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Atheism is the Worst Sin

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posted on May, 18 2007 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by The Winged Wombat

Perhaps we should invent a label (like anti-semetic) to call GreatTech and those like him who spread anti-athiest propaganda, just so that everyone can be equally disgusted by his hate filled views.

The Winged Wombat: Wow! You express hate every time you mention my screen name. Did I not mention that "I love atheists as much as theists" in my original post? You are on the hate campaign not me. The fact that many atheists so frequent Faith, Spirituality & Theology might be hatred in itself.

I care about about atheists as much as anybody else. If a doctor told a person that he or she had cancer and that person should change his or her diet, it would be highly advisable for that person to change his or her diet. I believe that atheism is the wrong course of action and only because out of love and care for all people, do I advise people against it.

Any logical, reasonable, and rational person would see that you are expressing hatred against me. Please stop the personal attacks.

God Bless.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 03:35 AM
Any logical, reasonable, and rational person would see that the bible is an old fairytale.

Anyway, GreatTech, you were born atheist, remember that.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 05:39 AM

If you love athiests, why do you start such hateful and hurtful topics?

Simple question, simple answer please.

Is it your contention that all athiests should depart this thread so that you can criticise and accuse them without being challenged? If you don't want athiests on a board that you seem to think is your own personal domain then why start the threads that you do?

The answer is obvious to anyone who wishes to look. You hate athiests, there cannot possibly be any other possible answer.

You don't start threads criticising Jews, or Muslims, or anyone else - you just start threads hammering athiests - that's bigotry, GreatTech.

So when you say that you love athiests, it is such an obvious lie - how could you, when all you want to do is blame them for all the ills of the world. Perhaps you don't know what 'to love' means.

You may advise as much as you like, but to blame us for everything you consider the 'worst' of the world is another thing entirely.

Let's just see what the logical and reasonable people have to say about that shall we.

The Winged Wombat

[edit on 18/5/07 by The Winged Wombat]

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 05:49 AM
I will now admit that I made a bad thread. I am sorry to all the people that I offended.

"Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you." Matthew 7:1-2

I am sorry, again.

Blessings to All!!!

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 05:54 AM

A bad thread.... indeed, this is just the latest of them, isn't it.

Yes, stop judging others. I do not judge you, or your religion, all I do is to defend athiests against your slurs.

The Winged Wombat

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 06:02 AM

Here is a serious (and quite friendly) question for you.

I would have thought, that a board called 'Faith, Spirituality & Theology' would have applied to all matters concerning those subjects, which to me at any rate would include all of the world's religions as well as atheism. For all of these people are, in some way concerned with the subject.

However, I seem to have got the impression that you, and some others here, consider that this board is solely for Christians. Is that an unfair assumption on my part, or is it that there just isn't any interest in posting threads to do with the other religions?

The Winged Wombat

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by The Winged Wombat

I would have thought, that a board called 'Faith, Spirituality & Theology' would have applied to all matters concerning those subjects, which to me at any rate would include all of the world's religions as well as atheism. For all of these people are, in some way concerned with the subject.

However, I seem to have got the impression that you, and some others here, consider that this board is solely for Christians. Is that an unfair assumption on my part, or is it that there just isn't any interest in posting threads to do with the other religions?

I believe FST should be open to all, independent of religion or lack thereof. I have found that some atheists have sharpened me analytically, reaffirmed my beliefs, or helped me probe deeper into the Bible. Their critique can be useful for any religious types to find deeper meaning in their faiths and Holy books. Sort of a legal prosecution-defense scenario that attempts to find the pure truth. We all have a useful role and I hope that we all can learn from each other.

Peace and Blessings.

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by GreatTech
I will now admit that I made a bad thread. I am sorry to all the people that I offended.

"Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you." Matthew 7:1-2

I am sorry, again.

Blessings to All!!!

I don't think you have offended any atheists. Since you tell us we will go to hell for our deicide and that we think that's all fairytales we find it quite amusing.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by GreatTech
The fact that many atheists so frequent Faith, Spirituality & Theology might be hatred in itself.

The fact that many theists so frequent Science, UFO & technology might be hatred in itself. (sarcasm.)

Seriously, you came to that conclusion just by observing this.... hahahaa

An extremist view don't you think? Ever thought that atheist might have have an interest in Faith, Spiritual and theological matters even though they may not believe any or all of them?

Like a theist who has an interest in Science, UFO & technology even if they considered these subjects insignificant compared to power of their deity?

I think both atheist and theist have the right look into any subject even if they do not believe in it, only the extremist would find this threatening or disturbing. I have seldom found any post in the Science, UFO and technology sections where people question what theist are doing there.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:06 PM
Many have missed the entire point of this thread, which was to help. I learned a big lesson: never try to convert anybody into Theism. I will never try to convert anybody for the rest of my life.

Peace and Blessings to All.

Thread closed (I hope).

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:14 PM
You know I didn't see this thread as an attempt to convert. I looked at it as someone with great love sharing the word.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:29 PM
kinglizard, thank you. You are truly awesome!!!

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by GreatTech
Many have missed the entire point of this thread, which was to help.

I didn't see this thread as a means of conversion. I though you were trying to insult atheists.

You said that atheists are worse than murderers. Did you actually think telling people they're the worst sinners, worse than child molesters, worse than rapists, calling them "misguided" was going to get positive feedback? Even with your caveat of saying that you're just trying to help, there's a big chance that people aren't going to take that too well.

What if I said something like... "Christians are the biggest jerks in the universe. They are stupid. They act like Satan. Don't take offense, because I'm just trying to help them. I like them, but they sure are stupid jerks."

Would you feel like I was trying to help you? Or would you be offended?

It's one thing to share your experiences, but to assume that everyone else is having the same experience that you did is a huge mistake on your part. And to tell people how wrong, sinful and misguided they are usually doesn't turn out well. And you even said you knew as much in your first post.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 12:48 PM
I do think there is a fine line between condemning and sharing the word, in some cases. I can certainly see BH's point here. Sharing the word is important but we need to be sure that it's in a way where people don't feel like it's an attack. I see a big difference between the following statements:

"If you don't believe in Jesus you are going to burn in hell for eternity"


"You can only find salvation through Jesus Christ"

Both statements say the same thing but one can seem like an attack and the other is simply what Christians believe to be true though sometimes it's important to be blunt so the person realizes that what they are doing is really detrimental to their life but we should always share the word with love. (sheesh that was a long sentence)

I do think we Christians need to be very careful in the way we share the word because if we aren't careful we can drive people away from God rather than towards him.


[edit on 5/19/2007 by kinglizard]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by kinglizard
I see a big difference between the following statements:

"If you don't believe in Jesus you are going to burn in hell for eternity"


"You can only find salvation through Jesus Christ"

the second statement IMPLIES the first statement. it's still an attack, just a more subtle attack.

that's the problem with preaching the message of an exclusivist religion to those that don't believe, it will ALWAYS be an attack

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 08:21 AM
And I thought the Phelps family was weird sheesh. Don't get too caught up in your religious zealots as you become part of the downfall of your religion. It's people like you that are hurting religion and helping people go their own way. I'm more than glad that I'm not a part of it.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
that's the problem with preaching the message of an exclusivist religion to those that don't believe, it will ALWAYS be an attack

That's why I think leading by example is the only real way to get one's message across in situations like this. Unfortunately, many people interpret their religion to mean that they are expected to actively tell others what they are doing wrong and try to shoe them the light... But anything more than leading by example implies that the "preacher" somehow has figured out something that the "sinner" doesn't know or have the capacity to know. It implies that the "preacher" is right and the "sinner" is wrong in the choices they have made for their lives. It comes across as arrogant, assumptive and condescending, regardless how it's meant to be perceived. Especially when the message is "I used to be just like you... misguided, without morals and shameless... but now I've 'seen the light' and there's hope for you, too."

There's a huge lesson here for those who are willing to hear it. My mother was one of the "lead by example" Christians and she brought more people to Christ than anyone I've ever known. People asked her about her faith. They asked her why she emanated a "light" and they wanted to know what it was about. They wanted to know why she was so happy all the time no matter what was going on. She talked about her religion in regular conversation when it was appropriate (when someone asked how she got through a particular hardship, etc) but she never, ever, EVER would have said something like the first post here! She spoke of how her religion changed HER life, never forcing it on others or assuming that she had something that others didn't. I can honestly say that she never pushed anyone away from Christianity or religion. She made it so that people wanted whatever it was that she had.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
the second statement IMPLIES the first statement. it's still an attack, just a more subtle attack.

If you are offended by the second statement then NOBODY can say ANYTHING to you and your "take offense" meter is out of wack. There is nothing we can do about people like you...sorry but that's the facts jack.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by kinglizard
There is nothing we can do about people like you...

And that's just the thing. Why should you DO anything about him? The fact that people think they need to DO something about other people is really irritating sometimes.
If something needs to be done about me, I'll do it.

Does that make sense or do I sound like an angry, offended atheist?

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 09:59 AM
Not to me, BH.

The attitude that something needs to be done about nonbelievers is highly offensive to me.

If there was a god, and that god gave us free will, then it's up to the individual to believe or not believe, not be led by the nose like a recalcitrant bovine.

I find that there is a peculiar blind spot in many theists. Not all, but many. This blind spot tells them that somehow athiests have not heard the word, because if they did, they would instantly see the error of their ways and repent.

The majority of athiests have not only heard the word, but have studied it and other versions of the word extensively, if not exhaustively.

And guess what? Our free will leads us to the conclusion that it's bunk. That it does not apply to us personally.

I lead a very ethical life. I teach my kids not to lie, not to steal. I teach them that other people's ideas and feelings are as valuable as their own. Being ethical (moral if you're religious) is not something exclusively found in theists.

If there was such a thing as god, I would think that it would be happy that people can live good lives without being threatened with hellfire and damnation.

And that's the point: if you have to threaten eternal damnation to convert people, then the religion isn't good enough to stand on its own merits. I am not a donkey, heaven is not a carrot, and hell is not a stick.

I am a human being, heaven and hell are constructs in the minds of the "faithful."

Besides, FSM forgives all of you for your misguidedness. His Noodly Appendages are always with you. How do I know this? Because I believe it. Now prove me wrong.

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