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The ETE interveiw footage, what to make of it? **Image Update**

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posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 04:30 AM
[Edited on 1/4/2004 by DiabolusFireDragon]

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 07:07 AM
Sorry guys, I left for rugby training after I did my last post and have not had time to follow up, right I'm sorry for being vague befor, let me try to clear some things up. But first I must apologise to dmsoldier, I was abit rash and didn't try and understand what he was saying, I must say the same to sevenzeroone.

Sorry guys

Firstly my sorces. I first saw the 30 second clip after downloading off kazaa, I must say it impressed me, so I search for more information about it. I stumbled across a documentary about it, there a torrent to it here -

The documentary was produced by the same people that origionally bought the tape, you would think it would be completely biased, but it is a well rounded documentary. The documentary included an interveiw with the mysterious "Victor" and physicist going by the name of "Lazar" who some might remember as the man that testified he worked in area 51.

As for the other volumes (I didn't mean videos, as Victor never specifies) I think they would be impossible to watch as they would be still in area 51 as Victor only managed to smuggle out the one tape (or so he leads us to beleive, he could have all 35 volumes).

The people that commented on the aliens behavior where a number of contactees who have (so they say) been abducted by aliens,

Science guy you bring up some interesting points, my views on them:-

I agree the quality of the video is poor, the video was ment to be filmed in 1996, but that still doesn't explain the poor quality. My theory is:-
The footage is poor because it has had to be made like that so it would be a smaller file size, the footage on the 500mb documentary is actually alright, and one can only assume that the actual tape version is a very good quality.

The room is indeed dark, but as said befor this was so to apparently make the alien comfortable, as for working in the dark, the was it was ment to work was by the alien communicating with a telepath who relayed the message to an officer. There is very little need for very bright light levels.

I never noticed the doctors befor, according to victor the aliens cannot be affected by microbes from out planet. They can however grow in the aliens respitory system and make large spors. The aliens are kept in bio-containment level 2 - the lowest level.

Dm soldier raises an interesting point about the alien not squinting, but there in around 1 second in the film where the alien does squint, one I manage to find it again I will post the image.

SevenZeroOne is right, the footage is not the most interesting thing to look at, audioless and all it shows is an alien bobbing its head up and down (if it is real that sentence is gonna come back to haunt me). But non-the-less the fact that it isn't remarkable shouldn't make it any less beliveable.

As for the alien autopsy video, it has not yet been proven to be a hoax, the footage shows muscle fibre tissue and burns that could not easily be reproduced, anyway lets not lose sight of what we're talking about.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 01:22 PM
[Edited on 4-1-04 by BruceAkolD]

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 01:22 PM
I'v been taking some captions, too me along time, but I think its worth it.
check em out.
Looking at the light?
More eye-play, whats so inportant?
The lunge
Caption of the body, took me ages to capture

[Edited on 4-1-04 by BruceAkolD]

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by BruceAkolD
I'v been taking some captions, too me along time, but I think its worth it.
check em out.
Looking at the light?
More eye-play, whats so inportant?
The lunge
Caption of the body, took me ages to capture

[Edited on 4-1-04 by BruceAkolD]

None of your links seem to work.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 04:42 PM
Im downloading the torrent going to take forever 27 houres

Itll be realy interesting if there were more of this video..

There have been many "alein" bioopseys, i think the best one was the one from the HGB files, but it was missing everything but the bodie..

This alien looks a bit diffrent then most typical ones...
Itll be helpfull if you can help seed this file forme becous i cant keep this computer on overnight..

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by BruceAkolD

Science guy you bring up some interesting points, my views on them:-

I agree the quality of the video is poor, the video was ment to be filmed in 1996, but that still doesn't explain the poor quality. My theory is:-
The footage is poor because it has had to be made like that so it would be a smaller file size, the footage on the 500mb documentary is actually alright, and one can only assume that the actual tape version is a very good quality.

Fair enough. I haven't seen the better quiality one.

The room is indeed dark, but as said befor this was so to apparently make the alien comfortable, as for working in the dark, the was it was ment to work was by the alien communicating with a telepath who relayed the message to an officer. There is very little need for very bright light levels.

Then why do the "doctors" grab the "alien" by the head and shine lights in his eyes. Seems to make the whole comfortable thing pointless. Combine this with the fact that low lighting is great for hiding cables and other systems used in puppetry, i seriously question the low light for the alien AND shining light right in his eyes.

I never noticed the doctors befor, according to victor the aliens cannot be affected by microbes from out planet. They can however grow in the aliens respitory system and make large spors. The aliens are kept in bio-containment level 2 - the lowest level.

The doctors are what really blow the whole thing. There is no point in the mask with short sleeves. No doctor would combine those. Its like puting on a bee keepers hood and otherwise walking out naked to tend to a bee hive.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 05:24 PM
do aliens blink? cuz if they do, this one will beat anyone in a staring contest

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 05:36 PM
ScienceGuyQ makes some very good points against. I really want to believe it is real, but it is just not enough to take seriously.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 06:45 PM
Something I thought might add to the discussion was a professional opinion about the doctors and their mannerisms and conduct. I showed the video to my father, who's been a doctor for over 20 years (more specifically, a Neurologist/Neurotologist who just completed a fellowship in Neurophthalmology at the University of Michigan 5 years ago).

Just for the benefit of anyone who doesn�t know, apparently the Alien is �badly injured� during this interrogation, and undergoes what is described as a �seizure� or convulsion midway through the interview, at least according to the website I downloaded the videoclip from, which is what apparently sparks the �doctors� entrance. Luckily, epilepsy and seizures happen to be one of my father�s specialties.
Anyway, when I showed it to him and he couldn�t really get over the lighting either, and found that very hard to believe. No examination anywhere in the world would be performed with such horrid lighting, he said. I explained to him the �interrogation room� and light sensitivity story, and he just smiled and nodded. He explained there are numerous other ways and instruments used to examine an eye that is unnoticeable to the patient, as opposed to shining a flashlight in their eye if �light sensitivity� is a problem.
When I asked him specifically about the doctor�s reactions and their response to what may have been a seizure, his exact words were � I don�t see any need for something so bizarrely theatrical�I guess if it�s supposed to be an Alien nobody can say�but you wouldn�t do that with a person, and that�s what their training is with, right? I mean, you�re supposed to think these are real doctors from earth who�ve treated people, right?�
But mainly, he just commented on the horrible lighting.

Just thought it might be interesting to hear the opinion of a trained physician about all this. He certainly wasn�t impressed, but he seemed more incredulous about the lighting and environment more than the doctors actions.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 06:49 PM
haha thats what i thoughet, it would have blinded the poor alien, they wouldnt want that would they?

And there not waring any gloves, wouldnt they be warreyed about getting some virus? or bug?

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Dmsoldier
haha thats what i thoughet, it would have blinded the poor alien, they wouldnt want that would they?

And there not waring any gloves, wouldnt they be warreyed about getting some virus? or bug?

Er...actually, they are wearing gloves. I know the lighting is crap, but go back and watch it again, you can clearly see white latex gloves on the guys hands.

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 09:01 PM

Ah sorry dint see that LOL this is a rather clear pic, I tell you what, even if this is a hoax (witch im sure it is)

it sure is freaky..

posted on Jan, 4 2004 @ 09:50 PM
Notice how close it resembles an insect.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 12:39 AM
Let's look at this from a hoaxer's perspective:

1)If you're going to do a hoax involving a subject that fits into the realm of science... You'll make sure that the scene you enact involves NO special training or knowledge, UNLESS you know that you understand the special subject at hand and feel confident that including some special event will add to its authenticity. So, why, if you have no knowledge of real-world medical procedures, would you fake a seizure? Surely the hoaxers would have realized that the odd actions of the doctors would be debunked by real doctors in five seconds flat.

2)If you're using a puppet... Yes, hide its strings/supports. However, why do you need darkness to do this? A puppet -- even one without a lower body -- can be presented in perfect lighting, provided that a table or something is in front of it. In this case, why would the producers of the hoax create something that would, immediately, be declared a puppet due to a lack of lighting when they could have filmed the same things, with light, and avoided that entire reaction?

3)Why, if you're a hoaxer, make the alien a sickly, yellow color when thousands of abductees report white/gray aliens?

But on the other hand...

1) why would a government telepath need to rub his head? I imagine that telepathy, if it exists, can't be facilitated by relaxing your facial muscles. Probably just bad acting.

2)Of all the thousands of film hours that must record ET interviews... 'Victor' manages to steal one that has soemthing dramatic like an alien seizure? Sounds like someone wanted to write drama.

3)If the alien is injured -- discolored, wobbling, unable to balance itself -- why interview it in a sitting position? Shouldn't it be in a sick bed, with the doctors ALWAYS near it? Maybe the telepath can only have one being in front of him at a time?

I don't believe that this film is real. However, I also don't think that the things cited above -- lighting, medical protocol -- as debunking it do, in fact, actually debunk it. From what I've seen, the same puppet could have been shot in full lighting WITH a correct seizure response from the doctors. However, the activities of the 'telepath' and 'officer'... look, to me, like bad acting.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 01:06 AM
Sorry that my previous links didn't appear to work, I'v now put them all on an msn group. Check it out here

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 01:18 AM
Thanks for sharing those Bruce.

Here's an image from my website. Looks sort of like an asian to me.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 01:57 AM
that if i remember right is computer genertated.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 04:38 AM
For me I don't know if it is real or not, not enough information really.

There are parts of that brief video that are quite unearthy and I feel it in my gut like other posters here have already stated.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 05:36 AM
Hey i just read all this thread. Have you ever wondered... Well all this about Area 51 and they don't want it to be exposed to public and so on. It could be that they made the video in a bad quality on purpose so that there would be doubt if it was real....

Could be that they did it on purpose, so IF it got out noone would believe it. Still i don't really believe so much in it. Especially not the alien abduction. When i saw it for the first time I think it was interesting, but then i got Adobe Premiere (Video editing program) and played a little with it. I then tried the old film effect in the program and it looked almost identically with the alien aduction movie...

Well, just to share my thoughts


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