posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:21 AM
Originally posted by followerofchrist
indeed proof that Jesus rose from the dead now whether or not any of you believe that or not that proves to me that Jesus was the messiah and it
external proof for that matter...
Sorry but I will add to your post this information because its relevant to your post.
Only believers of the shroud will keep bringing the issue of authenticity to challenge anything to the contrary and let understand that the so call
scientist that claims the shroud authenticity are also believers of the shroud.
Walter McCrone analyzed the shroud and found traces of chemicals that were used in "two common artist's pigments of the 14th century, red ochre and
vermilion, with a collagen (gelatin) tempera binder" (McCrone 1998).
He makes his complete case that the shroud is a medieval painting in Judgment Day for the Shroud of Turin (March 1999).
For his work, McCrone was
awarded the American Chemical Society's Award in Analytical Chemistry in 2000.