posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 05:55 PM
i watched praticaly the hole thing..
it seams theres too much that says its a poppet (spelling)
When he holds it, it seams like its a rubber doll... the table, very dim lighting, they could have had dim lighting on all the room.. but it was
focused on the alien..
the guy that sent the tape.. got money for it.. Now, what dose that tell you? If you were as hoaxer wouldnt you want money for your hoax?
If it was a real thing that is the most inportent thing to humans as we know it, would you select only a serten news media and demand money for it??
Also wouldnt you sneek out as much video as you could? not just a 4 min video?
Also, it shows they wipping its mouth and such, and if there was a real live being or beings, wouldnt you bring to light DNA evedence??