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Rumsfeld keeps ghoulish 9/11 souvenirs

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posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:00 PM
I still say aspertame has given him alzimers and he needs that relic to jog his memory.
I for one do not need a relic to remember
call me canadian, but we do not keep these items in canada
#1 against the law
#2 bad taste
#3 we would build a memorial...we do not put on display the peices of death.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:13 PM
And this is why I don't get into a lot of detail when I post here. Everyone already has preformed ideas about things that are going on, and certain types of people.

Somebody can be doing something simple and 20 other people that watched them do it are going to try and tell everyone what it is they are doing wrong. Want to know something else? All 20 of those people are going to be saying something different. How are you going to try and tell somebody else what they are thinking?

It's like my ex girlfriend. I could walk up and to be nice say, "How are you doing today". "Why do you want to know how im doing today?" 30 min later im still trying to figure out why im getting yelled at. When ever we read something we have to through out the ideas we already have in our heads. It blinds us into seeing things from a limited prespective.


posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:18 PM
I guess we should tear down the 9/11 monuments then, they must be trophies too...

And the bullet analogy is so flawed.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
How can people still think the administration is behind this when even Al-qeada endorses the democrats and their war against Bush.

This may be a bit off topic but: 'Terrorists' would 'support' the Republicans if the democrats where in power. It is a basic propoganda tool that makes perfect sense. Attempt to discredit and further divide both those whom you claim support for (in this case the democrats) and those who you are against (in this case the Republicans).

It makes little difference who is in power; the affect is still the same. And going off the would seem to be an effective bit of political propoganda from an outside force.

Stop and think about the why of peoples actions...not just the fact that they are taking them.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by junglelord
I still say aspertame has given him alzimers and he needs that relic to jog his memory.
I for one do not need a relic to remember
call me canadian, but we do not keep these items in canada
#1 against the law
#2 bad taste
#3 we would build a memorial...we do not put on display the peices of death.

Different people have different ways of remembering certain events. Its not unusual at all for someone to have a physical object to remind them of an event in their life, good or bad. As an example, I wonder how many US servicemen brought home pieces of the Japanese aircraft that crashed into their ships in kamikaze runs in WW2? More than you think.

I see nothing wrong with what Rumsfeld has done.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:31 PM
A plane never hit the Pentagon so suffice it to say this is a information ploy.

Here, let me explain.

A plane never hit the pentagon. He "says" or was "Outted" to have some sorta of "Plane wreckage" from when the Pentagon was hit.

This story is to reaffirm the FALSE notion that a PLANE did hit the pentagon when infact one did not. This is complete bull# and is a perfect reference to how the government uses stories to manipulate it people and get around having to answer questions.

So lets Re-cap.

1. Plane never hit the pentagon, something else did.
2. A person who may be involved or have ties with those involved claims to have, or was outted to have some piece of "plane" wreckage.

3. This is in turn makes people stop questioning whether a plane did or did not hit the pentagon, but whether this man will give up the piece of wreckage he has.
4. Since everyone now thinks a plane hit the pentagon, because some offical clams he has a piece even though it could be totally bogus, the story itself served the purpose of Stopping all inquiry.

A plane did not hit the pentagon, someone has finally proved that somewhere, the powers that be know this, and want to stop it with the use of their Media tactics. Not this time.

Thanks for your time.


posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:32 PM
Would a piece of the plane not be viewed as a piece of evidence?

If so, are people allowed to just keep it as a souvenier?

That issue aside, whilst i would'nt personaly want this kind of object in my possession, there are many that see items such as this as a pice of history rather than just a ghoulish keepsake.

I was there when they pulled the Berlin Wall down and there were thousands of people keeping parts as a momento. There were'nt too many nice memories surrounding that wall but people kept it as a part of history.

So i'm not sure where i stand on this one.

I've been on duty in the past at ports where returning soldiers from Iraq have docked, you should see some of the things they've bought back from that place! Again, some were for personal keepsakes as a part of history, some were nothing but ghoulish.

Rumsfield is just a higher profile in the spotlight this time thats all.


posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:32 PM
I'd like to see the piece of the airplane that Rumsfield supposedly has just to be sure that, you know, it was actually an airplane that crashed into the WTC.

Other than this alleged piece I know of no other airplane part that has come from inside the WTC. There were some alleged parts on the ground outside the WTC but nothing from inside.

This story is very conveniently reinforcing that there was in fact a Boeing 767 that crashed into the WTC.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:43 PM
Well, why don't one of you send him a letter, or drop by his office for a chat and check it out. Again, Would you go up to a FDNY and tell him to return the helmet with a piece of WTC 2 still in it?

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:49 PM
It certainly is a reminder of what happened that day. It is a reminder of the thirty years of service Donny boy put in to help usher in the NWO. What you and I see as a horrific tragedy is in fact a joyous achievement for the Shadow Gov. When one finally understands the nature of how and to whom America lost control of it's government, clarity takes hold.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:52 PM
Well you know that serial killers like to keep tokens of their victims.
Perhaps the same applies here.Afterall 9/11 being an inside job,perhaps the killers want a "souvenier" from their victims.

Just a thought..................

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 01:03 PM
How can they get away with taking "souvenirs" from the scene of a crime? How can they get away with tampering with evidence??

Dont forget about ground zero, which was one giant crime scene. Now in law enforcement, your not supposed to tamper with any piece of material from a crime scene, nevermind take the rubble and ship it off to China to be melted!

So, Rudy Giuliani and the City of New York, really committed a Federal crime just days after 911, when he ordered all the rubble to be shipped overseas to be destroyed. And when questioned about it, he said "oh, we didnt know people wanted us to keep any of the evidence!" Hello! You moron! You are complicit with the coverup of federal involvement.

Because you see, if they left the rubble there, then independent investigators and inspectors would rummage through it, inspecting and investigating, and oh my they might find things that were never meant to be found.

If they let that happen, they could find out very quickly exactly what brought the buildings down. But the fact that they didnt let that happen, within days of 911 they were taking the rubble out and shipping it to China to be melted down.

Its illegal to do that, but these people werent prosecuted no! They were labeled as heroes! Bush Administration, the Pentagon, the Military, all of these institutes FAILED MISERABLY to do their job, which was to protect America. They failed! Why werent they fired? Or fined? Or at least a tap on the wrist?? NOOO! They were heroes, so brave and courageous in times of great peril, yes, while many people were jumping to their deaths with the WTC, Dick Cheney was hiding in a little hole in Nebraska, and George Bush was sitting in a school reading a story about goats to kids, before being taken away aboard Air Force One, where he flew around aimlessly.

Heroes, yea....these people should be thrown in the slammer.

[edit on 7-5-2007 by LightWorker13]

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
Well, why don't one of you send him a letter, or drop by his office for a chat and check it out. Again, Would you go up to a FDNY and tell him to return the helmet with a piece of WTC 2 still in it?

You should not mention a brother that may have a helmet from his fallen brother just to make your point. Until you have stood in a "smoke eaters" boots you have no idea of what its like to lose a brother/sister.

I am highly offended.

You have no idea the anguish one goes through when a rescue operation fails and all you have to remember that person that will die for you without a second thought is a piece of turnout gear. Loyalty, Bravery, Courage, Honor and a ladder rung away from death is what those men died tying to uphold and you are using that to make a point?

Go away.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 01:39 PM
Ok, I think your going a little overboard LoneGunMan, why get offended? Its ridiculous.

We should listen to these firefighters and policemen when they say they heard bombs going off in the towers right before the collapse.

911 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions


posted on May, 7 2007 @ 01:58 PM
LoneGunMan, I think you are getting the wrong idea or maybe you have knocked back a few too many. My uncle Joe and Tommy both lost friends on 9/11 and they both know people who has a piece of memorobilia from that day, something to remember their fallen friends. These are guys I went to Shea with as a kid and saw every summer. You are barking up the wrong tree thinking I am using it for sympathy because bottom line it is the freakin truth that none of these people would have the balls to walk up to one of them and say somthing, none.

The person who started this thread and some others are bashing Rumsfeld about having a piece of 9/11 so they are including all of those people who were there that day. Do you see the connection man?

3000 innocent people died in one day. One day. I hope you understood my pov now.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 02:58 PM
I firemans helmet I think is ok but a part of a airplane should not be kept as a token it should be evidence turned in.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
Well you know that serial killers like to keep tokens of their victims.
Perhaps the same applies here.Afterall 9/11 being an inside job,perhaps the killers want a "souvenier" from their victims.

Just a thought..................

i was thinking the same thing...

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Vinadetta
Yeah, but I have to think what part does he have and where is the part? Isn't that illegal to take evidence from a crime scene? I wonder if he has it over his fire place? That to me is just a little strange...

yeah it is. it's also wierd that the former U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, who of all people should know how important evidence can be, would have all the evidence from the WTCs destroyed.

call me wierd, but if I had at least a little prior knowledge of the event, if not – helped to plan the attack, I would want a little security souvenir myself.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 04:05 PM
Pretty sure, as the thread starter, that I wasn't *bashing* rumsfeld.

Yes, I personally find it ghoulish and macabre - if you read through some of the other documents I linked, you'll find there are stories of people taking WTC security badges off pieces of clothing, and an FBI agent with a tiffany globe from the towers on her desk..

I think it's wrong. That is my opinion. I am not suggesting anything OTHER than that ..

My purpose in posting this thread was merely to inform - to paint a picture of the kind of people we have in charge. If you don't think it's wrong, it's not my place to argue with your opinions. I simply justify my own. Would I want a piece of 'memorabilia' from 9/11? absolutely not.

There are many other things you could have to "remind" you of these tragedies - photographs for example.

When someone you love dies, do you keep a piece of their coffin to remember them by? If they die in a car crash, do you grab a winshield wiper?

No. You keep their photos.

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 04:12 PM
Nothing to see here.....

For all the people that use the above phrase, thanks for your expert opinion there's obviously no reason for us mere mortals to keep reading. Sorry but this really makes me mad. So do people that say "my friend" alot and talk to you with their eyes closed.

How bout you bring a few links to support your reason for saying this instead of just saying it. After all not all of us are Irish policemen off bugs bunny, some of us like to form our own opinion instead of being handed one and being told that there is nothing to see here.

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