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The Growing White House Email Conspiracy

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posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 02:19 PM
So what big deal, its not like any sort of relevant investigation is going to tighten the noose on thee reckless criminals. They will just get away with Scott free like they always do and ill spend another night fighting with my family over how im not crazy and 9/11 WAS a inside job!

SO seriously who even cares anymore, there are not enough people with spines in this country to serve the justice that this BS requires

The agenda marches one step forward closer to there NWO (that doesn’t exist).

[edit on 13-4-2007 by Chicagofreedomfighter]

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
From what I've been reading about this affair, it is illegal if you work for the White House, Congress, or the Judiciary. Any email communication between staffers that touches on even a small aspect of thier responsibilities must be retained.

You are referring to the professional protocols that are in place at all levels of government. Ethical standards which make sense, but are not adhered to.

It you watch what happens over the coming weeks and months, you'll see that the congress won't be able to do much by way of retalliation for the missing material or the off-site comms. Recent testimony by White House records officials before the House committee on government reform makes it quite clear that the official record has already been cleansed. We may see some half-hearted attempts to gain access to off-site comms, but that won't amount to much once the lawyers get involved.

If those challenges do go anywhere, expect to see equipment or files go missing due to accident or clerical error. If somebody on the IT staff has an axe to grind with the administration, you might see a leak...but I do doubt that. I, too, would like to think that our leaders might act with some integrity. In this case, I know better.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by loam
Frankly, why doesn't Congress just demand that the NSA and the appropriate telecom entity provide a copy of the deleted emails in question.

Judging by your post, I'm thinking you were speaking in jest or sarcasm, but just in case you weren't: The NSA is not chartered for domestic surveillance; as for Telecoms, it would depend on which or any telecom servers were involved. If these emails were sent with the intent of never being recovered, I would doubt they would use public or even privately held telecom servers.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Justin Oldham

There will come a time when the Federal work force is more closely monitored than it already is, but the fact is that politicians will always have an "out." As technologies change, they will continue to have flexible options that you may know won't be able to touch them.

Im sure I will be hated for this but...

Didnt 9/11 increase defense budgets so that the "...time when the Federal work force is more closely monitored than it already is..." will come sooner. Even in the official DARPA Overview they say on page 1 part 2 section 2.1 that they "...; protect them from red tape;...". Current 'sticky situations' for the U.S. government need to be overcome[hidden or destroyed] so that these 'better systems' can emerge. This all has to happen without enemy spys seeing our agenda.

If 9/11 was an inside job it would certainly need to be able to pass "red tape". Saving official documents would risk a possible leak and revolution. This country would turn to shambles and reslut in MANY more deaths than the current war and attacks combined. Without properly run military industrial infastructure we would be a fish in a bucket trying to handle the homeland crisis. This is bigger than hip hop as Dead Prez may say and I believe many Americans dont realize the threat to our Pax Americana.

Just think. We all know the majority of Americans want to help solve the issue of world peace. Regardless of this, large masses and even nuclear capiable countries want ALL of us dead. We are grouped as ALL evil and even saints will die by these enemy hands.

9/11 gave us the upper hand in preventing known holes in defense from staying that way for long. We can only do so much with the budget and after Clinton defense was a clear target of funding reduction. Combating white collar crimes and still funding attempts to plug 'possible holes' can only go so far before someone capitalizes on this internal weakness.

Since 9/11, insanely awesome and uniformly networked communications are pluging holes and catching corruption before they go to far. Granted, the world is large and enough time and money must be spent to catch 'holes' in the system which is a trial and error process. Im not saying things are completly right but for the amount of hatred towards us im just glad we havent collapsed yet due to internal turmoil or that daily bombings and foreign insurgents are not what us truely privilaged,as a country, must face.

Before 9/11 I was braindead and a puppet to MTV.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Justin Oldham

There will come a time when the Federal work force is more closely monitored than it already is, but the fact is that politicians will always have an "out." As technologies change, they will continue to have flexible options that you may know won't be able to touch them.

I’m sure I will be hated for this but...

Didn’t 9/11 increase defense budgets so that the "...time when the Federal work force is more closely monitored than it already is..." will come sooner. Even in the official DARPA Overview they say on page 1 part 2 section 2.1 that they "...; protect them from red tape;...". Current 'sticky situations' for the U.S. government need to be overcome[hidden or destroyed] so that these 'better systems' can emerge. This all has to happen without enemy spies seeing our agenda.

If 9/11 was an inside job it would certainly need to be able to pass "red tape". Saving official documents would risk a possible leak and revolution. This country would turn to shambles and result in MANY more deaths than the current war and attacks combined. Without properly run military industrial infrastructure we would be a fish in a bucket trying to handle the homeland crisis. This is bigger than hip hop as Dead Prez may say and I believe many Americans don’t realize the threat to our Pax Americana.

Just think. We all know the majority of Americans want to help solve the issue of world peace. Regardless of this, large masses and even nuclear capable countries want ALL of us dead. We are grouped as ALL evil and even saints will die by these enemy hands.

9/11 gave us the upper hand in preventing known holes in defense from staying that way for long. We can only do so much with the budget and after Clinton defense was a clear target of funding reduction. Combating white collar crimes and still funding attempts to plug 'possible holes' can only go so far before someone capitalizes on this internal weakness.

Since 9/11, insanely awesome and uniformly networked communications are plugging holes and catching corruption before they go to far. Granted, the world is large and enough time and money must be spent to catch 'holes' in the system which is a trial and error process. I’m not saying things are completely right but for the amount of hatred towards us I’m just glad we haven’t collapsed yet due to internal turmoil or that daily bombings and foreign insurgents are not what us truly privileged, as a country, must face.

Before 9/11 I was brain dead and a puppet to MTV.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 03:14 PM
They can possibly have their own exchange or (similar) network for the so called "sneaker net". I don't know how it's setup within the U.S. government, but I can be sure that if the 'private' connections are via a public ISP or Telecom provider that that ISP or telecom is getting a kickback or benefit somehow, and that everything will be conveniently lost as well.

As for the government e-mails. Like said above.. Once they're overwritten, they're gone. That's how it works, and it's very simple. The only hope is a wistleblower with some backup tapes to come out in the open, which has a 0.00001% chance of happening anyway.

Laws will have to be analysed and changed to prevent this in the future (small HDD etc...), but with the current two parties in congress not a darn thing is going to happen.

It's a conspiracy, but one that seems to be already a lost cause.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 04:15 PM
One would almost think that cracking this case might require a conspiracy of its own. The conspiracy I wrote about did in fact use its own ISP and telecom services as legitimate fronts. There are dozens upon dozens of small telecomms in the D.C. metro area, and none of them could possibly have enough civilian traffic to justify their presence.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 04:23 PM
I have always suspected the Bush administration of having tiny hard drives.

Originally posted by Justin Oldham
You are referring to the professional protocols that are in place at all levels of government. Ethical standards which make sense, but are not adhered to.

You mean like the right to vote, without electronic interference. Why didn't Gore challenge that Florida thing?

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
The only hope is a wistleblower with some backup tapes to come out in the open, which has a 0.00001% chance of happening anyway.

I would think the chance would be bigger than that. As I said in another thread on the same topic, I keep all my emails. I do it because I want back up if I ever have to prove why I did what I did and because I have nothing to hide.

With all the power brokering that takes place in DC, I would imagine that some one has personally kept some important, relevant email and is waiting for the right time to use them. Two ways to use them. One, hold them over someones head in order to get their vote on or support behind a bill (blackmail). Two, use them to screw somebody who screwed you. Rove and others have probably screwed plenty of people. Hopefully one of them kept some of these emails and is mad enough to leak them.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 04:29 PM
Well, I think the heat just got turned up to high. It will be extremely interesting to see what is going to transpire. I can see many sacrificial lambs on this mess, unless they do one of their phony probes and investigation.

Skeptic this is really great stuff I am going to be following this one for sure.

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

From what I've been reading about this affair, it is illegal if you work for the White House, Congress, or the Judiciary. Any email communication between staffers that touches on even a small aspect of thier responsibilities must be retained.

I know it's far less strict for lower levels of civil employment... but not these guys.

[edit on 13-4-2007 by Realtruth]

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 05:22 PM
I have been keeping one ear on this. I see now why 630 WMAL has push the Imus issue so hard this week. This radio station has yet to bring up this. I bet if this involved Democrats then this station could not keep this issue on long enough. Skeptic I'm glad you brought this up. Next week I will keep a close ear as to see if WMAL breaks this story.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 05:46 PM
Latest word...a dog ate Rove's emails

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 06:11 PM
check out this article, if they did do someting to destroy the e-mails then that in itself could be proof of "something nefarious"

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 06:17 PM
Missing E-Mails messing with a Democrat fishing expedition over fired attorneys who serve at the pleasure of the President?

Who cares?

I am now thinking Alberto Gonzalez should be fired. Not for firing the attorneys, but for being so inept in handling this simple situation.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 06:31 PM
Shouldnt be long before a scapegoat is found and paraded before the masses, the real perpetrators then come out smelling like roses', thats the way these things generally work.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 07:55 PM
It is my hope that the people who come in to contact with this issue will learn something from it. Each time stuff like this happens, it needs to be talkedabout as more proof over the overall trend that makes up the conspiracy. Corporations do this kind of thing all the time. You can bet that when Haliburton moves their board of directors and records to Dubai, they will still be cleansed.

I was a mnor civil servant, and I did do stuff like this all the time. My point? if it is beoing done at the lowest levels, you know it's being done at the top. Records administratiors and IT get put under a lot of pressure when they refuse to "accomodate." I don't think this is a problem that laws can cure. It is, at best, an ethical problem that can be lessened by higher standards of professional conduct.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 09:42 PM
The really sad part about this whole ordeal is that it comes as no surprise to me.

I've totally lost faith in our government...and I mean totally.

It is sad to see what our government has become.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 09:48 PM
Each passing day i have more and more respect for Richard Nixon.

He was a lier, defeated and stepped down.

Ahhh, those were the good old days.

Its time for a fast change.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 10:07 PM
As jaded as we are, we must still continue our vigilence. As long as there are even a few of us talking about the centralizaton of power, there's a chance that someone who thinks like we do will one day be bump in to what we've published, posted, or pointed out over casual converation.

The people in power have long since made the assumption that WE would not use our time, money, or free speech to stop them. It's true that people like Diane Feinstein are getting away with a lot, but...these guys and gals haven't beaten us just yet.

We COULD still beat them. In the end, I think we will because even if we do nothing, they will crash the system. The resulting backlash and reforms that follow will have the potential to make this country an even better place to live and pursue our freedoms and happiness. Some times, teh only way to learn is by doing. If we as a nation must suffer through this humiliation, I'll keep on hoping that we could learn from it.

If nothing else, my time spent as a Conspiracy Master will make me qualifedto plot and scheme agains the weasels who plot and scheme against therest of us.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 10:49 PM
This is unbelievable! How can they get away with this? I to have comeplety lost faith in the Head of our government. Rove is evil in my opinion, he has ulterior motives.

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