posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 12:49 AM
Reminds me of a cute site I visited last night, entitled
' 200 end-world predictions' lol
and yes, 2012 was in there.
The 7th Day Adventists hold the record for failed world's-end predictions, apparently .. running at around 13 or so at the moment
For those who're actually worried by the ignorance surrounding 2012 and the 'promised' (by some) end of world scenarios, you could do nothing
better than depart ATS for ten minutes and run some searches on 'failed world end predictions' or something similar. You'll find enough to keep
you reading for a solid month. And religion's as guilty as all the false prophets. In 1000 AD for example, people gave away everything they owned
to the poor or made pilgrimages to the alleged Holy Lands .. because they had been TOLD and were CONVINCED the world would end that year.
World end scenarios were rampant prior to 1000AD and since.
Few seem to be aware that there's been a world's-end prediction for virtually every single year since the year dot .. and all through the 1970s,
1980s, 1990s and of course .... 2000.
But it hasn't stopped there. The world's end folk have kept up the pace since 2000.
And believe it or not .. there are world-end predictions far into the future, for 2047 for example.
So 2012 will pass just as 1000AD did, just as 2000AD did.
Some won't be happy to hear that of course. Their ego demands that the world end during their lifetime. The drama ! The appropriateness ! Of
course, because it's THEIR life and thus everything of any importance just has to revolve around and focus on THEM.
Then 2012 trundles through, just like any other year.
Then they get into their 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s and 70s
Then the SHOCK ! They're OLD ! They're dying in hospital of old age! Their hair is gone, like their hearing and eyesight and sphincter control
Oh my ... they're dying ! Going. Gone. And the world still hasn't ended !
All around them in the visitor's room are BABIES and YOUNG people !
How can this BE ? The damn world has kept on turning and new people have continued arriving on the planet ! It wasn't supposed to happen this way.
Not when they devoted so much of their youth fixated on the world ending and dying WITH them !
Then they realise what they threw away. All that time, playing it brooding and moody and believing the world would end while they were young.
But the world never agreed with them
The world never agreed to end just to indulge their drama-addiction
The world laughed
The world has seen it time and time again
The world has every intention of continuing through 4000AD, 5000, 6000
Sees them all come and go with their puny little lifespans during which they imagine everything of importance must happen
Plan for a future beyond 2012.
Otherwise, you're fated to be disappointed