posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:16 PM
I didn't 'intend to tease', I just wanted to show you where I am possibly going (it is a bit fantastic),however there are "witnesses who swear
they "worked at such Facilities",and One Phil Schneider I believe was "Murder by suicide",because he had a book planned for certain, and had done
30 lectures, people wre begining to *listen to Phil Schneider.
OK, We know there are "D.U.M.B.S."deep underground Military Bases".
130+,in the US alone. Some, if you believe The "Dulce War story(Phil Schneiderr was one of only 2-3 survivors). He was a geologist, workinh for the
military with a "Rhyolite-Clearance". He was sent down to check out the rock/to do his job; He came by accident into 2 large "GREYs".
There had been an underground Alien "Base",under/near where the Gov. was drilling &buliding That Underground Base! Over 60+,Elite Soldiers, "Back
Berets, & the like, were supposedly killed in that underground base.
Anyway, Ex-employees speak of "These Greys cannot digest Food properly & they could die out as a rae. They digest like through their skin, much like
a plant gets food. They are supposedly using the Underground bases(with knowledge of our *Shadow-Gov.),to "abduct humans for testing(the Greada
treaty The Greys "Broke",by not telling Our Gov. Who/what was done to then, Had they been "Abducted).So we backed out of the Treay & accepted they
are Trading Technology for Humans, who "float in a
solution, that these Greys are "harvesting Certain hormonal/Human Glandular Secretions they put on their Skin, For "Food"! HORRID! This is "Why
The Gov. Will/Cannot, EVER Tell "We The People"!
Call me a nut, just know I have an education, and I know I've done my researh on all this, for months, over a year & a half!.
Check out "Where Else would they *Possiblt totally make these "Passengers Disappear"?(just like the Million or More Each Year that Just Go
Missing,Never to be found).Go See the Videos, by Schneider, By John lear, By The ART BELL Radio how(Hannah Billips,JAMES Casebolt,Ex-MI-5,The British
Secret Service. Don't believe me, just think if Like I said before; "If 1-percent of ANY of this is True",Dear God!
I believe there are worse things being done to Americans&others, every minute of everyday, than even torture; thing "worse than Death".
Genetic things, tests, used by these Greys with & then Now(since old Ronald'Ray-Gun;This was Why Reagan Wanted That Star-Wars Technology in place,and
Why he mentioned Alien Threat to the Ununited Nations,Twice i believe, as well as in other speeches). So, that's it .
Check out the sources I mentioned. I'm NOT a fanatic, or a 'believe anything type of person. I am a retired Doctor, of the human Mind&body,as a
retired Psychiatrist,as opposed to a Psychologist.
Be Well, and pray this is NOT true; but also 'seek & you'll find just what I've found; then read,or watched. PEACE&CHEERs,DocTruthSeeker(Shelly)