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Tell Me How 15 Arabs With Box Cutters....

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posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 06:34 PM
Sorry for the double post

[edit on 4-6-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Hi Ultima,

So please tell me... what did the pilots do? Were they in on it? What is it that you think happened? What is your theory?


You were not in the cockpit either.

No i am not saying they were in on it, but i am trying to figure out what are the odds of out of 4 planes not 1 getting off a call or signal. Specilay when you had at least 1 plane knowing that their was hijackings going on.

Also the Flight 77 pilot was a Viet Nam vet, do you think he would be scared and just give up his plane (against all normal protocol) to a man with a boxcutter ?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 06:56 PM
Not if the razorblade end of that little boxcutter was sliding across his throat...

Why do peole suddenly think getting your thoat slashed with a razor is "no big deal' anymore?

Because the razor is in a casing?

Weird to me.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 06:58 PM
One of the first things that the hijackers probably made them do was to remove their radio headsets. You can forget about having them change transponder codes as well. These hijackers had enough knowledge about the aircraft to have the pilots put the plane on autopilot too. All of these would fall into the cooperation catagory. A couple of slit throats later you have control of the aircraft.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
Also the Flight 77 pilot was a Viet Nam vet, do you think he would be scared and just give up his plane (against all normal protocol) to a man with a boxcutter ?

Probably not. Most likely, he tried to disarm one of the hijackers, got maced, then killed.

I think you may be underestimating just how docile people can be when they are completely trapped in an airborne vehicle and someone is telling them "Don't move and you won't get hurt."

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by GwionX
Not if the razorblade end of that little boxcutter was sliding across his throat...

I guess the vet was afraid to grab or knock the box cutter out of the guys hand.

I guess Flight 93 just was surprised by the hijackers even after they had been warned.

I guess none of them had enough time to punch in 4 digits on the transponder.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
Probably not. Most likely, he tried to disarm one of the hijackers, got maced, then killed.

I think you may be underestimating just how docile people can be when they are completely trapped in an airborne vehicle and someone is telling them "Don't move and you won't get hurt."

Again, cooperating with hijackers is 1 thing, but to just give up your aircraft is something completly different.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:21 PM
I was not there ... but i can assure you, those pilots ALL thought they were doing what was right for the safety of the passengers and the aircraft.

Ultima...i believe in the recordings that i listened to (website on this thread) you can hear a member in the cockpit yelling and struggling.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
They were slashing the flight attendants throats!

I keep hearing this from the OCTers (from lack of a better word). Do you have proof of this? I have never seen any real evidence of it. And I'm sorry to limit the evidence right now, but if I don't, you all'll will say I'm "moving the goal posts". Anyway, not a transcript from the gov. but a real recording with real voices. If not, why? Is it too graffic? Come on. Most of us have grown up with Jason/Freddy/Terminator/Alien/Predator...etc. You get the Idea. Why can't we hear the real conversations/phone calls?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
I think you may be underestimating just how docile people can be when they are completely trapped in an airborne vehicle and someone is telling them "Don't move and you won't get hurt."

I understand what you are saying but a vietnam vet? See how we can go back and forth about what did/could/would have happened? Let's hear the REAL tapes. Stop the speculation. If you want to that is.

Edit: Not scpecifically you Essadarius.

[edit on 6/4/2007 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Its easy to fake recordings???!! Do you know how many calls were attempted that day? Do you know how many connected? Do you know for how long they spoke for? I have the answers becasue i did the research. I suggest you do the same

when was the last time you were cruising at 30,000 feet and got a good cell signal. probalby never because they rarely work above 8,000. Flight 93 was reportedly at 38,000 feet when some calls got connected.

read this

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 07:02 AM
Griff... others... I posted a link to the recordings! What else do you want? There are recordings from two flight attendants. Ms. Ong states that the #1 is dead and has been stabbed. I suggest you all download the files and listen to the tapes.

In regards to making cellphone calls...some connected,....some did not. The Airphones were used by several people. AGAIN.... go to the link i provided and download the information. This will tell you what calls did or did not connect and the duration of each call. I assume since this goes against what a lot of you believe, you wont spend the time listening to the victims explaining about highjackers.

REAL truth seekers?

EDIT TO ADD.... here is the link AGAIN! The recordings are there. From the highjackers and the flight attendants.

[edit on 5-6-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
They were slashing the flight attendants throats!

I keep hearing this from the OCTers (from lack of a better word). Do you have proof of this? I have never seen any real evidence of it. And I'm sorry to limit the evidence right now, but if I don't, you all'll will say I'm "moving the goal posts". Anyway, not a transcript from the gov. but a real recording with real voices. If not, why? Is it too graffic? Come on. Most of us have grown up with Jason/Freddy/Terminator/Alien/Predator...etc. You get the Idea. Why can't we hear the real conversations/phone calls?

Would permission be needed by the family of the deceased person(s) in question for the tape to be aired, i don't mean in a court or inquiry but to the general public?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:25 AM
The tapes have been released for some time now. Here is link to Betty Ongs recorded message.

In part:

BETTY ONG: And the cockpit is not answering their phone. And there’s somebody stabbed in business class. And there’s . . . we can’t breathe in business class. Somebody’s got mace or something.

MALE VOICE: Can you describe the person that you said -- someone is what in business class?

BETTY ONG: I’m sitting in the back. Somebody’s coming back from business. If you can hold on for one second, they’re coming back.

BETTY ONG: Okay. Our number 1 got stabbed. Our purser is stabbed. Nobody knows who is stabbed who, and we can’t even get up to business class right now cause nobody can breathe. Our number 1 is stabbed right now. And who else is . . .

MALE VOICE: Okay, and do we . . .

BETTY ONG: and our number 5 -- our first class passengers are -- galley flight attendant and our purser has been stabbed. And we can’t get into the cockpit, the door won’t open. Hello?

MALE VOICE: Yeah, I’m taking it down. All the information. We’re also, you know, of course, recording this. At this point . . .

FEMALE VOICE: This is Operations. What flight number are we talking about?

MALE VOICE: Flight 12.

FEMALE VOICE: Flight 12? Okay. I’m getting . . .

BETTY ONG: No. We’re on Flight 11 right now. This is Flight 11.

MALE VOICE: It’s Flight 11, I’m sorry Nydia.

BETTY ONG: Boston to Los Angeles.


BETTY ONG: Our number 1 has been stabbed and our 5 has been stabbed. Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Okay. We can’t even get into the cockpit. We don’t know who’s up there.

MALE VOICE: Well, if they were shrewd they would keep the door closed and --

BETTY ONG: I’m sorry?

MALE VOICE: Would they not maintain a sterile cockpit?

BETTY ONG: I think the guys are up there. They might have gone there -- jammed the way up there, or something. Nobody can call the cockpit. We can’t even get inside. Is anybody still there?

This is just part of the transcript. The actual recordings are linked above. I recommend that if you can, download the entire ZIP file i posted in my previous thread.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
I recommend that if you can, download the entire ZIP file i posted in my previous thread.

I just did. I'll listen when I get a chance.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 08:51 PM
Typical... there are some REAL tapes released that show (audio) that there WERE highjackers on the planes and they stabbed people with witnesses saying the same thing FROM the planes and not one person has commented on it. Heck..if it was on Google or Alex Jones website, you guys would be all over it. The REAL truth hurt?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 08:59 PM
Only one thing to say....... 7 of he 18 so called "terrorists" are alive and doing very well........ from the twin towers, only two passports were found and those were from two "terrorists" one of the passport is from one of those alive.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
The tapes have been released for some time now. Here is link to Betty Ongs recorded message.

I did not see anything about the pilots being stabbed.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:38 AM
I'm listening to some right now. I can't hear anything from Madeline Sweeney though. They say she made 5 calls. 2 for 0 seconds so I'm guessing they didn't go through. But the other three are for 107 sec., 43 sec. and 793 sec. When I click on them, nothing happens. Are those calls hearable?

Edit: There's one more from flight #11 (other than Betty Ong). It's an unknown caller who they say made 4 calls. But, when you look, it says "on button pressed. No call made" for all 4 calls. So that's a bust also.

In conclusion: For flight #11 there is only one call that can be heard. The one from Betty Ong. Unless I'm not doing something right with Madeline Sweeney's calls.

More to come as I listen.
[edit on 6/6/2007 by Griff]

[edit on 6/6/2007 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:56 AM
Ok. I just went through them all. Other than Betty Ong's recorded message, the only other recorded phone call was that of Cece Lyles where she leaves a message.

Now, there were 4 flight attendant calls to United Airlines from flight 93. Three of them are only for a few seconds but one is for 95 seconds. That would have been recorded. Where's the audio for that one?

Flight 175 had 3 calls from flight attendants to United Airlines. 1 no connection but the other 2 are 75 seconds and 31 seconds. Where is the audio of those?

So, for all those calls, I only get to hear 2 audios? I'm not really impressed at this point Captain Trips....err Captain Obvious. That was a joke, so please take it as such.

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