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Loose change on the view , was blocked by the president

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posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:15 PM
This whole scenario probably couldn't have played out much worse in terms of bringing 9/11 to the public's eye. Within 10 seconds after Rosie quit there will be rumors that ABC fired her because of her 9/11 opinions. Just watch the posts fill up below this one.

Few are going to dare bring up WTC7 or 9/11 in the mainstream media for fear of retribution, and those who do are going to be labeled as nut cases like Rosie.

And I almost forgot... the people who think Bush intentionally pre-empted "The View" are going to be posting how the NWO Neocons threatened her to make her shut up and disappear, which in turn is going to put what's left of the "truth movement" in the same category as Elvis sightings...

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Funkydung
um maybe its because she is helping to expose the corrupt government to millions of people. yeah its very interesting.

Seems to me the corrupt government is exposing themselves constantly.
They don't seem to need her help at all.
While the events surrounding 9/11 are, indeed, interesting,
Rosie's opinion on the subject is not. She is not a researcher. She has no exclusive knowledge of the subject. At most, she can put forth the same theories that are tossed around this forum every day. Anything she can say about it has already been discussed and re-discussed here. Why does it need so many pages of re-hashing just because now
"Rosie said it on the View!"?

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:42 PM
Also, here is a simple observation about a possible 'why' for her leaving so early (other than the stupid fight she had with Elizabeth.)

Okay, you are totally for questioning the government on 911. You truly believe to your core that they are hiding something. Possibly even as big as being involved with the events at some level. At least having foreknowledge and allowing it to happen. You have taken a massive chance at exposing this to the world and staking your career on this move. You finally get your 'Big Show' where you have invited some 911 truth people as well as Popular Mechanics and government officials to debate this subject on your show.

You find out that it gets cancelled by the producers the day before it is supposed to take place. You have a fight with someone on the show and then you simply tell them you are not coming back.

Just some speculation on my part. Of course we will see many rumors fly on this. People on both sides will lean far in their own favor. I am simply looking at it from the outside.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by dariousg
You find out that it gets cancelled by the producers the day before it is supposed to take place. You have a fight with someone on the show and then you simply tell them you are not coming back.

Only problem with your theory is Rosie called off yesterday's show to be with her partner on her birthday. The producers didn't cancel the show. Of course the CTers are going to think the birthday story is fake too and what really happened is that Bush hurriedly threw together his press conference to cancel yesterday's show, then strong-armed the producers into firing Rosie before she could expose him.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:49 PM
I called this one on the JREF site last week.

Barbara Walters made absolutley no mention of Dylan and Korey's spot being bumped.

The east coast feed was strategically blocked by Dubya's decision to publicly announce his crappy plan for immigration reform.

This may be the reason all those FEMA camps have been built.

Now the corporations will be able to corral all of their cheap labor for easy access.

But I digress, ..., there was no way that ABC was going to give these guys a public forum. They would actually have a better chance getting booked on the Daily Show or Colbert Report.

I may email them that suggestion. Especially Colbert. He would have a ball trying to support the official position with as little evidence as is available to support the argument.

Well, better luck next time. All I got out of that little bit of hype was another hour of quickly erasable material on my TiVo.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by nick7261

Originally posted by dariousg
You find out that it gets cancelled by the producers the day before it is supposed to take place. You have a fight with someone on the show and then you simply tell them you are not coming back.

Only problem with your theory is Rosie called off yesterday's show to be with her partner on her birthday. The producers didn't cancel the show. Of course the CTers are going to think the birthday story is fake too and what really happened is that Bush hurriedly threw together his press conference to cancel yesterday's show, then strong-armed the producers into firing Rosie before she could expose him.

No, the show was cancelled at the beginning of this week. They even admit that they neglected to change their online schedule to reflect this. So, it WAS cancelled on Monday and she has her blow out with Elizabeth on Tuesday. The timing does work.

Considering she was negotiating with the ABC execs about trying to finish her term it does seem unlikely that she was spending the time happily in birthday celebration.

I guess we could go on and on about 'conspiracy' and such as to whether Bush forced her out through various lines and threats. Not him personally of course but his people. The fact is that once she went public with her opinions, even though she has always had very CONTROVERSIAL opinions throughout her entire career (why she was hired in the first place), she was absolutely smeared by the ultra conservatives (I don't like the NeoCon term but I guess that is what you can call them). It's kind of funny how they resorted to calling her a fat lesbian, conspiracy nut, a virus, and so on. Yeah, really big on their part. Instead of asking her to sit down and debate with them (which I'm afraid she would do quite well in) they stab her in the back and smear her.

If you think that this would be the first time that an administration went so far as to single someone out and destroy them then you may be living in a virtual reality. People need to look at history. It's all out there for the taking.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by JIMC5499

Originally posted by UNnoticed
I don't see any other celebrities stepping up to the plate to put their point across like she if rosie is all we got's then rosie it is...unless one of you fine folks wants to step up and take charge...but I don't see anyone doing such...except criticizing rosie for her actions...

Anybody want to hazard a guess as to why no one else other than Rosie wants to step forward? .....................................I didn't think so.

Bruce Willis, Charlie Sheen.

Just off the top of my head.

Jimmy Kimmel allowed Sheen to voice his opinion, and even prompted him to do so.

Not everyone has their heads in the sand on this one.

Building 7 is the smoking gun. It started burning almost as soon as the South Tower was hit, and was blasted by steel from the North Tower when it fell. Much of this steel can be seen flying horizontally outward from the mushroom cloud.

This steel made the trip between buildings (a distance of over 350 feet in three seconds or less) while trailing plumes of smoke. I'm sorry, but the claims of the trails being composed of dust falling off of the steel does not wash. As an experiment, coat a steel beam in as much dust as you like and then fling it at a velocity of 100 feet per second. Record the distance travelled by the dust. You will be lucky to get any dust to move more than 20 feet, unless you have a strong tail wind.

Keep in mind that building 7 was upwind of the North Tower. The smoke flowing from the steel is an indicator of a metal fire in progress. You need temperatures in the neighborhood of 3000 F to start one of those.

So do we have any physics experts who would like to belly up to the bar and lay out the explanation for the power by which several multi-ton and burning steel beams were launched outward from both towers, impaling themselves into the outer walls, and even completely penetrating some walls that were several hundred feet from the towers?

Really. I have yet to see any official explanation for this phenomenon.

[edit on 25/5/07 by EugeneAxeman]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by EugeneAxeman

Originally posted by JIMC5499

Originally posted by UNnoticed
I don't see any other celebrities stepping up to the plate to put their point across like she if rosie is all we got's then rosie it is...unless one of you fine folks wants to step up and take charge...but I don't see anyone doing such...except criticizing rosie for her actions...

Anybody want to hazard a guess as to why no one else other than Rosie wants to step forward? .....................................I didn't think so.

Bruce Willis, Charlie Sheen.

Just off the top of my head.

What's the fascination with celebrities? Do you think their point of view gives your position any more credence?

Many of them are crazier than outhose rats; look at Tom Cruise, for example.

I'd think twice before I asociated myself with them or their points of view.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by yuefo
I don't watch the show either. BUT about 3 million people do,

Which tells us that those 3 million people have no brains and have no lives.
It's a very sad commentary about the state of affairs in America.

This statement was reported as abuse and that it ADDS nothing to the discussion, yet i see no warning for this agent i mean "member"

But I do see he was rewarded for this comment????????? MODS???????

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 01:11 PM

Don't be surprised. I have been here a couple months and I do notice comments like that, and worse, coming out from the same agents...I mean members, and guess what? Nothing happens, no warnings, nothing. Any way, don't worry about it to much it is blatantly obvious that certain comments may be seen as offensive to everyone, but not to the mods. Just keep on trucking.

To the topic. About a celebritie's opinion about the events on 9/11. For those saying we should not go by what a celebrity says becasue they are crazy, I ask. Why is it that their opinions are invalid? Do you think your opinions are invalid? I know it was said before. If I were a celebrity and I had suspicions about certain things in our government. I would most definitely take advantage of the "fame and glory" to at least expose millions of people to my suspicions, and pressure more credible debate on the subject. Heck, if celebrities are all we have, then celebrities are all we have.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 06:10 PM
The mere fact that they are celebrities gives them no more credence than the average person. But some people think that a celebrity's words carry more weight just because they are a successful actor, or athlete, or singer.

The sad fact is that because of their celebrity status, their words, right or wrong, reach a much wider audience than the average person's, and thus have the ability to cause much wider damage.

But I do see he was rewarded for this comment?????????

Pssst! FlyersFan is 100% American Female!

[edit on 26-5-2007 by jsobecky]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
The mere fact that they are celebrities gives them no more credence than the average person. But some people think that a celebrity's words carry more weight just because they are a successful actor, or athlete, or singer.

The sad fact is that because of their celebrity status, their words, right or wrong, reach a much wider audience than the average person's, and thus have the ability to cause much wider damage.

I couldn't agree more. In fact, do you remember when Charlie Sheen called in to the Alex Jones show on 9/11? It was maybe an hour or two into the horrific event. I'll have to find the sources again, but from what I read, it sure seems that Charlie Sheen is associated with Zionism. Though a pawn at most, there are people who have listened to him, thus causing more damage. The Alternative Media that gets into the light at some point is just damaging the truth movement entirely. And I'm pretty sure Israel had something to do with 9/11, but like I said, I need to find the sources again. Google, here I come!!! (and screw Googles immortal cookie!!!)

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 09:53 AM
This got me thinking. What is the lead time for a scheduled Presidential Press confrence? I'm not referring to one held because of a sudden event, but one that is setup in advance. The View has been riding a ratings surge because of the controversy caused by Rosie's rants. I have to wonder if The View's producers had advance notice of the press confrence and just "happened" to schedule "Loose Change" on that particular day. They could then say that they would have to run that show later so that they didn't mess up their rotation. With Rosie leaving at the end of June the show would probably never air because who ever replaced her would change directions.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 05:24 PM
WTC 7 debunked here. Shows WTC7 get hit by debris from the towers. Do your research before u speck.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 05:33 PM
Universal OR Fragmented failure? Be careful how you answer, it's a loaded question.

Damaged, YES. No question. The extent thereof, to ultimately lead to Universal collapse, not sure. It would seem opinions vary after that point. Damaged, but to an extent which would result in Universal collapse .. being such.

Just curoius ...

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by amfirst
WTC 7 debunked here. Shows WTC7 get hit by debris from the towers. Do your research before u speck.

hit on one side. should tip. but all four corners give out within milliseconds of each other.
for those of us with good physics knowledge, 'debunking' isn't that simple, amfirst.

none of the huge holes(of which pictures only VERY recently surfaced, ....which is suspect), affected any of the columns.

pictures of damage don't match each other, so, it is possible that photoshop has been used to 'paint in' damage that wasn't actually there.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle
I say hooray for President Bush! He found a good way to prevent a one-sided propoganda viewpoint with no rebuttal from being broadcast to the millions of idiots sitting on their butts in the middle of the day while the rest of us worked for a living.

You guys need to find a better spokesperson than Rosie. She's mentally unstable and it shows on a daily basis. I think the fact that you guys actually cling to a personality like Rosie to spread the "truth movement" shows just how ridiculous it is.

man i hate rosie. i don't think anybody really wanted her as a spokesperson. shes kinda overweight. nobody is clinging to her, shes just flappin her yap.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by nick7261

Originally posted by acmeartifacts
spit out the blue pill nick

Because I pointed out the absurdity of your contention that Bush's press conference had nothing to do with "The View" doesn't mean I swallowed any pills. In fact, seeing some of the paranoid delusional posts by some CTers makes me wonder what type of pills they are swallowing. Or is it pot that makes people paranoid...

we all know pot doesn't make you paranoid. it makes you awesome.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle
I say hooray for President Bush! He found a good way to prevent a one-sided propoganda viewpoint with no rebuttal from being broadcast to the millions of idiots sitting on their butts in the middle of the day while the rest of us worked for a living.

and replaced it with another.


theres more to life when you read between the lines.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 10:55 PM
probably because the false reality that "truthers" are imposing on the weak minds of Americans (which is about 70% of the population) is making America worse with a civil war between "holy #, SQUIBS" and "holy #, ENGINEERING."
i can't believe people are still rallying behind the douches of Loose Change, seeing as their only defense against people with doctorates in chemical and structural sciences is that SOME things cannot be explained (by EITHER side, nonetheless). If anything, just look at the footage of the head douche of Loose Change when confronted with the editing, spin and ignorance of the sciences to see how he stumbles over his sources and misinformation, only to lash back by questioning the intelligence of a "closed mind." there is a stark contrast from being close-minded and being a sheep to college retards.

[edit on 1-6-2007 by SuspicionXT]

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