posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 09:59 AM
You know I've asked myself many of the same questions. Although I am not an astrophysicist, I have wondered why it seems like we are just confirming
old theories over and over and over... perhaps just because it's interesting to see just how strong a theory is?
Sure, we have made some technological progress in the past few decades but I don't think it even comes close to what my grandparents witnessed in
their lifetimes. I mean, even if the leaps we must make are greater than those made before (back to bow & arrow analogy) why must the discrete steps
in progress over time be fixed? (previous progress = leaps/time --> current progress = bigger leaps/more time)? Is our progress rate fixed per unit of
time? Now I realize that new hypotheses come and go but the accumulation of new theories seems relatively fixed. String theory --> M theory --> etc.
All in search of the TOE!
Just why
is it taking so long for us to figure this out? I only wish I had a stronger background in mathematics so I could truly understand the
conflict between quantum physics and cosmology! For now, all I can do is grasp a basic, superficial understanding of the conceptual conflicts. I love
Michio Kaku's books but reading them just generates a hunger for more...a deeper understanding of the universe... what the heck is taking so long?
Upward, but not outward... forwards/backwards, left/right, up/down, past/future...? If mathematics can depict it, why is it so hard to reach it? Okay,
so an old theory still holds true. Great! But what have we discovered lately? I don't think the government is keeping everything from us per se, but
I do think that science needs to be more accessible to the general public (holding the purse strings) if they are ever going to keep making progress.
Repeating easy-to-express concepts bores most people. People need to hear about new discoveries, in fresh, thrilling, yet accurate ways or risk
falling into obscurity.
By the way, I have nothing but the deepest respect for Einstein.
New-age ideas are a distraction.
Multiple 1-line posts are only good for one thing...