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The Driver Shot JFK : REVISITED

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posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:11 PM
Well the guy is probably SS, so having a gun is really no big deal that I know of but the question is did he use the gun to kill the president. I do not think that has not been shown yet.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:18 PM
The driver takes his hand of the wheel in order to be able to look back at Kennedy.. note that he speeds up ONLY after Kennedy recieves the fatal headshot. He is obviously part of the conspiracy, but not the killer.

The "gun" IS the light reflecting off the top of the passengers head, end of story. If you can't see that, then you need your eyes checked!

You can clearly see the drivers LEFT hand on his lap as he turns around, the hand which would have been holding the supposed gun.

Sorry, but if you believe the driver killed JFK you are really really stupid...either that or your vision may be impaired.

The driver did not shoot JFK, get over it.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
The driver takes his hand of the wheel in order to be able to look back at Kennedy.. note that he speeds up ONLY after Kennedy recieves the fatal headshot. He is obviously part of the conspiracy, but not the killer.

I am not even sure that I believe that part. The whole event happens in what, about 5 seconds? The confusion of what is happening, the chaos of different people shouting. I just don't think the driving had a good reaction time on what was happening around them. what is a good reaction time in that circumstance? How fast can that car even speed up? I don't know anything about the car itself or its acceleration rate.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 01:32 PM
I must admit the driver and passenger next to him keep looking back repeatedly, then the moment Kennedy is shot in the head they resolutely turn round to the front. They almost look determined. Maybe all the commotion going on in the back of the car is the reason they kept turning round? Then when the fatal shot happens they simply think "S**T"! and bombed away?

Could the glint you see by the drivers hand actually be his gun which he got out for protection? After all he just seen someone get their head blown apart.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 01:46 PM
There was a great documentary i saw about it all, most likely on youtube/google video somewhere.

It states that the Presidents limo, when in a procession, has to be going above a certain speed in order to aid the protection of the president (obviously the faster they are going, the harder it is to hit him), and that this procedure was not done, aswell as him not having agents riding on the car/following infront and behind the limo. Infact, the agents who were riding along were told to stand down as they entered the Plaza...

The thing is, the limo maintained the slow speed the entire time shots were being fired, and only after the fatal head shot was recieved did it speed up.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 02:14 PM
SO many times has the comversation of JFK come up, and only one thing is for certain, nobody realy belives the lone gunman idea, and evidence of that day sya that they heard shots fired from the Grassy Knoll.

Another idea that was put forward was that there was a gun built into the car, that fired and killed JFK, we will never know about the car, as it was taken by athourities immidialy after the event and impounded right away.

Couple that with the shoddy atopsy and sevearl missing frames in the zapruder film and only one thing is clear, until we can travel back in time, and get ontop of the grassy Knoll, we will never know.

Its not like other members of his family weren't killed... right...

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:55 PM

The "gun" IS the light reflecting off the top of the passengers head, end of story. If you can't see that, then you need your eyes checked!

No, I see the reflected light And that's not what I'm talking about. if you read the thread you would know that. If your can stop looking at the reflected light you will see the exact timing of the hand movement. It certainly looks like hes holding something to me.

Originally posted by Xfile
WOW!I was ready to laugh this thread off BUT i can see the gun in the drivers hand in the video!!oh my god.What i dont get is how could have gov.connely,his wife and jackie not seen it???

Glad someone else on here sees it! If you study the video you will notice Jackie and the govern are not looking at the driver when the final blow is delivered. The governor actually clears a path by laying into his wife after getting hit by the same shot that hit JFK in the throat. Jackie is staring at John, she was lucky she didn't get hit It missed her by inches. The un conventional (exploding pelet fired with a electronic gas powered gun) round (exploding pelet fired with a electronic gas powered gun) caused the extreme explosion and head movement.

Any one else see some funny business in that video?

[edit on 11-5-2007 by The_Driver_Shot_JFK]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:32 PM
The driver would of had to pinpoint the shot to the right side of JFKs head to not hit Jackie, which seems pretty hard when he is twisted around, shooting with one hand, while driving.

Seems like the shot came from the back/right side of the limo that killed jfk

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by The_Driver_Shot_JFK

No, I see the reflected light And that's not what I'm talking about. if you read the thread you would know that. If your can stop looking at the reflected light you will see the exact timing of the hand movement. It certainly looks like hes holding something to me.

And that means he shot JFK?
He would have had to have used his left hand to hold/aim the gun at JFK, but he never reached over his right shoulder, so unless your saying he fired the shoot backwards without even looking/holding the gun down by his crotch, i don't see why you are pushing this theory which evidently has no basis.

If your going to claim the driver shot him, your going to have to provide better evidence than one frame from an already poor quality film.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon

Originally posted by The_Driver_Shot_JFK

No, I see the reflected light And that's not what I'm talking about. if you read the thread you would know that. If your can stop looking at the reflected light you will see the exact timing of the hand movement. It certainly looks like hes holding something to me.

And that means he shot JFK?
He would have had to have used his left hand to hold/aim the gun at JFK, but he never reached over his right shoulder, so unless your saying he fired the shoot backwards without even looking/holding the gun down by his crotch, i don't see why you are pushing this theory which evidently has no basis.

If your going to claim the driver shot him, your going to have to provide better evidence than one frame from an already poor quality film.

I think your unwillingness to give it a chance has impaired you ability to study the film in this context.

If you did study it you would notice the seats in the limo are not very tall. In fact they only come up to about the middle of the drivers back. His hand is clearly at that level and the angle would have worked as well. Further more the governor laid into his wife clearing a path between the driver and Kennedy.

So i think unless your watching another video its entirely possible for the driver to shot Kennedy. Even if you can't conceive of it.

[edit on 11-5-2007 by The_Driver_Shot_JFK]

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 01:43 AM
Please watch this video. I made the infamous "Did the driver shoot Kennedy?" thread a while back. I am not sure if I have seen the following video before, but it is clear as day that the driver shoots Kennedy. If you watch closely even the events-leading-up-to are suspicious and point to the driver being the final shooter.

I will give you one hint to watch for in the following video:
Watch the drivers hand/arm. It has a white cuff making it impossible not to see that the driver moves his hand. Watch right after JFK puts his hand to his face and watch closely. A split second before the head shot, you can clearly see the driver turn around, his arm visibly crosses his body then the head shot comes. A split second after, the driver's hand clearly turns back while he himself turns back around. Please tell me I am wrong.

[edit on 16-5-2007 by ResinLA]

posted on May, 22 2007 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by ResinLA
I will give you one hint to watch for in the following video:
Watch the drivers hand/arm. It has a white cuff making it impossible not to see that the driver moves his hand. Watch right after JFK puts his hand to his face and watch closely. A split second before the head shot, you can clearly see the driver turn around, his arm visibly crosses his body then the head shot comes. A split second after, the driver's hand clearly turns back while he himself turns back around. Please tell me I am wrong.

no... you are absolutely 100% right

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 01:28 PM
Do you see a gun? No.

Do you see the arm/hand recoiling from the blast? No.

Do you see the muzzle flash? No.

Do you see the smoke from the gun? No.

Did any eye/ear witnesses support your theory? No.

Did any of the hundreds of researchers who came before you subscribe to your looney-tune theory? No.

Take a hint, please.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 02:03 PM
It's kind of weird that the driver turns around right before he get shot.

I personally don't see a murder weapon clearly visible in that picture, so here we use Occams Razor.

"The principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating, or "shaving off," those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory."

It's NOT observable, it is not clearly a murder weapon, therefore you "shave off" that being a possibility meaning you'd have to go to other aspects of the film to prove it was the driver.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 02:09 PM
While i believe the driver was in on it , i think the idea of him ebing the actual killer is absurd

If there is a gun in his hand which could be anything TBH , Where is the recoil? the governor and his wife are clearly staring at him while he moves his hand and how would the crowd not see this either? And the driver doesn't even look back to take the "shot" , how could he be so sure he didn't hit the governor or his wife?

[edit on 27-5-2007 by Disgustipated]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by zerotime

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
The driver takes his hand of the wheel in order to be able to look back at Kennedy.. note that he speeds up ONLY after Kennedy recieves the fatal headshot. He is obviously part of the conspiracy, but not the killer.

I am not even sure that I believe that part. The whole event happens in what, about 5 seconds? The confusion of what is happening, the chaos of different people shouting. I just don't think the driving had a good reaction time on what was happening around them. what is a good reaction time in that circumstance? How fast can that car even speed up? I don't know anything about the car itself or its acceleration rate.

I'm not sure what a good reation time is but aren't these guys guarding the president because they are supposed to react well under pressure? I mean, they are supposed to be protecting him, and I am almost sure they have trained for these types of situations. If you were the president wouldn't you want only the best protection?

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 04:40 PM
I think jfk was killed by a sharp shooter with access to an extremly technological gun provided by the mafia and made by a specialist. anyone agree :-)

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 09:19 AM
Looks to me like the right wing mirror of the car,but I can see the resemblance,,

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 04:10 AM
Ralph Epperson has put out 2 videos concerning this topic one bieng Bill Coopers video showing the Japanese footage and than it goes into Epperson's explantion with an interview on a local news station and then there is the other video that talks about the driver and other evidence. A couple of things I have not seen mentioned on here. Zapruder was friends with William H. Hunt the oilman who was ivolved with the assassination of Kennedy. The second being that during the church committee hearings Barry Goldwater held up a gun made specifically for the CIA to use for assassinations. This small nickel plated air powered gun shot shell fish toxin. Barry Goldwaters picture was on every newspaper the nextday holding this gun. My grandfather was a scientist at Fort Diedtrich and worked on the weapons for the CIA. In Eppersons video he shows an interview with the gentlman scientist explaining the usage of shell fish toxin because it is the most powerful poison in the world. People shouldn't discount any theory. No One would ever expect Greer to be involved. Also watch both the movements of Greer and Kellerman, they both move at the same time in perfect movement. This definitley shows that something was staged.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 12:09 AM
After reading the posts here and at the other thread (time I'll never get back, thanks), I'm left with this impression that there seems to be a misunderstanding about the massive difference between film and actual eyesight. Camaras of any kind, much less AZ's little hand held, are going to capture all kinds of shifting, swirling, flashing images that just don't equate to the actual event. Greer turned around. Unless he's Linda Blair in The Exorcist, he needs to remove his hand from the wheel and turn his shoulders. That doesn't mean he shot him. He may have had a gun. He may have had a gun IN HIS HAND (he didn't, but...). That doesn't mean he shot him. Why take this tedious leap? Do you true believers just fancy a little distinguishing pet theory? It's just mind boggling. The driver is an idiot. He panicked. He was already cruising at 19 MPH (if memory serves) and slowed down even more, as obviously evidenced that a man on foot was able to catch up to the car and jump on (!!!). Such an all inclusive conspiracy could do a little better than putting a pistol in the hand of the driver of the car. Who planned this conspiracy? The Marx Brothers?

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