stated 200 or so that jumped, although the number can never be correct.

The closest thing you will hear to explosions will be some of the video of the lobby as the towers fell, and you can hear it collapsing, which, makes lots of noise which many assume could only come from an explosion.

THere are multiple eywitness reports that suddenly the bodies were hitting the canopy and I believe a firefighter or bystander was crushed by a jumper.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Watchtheskies
I have seen the original video, when there are voiceovers, the sounds are of both people and debris hitting the floor.
I cannot find it on youtube, but i think it was a firefigher mentioning about the sound.

I have the full video, and yeah....definately bodies and debris.....

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 09:05 AM
Ok this has gone far enough...if anyone has seen the original documentary that this was from, aired first in december of 01 then again on the 1 year anniversary of 9-11...they would know that these are bodies hitting cars, crashing through the glass atrium, and hitting various other things.

This 9-11 conspirocy cult stuff is getting sick. If any of you had been there, or christ even seen this documentary on tv THAT would know what these disturbing sounds are. They aren't explosions. They are people dying.

The fact you would call them anything else proves that #1: you weren't there on 9-11. #2: You didn't see any of the original footage from that day, during the first year after 9-11. #3: you have no idea what you are talking about, because you weren't there on 9-11.

I'm offended that someone would even put this video out there as "evidence" of's turning my stomach to think how much all you CTers disrespect everyone who died that day.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 09:44 AM
I saw the original video as well, and I also saw an interview with about 5 or 6 firemen and police who survived that day. Those were definetly bodies hitting outside. The firemen and police went on to say that there were hundreds of jumpers and that it was body after body hitting outside. At one point they had to be careful even going outside because there were so many jumpers they were afraid of getting hit. No explosions.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Those are the sounds of bodies and some of the debris that was falling.

I agree with the debunkers here. Only because I HAVE heard what it sounds like when a body hits the ground.

Background information: My grandparents live about a quater of a mile from a railroad tunnel. There is a cliff above the tunnel entrance about 50 feet high. One day when I was there, someone decided to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff. Let me tell you, the noise was undescribable (even from 1/4 mile away) and at only approximately 50 feet high.

I couldn't imagine what it would sound like from 85-110 stories high.

And I second the notion, may they rest in peace and may God bless them.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by cw034
At one point they had to be careful even going outside because there were so many jumpers they were afraid of getting hit. No explosions.

Didn't at least one firefighter die in this manner? I remember hearing something like that.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:15 AM
A police caplin died that day after being outside and having a body fall on him.

He was a very well liked chaplin.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:17 AM
That's the sound of a human body crashing through the Awning, Not even
close to the sound of a bomb and if you really took the time to
do any research at all , you'd know that by now . The only " bombs " going
off on 911 were two HUGH airplanes and the soung of crashing elevators ,
car's and body's .
And all those who just refuse to believe the truth about that sound , go and watch the French Brothers documentary about 911 . They were the only camera inside either building and report on that sound while the
Police and Firemen are watching it happen . This is exactly how all these so
called " theories " get started . They get this idea in their heads and thats all she wrote . Can't show them the truth , can't tell them the truth ,
can't even talk to them on an adult level because they refuse to listen to reason . Simply amazing . That is a proven sound , everyone knows what it is yet you STILL have people who say Nope , " Too much Bass , that's an
explosion ! " Unbelievable . Imho ..

[edit on 12-6-2007 by gen.disaray]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
it's turning my stomach to think how much all you CTers disrespect everyone who died that day.

OK so the best way to honor their memories is to ignore the flaws in the official commision report, Ignore what the people who were there said and saw, Ignore photographic evidence, Ignore the money trail, etc. etc.

People are just trying to understand what actually happened, A proper investigation could put an end to all of this.

Anyone who thinks trying to find answers which aren't there is disrespectful turns my stomach.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Krahzeef_Ukhar

Originally posted by Spawwwn
it's turning my stomach to think how much all you CTers disrespect everyone who died that day.

It turns MY stomach that people just accept a disfunctional investigation as proof of what happened that day. Talk about disrespect.

Anyone who thinks trying to find answers which aren't there is disrespectful turns my stomach.

Mine too sadly.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 12:26 PM

Back on topic

I really don't want to have to be the one who clicks the postban button, folks. I think it's safe to say that 9/11 CTers and Skeptics (or whatever each side wants to call itself) are going to be disgusted with each other. That is not the topic of this thread, however, nor does it really merit further discussion in this thread.

The big flashing yellow and white letters at the top and bottom of every post in this forum should be enough to stop the derailments.

Let's get back on topic and cease the personal attacks from both sides.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 12:30 PM
Sorry TheLibra and ATS,

On topic. Like I said, from personal experience, it's my opinion that it is sadly bodies.

Edit: Also, it appears by the reactions that if it were bombs going off, they'd be a little more "worried" about it.

[edit on 6/12/2007 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 12:42 PM

This might get me a post ban but I really don't care anymore.

Just curious as to why a statement was made after the Cters made a comment and not after an OCTer made the first comment?

If the board is really being watched so closely, why wasn't a statement made after Spawn's post and not until someone else made a comment?

Back to topic.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:38 PM
When it comes to the 9/11 conspiracy im a newbie, and im sure im not the only one. To me its a little unbelievable that I just heard of the 9/11 consp. for the first time last december '06. Im just beginning to sink all this in, so if this video offended im so sorry. Im a little ignorant to the whole thing really, but im learning so fast, thanks to all on this site.

When I first seen this video it sounded very much like explosives, and they may still be explosives im not sure yet. However it could be bodies falling(rip).
Or it could be bodies and explosives.

I very much would like to know, without a doubt.

And yes the loop got on my nerves also but its all I had. peace.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:45 PM
Well what you have to do is apply some critical thinking and research before posting. Try to be sure of something before you spread it.

The idea that the sounds in the video we're explosions are completely destroyed if you apply some easy critical thinking and research. IE; If they we're explosives, then all the firefighters and victims around the area at that time must be part of a cover up, which is illogical. Then you think of alternative things the sounds could be, like falling debris/people, finding out where the video came from and whether theres a more likely explanation given on it.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Griff
This might get me a post ban but I really don't care anymore.

I won't post-ban you for asking for clarification. It's a fair enough question, though the answer might disappoint you.

Originally posted by Griff
Just curious as to why a statement was made after the Cters made a comment and not after an OCTer made the first comment?

Well, to be honest, because I'm not on here 24/7, nor am I capable of reading every single post in my assigned 20 some-odd assigned forums to moderate, and compose an appropriate response if needed, and have it posted, immediately following any inappropriate post. Sometimes I'm going to show up late to the party, and sometimes I'm right on time.

Originally posted by Griff
If the board is really being watched so closely, why wasn't a statement made after Spawn's post and not until someone else made a comment?

Aside from the whole "not omnipresent" thing, normally if someone makes an inappropriate response in a thread and they are the only one, I'll just send a U2U quietly explaining the matter in private. Most of our members are mature enough to realize when they've crossed a line, and they appologize, and no official penalty or embarrassment take place.

But when I walk into a thread and multiple people are acting inappropriately, and derailing the thread, then I post a public comment in the thread.

If it was just targeted towards only one person, trust me, there'd be a name. I've called a single user out in a thread before, and it will probably happen again.

However, If there's more than one person mishaving, I don't quote and I don't list names, and I don't bother with U2Us. I post a message to all in the thread and remind them to get back on topic. Your guilty conscience read a little too much into it this time around.

I basically just walked into a room to find the kids screaming at each other, and told everyone to quiet down and play nice. If you have a problem with that, the complaint button is at your disposal.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by CaptainLazy
Well what you have to do is apply some critical thinking and research before posting. Try to be sure of something before you spread it.

The idea that the sounds in the video we're explosions are completely destroyed if you apply some easy critical thinking and research. IE; If they we're explosives, then all the firefighters and victims around the area at that time must be part of a cover up, which is illogical. Then you think of alternative things the sounds could be, like falling debris/people, finding out where the video came from and whether theres a more likely explanation given on it.

Who is really sure of anything?

I did apply critical thinking and research before I posted, to the best of my ability. How else do you discover unless you talk about it? To me there is no problem with this.
I think everyone should start a thread about things they dont understand and cant find an answer for. Thank goodness there is an awesome website designed just for that. ATS ! And if im wrong I will try to correct my mistakes.

Please explain, were you there to really know for sure they were not explosives?
And the firefighters and victims didnt have to be part of a coverup for there to have been explosions down there, that to me is without logic.
Some of these sounds sound like bodies, some sound like explosions. IMO.

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