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I have A Theory * what Was Done With The "Real Commercial Passengers On 911"!

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posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:42 PM
I have heard of similar theories that the NAZI's had treaties during WWII to allow open testing on Civilian populations. Maybe some of those expirements were orchestrated for the benefit of ALIEN race to study from behind the scenes.
If this holds true now in our our Gov't then I have no doubt that it has or will be stopped in the future. I have found that many low level energetic beings are no longer able to exist here. I hold this true for even the GREYs that are so popular. We have thousands of E.T. visitations a year with hundreds of TYPEs Race - Ect. Only way our government is working with any intelligent race at this point is A) Hybrids able to sustain our worlds higher vibration frequencies B) Through dimensional gateways -Physical or Psychic-

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:55 PM
Ok, this theory is nuts....

Even if the Dulce base does exist (which there isn't really any conclusive proof of), there's no evidence to support the claims the OP is making....

There's a much simpler explanation....

FEMA has been building detention centers all over the US...most of them are out of public sight...not to mention that under the patriot act, the US government can take you, and hold you indefinitely, without charges, and without anything even remotely resembling due process....

it's far more likely they were taken to one or more of these camps, or are being held on a US military base somewhere...maybe not even inside the US..

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:05 PM
My own theory, not entirely dissimilar, is that the passengers were all killed and buried at the WTC, Pentagon, and Shanksville. This keeps the evidence consistent, and wouldn't really be too complex if they could find a way to do it all in one (or four) motions - like deposit them there IN the crashing planes. They could then use RC to fly them, or find some crazy Arabs willing to do it for them. There may have been ET involvement, as this is a highly complex plan beyond normal human thought.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by scooler1
Hey doc, I'm still interested. While this site is for sharing opinions and views regarding alternative subjects, there are those here that choose to only pick apart and ridicule others for their opinions and views. Do not be discouraged by this. Please continue to post your thoughts, views, and opinions.

In the proper forums....

This is about aliens and missing people... that is the only connection to 9/11 and it is a weak one... It could be used with any missing person.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:19 PM
you're a disinfo rep and thus a horrible person. I don't care if the mods kick me out for "ad hominem attacks" on this one, you really deserve it. Please do the world a favor and don't ever post here again.

Just to clarify, I'm talking about OP.

[edit on 11-5-2007 by uberarcanist]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by LibBLVRdoc

I can tell by "Nothing but *these Insults; I was wrong. This is NOT a forum I belong in. I would prefer a more 'postive, open-minded group'.
I never intended to go swimming with harks.
...oh and what 'does a Dr. *Write Like'? A person? I'm Outta Here. Good Bye & good Luck. Notice on every Post I offered you All, "Peace,well-being,as well as Cheers", and all you did was Insult Me. Is that what you want your forum to be Like For New Members? Or anyone. Perhaps you all should give that some thought.
Good Luck&Cheers,
Dr. M.Morrison-Bell, Phd.


I don't think you've explored this site enough to say something as ridiculous as we aren't open minded or positive. How many threads have you read? This site is a conspiracy fourm for god's sake. That in itself suggests we are open-minded.

Unless you have something constructive to say, SEE YA LATER!

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:03 PM
god no , please spare us another useless theroy .

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:31 PM
Here is a webpage with a Dr. M. Morrison-Bell. Note the "riding motorcycles" interests.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 06:55 PM
lots of people go missing. but a whole plane load?? i believe something is obviously wrong with 9/11 but why would aliens go thru the trouble of waiting for a plane load when they could in the time they have waited for the plane and its occupants , they would be able to steal / abduct more ppl.
no doubt that the gov. has communicated with aliens in some way but......

for a moment assume aliens may have abducted those on board the plane that got switched.
maybe aliens opened a worm hole or portal in the direct flight path of the plane. and boom gone....

now i shall wait for someone on here to reject my theorys and tell me how stupid i am for even saying such things......
just like everytime ANYONE posts ANYTHING on here and someone disagrees with any part of it no matter how big or small.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by LibBLVRdoc
Good Luck&Cheers,
Dr. M.Morrison-Bell, Phd.

K troll... so sorry to have hurt your feelings but question... Doctruthseeker(note seeker is spelled perfectly and is type 90% with the right hand... some disorder you have...) you referred to yourself as Shelly... where do you get Shelly out of that name?

(never met a Michelle that went by Shelly just to go ahead and take that option out from under you...)


Coven Out

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:42 PM
(never met a Michelle that went by Shelly just to go ahead and take that option out from under you...)

My sister does. She has for 35 years. Just so you know.

I'm not a dulce fan, but to some of our nubes that chase off other nubes, please stop.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by shadow watcher
(never met a Michelle that went by Shelly just to go ahead and take that option out from under you...)

My sister does. She has for 35 years. Just so you know.

I'm not a dulce fan, but to some of our nubes that chase off other nubes, please stop.

lol... Nice... all I'm saying is that she's used two different names, has an erratic almost incomprehensible typing style, and is making claims based off of a statement, to Email me to find out more info, on a FORUM.. the purpose is to discuss ideas, no single yourself out as an expert whatever.

oohhh... and about the noob thing this is my 3rd account with ats... I had one in the late 90's.(quit reading to many trolls) forgot the password... then I got one again in 01... again quit because of to many trolls.... 07 started my new account... Seems like I might give up again... TOO MANY TROLLS.... so before you assume someone is a noob, remember passwords can be forgotten and account information can be lost...
god I love how people throw the NEWBIE thing around like it even has relevance to the matter...

if you wear tinfoil on your head, and you've been here 20 years, your still a joke...

Coven Out

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by coven(note seeker is spelled perfectly and is type 90% with the right hand... some disorder you have...)

What kind of keyboard are YOU using??

Only the "k" is on the right side of the keyboard.

Sorry for the off-topic, but I felt someone had to respond to this falacy.

edit to add:

Deny Ignorance. Attack the message, not the messenger.

[edit on 5/11/2007 by Mechanic 32]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:21 PM
I chose the noob word because NEW members tend to flame faster than those have been here contributing for a while. I just cant stand it when someone joins and wants to share, and gets blasted right out of the gate. It doesn't make for a good atmosphere for those who want to give an opinion. Some don't have thick skin because they may be somewhat new to the concept of a cyber world society and not understand internet flambe'. I didn't wish to attack so much as vent about the prevailing attitude here in the last few months. It seems as though many want to argue moreso than exchange opinions. Would you agree with me about how easy flame wars have become as of late?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by coven
I had one in the late 90's.(quit reading to many trolls)

A troll is not someone who brings new information to the table. Among other things, a troll is someone who spews excessive vitriol and plenty of these
as you have done.

[edit on 11/5/07 by SteveR]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
you're a disinfo rep and thus a horrible person. I don't care if the mods kick me out for "ad hominem attacks" on this one, you really deserve it. Please do the world a favor and don't ever post here again.

Just to clarify, I'm talking about OP.

[edit on 11-5-2007 by uberarcanist]

Well unless the Admin and the ATS staff agrees with you then ok I won't argue. But its not your place nor mine to tell any ATS member to not post here again. I won't do that and neither should you. Just my 2 cents.

He might have been off base a little but for pete sakes hear them out.

[edit on 5/11/2007 by Leyla]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Leyla
He might have been off base a little but for pete sakes hear them out.

Well said! I am looking forward to hearing more.. but I doubt we will.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:38 PM
awww Doc come back!
Alot of times the younger faction on this site are very quick to stab and slay any 'perceived dragon'.................they jump to slam bad typing and ignore good theory.......don't let them chase you off............
don't let them win!

There are plenty of other people reading this that do not post as they await the information to come, as I was doing.................
I am 44 and a VERY BAD typer and speller being dyslexic, so I am quick to be offended by insults.....but I always try and remember that those who make the most noise usually have the least intelligence

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
awww Doc come back!
Alot of times the younger faction on this site are very quick to stab and slay any 'perceived dragon'.................they jump to slam bad typing and ignore good theory.......don't let them chase you off............
don't let them win!

There are plenty of other people reading this that do not post as they await the information to come, as I was doing.................
I am 44 and a VERY BAD typer and speller being dyslexic, so I am quick to be offended by insults.....but I always try and remember that those who make the most noise usually have the least intelligence

Sighs I think hes gone.
Some people just have to be so mean.

Off topic a little bit you didn't flunk typing in highschool like I did haha.

Ok back on: I saw some of it where Doc mentioned underground military bases? Please do tell.

[edit on 5/11/2007 by Leyla]

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 11:14 AM
Call me cold, but I have ZERO sympathy for the OP. He/she lures us into his/her thread with promises of a theory about the fate of the 9/11 airline passengers. Then, in a barely coherant post we are told that we have to U2U this new member to even find out the actual theory. Why on earth would someone do that on a DISCUSSION BOARD? In my opinion, it is pointless and rude. I've seen all-too-many newbies come on here with what amounts to "teasers" about them knowing the truth, which they choose not to reveal in the very post they created. What is the point of this? If you have a theory, then tell us it in your first post. And this applies to everyone, not just the OP here. We shouldn't have to U2U someone just to hear the theories/thoughts that should instead be posted in one of the forums, which is what this site is here for. To me, its no better than the people who come on here and claim to be "insiders" or have all the top secret answers, and then tell us that they're not going to reveal what they claim to know because we "can't handle it".

To top it all off, the OP uses completely rediculous figures like that "one million Americans" disappear without a trace every single year. Not to mention the 300 supposed underground top-secret military bases. And this comes from a year and a half of research? After a year and a half, all we get is a rambling post with absurd insinuations, false figures, no links and a request to U2U for the real info? This self-proclaimed psychiatrist must have been passed out from a weekend bender when they taught the correct way to conduct research in medical school.

And what happens when a few of us voice our displeasure? The OP basically cries, calls us mean and says that they will never come back. They play the "disability card" as an excuse for their typing/spelling/grammar/punctuation errors and we're supposed to feel bad. I'm sorry that you are disabled, and I give you credit for trying to do what you do. But there's been voice recognition software out there for years now. I think you would be able to communicate much better in forums like this if you used that software instead of trying to type.

As someone who is disabled I would think you would have experience facing diversity. You must have been told countless times that you would never be able to do something. And I'm sure, in some of those cases, you proved them wrong. I would expect you to have thick enough skin to not cry and run away when a few people on an internet discussion board question your theories and/or your method of revealing them. And as a psychiatrist, you should certainly know better than to let those comments get to you and to give those people the satisfaction of seeing you run away.

I'm sorry if I am being harsh. My intentions are really not to hurt your feelings. I'm just not one to sugarcoat things. And as an adult who works in the field of mental health, your actions thus far are quite uninspiring. But maybe we just caught you on a bad day. I truly hope that you do return and that you do tell us what your year and a half of research has led you to discover. And if that time comes, and when some people on here disagree with you and possibly even ridicule you and your theories, I will hope that you respond rationally and continue to contribute to ATS in the future. I hope that you'll understand that as in life there are immature people and even bad people here on ATS. But if everyone let those bad seeds derail them from disgussing conspiracy theories then this site wouldn't even exist.

The point is- even if you come on here and tell us that the sky is blue, you're going to have people disagree with you. You might even have people ridicule you and your thoughts. One thing I've learned on here, and especially in life in general, is that you can't please all of the people all of the time. And you certainly can't let that discourage you. Because I genuinely believe that you believe that you have found something in your research. And whether what you've found is complete fiction or not, it is clearly something that you believe in and thus it is something you should continue to work on.

Or maybe you're just another disinfo agent or 13 year old nerd having a laugh at our expense! If so, then disregard everything I've said and go take a long walk off a short pier! But if not, then I apologize on behalf of myself and everyone else here at ATS and I hope that you continue to contribute here. But please try and take your time typing or purchase the software I told you about, or have someone type for you. It will go a long way towards helping you get your message across clearly!

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