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Cut the chord: Anti-Semitism and the destruction of the Truth Movement.

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posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by geemony
Truth , I had to respond sir, we kinda butted heads yesterday in another thread but i kinda misinterpreted your stance. I recently lost a close friend over in the Sand hell of babylon and wasnt thinking straight. SO all apologies to you.....

Hey, I ain't trippin. It's understandable in that light, and I guess I should tell you that I'm NOT a Muslim/Arab. And, my condolences for your friend, sorry to hear about that.

Now on to this question, I am mad as hell at what Israel is allowed to get away with. (And those of you who are going to post that im a racist don’t waste our time) I have friends who are of various descents. So please don’t!!! If you remember when this incident was first reported the 5 people were said to be Muslims cheering and taking pictures. Come to find out they were Mossad agents. WTF is that? On our soil cheering as 3000 Americans are crushed. A so called friend would warn us of the attack; However, Israel did know about it and didn’t tell us. Which makes them accessories to murder in my book? Anyone who doesn’t believe strings are being pulled is possibly "in ca hoots” Anyway just wanted to acknowledge that I to am pissed about it. Wish I had the power to do something besides talk about it. Also take care buddy and stay watchful!!!!!

Thanks for that answer. This is precisely what I'm getting at. Regardless of who you think is behind 9/11, you should be PISSED OFF that these Mossad agents were happy about it live. If it came out that Bush himself was cheering as it happened, he would be THROUGH, no doubt. But when it's Mossad, it's all good?

Again, I'm not anti-Jewish in any way. But, I can see where the actual anti-Jews are coming from in a limited sense! When you see the US media dominated by Jewish interests, the Israeli lobby so powerful, the Mossad agents cheering the terror attack, and pieces of detritus like Ariel Sharon saying that Israel rules the US, it makes you think.

Again, that's the ONLY thing I agree with the anti-Jews on. Otherwise, they're despicable creatures, who undoubtedly hate my black ass too.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:50 AM

Then where do you draw the line? If someone says they sort of agreed with Hitler, what would that make them? What if someone said they sort of agreed with OBL? Unfortunately in this day and age, living in the gray areas of philosophy puts you at a disadvantage.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by PartChimp

Then where do you draw the line? If someone says they sort of agreed with Hitler, what would that make them? What if someone said they sort of agreed with OBL? Unfortunately in this day and age, living in the gray areas of philosophy puts you at a disadvantage.

I'm not sure if I understand what you are saying. So, if Hitler says he like steak and I like steak, does that equate me to Hitler? Just curious. I mean, I sort of agree with some of Bush's policies. Does that make me a Bush lover? Even though I dispise the man?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Griff
I'm not sure if I understand what you are saying. So, if Hitler says he like steak and I like steak, does that equate me to Hitler? Just curious. I mean, I sort of agree with some of Bush's policies. Does that make me a Bush lover? Even though I dispise the man?

Griff... I think i probably would have left well enough alone if he said something to the effect of "The only thing i agree with jew-haters about is... pork chops sure are swell!". Unfortunately, this is not what he said. Go back and read what he said again, please. I don't have the patience for any more semantic gun-slinging matches with you.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 08:58 AM
This is what he said.

Again, I'm not anti-Jewish in any way. But, I can see where the actual anti-Jews are coming from in a limited sense! When you see the US media dominated by Jewish interests, the Israeli lobby so powerful, the Mossad agents cheering the terror attack, and pieces of detritus like Ariel Sharon saying that Israel rules the US, it makes you think.

I actually agree with Truthseeka here. And I don't see one thing that is anti-semitic.

I was talking with a jewish friend last night about this conversation. He agrees with me that questioning Israel and the Mossad are not anti-semitic. He also told me that some jewish people are the opposite. He said that they believe "don't ask questions of Israel". Because they feel that anything Israel needs to do to be on top is justified by the past.

I say no. Israel should NOT have full rein. And the fact that alot of the elite in this country are jewish and pander to Israel like a whore panders to her pimp, doesn't sit well with me. Israel is not our country. Why do we need to pander and kiss their ass all the time? Even when they send agents over here to "document" a tragedy that they should have warned us about. I'm not even going to get into the actions of those agents (cheering, high fiving and dancing). The fact Israel sent them here to begin with pisses me off enough.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Griff
He agrees with me that questioning Israel and the Mossad are not anti-semitic. He also told me that some jewish people are the opposite. He said that they believe "don't ask questions of Israel". Because they feel that anything Israel needs to do to be on top is justified by the past.

I'll agree with your friend on this. It is not anti-semitic to question Israel's motives or actions. I personally don't agree with much of the politics but I also don't live there so I cannot say how I would think if I was living under the constant threat of the types of terror attacks committed there (I live in NYC so there's a constant threat here but it ain't the same).
I've met jews that feel Israel is 100% in the right and 100% in the wrong.

The issue of anti-semitism in the truth movement is somewhat different. When you see the accussations of the zionists this or the zionists that, with regards to the events of 9/11, it is almost always a broad generalization, tying all of Israel to the attacks and, by proxy, all of the jews. Take, for example, the rumor of 4,000 jews not showing up to work on 9/11. That would imply that Israel (zionists) were directly involved with the attacks and they alerted nyc jews (not necessarily zionists, just plain old jews). So now, the zionist slant has dragged some 4,000 innocent nyc jews into the truth movement.

Yes, the 4,000 rumor has been proven to be nothing more than anti-semitic (anti-jew) propaganda but this is one of many angles that, when tied to other "zionist" accusations, results in a broad generalization encompassing all jews.

Israel is no angel. They commit some questionable acts. Again, I am fortunate enough to not live in a country where my neighbors all hate me and want me dead so I cannot say I agree or disagree with their tactics. I can say that some of them seem excessive to me and others don't.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:21 AM
Well, I don't know about you, but the whole "jewish dominated media" thing sort of strikes me as funny.

As for kissing Israel's ass; don't you think having an ally in the midst of a sea of enemies is a good thing? Oh, but that's zionist propaganda infecting my brain, correct? Do some more reading, Griff. Link.

This thread has become a sham because of people's insecurities. Please lock it and throw away the key, oh ye mods. Please don't bastardize the intentions (which you already agreed to comprehending, and you continued to derail it anyway) of anymore of my threads, griff. A little reading comprehension goes a long way.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by PartChimp
Please don't bastardize the intentions (which you already agreed to comprehending, and you continued to derail it anyway) of anymore of my threads, griff. A little reading comprehension goes a long way.

ok. Since you asked so nice, I'll stay out of any thread you make. Is it that hard to come to terms that not all will see things as you do that you have to run and hide and ask for big brother (mods) to come in and help you? But, sorry. If I disagree with you (even if you made the thread), I WILL voice my opinion. Thanks.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:28 AM
I'm asking for the thread to be shut down because you have filled it with pages of off-topic garbage. I tried continually to steer it back on track, and you did everything you could to throw it off again.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by PartChimp
Well, I don't know about you, but the whole "jewish dominated media" thing sort of strikes me as funny.

which jewish media moguls don't you like?
Rupert Murdoch?
Ted Turner?
Bertelsmann AG (founder of this media giant was a printer for the SS)

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:32 AM
This is in reference to what thruthseekah said and what griff quoted as agreeing with. I think this whole Jewish domination thing is ridiculous, trust me.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:34 AM
Well, I didn't think talking about anti-semitism WAS off topic. Isn't that what the thread is about? If you are going to accuse someone or site of being anti-semitic, shouldn't we first all agree on what constitutes anti-semitism? Wouldn't that be a prudent way to start the discussion of others being anti-semitic? Or should we just go by YOUR definition of what is anti-semitic and what is not?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:37 AM
The problem is that half of your posts (once again, if you actually read them) have zero to do with the topic; they even have nothing to do with anti-semitism! But hey, that's me whining or crying for "big brother", correct? The fact that you mutated my thread into a flame contest does miff me a bit, yes.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by PartChimp]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:49 AM
the topic is (and I am guilty of a sidetrack or two) the relationship between the 9/11 Truth Movement and anti-semitism.

shall we all get back on topic by, perhaps, discussing that pdf partchimp posted earlier

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:51 AM
Really? I just re-read all my posts. Every single one was either talking about the definition of anti-semitism or other racial remarks. A few were defending myself agains other posters. Maybe you should READ. And BTW, I'm getting sick of the vielled attempts at personal attacks. Saying about my reading comprehension et al. Not cool at all and only shows that you are losing the debate.

Good day and I'm sick of arguing with closed minds. I'll do you a favor and leave the thread so you can go back to bashing the truth movement by equating it with jew haters. Yes, I have now gone back to thinking that your agenda was to slander the truth movement. You can't deny it.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
shall we all get back on topic by, perhaps, discussing that pdf partchimp posted earlier

I didn't read the whole thing but what I got from the beginning was that they are doing what they say others are doing to them. What I mean is that they are saying all these groups are out to get them. Well, that's just the exact opposite of those groups who think that the jews are out to get them.

Being racist and bigotted to show the racism and bigotry of others is not a good way to start and really just made me want to click it off. Maybe the rest of the pdf is worth reading but if you want to make a point, don't use the same tactics that you are railing against.

Which goes back to someone calling someone a racist and then using a racist remark themselves. It's counterproductive.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:04 AM
And I will go on saying that those few statements "I will go back to thinking what i originally thought because you and I do not agree" and so on, rank among some of the most childish and hypocritical things I have ever read in this forum. Please, if you can't stomach the truth, there are plenty of other micro-nuke and anti-zog machine threads for you to dive into.

This coming from someone who was being scrupulous of Zionism... who didn't even understand what it was in the first place, by his own admission! Yet I am the close-minded one. Amazing!

You are willing to entertain the idea that your own government and a group of fanged Zionists orchestrated one of the most horrific acts of modern terrorism, but are somehow shut-off to the idea that there are people who don't necessarily agree with the theories of the "truth movement" but still see it's importance as a long-time American tradition?! I am completely dumbfounded by these actions and stances.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:07 AM
Apologies Crakeur, but once again he has accused me of being a racist in his last post. I don't know how to post according to the topic while someone is constantly trying to rile you up with ridiculous and already debunked accusations.

Griff, they back up everything in the pdf with evidence. Sometimes circumstantial evidence; the kind you use to link Israel to 9/11.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by PartChimp]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:11 AM
Griff, even if you skim thru the pdf, you will see a bunch of different conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 that implicate jews in some manner or other. Again, some of these are based on "zionist" this or that but the end result is to drag all jews into this and that is what partchimp is trying to get at. (I think)

sadly, with all the different theories behind 9/11, the end result makes the overall group look nuts. It's like the ufo community. there are some stories that are strange and unexplanable and make you think. then there are the nuts and the hoaxes and when you put them all together, the whole community looks bad.

so, you got some 9/11 theories that deserve attention. then you have the nuts (holograms, missiles, etc) and the hoaxes (no jews at work that day for example) and the whole community suffers.

Now, there are some sites out there that give you all of the theories. these sites don't help to garner attention to the real issues. by linking the anti-semitic theories to the movement, they drag the worst element of society into the mix. in come the neo nazis, the white supremacists, the kkk types. down goes your message.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by PartChimp
You are willing to entertain the idea that your own government and a group of fanged Zionists orchestrated one of the most horrific acts of modern terrorism,

Show me where I have EVER said that I think the US government did it. I may have said complicit but I have NEVER accussed the US government directly.

but are somehow shut-off to the idea that there are people who don't necessarily agree with the theories of the "truth movement" but still see it's importance as a long-time American tradition?!

I must not understand this. I don't believe in the moon landing theories but I don't consider them an important American tradition and I certainly wouldn't start a thread saying "look at these sites, they are anti-semitic" and then pages later say I just posted that to give the moon landers a heads up. It doesn't make sense to me. But, i guess I'm as stupid as you'd like others to think I am for not getting it. Well, to me, you haven't proven that you were doing the truth movement a service. To me. it looks like you started this thread to slander the truth movement.

I am completely dumbfounded by these actions and stances.

I am completely dumbfounded that you are trying to back peddle and say you started this thread with all good intentions.

While i believe the government had no acting hand in the deaths of the thousands on 9/11, i respect the truth-movement for what a few of it's followers are trying, and trying in vain it would seem, to accomplish. Educated dissent is an American tradition. Unchecked racism will continue to weigh the truth movement down in the murkiest of conspiracy theories, and will eventually be one of the catalysts of it's destruction.

Knowingly or not, you equated the truth movement as being racist. At least that's the way i took it.

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