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David Adair - Rocket Scientist Claims He Touched Living UFO at Area 51

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posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 04:15 PM
Don't know if this was added yet

Coart 2 Coast interview 15 - 10 minute segments No video

UFOs and Area 51: David Adair Pt.1

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 04:35 PM
Not sure if this has been posted

UFOs and Area 51: David Adair Pt.1

15 part series from Coast to Coast in audio

David Adair & the Symbiotic Alien UFO Engine Part 1

as in "Moya" from Farscape Five Parts

[edit on 27-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 05:39 PM
I'll go through it but if I find he is making any money from the claims then it's bunk. Some of these retired guys need extra cash so use their past. "I worked for NASA and they are hiding -this this and this.. subscribe to my website, buy tickets to my conference and get the book!"

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

Okay.... so why haven't we had fusion rockets even for small things like missles, eh? If the government saw it, they'd want it. He couldn't hold onto a secret like that.

Possibly because if we used such things openly, it would be like showing our hand.

The government deals in psychology when it comes to the Military Industrial Complex. They don't comment on most things, and what you get is a mix of information and disinformation. Why? Well, information comes from true whistle blowers. The disinformation comes from the system that wants to, at times, bolster the belief that the US has some hidden "WOW" technology that will melt their eyeballs and eat their children. They want people to believe we have a bomb that unleashes the boogeyman. On the other hand, they also don't want the true extent of our capability to be they try to discredit the "real" stories via disinfo.

Not saying that this is what happened in this case...but it is the obvious answer to your question, madam.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by contemplator
I'll go through it but if I find he is making any money from the claims then it's bunk.

I do not see a price tag on the 2 hour Coast 2 Coast show linked to, nor on the five part Youtube videos

But if that is your criteria for finding truth, quite frankly you are a fool.

TV, Newspapers, the Library and even ATS make a living bringing you books and info that someone wrote and most library books including encyclopedias are not free. By your 'standards' any scientist who ever published a paper that is sold on sites like Springer link, Harvard or any other research paper provider would also be bunk

Steven Hawking sells books to make a living and does lectures that he gets paid for Is his material then bunk?

Show me one scientist who has NOT written a book and I will show you a scientist who is unknown

Jim Oberg and Phil Plait sell books and do paid lectures debunking stuff... why are you not on their case

Why is it only in the UFO field that this is even an issue?

Keep on laughing it up... enjoy your bliss

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
Okay.... so why haven't we had fusion rockets even for small things like missles, eh? If the government saw it, they'd want it. He couldn't hold onto a secret like that.

Possibly more would know about it if it wasn't dumped down to skunk works

..sometimes I wonder why I bother

January 1987....
SOAR: Space Orbiting Advanced Fusion Power Reactor
University of Wisconsin-Madison Fusion Department
Pegasus Document Release #002

The preconceptual design of a Space Orbiting Advanced Fusion Power Reactor (SOAR), which delivers up to 1000 MWe for at least 600 s from an orbited mass of about 500 tonnes, was accomplished. The power is produced by a magnetically confined D-3He plasma. Approximately 96% of the fusion energy is in charged particles, and a direct converter has been designed which converts much of this energy into electricity at high net efficiency (about 80%). An advanced shield design allows SOAR to deliver approximately 2 kilowatts of electricity for every kilogram of material orbited. The shield is designed to absorb all rejected heat during operation, and no active radiator is required. The SOAR reactor concept is designed to allow rapid startup and shutdown procedures. The lack of radioactivity on launch and the low radioactive inventory after operation make the SOAR concept attractive from maintenance, safety and environmental perspectives. The plasma physics approach extrapolates from the present plasma physics and fusion technology knowledge base using concepts which can be tested on existing or near-term devices. The symbiosis of burst mode requirements, D-3He tandem mirror fusion reactor characteristics, and the space environment leads to a very high performance design concept.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information, OSTI, U.S
US Department of Energy
Energy Citation Database

PUBLIC documents from 22 years ago

Skunkworks indeed... no wonder you guys never know what's going on

Silly Lemmings

[edit on 27-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 08:16 PM
Two reasons it is bunk.

1. He's involved with Greer, the master of the UFO gravy train
2. He dangled the carrot which is always the give away! His handler Greer has taught him well. The claim of 'more to come' is stated by this guy in typical Greer fashion. I guess he'll spill the beans at one of Greers $500 per ticket "summits" bwa ha! I'm 'not allowed' to talk to the press yet.

This is horse sh** folks. I can't believe it's even considered, there is an absolute 110% lack of evidence. He can build a speed of light rocket engine? Wow, his rocket can go that fast.. can he tell us what metals were used in the rocket to keep it from melting as it approached Mach100


posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by contemplator
can he tell us what metals were used in the rocket to keep it from melting as it approached Mach100

There is no Mach 100 in space as Mach numbers are based on speed of sound, which only applies within the atmosphere

No one would open up a light speed drive in near Earth orbit. Even Star Trek has impulse engines

If an astronaut in space had a flashlight and pointed it away from himself...
given he lived forever and the battery did not run out he would eventually reach the speed of light

Last I checked the flashlight was not invented by a rocket scientist

And if you don't understand how that relates to ion drives and fusion reactors, go buy a book

[edit on 27-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by zorgon

The guy claimed his rocket went to Area51 and landed there faster than anything man made had ever flown, that you could not even see it take off. Must of had some good computing to adjust for that kind of speed and hit a target with ease, back in the 70's!

I love the Stephen Hawking bit too.. drop a famous name.. ooooh ahhhh.. hawking... instant credibility!

[edit on 27-6-2009 by contemplator]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 05:23 PM
I listend to the Art Bell interview, and the Youtube videos on David Adair, and as much as I wanted to believe his story, he said a few things that leave me in doubt.

He claimed the cows lined at the edge of the dugout hole, looking down watching him while he was firing his rocket. One of the cows was looking the other way - which was trampled and killed by the stampede of the frightened herd.

How would he have known a cow was looking the other way and not watching (from his vantage he was way down in a hole). Even though cattle to get frightened, they run around objects and don't trample each other when frightened. Besides they were lined around a hole, and would not have run towards one cow after the rocket was fired.

Mr. Adair claimed that he gets all his information from his dreams. I sincerely believe he believes his own story, but he suffers from believing his lively dreams are reality. I must conclude that the story is not truth in anything but in his dreams. Interesting dreams however, and I thoroughly enjoyed his story, as colorful as he paints it.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by desertseer1
Mr. Adair claimed that he gets all his information from his dreams. I sincerely believe he believes his own story, but he suffers from believing his lively dreams are reality. I must conclude that the story is not truth in anything but in his dreams.

He’s referring to the hypnagogic problem-solving visualization process that happens when your mind is completely fixated for a prolonged time on a complex problem. If you’ve ever worked intensely and obsessively on theoretical physics, this state will be very familiar to you. It happens like this: on the way into or awaking from the dream state, you experience a kind of lucid quasi-dream state in which you can visualize concepts, machines, ideas etc and readily manipulate them – like a daydream but with a high degree of visual clarity and persistence. You can think of it as just a very, very deep state of contemplation where your own thoughts are projected in front of you like a hi-rez interactive real-time virtual reality simulator. And like a dream state, you’re often not even aware of what you’re doing until you realize something important and exciting, and you lurch into full consciousness, enthusiastically looking at all of the implications of your new way of looking at the problem. Similar moments can happen spuriously in the midst of R.E.M. sleep when you’re really deep in ‘the zone.’

I’m not saying this means that David Adair is telling the truth about everything, but those of you who think that finding answers in your dreams sounds too hokey to believe, simply aren’t familiar with this somewhat bizarre but fairly common experience of the obsessed creative mind.

Personally, I’d like to see someone in the region of Ohio where David Adair went to school as a child, look up relevant newspaper articles and such that may or may not confirm the parts of his story that should have a public paper trail - his science fair awards for example. Documenting the testimony of those who knew of military personnel visiting his family home would also be very valuable. Because ultimately opinions are useless, only facts are relevant.

If we can establish that what he told us about his pre-Groom Lake experiences is all true (which one previous poster seemed to indicate), then we'd have a reasonable basis in fact to give him the benefit of doubt on the rest.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by carnival_of_souls2047
Wow until this thread I have never heard of this guy before. Is he a real rocket scientist and if so is there a grain of salt truth to anything he claims? If it is true this one of the most fascinating stories of our lifetime. IF he's not telling the truth and this is some kind of profiteering involved I will be most disappointed. Sometimes it's difficult seperating the wheat from the chaff. Ineresting post -- thanks for heads up.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 02:27 AM
Just to make sure this gets seen, I posted to another thread but this is more recent; this is a link to a 2 hour radio interview with David Adair that's fascinating (slightly slow start talking about possible coming disasters and prepping, but stick with it), and a youtube video of one of his lectures, this one to a small UFO interest group:

posted on Feb, 28 2012 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by contemplator
reply to post by zorgon

The guy claimed his rocket went to Area51 and landed there faster than anything man made had ever flown, that you could not even see it take off. Must of had some good computing to adjust for that kind of speed and hit a target with ease, back in the 70's!

I love the Stephen Hawking bit too.. drop a famous name.. ooooh ahhhh.. hawking... instant credibility!

[edit on 27-6-2009 by contemplator]

He gives an excellent simple explanation using a protractor and stopwatch in one of his interviews on how he calculates speed and height; he was able to do it for his first ever rocket at age 10. (Hint: If you can build a rocket, you can figure trajectory and speed...) His Groom Lake launch was tracked by NORAD who gave them the stats on its speed and it landed right where he wanted it to.

As to the Stephen Hawking name dropping: Do you really think that if he hadn't met the guy, he'd be repeating that he had, several different times? It's too easy to refute. The truth of the matter is, geniuses in physics and rocket science don't come along every day; this was back when Hawking was still in pretty good health; it would have been a sin to not arrange for them to meet. Adair had the backing of some pretty powerful people and government money was used to build his rockets.

To another poster; check Adair's website; he displays many newspaper clippings and his awards. He was headed for a career in aerospace propulsion at university when he was drafted by the Navy; they wanted him to work on the rocket design that he had seen at GL; he refused and they compromised on other issues; he worked with NASA, was present during the Challenger disaster (and has a lot to say about that), and then started his own business adapting space shuttle technology to general use.

Oh, and the 'cow' comment. Pay attention. He said the cows learned to run if he ran out of the hole fast; I would imagine he got to the point where there was quite the lag on the trigger as his rockets grew in size and power. Those things were bombs when they went bad. He didn't stay down in the hole when it was set off.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 08:11 PM
First of all let set some things straight about what David Adair says in the videos and when he lived in the area where he grew up. He grew up just outside a small village of Mount Liberty, Ohio, about two hundred and fifty people live there. He went through the Centerburg school system with sixty-five graduating in 1972. To say he was a story teller then would be very true. He would talk about being beamed up and riding in spaceships and seeing all sorts of different kinds of life forms. Most of his classmates always thought he was a little strange with all the stories then. The last any of us knew what he was doing for a living, he was moving mobile homes for a company in North Carolina. In many of his videos on the web he stated that he had a by his own description, a work shop with all the equipment he need and only 500 yards from his home to do his rocket building. Back in the 1960 and 1970 no such building existed in Mount Liberty and none today exists. And as far of launching a rocket like the one he made, never happened. It stated in the Mount Vernon newspaper a shop call Docs Fixit made the skin for the rocket. And he made frame in shop class at high school. Think about it a minute, no school would have let a student do this. The fuel alone would have raised red flags, let alone the cost involved. And where does a 17 year old get the money and tech support to launch a rocket plus clearance from the FFA. Also in video he said when he launched the rockets they would land just feet from where it took off from. Wind alone would move it yards away, even with no wind on surface of ground. He stated that some farmers let him dig a hole twenty feet deep to do this rocket launching. If this were the case the smallest hole with a ten foot area at bottom would have been almost sixty foot across with forty five degree sides. Stated it was dug by a backhoe, this can be done but would several weeks, and cost would have been a lot of money for a 17 year old. Have been in this area and nowhere is there a hole or anything like that. Come on you could not miss a hole that size and also stated that four framers let him do this, and with livestock around I don’t think so. This is a small community and if this had happen don’t you think that word would have spread around, funny nobody knows anything about it in this area. He also talks of working in a house with a basement moved because of him blowing up the house, his parents were afraid. The house he grew up in was washed off it slab foundation in a flood. Nothing is left of the old gas station in which was next to the house where he did have some space stuff; we are not talking anything near what he claims. A mobile trailer sits on old slab foundation. He also claims his family was associated with NASCAR. Have looked using Google and Bing, never found anything with his family name with NASCARBut best is area 51, stated they took him out of school for two weeks when school was in. Talking to different classmates nobody remembers this. If is what he says he is would you not think that instead of doing lectures with a slide show he would be using a PowerPoint, video was made in 1997, Widows 95 was out then with PowerPoint, world class lecturers include all latest tech equipment. And slides shown were ones anybody could get. Would even bet he has never been out of the United States and never has had a passport. Internationally recognized experts in space technology spinoff applications for industry and commercial would be better known and promote themselves like he does. At 19 stated he won” Outstanding in the Field of Engineering Sciences" from the Air Force, there is no record of this on their web site. With a little investigation and thinking you can see right through this as what it is. Will say in the videos he did make people laugh with stories, and that is what they are, stories. Have known him for years have not seen him for years, and was not surprised to see him promote himself as something he is not. As far as any classmates know he has not had any formal education besides high school and was just a barely average student then. Before anybody gets the idea any of his claims are true, do a little looking on internet and you can see for own self none of this is true. He is a legend in his own mind.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:22 PM
Kronos stating the indians know all about them is silly. My grandmother was full blooded crow and she didnt know about them nor do any of the native americans i know.

Onto the op. Strictly based off voice stress and pantomimes he is misrepresenting himself more often than not. Based on his technical knowledge he is misrepresenting himself. Throw in Greer and out goes all credibility.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 11:11 AM

Kronos stating the indians know all about them is silly. My grandmother was full blooded crow and she didnt know about them nor do any of the native americans i know.

Lumping all of the Native American tribes into your Grandmother's is even more silly, not to mention assuming your Grandmother (or the few Native Americans you know) is somehow linked to every Native American and has access to their memory/knowledge...

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by SKUNK2

Did you try adding north or native american Indian to the word? It will broaden your horizons.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 12:59 PM

So if these engines are living how do they have babies?

And how do you tell a male engine from a female engine?

Oh, and I think this story is BS too.

I sincerely hope that's not the only thing you've used as a foundation for your disbelief in Adair's story, because it's really a pretty shallow argument. Especially coming from a 911 "truther." (judging by your avatar) Don't get me wrong, I don't believe we've been told the truth about 911 either.

On the other hand, you do realize (I hope) that there are indeed living things that do not have gender designation, much less reproduce capabilities, which are usually "created" by other intelligent living things.

A good example would be GMOs and/or genetically modified crops. The whole reason the farmers have to go back to Monsanto to buy new seed stock every year is due to the fact that the GMO crops are designed to not have the capability to reproduce, yet they live.

On top of that, I don't think that Adair ever made any claims that the spacecraft/engine he examined at Area 51 had a sexual designation or the ability to reproduce.

It's been years since I listened to his interview, but I think he described it as being "symbiotic" in nature which implies that it's functions are somewhat dependent upon it's interaction with another living organism. Not only would this be advantageous to the intelligent live form that created it, but there are also many examples of this phenomena in nature.

Look at it this way, aircraft of old used direct linkage between the cockpit controls and the control surfaces to maneuver. Nowadays, most have converted to "fly-by-wire" technology which replaces the direct linkage with electronic signals being sent along wires to actuators, that in turn move the control surfaces. The next logical step would be to created symbiotic machines that are directly interlinked with our mental thought process, eliminating the need for cockpit controls, wiring and actuators. The reason for taking this logical "next step" is to reduce what is called "feedback control time," which enables machines to perform feats that no human can.

Here's an amazing video that is a good example of what I'm talking about; (Just watch what his quad-copters can do when feedback control time is reduced)

Anyway, I happen to believe that Adair is telling the truth.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 05:48 PM


Anyway, I happen to believe that Adair is telling the truth.

From what I've been able to gather, he was the town liar growing up. Why would you believe anything he says, especially with no proof?
edit on 27-1-2014 by LogicalRazor because: (no reason given)

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