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I stand by War On Terrorism and Love United States

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posted on May, 24 2007 @ 06:49 AM
Why does it have to be said again and again and again... just because you disagree with the policies of the government or president or the direction the country is heading in, does not mean that by necessity that you hate your country?

It is not only sloppy logic it is a slur, an insult and very self righteous.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 12:13 PM
link not get angry because your ego is insulted..

Statistics show over 63 percent of Americans are overweight 34 percent obese.

And in case you havent noticed, America IS full of entertainment fed, self centered jibbering every sense of those words. Ive personally met alot of them, too many of them, and its clear to me these people could give a toss less about politics or anything not having to do with something superficial. Must I go into examples, because I can.

I wasnt directing it at anyone in particular, Im talking to yall as a whole...

Thank God there are some real truth seekers out there, and thank God there are alot of people in America who actually care, and can see the frailties that exist around them, thank God or else America would be doomed.

People still cling to the old image of America they were taught as youngsters, well wake up man, were living in different times now. The America you knew no longer exists, in its stead we have a maniacal government that are gonna shove their policies down everyones throat, regardless of what we say or think, and they dont serve your interests, so why would you protect them?

And I ask, what are you doing to fight Al Queda? Why would you fight for your country, by fighting your fellow man? Your supposed to fight for your fellow man, not your country. You wanna stand up for goodness, for whats right, your gonna stand up against the tyrants who have hijacked America and threaten to wipe out any sense of what America used to be.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by LightWorker13]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 12:19 PM
Do you have any response to my posting on page 2?

Sorry for the one liner but id like to hear your comments.

Edit to add: I was referring to the OP, but thanks to lightworker for the response.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by InSpiteOf]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 12:39 PM
If your talking to me, heres my response, if your not, well here it is anyways.

I totally agree, its these damn fascist\capitalist fat cats who are responsible for the devastation in the third world, as well as the IMF and World Bank, whos investment policies have plunged the third world, and here, into a sea of debt, causing massive starvation.

Did you people know most the the aid you give these countries, actually goes off to paying a debt on computer screens, rather than helping the starving people? Oh you didnt know that? Oh absolutely..absolutely..

The worst part is they sell the people a lie that capitalism is good, and its beneficial. Its only beneficial to the few, the many get sucked off of, its been that way throughout all history.

All throughtout history, go study it, all we have seen is corrupt tyrannical governments using and abusing the people, who wage wars and suppress populations only to increase their own power and control. All throughout history, its been a war between the Elite, the super rich, and the poor below them, the people kept in servitude. These Elites controlled the governments the courts, and the thrones, they owned all the land, they owned the major business, they owned everything.

But now, all of a sudden, people think these governments, these Elites, suddenly have no power, they cant do anything about crime and terrorism or anything. But even worse, all of a sudden, out of the blue, these people who have been tyrants all throughout history suddenly turned good! And now only wants to protect and help us! When you see the fruits of their actions result in the opposite effect! How can people buy that??

Things have not changed. The only thing that has changed is the Elites rhetoric. They no longer are open about their evil, they keep it hidden behind the masquerade of good and righteousness.

They taught you this in the bible. Satan will return in the end days, posing as good, yet he will reek havoc across the globe, causing death, famine, fear, chaos, conflict, ignorance and servitude, all across the globe. This is what has come to pass, and we need to wake up.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by LightWorker13]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 02:59 PM
Then I will stand by and support you

Good for you..Its good to see some one who's not affraid of the liberal machine who has taken over the world the last few years.

LightWorker13-I'm really tire of this crap about everybody being obese.

I'm 6'5", 275 pounds. I'm in good shape, I jog, lift weights. My body will never look like a body builder or anything. But I'm solid, and not fat. But I would have to drop 50 pounds to not be considered obese by the government standards. Sure I know I see fat kids, people all the time. But its not the norm, so quit with the
we are sick of being call obese because we aren't all string bean like you and your stickly friends.

Just so you know 80% of the NFL is considered obese by government standards. Only WR, and DB make the cut by government standards.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by Royal76]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:10 PM
Its nice that you love your country Aryanwatch. I love mine too. Mines the greatest country in the world (as far as I'm concerned)

Your posts - and indeed your name if taken in the 20th Century context (although the other context for Aryan is to do with Indo-Iranian culture) - seem to be trying to set you aside from the rest of the world as if you are special. Its like you believe you have all the answers and no one else could possibly be right, which is kind of disturbing really, because the US only represents a fraction of the worlds population.

This particular post I've snipped was of great interest

rather it would be known as a brave attempt by a powerful nation to put a democratically elected government in a war torn third world nation which has nothing to boast except oil and terrorist hideouts.

Tell me, how do you "put" a "democratically elected government" into power? Who democratically elected the invading foreign army that came in and deposed the last government?

By "putting" it there democracy is kind of thrown out of the window in the true sense of the word.

Anyway, those of us with good memories remember that the invasion of Iraq was undertaken on the pretext of finding and eliminating stockpiles of WMD that "presented a clear and imminent threat to the safety and security of the United States of America"

Or, in other words, because Saddam Hussein didn't play ball with the US anymore.

It wasn't because of his human rights record. History will - and has - recorded that the US did nothing about the gassing of the Kurds in 1988, and only decided Saddam was a bad man when he decided he'd quite like a slice of the oil revenues from across the border.

If this odjective requires sacrifices,we will make it. Infact we have already sacrificed our brave soldiers for this cause. Haven't we? History is not written by the loosers. I'am sure you know this.And if someone is trying to convince that all those lives of our men was lost and it was a mistake - I'am not gonna accept that.

Which "cause" have these soldiers died for? I'm always curious about this.

Pre 9/11 Americans got up and went to work and put gas in their cars and went about their business whilst elsewhere on the planet people suffered from terrorist acts and I'd wager people like yourself cared nothing about it at all. Funnily I was removed from Warrington and Manchester by the police to avoid getting blown up by the IRA while people in the US were donating money to their cause! You have to laugh at the irony.

Post 9/11 Americans get up and go to work and put gas in their cars and go about their business - the only difference being that now theres an army deployed in a country 4500 miles away from yours that never once threatened you directly where your soldiers are being shot at and killed every day and....what exactly?

Or to be more blunt - a standing army occupying a foreign country isn't going to stop a terrorist attack. Hell its more of an invitation to launch one than anything else. Its a provocation. If 30 more Saudi Arabians want to get on planes and fly them into buildings the US forces in Iraq aren't gonna be able to do anything about it - so which "freedoms" are the forces there protecting.

And this rhetoric that the "world hates the US" because of its "freedoms" and the fact that it is the "worlds only superpower" - do you really beleive that? Honestly? Do you think people in other countries wake up every day and think "god I hate the americans because they have 500 channels of TV, cars the size of whales, all you can eat diners, Hollywood and cheap petroleum"?

Don't you think those people might have more productive things to do with their lives like eating/drinking/providing for their families and raising their children? How many of these people do you presonally know?

Or are you basing your assumptions on the literature you choose to read, the media you choose to expose yourself to, the company that you keep and general hearsay? Be honest now.

History, by the way, is written by the victor in their own country. Its not written that way by the rest of the world.

[edit on 24/0507/07 by neformore]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Then I will stand by and support you

Good for you..Its good to see some one who's not affraid of the liberal machine who has taken over the world the last few years.

LightWorker13-I'm really tire of this crap about everybody being obese.

I'm 6'5", 275 pounds. I'm in good shape, I jog, lift weights. My body will never look like a body builder or anything. But I'm solid, and not fat. But I would have to drop 50 pounds to not be considered obese by the government standards. Sure I know I see fat kids, people all the time. But its not the norm, so quit with the
we are sick of being call obese because we aren't all string bean like you and your stickly friends.

Just so you know 80% of the NFL is considered obese by government standards. Only WR, and DB make the cut by government standards.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by Royal76]

Funny very funny...

Hey dude, I didnt say everyone was obese, 34% of you are, thats the numbers okay. 63% of you overweight, thats the numbers, dont get mad at me for your countries indulgences. While your throwing away food everyday at your supermarkets cuz nobody bought them, there are billions of people out there who are going to bed hungry, I mean seriously, you people are like spoiled children..

Your in good shape, good for you, so am I. Your an ideal weight for your 6'5 frame...but not when your 5'6...there are specific guidelines based on age, height, heredity etc that lay the foundations of what is your ideal weight, and what is considered overweight. We can both agree, a 5'6'', 220 pound woman is overweight. Statistics, its not opinion, its statistics.

And my main was that theres a reason theres rapid weight problems in America, in case you havent noticed, to deny that is to edit out reality. Im not gonna even get into it, those are the numbers, dont like it, tough luck big boy..

The Unites States actually gives the least amount of money per capita, to foreign aid, out of all the countries in all the world. So for you people who say, well America is great, we give so much aid to foreign countries. Hello! Mexico gives more percentage of its wealth to stop hunger than you do!! God, you people, you just cant see reality can ya.

Put, yes, Im sorry, Im wrong. America is great, America is epitome of perfection, land of the free, home of tha brave, and all that crap. Im gonna go wave my flag made by slaves in China, as my government outsources my jobs to them, and Im gonna slap my bumper sticker saying 'I support the troops" by leaving them in Iraq to die and get sick from Depleted Uranium, without a plan, or timetable, or anything, Im gonna just shut up and go along with the destruction of my country, yes, cuz I love my country, so Im gonna do nothing as it bleeds to people make me sick.

If you really love your country, youll try to save it, because America is literally thisclose to being completely overrun by these globalist foreign interest, who dont have any alliegance to any country theyre globalists, and who only see America as a spoke on their wheel of fortune, to be used and abused as neccesary. Wake up.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by LightWorker13]

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 10:19 PM

See what I told you arieanwatch!! either agree with these liberals or they try to cut you down with insults!!

Good for you for speaking the TRUTH!!

They all think a hug and a cup of coffee will solve all the worlds problems, unfortunatly it doesnt work that way.

Its ugly and death is envolved, but that is what we fight for... so dumb asses can say stuff like "He just needs a hug/talk is the answer"

To many here have had no contact/involvement in the war! They are the first to spout off on how we are doing it wrong/shoudnt be their!!

You all should talk to a soldier(not one that signed up only for the free college)! I know 3 personally, and have heard stories fron 10-15 others, They are glad we are their!! no more sadam, democracy a chance...but all you here is the liberal spin from out of place iranians who curse the US to no end!!

Sorry folks, their is the truth and what your bieng spoon fed from the LIBERAL media!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 10:25 PM

Funny very funny...

Hey dude, I didnt say everyone was obese, 34% of you are, thats the numbers okay. 63% of you overweight, thats the numbers, dont get mad at me for your countries indulgences. While your throwing away food everyday at your supermarkets cuz nobody bought them, there are billions of people out there who are going to bed hungry, I mean seriously, you people are like spoiled children..

Your in good shape, good for you, so am I. Your an ideal weight for your 6'5 frame...but not when your 5'6...there are specific guidelines based on age, height, heredity etc that lay the foundations of what is your ideal weight, and what is considered overweight. We can both agree, a 5'6'', 220 pound woman is overweight. Statistics, its not opinion, its statistics.

And my main was that theres a reason theres rapid weight problems in America, in case you havent noticed, to deny that is to edit out reality. Im not gonna even get into it, those are the numbers, dont like it, tough luck big boy..

The Unites States actually gives the least amount of money per capita, to foreign aid, out of all the countries in all the world. So for you people who say, well America is great, we give so much aid to foreign countries. Hello! Mexico gives more percentage of its wealth to stop hunger than you do!! God, you people, you just cant see reality can ya.

Put, yes, Im sorry, Im wrong. America is great, America is epitome of perfection, land of the free, home of tha brave, and all that crap. Im gonna go wave my flag made by slaves in China, as my government outsources my jobs to them, and Im gonna slap my bumper sticker saying 'I support the troops" by leaving them in Iraq to die and get sick from Depleted Uranium, without a plan, or timetable, or anything, Im gonna just shut up and go along with the destruction of my country, yes, cuz I love my country, so Im gonna do nothing as it bleeds to people make me sick.

If you really love your country, youll try to save it, because America is literally thisclose to being completely overrun by these globalist foreign interest, who dont have any alliegance to any country theyre globalists, and who only see America as a spoke on their wheel of fortune, to be used and abused as neccesary. Wake up.

[edit on 24-5-2007 by LightWorker13]

Blind hatred for america!!! If we cured AIDS this same person would say we didnt do enough for cancer!

Its sick, everyone wants america to do everything, and them blames them for everything else!??

What has you country done pal!!!!?????????

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by redseal

See what I told you arieanwatch!! either agree with these liberals or they try to cut you down with insults!!

Excuse me, im no liberal, im a radical.

Good for you for speaking the TRUTH!!

which truth is that? That US foriegn Policy is a policy of good intentions, and although its had its bumps, US leaders mean well?

Maybe you should count the bumps in all those interventions. when you get to ten I'd say its time to start looking at the pattern.

They all think a hug and a cup of coffee will solve all the worlds problems, unfortunatly it doesnt work that way.

Its ugly and death is envolved, but that is what we fight for... so dumb asses can say stuff like "He just needs a hug/talk is the answer"

No, we dont. But i do think that US intervention has been, and still is, a tool for Global Capitalism and Imperialism. Perhaps youd like to review a few of my posts in this thread for examples of such actions.

To many here have had no contact/involvement in the war! They are the first to spout off on how we are doing it wrong/shoudnt be their!!

and what happens when the population says "you shouldnt be here"? Is that when you listen? Iraqi Opinion Is The Only One That Matters

You all should talk to a soldier(not one that signed up only for the free college)! I know 3 personally, and have heard stories fron 10-15 others, They are glad we are their!!

No, their not. Their homes have been destroyed, their families torn to shreds, their children starve, and they die of no sanitation. Show me when the Iaqi people asked the US to occupy their country.

no more sadam, democracy a chance...but all you here is the liberal spin from out of place iranians who curse the US to no end!!

You mean Democracy brazilian or colombian style? How about like in Honduras or Nicaragua? Chile or Grenada? Any of those showcase democracies the US set up a good example for what iraq should look like?

Sorry folks, their is the truth and what your bieng spoon fed from the LIBERAL media!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bah, liberal or conservative, both are fed from the same trough. How about you stop blurting the party line and start analyzing whats going on with a critical view.

posted on May, 25 2007 @ 11:13 PM
I didnt speak no insults or hatred anywhere at all period, you people take offense to my words and claim I insulted you and am full of hate, when all I did was spit known facts you can go check for yourself.

Liberal Conservative, wake up dammit, its two sides of the same coin! Two wings of the same bird coming to pluck you clean of your sovereignty, and its working. Your either for freedom, or your for whats happening now in America. Pretty simple.

Your country is sinking around you, can you not see that, even the so called liberal media can see it. All your corporations have ruined everything and now theyre abandoing ship, theyre all packing up and moving, cuz they know youre about to fall, why do you think China is building up? God. You people are, Jesus said it best, there are non so blind as those who refuse to see.

[edit on 25-5-2007 by LightWorker13]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by redseal
Good for you for speaking the TRUTH!!

truth? really...

They all think a hug and a cup of coffee will solve all the worlds problems, unfortunatly it doesnt work that way.

what about that great ol' liberal FDR... or his successor truman?

Its ugly and death is envolved, but that is what we fight for... so dumb asses can say stuff like "He just needs a hug/talk is the answer"

now who's insulting? you're both insulting and generalizing.
and if you're attacking diplomacy than you're really misguided. diplomacy stops wars from happening.

To many here have had no contact/involvement in the war! They are the first to spout off on how we are doing it wrong/shoudnt be their!!

having contact with war doesn't make you any more qualified to talk about it, especially in the USA.
are you saying that only those involved in the military should be allowed to judge a war?

You all should talk to a soldier(not one that signed up only for the free college)!

like pat tillman? he was against to the war.

I know 3 personally, and have heard stories fron 10-15 others, They are glad we are their!!

alright, so the soldiers like the war... that doesn't mean anything. just because they like it doesn't mean it's right.

no more sadam,

alright, i'll give you that one...
but then the ensuing anarchy isn't all that much better.

democracy a chance...

it's NOT democracy when you're forcing it on them.

but all you here is the liberal spin from out of place iranians who curse the US to no end!!

this is the first time i've ever heard anyone calling iran liberal. one of the most repressive authoritarian theocracies in the world... liberal.

it's so fun to uncover idiocy.

Sorry folks, their is the truth and what your bieng spoon fed from the LIBERAL media!

the media isn't liberal, it's MODERATE. down the road vanilla.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 03:01 AM

Your posts - and indeed your name if taken in the 20th Century context (although the other context for Aryan is to do with Indo-Iranian culture) - seem to be trying to set you aside from the rest of the world as if you are special. Its like you believe you have all the answers and no one else could possibly be right, which is kind of disturbing really, because the US only represents a fraction of the worlds population.

neformore - What you are saying is out of context. Ok, I'am trying to set myself aside from the rest of the world and I'am special. Even you are special. You are also unique just like all of us. I don't believe I have all the answers. I'am not irrational. I'am just trying to prove it to the fellow Americans is that you don't need to bash your country every now and then in public forums to prove that you are'cool' and that you are one among all your friends who is 'also' worried about your country. If you are doing it with all your facts and figures in place - it's justified,but if you are doing it just for the kicks - it's questionable. I'am also trying to figure out for myself whether there is any substance to what people talk while saying - It's for Oil.

Ok agreed,It's for Oil. But for whose interest is it? Is it for Bush and his fellow partymen so that they can get free oil post their retirement? Or is it for all of us ( Let me clarify here,before anyone of you jumps gun here - I'am totally apolitical.I have never supported any government for the'looks' of it. I'am not a Bushie as some of you would like to understand)
Even if Bush is doing what he is doing currently - is sanctioned by the parliament which all of us have voted to power. Isn't it? Now if all that all of keep saying about the policies gone wrong - what are the options? What do we do to actually tell our democratically elected body in it's face that we have had enough? Why don't we use that option. And if we are not using that option then I think we are no better than millions of other anti-America sentimentalists whose sole objective is to cast a slur on our great nation.

My point is simply this - If majority of Americans 'really' feel so strongly about the War on Terrorism why did we want the perpetrators blood post 9/11. Whay was there such an uproar? Why didn't people say that we are wrong when Bush made a public announcement about the launch of War on Terrorism? Is it because at that time most of us were sitting in front of our television clapping on the'brave decision'?

Or was it that we are so innoccent as to think that the War on terrorism would be a 'bloodless revolution'? Funny isn't it? Or was it that we were ignorant to the horrors of war? Guys,wake up...we are into it big time. We and our forces have embarked on a mission which cannot end till it has actually ended. We ' dissatisfieds' sitting in front of our systems jabbing at the keys are the least or negative contributors in the tough times our country is facing.

[edit on 28-5-2007 by AryanWatch]

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 03:13 AM

Tell me, how do you "put" a "democratically elected government" into power?

neformore - The steps for putting a democratically elected government as per my understanding is as follows -

1. Enter the country run by a dictator.

2.Remove the existing dictator.

3. Stabilize the country

4. Hold free and fair elections.

5. Install the new democratically elected government.

6. Move out.

In Iraq we have a sticky situation at step 3 because of their internal political and religious equations. This is the reason why there is a delay. Now, if we leave that country at these turbulent times,they are gonna have a go at each other and then there would be more casualities then what we are seeing now.

To understand the crux of the issue,you really need to understand the religious outlook of the Shias and the Sunnis. They have attacked each other in rather peaceful times(in Pakistan for example).
These are the people who kill for their faith. Then do not find it right to kill a baby which is from a non-Islamic or even opposing faith.

[edit on 28-5-2007 by AryanWatch]

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 03:19 AM

By "putting" it there democracy is kind of thrown out of the window in the true sense of the word.

No I don't think so. Democracy by definition is ' by the people' 'of the people' and 'for the people'. You cannot go into peoples' mind and dictate which party to vote to power. If you install democracy that's the end of dictatorship.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 04:02 AM

Your country is sinking around you, can you not see that, even the so called liberal media can see it. All your corporations have ruined everything and now theyre abandoing ship, theyre all packing up and moving, cuz they know youre about to fall, why do you think China is building up?

LightWorker - This is again an anti-America rant. Where is America sinking? What makes you say this? Show me the facts.

Which corporations have ruined everything? Ruined what? Who are abandoning ship? China is building up to establish itself as a superpower. Economic as well as Military. What is you take on that? Is there another conspiracy behind it? Care to respond?

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by AryanWatch

neformore - The steps for putting a democratically elected government as per my understanding is as follows -

1. Enter the country run by a dictator.

[edit on 28-5-2007 by AryanWatch]

Failed at step 1.

Its needs to come from the people themselves, not from an outside source.

What you describe is the installation of a puppet government. If you don't allow people the free will to do it themselves, they will resent you for it. which is exactly whats wrong in Iraq now.

Its odd. The concept of "popular uprising" seems to have got lost by the USA - which in itself was born out of one. Leave people alone and let them sort it out for themselves. If things get bad enough, they will do.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by AryanWatch
No I don't think so. Democracy by definition is ' by the people' 'of the people' and 'for the people'. You cannot go into peoples' mind and dictate which party to vote to power. If you install democracy that's the end of dictatorship.

Please. Re-read what you have written and try and see the contradiction in it.

You can't "install" democracy, because the intervention of an outside party negates the "by the people" part completely.

I can't believe that Americans don't understand their own history and the basis of their nation. You had to fight for it between yourselves to get it right because you weren't happy about it as it stood. Thats what made you strong. Having an outside party come in and do it - particularly one that appears to have an agenda against a whole slab of your society - will never work.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 06:53 AM

Leave people alone and let them sort it out for themselves

neformore - I'am sure you mean - rational,logical,thinking and same 'people'.You cannot let a bunch of religious fanatics to take to street and 'sort' out things for themselves. You will end up with another Congo in the process. The only way to prevent mass killings of,be it ,Shias or Sunnis in Iraq is to act as a buffer for them to run out of their ammunition. If we leave them now you will end up seeing a bigger mess.

And no, we didn't fail at Step 1. We are already there and we have proved a point or two.

No one is asking for installing a puppet government in Iraq. The country has to go through the pains to give birth to a stable democratic government and this cannot happen unless we support the peopleof Iraq.

posted on May, 28 2007 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by AryanWatch

neformore - I'am sure you mean - rational,logical,thinking and same 'people'.

No. I meant what I wrote - are you suggested there are different classes of human being?

You cannot let a bunch of religious fanatics to take to street and 'sort' out things for themselves. You will end up with another Congo in the process.

Ah! At last! You made my point for me. Thank you. Ever wonder why there aren't 150,000 US troops in the Congo right now "installing democracy"? I'll tell you. Its because it is not in the US interest, strategically and economically to be there.

Its nothing to do with "democracy". Its nothing to do with "human rights". Its bugger all to do with "terrorism" (because, lets face it, its created MORE of that)

If the US was so interested in "installing" democracy there's a whole host of less stable countries that it could have taken up the cause for. Read up on conditions in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, getting the point yet?

The only way to prevent mass killings of,be it ,Shias or Sunnis in Iraq is to act as a buffer for them to run out of their ammunition. If we leave them now you will end up seeing a bigger mess.

You don't get this do you? Adding a third element into the mix that is acting in its own interests only makes it worse. Thats what we are seeing now. No, its not pretty. Its not desirable. Civil Wars never are.

Would you have preferred the US be "liberated" from the British by the French, in force? Would the British have preferred the Spanish to have come and "liberated" them from Charles 1st? Would the French have wanted the British to come and "liberate" them from Louis XVI?

And no, we didn't fail at Step 1. We are already there and we have proved a point or two.

It proved the US acted in its own interests. Thats all.

No one is asking for installing a puppet government in Iraq. The country has to go through the pains to give birth to a stable democratic government and this cannot happen unless we support the peopleof Iraq.

You HAVE installed a puppet government in Iraq. You did it by militarily deposing the previous government. Or are you saying that when the Soviet Union "liberated" East Germany, Czechosovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland etc that they were just helping out? After all, they did exactly what the US lead COW has done.

Thats what people got upset about. Its so damn hypocritical. The US went to war in 1991 to Liberate a foreign country that had been invaded. 10 years later it invaded a foreign country.

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