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Killtown Explains Why They Didn't Crash Planes into the WTC

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posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:16 AM
heres my opinon even thoe billions have one as well mine has no credit other then it being my own thoughts on the event.

I think that there is alot of Disinfo out there, much of which is being picked up by people who want to find that "special" peice of evidence that proves it was something other then what was officaly stated,

On the otherhand there is alot of things that dont add up, you got to admit, these were Building MEANT for Thousands of People, office equipment, and the support structures in the 1st place, Wouldnt you think it could withstand some kind of impact, of that magnitude,

Weights for 767 jetliner.

767-200 - Empty with JT9Ds 74,752kg (164,800lb), with CF6s 74,344kg (163,900lb). Operating empty with JT9Ds 80,920kg (178,400lb), with CF6s 80,510kg (177,500lb). Max takeoff 136,078kg (300,000lb), medium range max takeoff 142,881kg (315,000lb). 767-200ER - Empty with PW4056s 76,566kg (168,800lb), with CF680C2B4s 76,476kg (168,600lb), operating empty with PW4056s 84,415kg (186,100lb), with CF680C2B4Fs 84,370kg (186,000lb). Max takeoff with PW4056s or CF680C2B4Fs 175,540kg (387,000lb).

387 tons,(also the weight of passengers ) crashing into a office building at X amount of speed seems it would either cut thru that building like butter, or desenegrate on impact but how would this create such a explosion that brings down some odd number of buildings in the area? I worked on Fighter jets in the AF, and we were told you can put a cig out in a bucket of jp8 (otherwise known as a military grade jet fuel, most of which are similar to civilian jet fuel with a few extra additives) without any flammablity. It needs to be a fine mist to ignite, or a extreme high temp ( which could of happened apon the friction of the impact)

This is in no means meant to get flaked at. Just curious to hear more of what you think.

[edit on 7-6-2007 by Tranceopticalinclined]

[edit on 7-6-2007 by Tranceopticalinclined]

[edit on 7-6-2007 by Tranceopticalinclined]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:19 AM
Actually, they were 767s, which would put the weights at:

767-200 - Empty with JT9Ds 74,752kg (164,800lb), with CF6s 74,344kg (163,900lb). Operating empty with JT9Ds 80,920kg (178,400lb), with CF6s 80,510kg (177,500lb). Max takeoff 136,078kg (300,000lb), medium range max takeoff 142,881kg (315,000lb). 767-200ER - Empty with PW4056s 76,566kg (168,800lb), with CF680C2B4s 76,476kg (168,600lb), operating empty with PW4056s 84,415kg (186,100lb), with CF680C2B4Fs 84,370kg (186,000lb). Max takeoff with PW4056s or CF680C2B4Fs 175,540kg (387,000lb).

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:24 AM
thank you for yer catch, my appologies, just dunno I feel there is more that meets the eye. (TRANSFORMERS!) lol

but honestly this happens and we goto Iraq with most our troops and send a fraction of troops to go after the acused perps.


Sadam didnt launch the attack. We should of went to afganistan instead of focusing on toppling sadam. with all the current events surrounding that period it just keeps fueling speculation of there being more to the story.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:24 AM

You asked this

How did two 767's 100% penetrate through this?


Do you think I think no part of the 767's could have penetrated and sliced through?

What I am saying is that the b-25 impacted the Empire State Building, exploded inside with pieces flying out for a few blocks. This is very similar to what happened on 9/11, but on a larger scale due to the Speed of the Planes.

None of us have a film of what happened *INSIDE* the WTC.

But a plane in the 40's went through the Empire State Building with parts flying out.

A plane went through the WTC with parts flying out.

One did it travelling much slower, the other did it travelling with a higher rate of speed.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:28 AM

The plane exploded, there was a part for a brief moment that came out the other side, but exploded on 9/11. It was a huge fireball. There was a greater impact and a greater explosion. Parts of the plane went flying for about 7 blocks.

What are You trying to say? The plane should have had all kinds of parts sticking out? Earlier you were asking about the 'penetration', which I showed categorically could happen and will happen with enough force.

What do you think would happen>??

[edit on 7-6-2007 by talisman]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by talisman
A plane went through the WTC with parts flying out.

2 planes went 100% through. That is impossible.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:38 AM
Please, explain to us how two planes impacting with 1 kiloton of force can be stopped by steel. They should build EVERYTHING out of that kind of steel then.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:38 AM

Correction 3 planes went 100% through. The plane in the 40's went through the Empire State Building.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by talisman
Correction 3 planes went 100% through. The plane in the 40's went through the Empire State Building.

Empire plane went 100% through?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:45 AM
He said that three times. They found an engine on the other side of the building laying in the street.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:48 AM

The plane went through and exploded on the inside.

does it not look like 100% penetration?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by talisman

The plane went through and exploded on the inside.

does it not look like 100% penetration?

There is no way to tell from that pic and there is no way to tell from a pic. Come on.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:08 AM

The plane impacted the78th and 79th floors on the towers north end.
The impact of the plane created an 18 x 20 foot hole in the side of the tower. This crash caused extensive damage to the masonry exterior and the interior steel structure of the building. The 102-foot building was rocked by the impact. Many people who were in the street at the time saw flames shooting from the point of impact, which was at the 913-foot level. The impact was heard as far as two miles away. Flames and dense smoke obscured the top of the structure. Later on a wing was found on Madison Avenue, one block away.

Nearby buildings were damaged by fragments of the impact and one of the planes engines was found on the South side of the building in the top of a twelve story building. The engine had flown over thirty-third St. and had crashed through a skylight in a penthouse. The engine started a $78,000.00 fire in the studio of sculptor Henry Hering. Hotel magnet Vincent Astor owned this 12-story building.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58

The plane impacted the78th and 79th floors on the towers north end.
The impact of the plane created an 18 x 20 foot hole in the side of the tower. This crash caused extensive damage to the masonry exterior and the interior steel structure of the building. The 102-foot building was rocked by the impact. Many people who were in the street at the time saw flames shooting from the point of impact, which was at the 913-foot level. The impact was heard as far as two miles away. Flames and dense smoke obscured the top of the structure. Later on a wing was found on Madison Avenue, one block away.

Nearby buildings were damaged by fragments of the impact and one of the planes engines was found on the South side of the building in the top of a twelve story building. The engine had flown over thirty-third St. and had crashed through a skylight in a penthouse. The engine started a $78,000.00 fire in the studio of sculptor Henry Hering. Hotel magnet Vincent Astor owned this 12-story building.

Hi Zaph.

You are misunderstanding me, I'm asking if 100% of the plane penetrated the facade.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:19 AM

The plane exploded within the building. There were five or six seconds - I was tottering on my feet trying to keep my balance - and three-quarters of the office was instantaneously consumed in this sheet of flame. One man was standing inside the flame. I could see him. It was a co-worker, Joe Fountain. His whole body was on fire. I kept calling to him, "Come on, Joe; come on, Joe." He walked out of it.2

Keep in mind this is very similar to the South Tower where there was a few seconds before that explosion, also keep in mind the plane that hit the Empire State Building was moving much slower.

[edit on 7-6-2007 by talisman]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:21 AM
Yes. It did. It left a hole smaller than the B-25, went all the way into the building, and exploded. Parts of it went through the building.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:27 AM

I'm surprised that much of the plane penetrated the Empire State bldg, due to the speed it was traveling at. I am not surprised for the full penetration on 9/11 because the plane is very large and going at a very high rate of speed.

IF anything the Empire State Building is more surprising.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by talisman

I'm surprised that much of the plane penetrated the Empire State bldg, due to the speed it was traveling at. I am not surprised for the full penetration on 9/11 because the plane is very large and going at a very high rate of speed.

IF anything the Empire State Building is more surprising.

Wingtips can't slice through steel girders like that, especially when the swept back wings would contact the corners of the girders.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:45 AM

If water can cut steel if it is flowing fast enough, why couldn't the planes that were traveling that day with the rate of speed and weight?

I honestly think the speed would cause what happened.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by talisman
If water can cut steel if it is flowing fast enough

If you shot a squirt of water into steel, you think it would cut through?

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