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Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by Bob Sholtz
as for creationists? there are logical arguments for god, and infinitely more empiracle evidence for jesus being who he claims to be than evolution has for any of its claims.
There's barely even evidence enough for scholars to make the claim Jesus even existed and there is no evidence whatsoever for him being an actual divine being.
Evolution has been directly observed, as I stated in my above post we have actually observed speciation. If direct scientific observation is not enough what about the transistional fossils in the fossil record? It has further been supported by behavioral and genetic evidence in that animals who have common ancestry behave in much the same ways. For instance chimps wage war against rival bands and even fashion crude spears. If behavior weren't enough there is the genetic and fossil evidence to back it up. All the evidence points toward evolution.
There is no evidence whatsoever for magical creation as the Bible (and many other ancient texts) depicts and magical creation is hardly an answer for how everything got the way it was. Religion answers none of the questions that are paramount to understanding how life got this way.
All the evidence points to evolution, if there is a God than evolution was his means of developing life, not magic and crafting people out of ribs.
Don't just take my word for it, research it yourself but do so without using religiously biased sources.
[edit on 29-4-2010 by Titen-Sxull]
"you can't argue with the evidence" one day, and the next "we're still discovering new things every day!"
Also, evolutionist concoct ape bones and human bones to prove their theory which have been debunked
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by novastrike81
You are officially a troll.
Not a Catholic source genius. Did you even watch the video?
The video was made by a science student who lives in Texas, his youtube alias is Aron Ra. The Pope's image is used in the video and was, therefore, made the still image for the video. He points out the inherent flaws in the creationist argument and gives supporting evidence for Evolution in a series of 15 videos detailing the fundamental flaws of creationism.
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by novastrike81
I know why he used the Pope, I've seen the video.
I'm well aware that the Pope is no one to get religious advice from, or life advice for that matter. I have no affinity for the Pope. His point was that MOST Christians accept the evidence for evolution and adapt their religious beliefs accordingly instead of clinging to empty doctrines for which there is no supporting evidence and putting forth bronze age mysticism as some sort of competitor against facts supported by evidence.
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by novastrike81
I know why he used the Pope, I've seen the video.
I'm well aware that the Pope is no one to get religious advice from, or life advice for that matter. I have no affinity for the Pope. His point was that MOST Christians accept the evidence for evolution and adapt their religious beliefs accordingly instead of clinging to empty doctrines for which there is no supporting evidence and putting forth bronze age mysticism as some sort of competitor against facts supported by evidence.
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by Bob Sholtz
"you can't argue with the evidence" one day, and the next "we're still discovering new things every day!"
How are those statements at odds? Science is a fluid process, conclusions are reached based on evidence and until other evidence overturns a conclusion than what is the use arguing with it? Science is not religious dogma, with new evidence come new questions and new answers.
By the way your article states that it might have been birds that evolved into dinosaurs, "might have been" is the key word there. It has not been debunked as you claim, merely new fossil evidence has raised new questions, that's hardly a bad thing. Its an interesting article but all it proves to me is that the scientific process is working and that this new idea, of dinosaurs and birds co-emerging, is an interesting one and may be gaining ground. If more evidence is found it may become the prevailing theory so thanks for bringing it to my attention. Either way dinosaurs and birds are still evolutionarily related even if we haven't ironed out all the details yet.
Some read/study it and don't understand it which is why you see some evolutionists say we evolved from apes and some saying we didn't evolve from apes
Originally posted by novastrike81
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by novastrike81
I know why he used the Pope, I've seen the video.
I'm well aware that the Pope is no one to get religious advice from, or life advice for that matter. I have no affinity for the Pope. His point was that MOST Christians accept the evidence for evolution and adapt their religious beliefs accordingly instead of clinging to empty doctrines for which there is no supporting evidence and putting forth bronze age mysticism as some sort of competitor against facts supported by evidence.
You're correct most Christians do accept evolution. I think you're referring to Theistic-evolution. I accept evolution too, just not the one where God just let it happen. Everything is spelled out in the Bible just some people refuse to read it or don't understand what they are reading. I think the same goes for science. Some read/study it and don't understand it which is why you see some evolutionists say we evolved from apes and some saying we didn't evolve from apes. No one wants to be wrong so there is constant war over who is right and who is wrong.
you uncerimoniously toss out special creation on a logical fallacy
i'm merely pointing out how impossible it is to argue with evolutionists, and how evolutionists base everything off of what they want to be true,
one of my biggest qualms with accepting that God orchestrated evolution is that there would be nothing special about being human
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by novastrike81
I've got no issue with theistic evolution, heck for all I know maybe God did guide evolution but the fact remains that evolution takes place and takes a long while. I won't debate the Bible in this thread, suffice it to say I disagree with almost everything in that book, if you want to have a debate about that you'll have to send me a U2U.
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by novastrike81
Yeah, the thing is though, if God is real it doesn't change the evidence. Think about it. If there is a God it doesn't change what we've discovered, it might allow us to look at evolution in a different light but it doesn't make evolution false.
If God is real I think he/she/it would want us to follow where the evidence leads us and not get caught up in religions that claim to be peddling the truth but are obviously not in light of the evidence we've uncovered.