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Why is it so hard to believe??

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posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 11:33 AM
What I don't get is why the hell you are all here (9/11 denialists). This is a conspiracy forum and yet you don't even accept the most mundane and obvious facts for the most mundane and obvious conspiracy since JFK.

So, please enlighten us,... why are you all here?

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Yandros
What I don't get is why the hell you are all here (9/11 denialists). This is a conspiracy forum and yet you don't even accept the most mundane and obvious facts for the most mundane and obvious conspiracy since JFK.

So, please enlighten us,... why are you all here?

Most are in denial hoping that "somehow" the world is still a decent place and that "someone" will "somehow" be able to tell them "that all will be well", so that they can sleep better at night. This is something they have to suffer through themselves until they are ready to mature and understand that the word "natural" is bogus and that everything we see manefesting now, is the result of spiritual forces that are moving man in certain directions. The conspiracy is against Christ and the Holy Spirit but we are here for the wondering souls when they are ready to accept reality. They must not be made to feel that they are all alone in this.

However, there are also several agents posting here. I have already identified a couple obvious "agents" who are posing as "Masons" but that is not all that they are.

[edit on 23-4-2007 by sweftl337]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by sweftl337

However, there are also several agents posting here. I have already identified a couple obvious "agents" who are posing as "Masons" but that is not all that they are.

[edit on 23-4-2007 by sweftl337]

Well, you certainly have my attention with that little tidbit. Please eloborate.........

I think many here on ATS would love to hear your view on this.

Dovetails very nicely with "Why is it so hard to believe."

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 12:55 PM
Personally, I like to read the CT. So far, all the therories that have been put forth with regard to the WTC just don't seem to answer any more questions than the official version.

I do believe that it's possible that flight 73 (?) could have been shot down.

Other than that the simplest solutions seems to be that terrorists hyjacked planes, crashed them into the WTC and it collapsed as a result of the steel weaking from the fire.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
Personally, I like to read the CT. So far, all the therories that have been put forth with regard to the WTC just don't seem to answer any more questions than the official version.

I do believe that it's possible that flight 73 (?) could have been shot down.

Other than that the simplest solutions seems to be that terrorists hyjacked planes, crashed them into the WTC and it collapsed as a result of the steel weaking from the fire.

So how do you explain the molten steel under the towers? Jet fuel does not melt structural steel under any circumstances. These are the laws of physics, not some random guideline.

Maximum burning temperature of jet fuel: 980 °C
Melting point of steel: around 1371 °C

Structural steel has an even higher melting point.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by sweftl337

Originally posted by Yandros
What I don't get is why the hell you are all here (9/11 denialists). This is a conspiracy forum and yet you don't even accept the most mundane and obvious facts for the most mundane and obvious conspiracy since JFK.

So, please enlighten us,... why are you all here?

Most are in denial hoping that "somehow" the world is still a decent place and that "someone" will "somehow" be able to tell them "that all will be well", so that they can sleep better at night. This is something they have to suffer through themselves until they are ready to mature and understand that the word "natural" is bogus and that everything we see manefesting now, is the result of spiritual forces that are moving man in certain directions. The conspiracy is against Christ and the Holy Spirit but we are here for the wondering souls when they are ready to accept reality. They must not be made to feel that they are all alone in this.

However, there are also several agents posting here. I have already identified a couple obvious "agents" who are posing as "Masons" but that is not all that they are.

[edit on 23-4-2007 by sweftl337]

Can't speak for others but i certainly don't need someone to tell me "all will be well", quite the opposite. The world's an extremely dangerous, volatile place. It's dog eat dog, whether person to person or nation to nation.

That's why i need something abit more then unanswered questions to jump to the conclusion of a conspiracy. For me, believing the US admin were responsible would be more "comforting" then the official version.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:34 PM

That's why i need something abit more then unanswered questions to jump to the conclusion of a conspiracy. For me, believing the US admin were responsible would be more "comforting" then the official version.

So what is it that you're seeking? Since you feel that it is not a Conspiracy involving the Bush administration then what do you think it is, perhaps a random event?

[edit on 23-4-2007 by sweftl337]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Steel Penguin[sweftl337]

That's why i need something abit more then unanswered questions to jump to the conclusion of a conspiracy. For me, believing the US admin were responsible would be more "comforting" then the official version.

I could almost agree with you except for one little detail.

Men have been sent to the electric chair on less circumstantial evidence than this.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:41 PM
looking for? Nothing. I'm questioning the conspiracy (by the US) version of events. If the evidence holds water then i'll change my view.

What's been offered up so far as "evidence" of a conspiracy has more holes then the official version.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:44 PM
whaaa. That's not proof of involvement of 9/11. Interesting, but that's all.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:44 PM
People conspire, that’s what they do. Its just opportunism and backstabbing in modern society.

"If we break the law together for equal gain, and no one knows about it, and there’s a good chance we'll pull it off, then why not?"

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 01:48 PM
Yandros - i believe in Conspiracies, those where the evidence is overwhelming. Like the long term crimes against humanity inflicted on Africa by policies designed to keep them poor and stop them progressing.

It's 9/11 i don't believe, the evidence isn't there.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Steel Penguin
looking for? Nothing. I'm questioning the conspiracy (by the US) version of events. If the evidence holds water then i'll change my view.

What's been offered up so far as "evidence" of a conspiracy has more holes then the official version.

Dear Steel Penguin,

Do you really think we have been shown any "official version" that is worth sending yourself or someone's children overseas based upon? Would you send someone you loved dearly overseas to Afghanistan and then Iraq to fight the "war on terrorism" based upon what is called an "official version"?

Although you may be unaware of it on the surfsce, you are subconsciously doubting the "official version" which is one reason why you are here. For every man, woman and child can sense that something is inherently wrong and it is also that same sense that brought you here. There are no official closures and the administration will do nothing to help aliviate your concerns, or rather they do little to bring you some sense of lasting peace and trust. The natural reactionary impulse that frustrates you, is that they are so brazen about this lie, that No-one could possibly stare you in the face and lie.

I tell you they do it daily with a straight face.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:12 PM
So you don't consider this to be evidence?

I wrote in a previous post:

How do you explain the molten steel under the towers? Jet fuel does not melt structural steel under any circumstances. These are the laws of physics, not some random guideline.

Maximum burning temperature of jet fuel: 980 °C
Melting point of steel: around 1371 °C

Structural steel has an even higher melting point.

[edit on 23-4-2007 by Yandros]

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:17 PM
Thanks for the reply Sweft.

9/11 isn't the defining issue for me where Afghanistan and Iraq are concerned. The Taliban should have been destroyed before they started. 96' was the key year for me, withdrawal of intelligence gathering and support to allies in that country was the big mistake. I have no problem with the current war there.

Iraq, nothing to do with 9/11, don't care if he had a nuclear bomb or an air rifle, he still had to go. It's funny that people i used to chat with and support when they were calling for action in Iraq in the mid-ninties and shout about human rights abuses changed there tune when it was clear the US were going to lead the way.

As for the rest, people lie to my face daily. I'm not naive to government manipulation, lies and spin.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Yandros
So you don't consider this to be evidence?

I wrote in a previous post:

How do you explain the molten steel under the towers? Jet fuel does not melt structural steel under any circumstances. These are the laws of physics, not some random guideline.

Maximum burning temperature of jet fuel: 980 °C
Melting point of steel: around 1371 °C

Structural steel has an even higher melting point.

[edit on 23-4-2007 by Yandros]

Intriguing, but not concrete evidence (excuse the pun).

My Dad and Grandad were both firmen with 48 yrs service between them. One thing i am sure of where fire is concerned - expect the unexpected, things don't always go by the rule book. Neither of them saw anything suspicious with the collapse.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:23 PM
Sorry that should have been Sweftl337, not Sweft.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:33 PM

Intriguing, but not concrete evidence (excuse the pun).

My Dad and Grandad were both firmen with 48 yrs service between them. One thing i am sure of where fire is concerned - expect the unexpected, things don't always go by the rule book. Neither of them saw anything suspicious with the collapse.

The laws of physics are considered to be concrete evidence in a court of law. Are you passing judgment by some higher proprietary standard?

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 02:40 PM
I couldn't care what's evidence in a court of law. Questions or discrepancy don't automatically follow to being a conspiracy.

As a side note, a few years back while at work, i watched a 35 ton crane rail snap, it literally snapped under the weight it carried.

Everybody there, from engineers to health and safety officers all agreed that what happened couldn't have happened. They were stumped and never found a satisfactory explanation.

Nothing in the scale of a tower, granted, interesting anomaly though.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Steel Penguin
Yet still no link to Iraq. If they can't even get the basics of a conspiracy correct then i can't see why people are worried. If the US administration are responsible for 9/11 then it's the most poorly planned and inept ploy to date.

I see no evidence of a conspiracy or compliance from the US admin.

Yes i guess your right 19 terrorist can pull off 911 but our best special ops can not.

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