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I have A Theory * what Was Done With The "Real Commercial Passengers On 911"!

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posted on May, 12 2007 @ 11:51 AM
What a shame. I would have liked to hear her theories BEFORE You scared her off! It's true, ATS has some very cynical people but for the most part ATSers are very open-minded and pretty intelligent so You gotta have Your info. ready ASAP. I think if handled properly We would be discussing a potentially interesting subject as opposed to losing a new member-and She coulda and shoulda been given more of a chance to respond. Whether Your a NOOB or a seasoned member be sure to give someone a chance to explain themselves. You could very well miss out on important/useful info. I've heard the word Dulce but never have had the opportunity to research it. Guess I'll have to actually work and look it up
. Also, My opinion is -You should never, ever point out someones grammer or typing mistakes. God knows My typing skills suck. ATS is worldwide. We have members from all over the place, some of whom English is their 2nd, or even 3rd language. Not to mention those who may have physicalities that hinder them from typing 'just right'. Anyway, I'd love to hear the OPs theory if they're still around.

Peace. K*

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 04:06 PM
Kill trolls (or horrible posters) with fire, I always say. They can't take the heat, they should stay out of the kitchen. There are so many people out there trying to ruin legitimate alternative inquiry by "poisoning the well" that incoherent theories, like OP's should be heavily discouraged.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
My own theory, not entirely dissimilar, is that the passengers were all killed and buried at the WTC, Pentagon, and Shanksville. This keeps the evidence consistent, and wouldn't really be too complex if they could find a way to do it all in one (or four) motions - like deposit them there IN the crashing planes. They could then use RC to fly them, or find some crazy Arabs willing to do it for them. There may have been ET involvement, as this is a highly complex plan beyond normal human thought.

This sounds like the most plausable theory I have read on this topic. I'm gonna do some research on this and get back to you all.

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 10:43 AM
You're kidding, right?

you think the theory that features massive over complication, and aliens is the most plausible?

i'd ask if you have any idea just how ridiculous that sounds, but i'm guessing you don't..

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Kill trolls (or horrible posters) with fire, I always say. They can't take the heat, they should stay out of the kitchen. There are so many people out there trying to ruin legitimate alternative inquiry by "poisoning the well" that incoherent theories, like OP's should be heavily discouraged.

Tsk tsk- What is a troll?

One- Who can't post and has no idea what they are talking about?
Two- One who ruins a thread by chasing the poster off?
Three One who manages to chase the poster off by their excessive rambling?

It seems that your the one who is poisoning the well as you claim.

Sorry folks carry on.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:32 AM
Okay guys and gals. Let's turn this around. What are Your beliefs or thoughts concerning all of the passengers on these particular flights? What did happen to them? At first I didn't think any further than that the planes crashed were RC and all of the passengers died in the crash itself. About a year ago I started thinking that maybe the passengers weren't really on the flights at all. I couldn't figure where they were/are. I remember some interviews, a while back, like 4-5 yrs. with a woman who didn't/wouldn't talk about her husband who was on board the flight. She absolutely refused to say anything. She reminded Me of those people You see on tv that are in a court case that when confronted by reporters keep it 'tight-lipped'. Thank God I've not had to deal with such a tragedy but if My husband were on that flight I think I'd make as much noise over the incident as possible. Anyway, My more recent thoughts have Me thinking that the passengers are at some secret base, or 'under-ground' facility. Maybe even taken to a different location and then killed and disposed of. Can You imagine? Getting on a plane that day, business as usual and being diverted to another location? A military installment of some sort. Eeek, reads like a really creepy story. I'd be shot on the spot cuz I'd freak. So, those of You who don't believe the govt. version of 9/11, what happened to the passengersof flights 175, 77, 93 and 11?

Peace. K*

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 08:53 AM
I have to find the links again but funny thing on flight 93 that it didn't crash but it landed in Ohio. And the people went to a Nasa hanger.

Why was there hardly any wreakage at flight 93 crash site? All there was, was just a big hole in the ground.

Flight 93

Flight 175

Flight 11

Flight 77

I knew there was government involvement. I've been saying it like when I said WTC 1 and 2 were demoed.

Study long and hard at this sites before you decide to debunk me. Mean while I'll sit back and watch.

[edit on 5/14/2007 by Leyla]

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 12:43 PM
Yeah, I totally believe Our govt. wasn't just involved but orchestrated the whole thing. I too have read the sites You've posted. That's how I started thinking more on the subject and where would the passengers be if there was no real plane wreckage. Now, if We agree that there were no passengers on these flights where are they? Where'd they go? Are they alive? Are they being held at secret bases? I'd guess that they'd serve no real purpose after 9/11. Were they killed????Ahhhh!!!!

I can't help but to reiterate- Can you imagine that if these passengers were taken elsewhere, what they faced and what went through their heads when they realized what was happening?

Peace. K*

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Daedalus
You're kidding, right?

you think the theory that features massive over complication, and aliens is the most plausible?

i'd ask if you have any idea just how ridiculous that sounds, but i'm guessing you don't..

I've heard sarcasm doesn't come through too well on the internet. Read my theory again as an ironic response to the OP

THX Scooler

And IMO there was more fire here than needed for that timid troll. Just lettin' em know you have a torch usually suffices.

[edit on 14-5-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Demetre
Okay guys and gals. Let's turn this around. What are Your beliefs or thoughts concerning all of the passengers on these particular flights? What did happen to them? At first I didn't think any further than that the planes crashed were RC and all of the passengers died in the crash itself. About a year ago I started thinking that maybe the passengers weren't really on the flights at all.
So, those of You who don't believe the govt. version of 9/11, what happened to the passengersof flights 175, 77, 93 and 11?

Peace. K*

Good thoughts. RC is so possible, if they had wanted it. Hijackings also make some sense if it was allowed to happen. There's the phone calls and cockpit transmissions from the hijackers and all that, but there are questions there too. To me letting it happen - nd the rest maybe being as reported - is still not the official story. I have lots of thoughts about LIHOP vs. MIHOP organized here:

As for the passengers, I stick to my theory. They probably died at the scene.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 03:32 PM
I don't think we'll ever have a conclusive answer as to what happened to those passengers. Part of me thinks they died when the planes crashed - exactly as we were told by the news - but the other part of me sees all these conspiracy theories and stories of empty military jets crashing into the WTC, and I have to wonder where did all those passengers go. We know that those people genuinely existed and it's not a false passenger list, so they definitely died somewhere.

If I had to take a wild stab at a guess, I would imagine that if the people didn't die on the planes - then chances are they were led into the WTC buildings. If this is indeed a conspiracy, then those behind it know that the buildings were going to collapse anyway and the people would die there.

How they got them in, where they put them, .... who knows. Like I said, it's a wild stab.


posted on May, 14 2007 @ 03:51 PM
Some of the names of the people who were said to be on the planes are still alive and accounted for...

Kinda funny that people know this but still believe the official story, just my opinion....

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by selfless
Some of the names of the people who were said to be on the planes are still alive and accounted for...

Kinda funny that people know this but still believe the official story, just my opinion....

Holy cow!! I'm still checking it out but if this won't debunk the offical story then I don't know what will. Good job Selfless.

About fake passenger lists made up by the media.

[edit on 5/14/2007 by Leyla]

posted on May, 15 2007 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Caustic LogicI've heard sarcasm doesn't come through too well on the internet. Read my theory again as an ironic response to the OP

wasn't replying to you...was replying to scooler who thought it sounded reasonable, lol..

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