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How do Psychoactive Chemicals Tie in to Your Beliefs?

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posted on May, 8 2007 @ 03:21 PM
Im surprized no one has mentioned mescaline yet. This compound has been used by native tribes for ages. While i dont have a definate spiritual belief per se, i do believe that this and other enothgenic compounds open the mind to realms and possibilities.

Ive read many trip reports on '___', whats interesting is in many of them, those that enjoyed the experiance with a friend or group shared many similar, if not identical (in part), experiances while under the influence.

I remain spiritually agnostic, but my experiance with these compounds has made me question my beliefs over and over again.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 03:22 PM
Before I start into my post, a brief comment on the first post in this thread. '___' is not a naturally occuring chemical. '___' is derived from a naturally occuring substance. If '___' did somehow exist naturally, it wouldn't last very long as light and moderate temperatures degrade it.

Having said that, I have what most would consider a large amount of experience with least for my generation. I'm sure those of you who grew up in the 60s & 70s would easily have me beat though. I honestly feel that everybody should do either mushrooms or '___' at least once in a lifetime. It's really the only way to escape from the reality that exists around us and look inward. I can still vividly remember my first 'real' '___' trip and the profound effect it had on me (my first time using '___' was with very diluted product and I didn't really get the '___' experience. By "real", I'm talking about the first time I got the full effects of the drug). For the first time I was able to really contemplate myself, both good and bad, and the effect I had on my surroundings. My personality abruptly changed, for the better I think.

As for your questions. I don't think government officials banned these substances so that they could use them exclusively. I think the primary motivation is/was religion. Escaping from reality is looked upon very negatively by most religions.

I don't think they are alien in origin.

The psychedelic experience did dramatically effect me spritiually. I was raised Christian and began to really question things for the first time. It occured to me, looking at the state of the world around me, that a God as Christianity described could not possibly be "good" and allow the world to be as it is. I now consider myself a deist. I believe that a divine being pushed things into motion at the beginning, but he/she/it is no longer directing our course.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 03:32 PM
I have never knew anyone in my life who got addicted or had problems with psychoactive drugs. There is always dangers with some plants if you take to much but imo people who experiment with these types of plants usually take the time to learn proper doses and how to take it.

I have experienced '___', Salvia, Shrooms psylocibe and amantia's and '___'. The things that happen and the effects these plant/compounds produce totally blows my mind and I have actually had conversations with what I thought to be an alien! Salvia for me is like a ritual and something only done on very rare occasions like 3 times a year. There is something weird about salvia but I always feel a presence when I smoke it and its usually very pleasant and unlike anything in reality.The effects though are so overwhelming that even a good trip is something I only want to experience on rare occasions because I would never want to be used to those mental space trips!

[edit on 8-5-2007 by Slickinfinity]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 03:57 PM
For examples of why I suggested some are extraterrestrial, see my two quotes on the previous page.

Another thing to note about hemp is that it is the only natural fiber on earth that twists to the left.

Does anyone find the mushroom quote interesting? Maybe life on this planet started with just a few spores since they don't require light or warm temperatures to survive?. Could they have travelled into our atmosphere in some way and grown into a complex lifeform under the soil?

Does anyone find it interesting that the dogon tribe named cannabis after Sirius B thousands of years before scientists knew it existed?

Would these things help you accept that maybe they are extraterrestrial?

Not saying I'm a firm believer, but I just find it interesting that these things can tie into just about every main topic on this board...

[edit on 8-5-2007 by Mushroom Fields Forever]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 04:12 PM
I heard that if you know exactly what you're doing, you can cure almost anything with the right plants. Everything we need to cure anything occurs naturally on this earth. We haven't discovered much of what potential plants have.
I dont know if it's true but i like it

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 05:27 PM
Problem with a lot of these substances (non natural that is) such as '___', crack, heroin is that the CIA has been researching these as potential manipulation tools.

Items such as '___' can have a programmed effect when they are made. I am not exactly sure how it works, but I would assume it just induces paranoia in an unwilling victim as well as a truth serum.

Let me try to find the link for this.

I can't find it, but it was on relating to CIA use of '___' as mind control maybe someone else can.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by biggie smalls]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:07 PM
No conspiracy. Some people just don't feel that certain drugs are good for society.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:31 PM
'___' hasn't been investigated for use in manipulating people since the sixties. The reason all halluciniogenics were scheduled/classified is that they can't be manipulated. MKultra had another, more fruitful branch of research though. TV.

'___'-25 is what it is, a molecule, and can't be programmed. It cannot make you insane and does not linger for years in the body. It is gone when the feeling is gone, usually 8-12 hours (although I managed 36 hours straight with some fresh microdots once). It gets broken down by monoamine oxidase, which recycles all our neurotransmitters. It is this which is inhibited by the ayahuasca vine (banisteriopsis caapi) in the ayahuasca brew (the other element usually being the '___' containing psychotria viridis) enabling the '___' to be orally active. Without monoamine oxidase inhibition you could eat '___' in huge quantities and not even notice.

Sorry, but there are so many official innaccuracies about regarding hallucinogens that I don't like seeing more.

You can get a naturally occurring version of '___' (lysergic acid diethyllamide) in Morning Glory, called LSA (lysergic acid amide), which is more like a cross between MDMA and MDA. I've also seen it described (wrongly) as '___'-27 or "Bliss".

'___' is, for me, the really interesting substance, though. If I had some spare serotonin receptors I might be able to do more research, but as it is I am convinced that it holds the key to being Human.

We each have had a '___' trip, at age -4.5 months. It is the first thing to flood our brains as soon as we have brains, and it is released in massive quaantities when we die. It is also what anybody who has had a near-death-experience has... experienced. In fact, it was an NDE that got me interested in the first place. When faced with extreme danger a huge flood of adrenalin can overcome the protective ring around the pineal gland and cause a huge release right to the brain.

Dr Rick Strassman did a study in 2001 (the first legal trial since the sixties) during which people were given intramuscular injections of pure n.n. '___'. 62% of those subjects reported communicating with some kind of external intelligence, a large number describing classic alien abduction experiences involving examinations and surgery conducted by beings very much like the Grey's and Reptilians.

There is a recent theory about the significance of prehistoric cave art which says that they are all illustrations of shamanic vision quests under the influence of hallucinogens. In some of these images are figures that closely resemble Greys.

My idea is that "alien" beings have been contacting us for thousands, if not millions, of years, and that '___' is how they have had to do it because they exist on a different plane. The reason for the recent (50-60 years) abductions and cattle mutilations is that they are beginning to be able to take material form in our plane and have been perfecting their techniques. What the next stage is, I don't like to think about very much.

But Hey! I've spent at least 1000 nights off my cake on '___', not to mention the '___', Psilocybin, Ketamin, MDMA, MDA, MDEA, LSA, etc. so I might not be the most reliable person to ask.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike
No conspiracy. Some people just don't feel that certain drugs are good for society.

OK, well you are here for some reason. The post is about how they tie into your beliefs, not if there is a conspiracy.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:42 PM
Maybe you were in your mushroom fields when it happened, but there are plenty references to the "elite" and so on.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 12:16 AM
for daily use i just use marijuana to help calm down my ADD, and to keep me feeling nice all day.

for major visions and consciousness raising, i use Salvia Divinorum. which happens to be 100% legal in the US.
Alot of people have gotten the wrong idea of it's usage. it is NOT recreational whatsoever. Salvia is best alone or with a person you trust to watch you and make sure you dont fall and hurt yourself.
if used correctly Salvia instantly puts your consciousness into other dimensions.
It seperates your astral body from your physical body.

what is very intersting is that alot of salvia users have experienced 'people' or beings that are in this 'world' that you enter when having salvia. and the salvia beings always say the same thing to users.
like: "everything will wil be ok" and they are always very positive.

when you have salvia you can go anywhere becuase you are no longer bounded by time and space.

and yes, there are a few people that may have 'unpleasant' salvia experiences. but you have to define what 'unpleasant' is.
obviously, that person has alot of things they need to work out in their mind, and they are holding alot in.
Salvia will teach you how to think right. and help break the boundries that we create in our minds.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by biggie smalls

Items such as '___' can have a programmed effect when they are made. I am not exactly sure how it works, but I would assume it just induces paranoia in an unwilling victim as well as a truth serum.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by biggie smalls]

Not sure what you mean excactly, but if you're saying they can "program" desired effects into '___' in the manufacturing process it is sheer nonsense.

BTW, "truth serum" is scopolamine, derived from deadly nightshades (datura). Do yourself a favour and stay away from those.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
I grew mushrooms through high school and consumed more '___' than I care to recall but more than anything I felt like it made me vulnerable. I dont know to why exactly but unless I was in a familiar area surrounded by familiar people I couldnt cope. I thought I wouldnt be aware when I needed to be, quick when I needed to be or ready when I needed to be. Like a crab on its back with the seagulls circling above.

Since Ive been consumed by my anti-government, anti-NWO paranoia Ive been sober. Keeping an eye on globalsists and tripping or getting drunk or stoned dont go very well together. Not to mention stock-piling firearms and ammo really doesnt go well with intoxication.

But then I drink coffee, sleep very lightly and am convinced Im on some list somewhere for something and I dont like it.

I need a vacation.

I'm starting to see a pattern here. Sometimes I wonder if we're "suppose" to be subject to such experiences. Seems quite a bit of people have their time of experimentation, many come out of it and continue with the rest of their lives, better or worse.

It's those that do not escape the constant cycle of "abuse" that are the exception. I used the word "abuse" lightly because in my experience it wasn't so much a constant use of one drug, but more of a constant search for entertainment and/or recreational use of many different substances. Myself and most of the people I know never experienced problems of addiction per-say, but many of my long time friends are still living where they always have and still partake in recreational drug use. I sometimes think it would have been better for them to have gotten addicted to heroin or coke and went to rehab to get clean in order to see that there's a big world out there full of opportunity. I guess I got lucky in that I dated a girl and we moved away for her to go to school. To this day I still do many of the things they do, but I've seen for myself that there's a whole lot more than the small town and stagnate cycle of familiarity they seem to not be able to escape.

After all, the government approves narcotics for prescriptions and many of these are much more addictive than most of the substances I've put into my body. I've seen a lot more people have problems with "legal" substances than "illegal" substances.

I wouldn't say your paranoia is unfounded. Since government has existed, it's given us a reason to be skeptical of the people emerssed in it. After all, these are the people that decide our future and it's good to question whether they have the best intentions for their people or an alternate agenda for their own benefit. Since I've semi-cleaned up, I'd say that my paranoia has increased from the times that I was mostly in an altered state of consciousness. I'm not sure if it was the substances that actually pacified my way of thought for so many years, or if it was actually the drugs that caused such ideas. I'm leaning toward a combination of both.

Anyhow, it's my opinion that to ignore these naturally occurring plants is like living your life knowing how to read, but not ever picking up a book. There are experiences and alternate ways of thinking out there. Everything in moderation. Granted, they may not be for everyone, but it's my belief that some people could use a good dose of anti-reality to make them appreciate the things that really matter in life and not care about all the small things that really have no importance in life.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Johnmike
Maybe you were in your mushroom fields when it happened, but there are plenty references to the "elite" and so on.

When what happened? There was one example question, not 'plenty of references'. The subject of elites is a popular one on this board and I provided an example question of HOW PSYCHOACTIVE CHEMICALS TIE IN to it. Maybe if you would read the original post you would see that and also the request that we have a serious conversation without sarcastic comments.

See if I wanted to fill this thread with sarcasm I would say something like, "Hmm, you are pretty popular on this board aren't you?"

[edit on 9-5-2007 by Mushroom Fields Forever]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:22 AM
'___' I think is the most interesting of all of the drugs that the original poster posted.
I'm sure it's been mentioned already, but if not, anyone interested in reading about the clinical trials and research of the drug should read "'___': the Spirit Molecule" by Rick Strassman
Unlike most "recreational" psychotropics, the experiences of '___' users seem to be somewhat uniform (go to erowynds vault to read accounts).
After being smoked or injected (or ingested with the proper alkaloid) the user immediately goes into a trance-like state. Unlike acid and mushrooms, the person in this state is generally completely unaware of their actual surroundings in a very short period of time.
Generally the user experiences very intense psychedelic hallucinations, but repeat user almost unanimously state that if you can 'break through' some kind of barrier, the experience becomes extremely real and you're no longer in the same world as the one you've left. Many people report completely loosing their sense of 'self'
Interestingly, many many people encounter the "Greys" and other beings (Elves, fairies, etc...) and their accounts are so strikingly similar that it's bizarre.
The other thing that is interesting about the '___' is that
A. other than melatonin it is the only thing produced by the mysterious pineal gland
B. though synthetic users recount loosing track of time, they generally report that the experience lasts 'forever' but to an outside observer, the trip is only abut 10 min. long.

It's a fascinating and terrifying drug. I think Terrence McKenna (or maybe Dennis Leary) said something like: "'___' is to Acid what Heroin is to Asprin"

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
I'm all for it but what concerns me is why Goverments want to ban what is natural whilst allowing the populace to be drugged to death on so called legal safe drugs.

those garbage pills they push on people constantly are simply their drugs, thus they're pushing them to make tons of money and tossing other naturally occuring remedies and better solutions out of the way because they can not be contained like the manufactured pills can be. it's sad, but in this world it seems the dollar is the be all, end all.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:50 PM
I seem to believe completely the opposite of many of you in this thread. I don't see how drugs can show you any sort of reality, or how consciousness can be 'raised'. Raised relative to what? Itself? It does not seem to have any sort of baseline. The sub-conscious? They seem to be apples and oranges. I've only ever experienced drugs as escapism, pure and simple.

I do meditate, and I find the most 'real' reality I've experienced is when I've reached the point where I'm completely focused and aware of my breathing, and the normal brain-chatter fades; drugs merely seem to increase the brain-chatter, or change it to a different kind. Realizing 'just breathing' has been a far more 'self-shattering' experience for me than any drug I've ever tried. Further, if you must argue that everything neccessary for spiritual growth or consciousness-raising exists somewhere in nature, why not totally within ourselves?

[edit on 9-5-2007 by unclelester]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:56 PM
I actually posted a thread that is somewhat similar, well not really, but it is about how the plan to microchip humanity will reduce man's '___' levels. Dimethyltrptamine is a natural "hallucinogenic" that is produced in the pineal gland.

I believe this will be done in order to move humanity away from any notion of the spiritual. It will be a way for the "anti-Christ" to convince people that there is nothing beyond what they see,hear,touch,taste and smell.

Here is the thread:

The Sin Of Taking the "Mark"

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by unclelester
I do meditate, and I find the most 'real' reality I've experienced is when I've reached the point where I'm completely focused and aware of my breathing, and the normal brain-chatter fades; drugs merely seem to increase the brain-chatter, or change it to a different kind. Realizing 'just breathing' has been a far more 'self-shattering' experience for me than any drug I've ever tried. Further, if you must argue that everything neccessary for spiritual growth or consciousness-raising exists somewhere in nature, why not totally within ourselves?

You're confusing drugs with psychadelics. Psychadelics are not "drugs" in the traditional sense. Everything we consume is a mind-altering substance including water, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.

Some "drugs" are used as a form of escape. This is from the users' standpoint, but not the actual chemical itself. If used properly it can be great incite into the mind and body (soul too).

Its all about moderation my friend.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 02:04 PM
Psychedelics, IMO, will not lead you too enlightenment, but will show you/give you insights into what need to do to reach that. They are like a mirror, showing you in your full glory, what your connected too, and what you a part of.

"Psychedelic drugs cause paranoia, confusion, and total loss of reality in politicians that have never taken them."
- Timothy Leary

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