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I have A Theory * what Was Done With The "Real Commercial Passengers On 911"!

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posted on May, 11 2007 @ 02:02 PM
If you'd like to hear my therory, just send me a Message on here & i'll tell you; It involves a thing the *Black-ops,Elititist Gov. Did &"Sold Us All out,
a thing called "The Greada Treaty,(If you know Anything much regarding The Dulce war/s, and have Seen Google Video Of "PHIL SCHNEIDER"), Then you will Understand, if not "agree with My Theory on *what could have 'happened to ANY True*Commercial/Civilian Passengers";and If it Was NOT Passenger-Commercial PLANES that Hit The World Trade Centers 1&2. Building 7, has been "proven already that it was *Pulled(too quickly not to have 'already been set to "PULL"). As well, the less than 20 ft. hole in the Pentagon, was Definitively NOT a "Plane Of ANY SORT", perhaps a missle. But there ARE Civilian Passengers "Supposedly Deceased"; Whom, If ANY Part of the above scenario is true & they WERE NOT Commercial Passenger Planes, Then, there are MANY Innocent Civilians left to be "Accounted For". I think I have a viable, if not terrifying
theory, based on hours, weeks, months, of Research.
Our Government is "not what it seems to "We the People", to Be.
Our Gov. has been "Leveraged, sold-Out, to the "Hidden Enemy who is Really Calling the shots, in so many ways! We have been sold out (as have We As Human Beings&AmericansBeen Sold-Out)!,possibly against The Government's Will,at this point.However at one point in our last 40 years, our Gov. Sold Its Citizens Out;"The Greada Treaty".It was "Broken as Treaty By The "Other Side"; And Our
Shadow Government may have 'lttle choice anymore but to Do As They Are Told'.>>>If I am "correct & there is even 1% of truth in My Theory of "Where Those Civilians on The Commercial Planes were taken"; I believe(So Sadly&Frightningly), That I Know. I at least have a Very
good handle on where MANY other *Missing Kids&Adults"GO & disappear to", every Year. Over a million in the US alone, Adults & Children.
Let me know if you ant to know where I believe a "good Many missing people at taken by the Gov. As Well as "Where Those Passengers on 911
Went or Were TAKEN To, as well as WHY"? Hope,Peace,Cheers,*DocTruthSeeker('Shelly'
(female,46,retired Psychiatrist,"partnered 11 years",Ufology Researcher since 1983.)

[edit: title - format(spaces)]

[edit on 11-5-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 02:05 PM
With you so far. Please let us know your opinion of what was done with these passengers.

Thank you!

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 02:10 PM
Alright, I'll take the bait as well. I am following you for the most part, but as always your opinion and research and beliefs are valuable as long as your willing to share them. So, enough with the teasing, let's get on with the theory!

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 02:37 PM
I do not understand the point of posting a teaser like that. Either say your theory or don't but don't do what you are doing. I too am new to ATS but I know that what you are doing is wrong.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 02:41 PM
before I throw out the "T" word here....

you should really share you idea with everyone, you might actually be on to something.

why the secrecy, you belong to some secret organization or something?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 02:45 PM
I say give him/her time to compile all of the backing evidence for the theory, don't shoot it down before you even hear the full story.

But I admit it was premature for this post to be made, if all of that hadn't been done already.


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 02:46 PM
Are you alluding to the EBE base at Dulce, and the rendering vats?

I know what you are referring to if this is the case: The Dulce war was an underground firefight between Humans and Extraterrestrial Biological Entities over the abuse of the terms agreed in the Greada Treaty, which Eisenhauer supposedly signed, where Human subjects would be supplied for gastro-intestinal experiments.

I've only heard about this fom one source though, assumingly the Phhil Schneider you refer to.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:16 PM
I didn't 'intend to tease', I just wanted to show you where I am possibly going (it is a bit fantastic),however there are "witnesses who swear they "worked at such Facilities",and One Phil Schneider I believe was "Murder by suicide",because he had a book planned for certain, and had done 30 lectures, people wre begining to *listen to Phil Schneider.
OK, We know there are "D.U.M.B.S."deep underground Military Bases".
130+,in the US alone. Some, if you believe The "Dulce War story(Phil Schneiderr was one of only 2-3 survivors). He was a geologist, workinh for the military with a "Rhyolite-Clearance". He was sent down to check out the rock/to do his job; He came by accident into 2 large "GREYs".
There had been an underground Alien "Base",under/near where the Gov. was drilling &buliding That Underground Base! Over 60+,Elite Soldiers, "Back Berets, & the like, were supposedly killed in that underground base.
Anyway, Ex-employees speak of "These Greys cannot digest Food properly & they could die out as a rae. They digest like through their skin, much like a plant gets food. They are supposedly using the Underground bases(with knowledge of our *Shadow-Gov.),to "abduct humans for testing(the Greada treaty The Greys "Broke",by not telling Our Gov. Who/what was done to then, Had they been "Abducted).So we backed out of the Treay & accepted they are Trading Technology for Humans, who "float in a
solution, that these Greys are "harvesting Certain hormonal/Human Glandular Secretions they put on their Skin, For "Food"! HORRID! This is "Why The Gov. Will/Cannot, EVER Tell "We The People"!
Call me a nut, just know I have an education, and I know I've done my researh on all this, for months, over a year & a half!.
Check out "Where Else would they *Possiblt totally make these "Passengers Disappear"?(just like the Million or More Each Year that Just Go Missing,Never to be found).Go See the Videos, by Schneider, By John lear, By The ART BELL Radio how(Hannah Billips,JAMES Casebolt,Ex-MI-5,The British Secret Service. Don't believe me, just think if Like I said before; "If 1-percent of ANY of this is True",Dear God!
I believe there are worse things being done to Americans&others, every minute of everyday, than even torture; thing "worse than Death".
Genetic things, tests, used by these Greys with & then Now(since old Ronald'Ray-Gun;This was Why Reagan Wanted That Star-Wars Technology in place,and Why he mentioned Alien Threat to the Ununited Nations,Twice i believe, as well as in other speeches). So, that's it .
Check out the sources I mentioned. I'm NOT a fanatic, or a 'believe anything type of person. I am a retired Doctor, of the human Mind&body,as a retired Psychiatrist,as opposed to a Psychologist.
Be Well, and pray this is NOT true; but also 'seek & you'll find just what I've found; then read,or watched. PEACE&CHEERs,DocTruthSeeker(Shelly)

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:27 PM
Karilla; you seem to "know what I am referring to! Please tell me if, you do find 'other sources for this story. I found about 2-3 others; then it seems that this 'story lin began to runn through other videos I saw, or
radio I listened to.Have any of you all heard the Google "Art Bell Show
Frantic Caller"? It is ten years Ago that call came into Art's studio; Then the satelite Link was "blown", (on air!), and This "Frantic Caller was an Ex-Employee, of eg&g, skunkworks,ect...If you've never Heard it, just Google Video it up!"Art Bell;"The Frantic Caller".
It happened in 1996,and folks are still chatting on forums about it!
PEACE & GOOD WILL TO ALL,and thank you for making me eel like "I'm in the right Forum"! DocTruthSeeker(shelly)

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:27 PM
Karilla; you seem to "know what I am referring to! Please tell me if, you do find 'other sources for this story. I found about 2-3 others; then it seems that this 'story lin began to runn through other videos I saw, or
radio I listened to.Have any of you all heard the Google "Art Bell Show
Frantic Caller"? It is ten years Ago that call came into Art's studio; Then the satelite Link was "blown", (on air!), and This "Frantic Caller was an Ex-Employee, of eg&g, skunkworks,ect...If you've never Heard it, just Google Video it up!"Art Bell;"The Frantic Caller".
It happened in 1996,and folks are still chatting on forums about it!
PEACE & GOOD WILL TO ALL,and thank you for making me eel like "I'm in the right Forum"! DocTruthSeeker(shelly)

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:34 PM
is this really your own theory or are you cutting and pasting it from elsewhere? paragraphs are a little of and for a former Doctor, the writing just doesn't seem up to par.... just my opinion

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:37 PM
Without even getting into the bulk of your "theory", I have one question. Where are you getting your figures from with regards to 1 million Americans disappearing without a trace every year? That would mean that 1 in 300 people in the US disappears without ever returning or having their remains discovered, EVERY SINGLE YEAR! That is completely absurd to me. If thats what you got from a year and a half of research then I'd suggest spending the next century researching before you come back with another theory.

I'm not doubting that aliens abduct humans or that our government is involved. I'm not even doubting that there are secret underground military bases in this country. 300 bases, according to you. Another figure you pulled out of thin air. With all of the people and time and technology that it would take to design, build and inhabit these bases, why is it that so few people have come forward about them? And of those people, why is it that none of them have any sort of concrete proof?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:40 PM
This does not belong in the 9/11 forum I don't think.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Pootie
This does not belong in the 9/11 forum I don't think.

That's how it is beginning to look to me as well. Maybe Skunkworks?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:55 PM
Ok, I've Been asked about my "writing,pragraps,ect"; I'll answer your
comments. I had not mentioned that I am "retired at 46",early, because of
neuro muscular illness. My right typing hand is not so Good anymore, oh,but I do still use Caps to 'ad emphasis'.
I can tell by "Nothing but *these Insults; I was wrong. This is NOT a forum I belong in. I would prefer a more 'postive, open-minded group'.
I never intended to go swimming with harks.
...oh and what 'does a Dr. *Write Like'? A person? I'm Outta Here. Good Bye & good Luck. Notice on every Post I offered you All, "Peace,well-being,as well as Cheers", and all you did was Insult Me. Is that what you want your forum to be Like For New Members? Or anyone. Perhaps you all should give that some thought.
Good Luck&Cheers,
Dr. M.Morrison-Bell, Phd.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:58 PM
What evidence is there that ties passengers from the four planes on 9/11 to your alien theory?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:05 PM
Doc, you need to be a little thicker skinned here. At ATS we are critical thinkers, so far as yet you offered no sources or further information actually linking the 9/11 passengers. It was purely speculation. That is why you're in for a hard time.

Just stating the obvious.

Please do stick around and give us what ya got.


posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:10 PM
The minute someone asks him tough questions, he takes off. im guessing his research wasnt as concrete as he played it out to be.

BTW good questions Rasputin13

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:17 PM
Hey doc, I'm still interested. While this site is for sharing opinions and views regarding alternative subjects, there are those here that choose to only pick apart and ridicule others for their opinions and views. Do not be discouraged by this. Please continue to post your thoughts, views, and opinions.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:35 PM
Provide some of the resources you used during your research so that we too can see what you've been looking at respectively.

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