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posted on May, 1 2007 @ 10:24 PM
Iandavis must just sit on the crapper every morning and turn around and skoop out a handfull of crap and shove it in his mouth,...just to start his day...

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 11:17 PM
Dear Ian Davis:

Have you flown commercially since 9-11? Has it ever occurred to you that all the new security checks at the gates don’t make any sense whatsoever? Why? Because we don’t check the (air) freight. I mean you can ship via common carrier — not officially but as a practical matter — anything your heart desires, even if it ticks and tacks.

It’s safe to assume there are rules asking you to declare dangerous items. But who prevents this from happening in a sure-fire way, who enforces those laws systematically, who puts in place mistake-free mechanisms to keep ‘bombs’ from entering the air cargo cycle — no one! Still, nothing ever happens. But not because we are so vigilant. Rather, it’s since no one is scheming to do anything in the first place.

I’m not sure what the whole Homeland Security Department thing is all about. Certainly, its function cannot be to make us ‘safer’. Our leadership (naturally) knows what really happened on 9-11. Therefore, they’ve only implemented phony security measures, such as confiscating shampoos, shaving creams and toothpastes. They don’t give a rip what the cargo looks like whether it’s antimatter or an atom bomb.

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 04:10 AM
Thank you for responding. I enjoy having informational discussions with people I disagree with.

Originally posted by iandavis
CausticLogic>"do you realize how much power rests with this government?"

It doesn’t matter how much power or intelligence this government or this government’s secret intelligence agencies have, you have to be a loon to think they are capable of either fooling the following people regarding the truth, or convincing the following people to join a widespread conspiracy of this sort:

In general I agree, and I've always found a tight operation most likely in a possible inside job arrangement. Many things would happen, but would appear accidental, routine, a result of deacy and, say, weak Pentagon funding. To most people it would look like the official story. they may be troubled by "why were we doing THAT wargame at THAT time?" but ordered not to talk about it and having no proof, they kep quiet. Seems plausible to me. Some mysteriously get promoted too, and subconsciously refuse to follow that dark hunch. Etc.

1) The air traffic controllers who claim they had radio contact with who they described as highjackers with middle eastern accents.

I'd guesss that's what they heard. Live or memorex? I thin either is possible, but for the sake of whatever, I guess it's probably real.

2) The air traffic controllers who claim they followed 2 planes via radar into Manhattan and lost radar contact with another over PA.

I'm with you there too. These cats wasn't in on no inside job.

3) All of the politicians and media people including congressmen and women, reporters from CNN, Fox and several others, who not only claim they saw a passenger jet fly into the Pentagon, many of them saw commercial plane wreckage afterwards.

100% agreement. AA painted Boeing 757 ito the ground floor. I'm the master of ths field, and nothin the fraudsters can do when I step in than do the side-step. Some sore toes in there... COULD be RC, but for the sake of whatever I can see Hani Hanjour doing it himself. Maybe he just acted like a bad pilot as a little side-psyop.

4) The people on the planes who called friends and family via cell phone to tell them they were being hijacked by arab terrorists. Several of them reported their location over Manhattan before they hit the buildings. They are lying or have been fooled?

5) The friends and family of the passengers who claim to have received the aforementioned cell phone calls support the terrorist hijacking claims.

Some say the calls are impossible. I say the phone record has its problems, at least what's been reported to us. I dunno tho, don't wanna get into it. I think at least 93's calls were real, and I'm near 100% certain that was a real hijacking with Arabs on board. Dunno if shot or bombed or neither, but it's in that hole in PA.

6) All of the intelligence agents involved in identifying the hijackers.

They identified themselves pretty well from what I've seen. Left a trail of bread vrumbs - loaves actually.

7) The actors who must’ve made that video tape of Bin Laden and his buddies claiming credit for 911.

Many reasons OBL couls claim credit - he really did it, he wanted the credit, or was coerced, is delusional, or a ghost represented by a rotating team of doubles. Who knows? He did distance himself publicly at first... we're in the realm of shadows now man, and I at least admit it.

8) All of the cameramen who video taped what clearly appeared to be commercial airliners flying into the twin towers.

Oh ya got me there, that proves it all wrong.

No entity is gonna fool this many people or get them to go along with this kind of plot.

(and the rest going off, mostly red herrings rotting in the debunker heat lamp)

So apparently this is a whole new level for you. It doesn't have to be a cartoon. We don't have to know. Just step back and look at the big picture and ask questions. IF you want the truth, cause there's only one.

We need to address motive. Look at the balance sheets. Who's come out ahead? Where's Osama's Caliphate now vs the PNAC's new American Century?
If you want the truth...
Otherwise ignore me, keep the faith, stay the course and whatever wahtever.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by bartholomeo
I was seventeen at the time back in 9-11, I did believe everything CNN was putting on tv, absolutely everything, but then they showed the first video of Bin Laden in a cave, and then 2 months later another video, and I just started telling my friends that it seemed a little odd

Thanks for weighing in. I'm so sorry you have to live in these time man. The rest of you too! I'm glad you have that spark tho to have realized early from your own gut.

but still they can never catch the guy, isn't that obvious enough that this is just a big plan from the media and government, and all the entities above that, be either, the zionists, the insurance companies and bankers, the CIA, the secret circle who control the world, or Mumraa himself at the pyramid in Egypt.

The proverbial "they." I propose many "they's" involved in some part of this, none knowing the whole and keeping each other in check.... Not naming names. Many parties benefitted, agendas were given the green-light.

I don't know why people like the one who started this thread, don't see the pattern on an well thought out plan, and fall for it as if it was the absolute truth, when in reality it was just pretty well thought out to look legitimate when its purely a lie.

There's many reasons they think what they think. The official story does have a certain charm - it makes a fair amout of sense n its broad contours - it seems plausible enough, considering the horrible alternative... some prefer to stay in the dark. There's serious psychology at work.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by coastlinekid
Iandavis must just sit on the crapper every morning and turn around and skoop out a handfull of crap and shove it in his mouth,...just to start his day...

Ha! That's... what... what the hell was that?

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by iandavis
Pootie>"you have a LOT of reading to do".

I read plenty. Unlike you, I'm able to tell the differnce between the truth and garbage fantasy.

The line that seperates fiction and non-fiction is clear to me, but not to you.

Nice... READ "Rebuilding Americas Defenses" and get back yo me...

The document CLEARLY states the motive for 9/11... AND it was published by the perpetrators THEMSELVES.

Do you believe they "just got lucky" and got their much sought after "New Pearl Harbor"?

Your writing skills do not lend credibility to the fact that you " plenty." Your grammar and spelling should be top notch if you really did "read plenty".

But that is not the point.

Have you read "Rebuilding America's Defenses" published by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and do you know who wrote it?

[edit on 2-5-2007 by Pootie]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods
c) Again, there were no high-jacked planes. The passenger lists are pure fabrication. I’ve had this discussion with Cameron Fox already. Many/most of the passengers don’t show up on the Social Security Death Index as deceased or existent. And plenty of the ones that do, didn’t die on 9-11.

I've never heard this before. Do you have a link or couyld you let me know how to search myself?

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:07 AM
Good Morning Griff:

This link will throw you right into the eye of the no-planes discussion.
Why There Were No Planes At The WTC:

The Social Security Death Index would seem to be a good indicator of how legitimate the passenger lists are. Trouble is, the composition of the list was ‘fluid’ from day one. The airlines themselves never, never directly released any ‘official’ lists. And they know why they didn’t. Their lawyers told them not to. So even now the SSDI data is changing for 9-11 passengers. Some are suddenly showing up, who weren’t there yet, say a year ago. But it’s really, really hard for me to fathom that someone might be ‘tampering’ with such sensitive info as life or death. So I'd rather accept it as one of those things which simply cannot be explained (why more 9-11 passengers are being listed as deceased as time goes by).

The Wizard In The Woods

[edit on 5/2/2007 by Wizard_In_The_Woods]

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:11 AM
Why the hell would our own goverment blow up the twin towers. Ya there is none, because of the attacks gas has risen and were at war.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:38 AM
More philosophical and informed input from a user who obviously want to engage in logical discussion.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 01:32 PM
And no return yet from Iandavis...

Did someone offend him away? Yay we win! I like a nice, tight, select choir to preach to anyway.
Or was this all a joke I wasn't informed of?

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 01:54 PM
Once again, you've said nothing to support your conspiracy lunacy.

What your saying is that government policy, procedure is failing so badly, it gives you pause to think if they really give a sh*t, or are working against us! Gee.....where've you been your whole life? Living under a rock? There are few government policies and procedures that do work well. Too many work so poorly it really gives us all reason to pause.

One of many examples besides the current Homeland Security policy fiasco, is the 1988 Reagan policy that deregulated the S&L industry, which resulted in the collapse of a whole industry and a bail out policy that cost us tax-payers over $500 billion. Also, in part, it drove our economy into a recession in 1991. I can totally understand why some people might think that the government wanted to torpedo the economy and cause a depression for whatever reason. Take a look at the current federal education policy, it really looks like the government is working against us in a conspiracy to keep our kids stupid.

Unlike you, I blame these government failures on incompetence, not on conspiracies.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 01:57 PM
link case you haven't noticed, this guy is merely using the same logic you and all the other conspiracy kooks are using to support your fantasy.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 01:58 PM
Hey toxiclogic....the truth always returns.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 02:05 PM
So let me guess? You think Barbara Olsen left here husband (well maybe that's believable), gave up her career and went into hiding to support the conspiracy? Or the governenment rubbed her out? Or what???

All the friends and family that were on TV telling stories about their loved ones on the planes are all made up? Phonies?

Amazing! I think there's a better conspiracy that someone is following you around and slipping mickies in your drink when you're not looking.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 02:50 PM
Ian!!! You’re back in black!

Nope, Barb Olson didn’t leave her hubby on 9-11. She had moved out long before. And it’s easy to imagine that giving up her career wouldn’t have been that big of a deal — if the money was right. Surely she, like most of us would rather play and bang on the drum all day, rather than work. I know I would. Therefore I say she was paid off. But of course I can’t prove that. She was a bleached-blond mama, so changing here appearance would have been a snap. Better that way, at least now the drapes might match the carpet.

“All the friends and family that were on TV telling stories…” You’ve uncovered a weak spot of mine. I don’t hardly ever watch public television anymore. But after 9-11 the only high-profile passenger relative’s name I can think of is Lisa Beamer, wife of Todd Beamer. Other than her, there has been an eerie silence among the purportedly many family members of the 9-11 flights’ victims.

By the way, I strongly suggest the Todd Beamer story is not a coincidence. What was his background, professional and personal? Would he have been willing to go into hiding (to sit under palm trees for the rest of his life?). I realize these are bold questions, but the circumstances justify that we ask them.

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 02:55 PM
Beamers Wife seems Really Broken up Bout tthe Whole thing

Lisa Beamer has been subject to some minor controversy in the years since her husband's death. She has been accused of trying to profit from her husband's death after it was learned that on December 4, 2001, she applied [4] for a trademark on the phrase "Let's Roll". The Todd M. Beamer Foundation has since licensed the use of the phrase to Wal-Mart, the Florida State football team, and others [5].

In addition to the controversy surrounding the trademark registration, the public financial records of the non-profit Todd M. Beamer Foundation (now known as Heroic Choices) [6] have come under scrutiny for taking in far more money than were delivered in services. According to Heroic Choices, from 2001 through 2004 the foundation used only 53% of its proceeds to fund its programs [7], falling short of the Better Business Bureau's Standards for Charity Accountibility [8], which state that program activity should account for at least 65% of charity expenses.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 03:03 PM

Garnet Edward (Ace) Bailey was a hockey player known a few years back to many fans in Boston, at one time played on a LINE with Wayne Gretzky. HE was on United Airlines Flight 175, Mike Milbury from the Islanders was his friend.

I have seen him back in the day, when Maple Leaf Gardens was around.

What exactly are you saying happened to this man? That his family is lying about his travels that day? If the plane never existed, then what happened to this man?

Bottom link is on the player.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 04:41 PM
Pootie you fool, you buy into such utter nonsense!

I'm aware of the zealous ambitions of certain conservatives, but the existence of the logic that draws the conclusion that a group of powerful neocons plotted the events of 911, just to rally support for an Iraqi regime change, has got to qualify as one the 7 wonders of the world!

Hey, I don't care for the ultra-conservatives and I'm no fan of the neocons. In fact, I think these wacko's are even kookier than you nutballs. Still, these people aren't stupid. Besides of way too much elaboration that makes no sense regarding the 911 conspiracy, there's a million far more simple and easier plots to have effectively framed Saddam and caused a war. They could've simply killed 3000 of us by releasing a nerve agent at an NBA game, then fabricating the recovery of a couple of suicide terrorists that are later linked to Saddam. In fact, a plot as simple as that would've sold war justification far better than 911. To think they would go to all the trouble of hijacking jets, blowing up skyscrapers, kidnapping people, recruiting hundreds of people to join in on the cover-up, etc, etc, is crazy and not believable even for a bad movie.

Sorry, but Al Queda was behind 911, and yes, the Bush administration shamefully used it to ralley support for what seemed at time a marginally justifiable invasion that turned out to be, poorly planned, ill-concevied fiasco!

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by talisman
Garnet Edward (Ace) Bailey was a hockey player known a few years back to many fans in Boston, at one time played on a LINE with Wayne Gretzky. HE was on United Airlines Flight 175, Mike Milbury from the Islanders was his friend.

I have seen him back in the day, when Maple Leaf Gardens was around.

What exactly are you saying happened to this man? That his family is lying about his travels that day? If the plane never existed, then what happened to this man?

That's what I would like to know also. Why doesn't he show up in the SSDI search engine? I find that somehow odd. If I enter any of my relatives' names they show up without delay. Not that it's pleasant to do this but test it yourself. Here I entered Garnet Edward Bailey's name and got nothing as of WED 02-May-2007 at 5:00 PM CSDT. Perhaps someone will 'fix' this soon?

The Wizard In The Woods

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