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Why is my girlfriend so dumb?

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posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 12:31 AM

if she seems to have a lower IQ than everyone else you've met. It's not wonder the world is so [V], people are

Thats if she has an IQ at all..maybe like -1? I mean, once you start thinking crocodiles live forever, ya know ya need some help..unless she is pulling an act, I mean, where the hell could she have gotten that idea?


[Edited on 1-1-2004 by WeBDeviL]

posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 12:39 AM
My wife is a dumb beautiful blond but I love her more then life itself. She knows nothing of history it took her 6 years to get her associates degree but she got it. 3 nights ago we watched gangs of New York she didn�t know anything about the civil war so what, I explained it. If she listens to you and you love her everything will be ok. If she�s a rabid bitch who thinks she�s always right when she�s not then you have problems. Bottom line no one is perfect period we all have faults but trust me the things you are complaining about I went thru also and I don�t regret it, or our beautiful daughter.

Btw she�s a optimist about everything never see's anything bad about anything. I�m a chronic pessimist so we compliment each other.

[Edited on 1-1-2004 by DiRtYDeViL]

posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 03:22 AM
After reading a few replies some people have got the wrong idea. Firstly, it is not an act, its how she is period. Secondly, I do not find her low IQ as a distraction. It does not bother me. I still love her, no matter how dumb she is. I did not mean to call her dumb, i just cant think of an alternative word - stupid sounds even worse. Maybe I should have said unintellectual???What word could I use?
Anyway, I dont think she has a memory problem. If she did then she wouldnt remember names, dates or phone numbers. It could be something to do with her synapses but Im not really sure. But i mean how hard is it to divide 110 by 2? I have come to the conclusion that if something is not directly involved with her, or does not affect her then she isnt interested. I guess which is why she knows a lot about beauty products, clothes, and hair styles and nutritious foods. Because all this she is involved with.
She is very girly, and material. She really is sensitive about her appearence and loves to do herself up. I just dont think that anything outside her world has meaning. She would find the latest fashion at Jeans West more interesting than the latest terror attack. It is ironic in that she is very clever at disguising her lack of intelligence to people, she somehow manages to avoid intellectual conversations. And she gets really defensive when I try to discuss it with her, so if I want to help her overcome it she would deny there is a problem. But like I said, it does not bother me she is like this, I was just curious as to why she is the way she is.

posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by WestAussie
After reading a few replies some people have got the wrong idea. Firstly, it is not an act, its how she is period. Secondly, I do not find her low IQ as a distraction. It does not bother me. I still love her, no matter how dumb she is. I did not mean to call her dumb, i just cant think of an alternative word - stupid sounds even worse. Maybe I should have said unintellectual???What word could I use?
Anyway, I dont think she has a memory problem. If she did then she wouldnt remember names, dates or phone numbers. It could be something to do with her synapses but Im not really sure. But i mean how hard is it to divide 110 by 2? I have come to the conclusion that if something is not directly involved with her, or does not affect her then she isnt interested. I guess which is why she knows a lot about beauty products, clothes, and hair styles and nutritious foods. Because all this she is involved with.
She is very girly, and material. She really is sensitive about her appearence and loves to do herself up. I just dont think that anything outside her world has meaning. She would find the latest fashion at Jeans West more interesting than the latest terror attack. It is ironic in that she is very clever at disguising her lack of intelligence to people, she somehow manages to avoid intellectual conversations. And she gets really defensive when I try to discuss it with her, so if I want to help her overcome it she would deny there is a problem. But like I said, it does not bother me she is like this, I was just curious as to why she is the way she is.

If it does not bother you then why did you make it come off as you are annoyed by it? I honestly say break up with her before you hurt both yourself and her. because it seems as if you ARE annoyed by it. The fact that you post what she's like on a forum that has 400 visitors a day, as if you just want to get it all off your chest prove's it.

So let me tell you why she is the way she is. She grew up differently then you. She grew up worrying more about her friends. She cared more about where her boyfriend or friend's or other people she cared about is on the map, rather then where africa is. Her speach is different too because maybe she grew up in a different place, or maybe her parents talked different. Or maybe its the way someone else talked and she decided she would talk like that too. maybe its just an accent. Do you know if she was home schooled or a drop out? Considering you put it on the education forum, maybe you thought she was not educated enough and that could be. I think that you should stop worrying about how YOU were educated and start looking at it in her point of view. get out of your own shoes and put yourself in her's for a second.

[Edited on 1-1-2004 by DerekpacIsAlive]

posted on Jan, 1 2004 @ 06:08 AM

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by NotTooHappy

that was uh... pretty harsh.

Mod Edit - removed quoted material that was removed.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by WeBDeviL

if she seems to have a lower IQ than everyone else you've met. It's not wonder the world is so [V], people are

Thats if she has an IQ at all..maybe like -1? I mean, once you start thinking crocodiles live forever, ya know ya need some help..unless she is pulling an act, I mean, where the hell could she have gotten that idea?


[Edited on 1-1-2004 by WeBDeviL]

She quite ppossibly could have like an 80 IQ or something.... also something to think about... people who grew up with chronic ear infections as childern sometimes have a speach developmental deficit.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 07:00 AM
Sorry I havent got a pic, but I mean im not discussing her looks, just her intelligence. She looks like your typical golden aussie gal if you must know. Anyway, I just like to thank everyone for their varied replies and theories. Its been really helpful. Time to wrap up this post, no need to discuss it any further. The bottom line is that, her low IQ is something I accept and if it doesnt interfere in our relationship, then its not so bad (except when we argue and all she can reply back is "so" or "whatever" whenever i make a valid point. So thanks again people for your insight.

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 08:15 AM

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Todeskopf


posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by WestAussie
Sorry I havent got a pic, but I mean im not discussing her looks, just her intelligence. She looks like your typical golden aussie gal if you must know. Anyway, I just like to thank everyone for their varied replies and theories. Its been really helpful. Time to wrap up this post, no need to discuss it any further. The bottom line is that, her low IQ is something I accept and if it doesnt interfere in our relationship, then its not so bad (except when we argue and all she can reply back is "so" or "whatever" whenever i make a valid point. So thanks again people for your insight.

Heh, sound's like my g/f. I think that's a woman thing. They know the word's "so" and "whatever" piss men off. I just got in an arguement with my g/f a few day's ago (and she's actually pissed but...) all she would reply with is "whatever". Didn't matter what I said. Then she would start a sentence and be like "I was going to... whatever. you know what derek? whatever!". That is the most annoying word in the book and she know's it pisses me off. She's also not that intelligent, I mean she doesn't have speach problem's it's just that I have a hard time holding a conversation with her sometimes because the only thing she knows about is the whole dating game and what to wear and what not. She actually made me write a list out of what to buy a girl for christmas so I didn't get her something that wasn't clothing or perfume (oh and don't get your girlfriends make up guys, I guess it supposedly makes them feel ugly). Everything I said sarcastically she'd make me write on the list, that got annoying. Besides that she's a pretty funny girl and fun to be with.

So I can understand you. The main thing I want from her is just to be with her, I don't care how low her IQ is as long as she's smart enough to respect me and understand me. She gives some helpful advice despite how stupid she comes off as sometimes. Sometimes I wonder why she can be/sound so stupid too. Although I'm pretty sure she know's where Africa is on a map

Anyway's that is my final 2 cents. Now we'll "wrap" it up if you want.

[Edited on 2-1-2004 by DerekpacIsAlive]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 07:35 PM
yo trust me i feel you. i have a girlfriend i feel i cant have an intelligent conversation with. i ask her a question and she goes off on some tamgemt, never answers the original question i asked her and then ends up asking me the same question or finishes and thinks she answered my question when she never really did. I feel like i cant ask her anything cause i know what im gonna get. also, everything she says starts with "ummmmmmmmm...." ummmmm this ummmmmm that, she just numbs my mind with so many umms and nothing concrete. i feel like i put my mind on auto pilot when were around eachother. what i mean is that I don't even try to think about what im gonna say or what she is saying because it is always just soo dumb. dont worry bro, i got it pretty bad too, shes hott ( a dancer, perfect figure) but she sucks at everything else. plays sports at a 2nd grade level, cant cook, too lazy to clean, and cant ever pick up on my emotional signals.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by John Nada
Well if you spend all your time picking out all these bad points about her then whey the hell are you going out with her? Posting all this about her on a public site shows a complete lack of respect for her, and if she knew what was good for her she'd dump your ass as quick as possible.

I agree- it explains why she would be with you, as well. A woman of normal intellect would not let you treat them with such contempt. Why don't you try to help her become more educated rather than degrade her?

BTW: I think that if your examples are true she may actually have a disablilty of some kind that has not been diagnosed- hardly her fault.

punctuation edit

[edit on 29-7-2008 by raven bombshell]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Frostburner
.. my gf is the same way .. i always catch her staring off looking at nothing when were driving and what not.. and i will watch her for about 30 sec or a few min she does it a few times everytime we hang out .. and when i tell her about it later she doesnt remember staring off.. but when i catch her sometimes i tell her and she always says shes thinking about something intelligent.. lol shes so cute.. shes pretty much an airhead.. but is a good and caring person and has a very big heart..and has the best laugh.. other than her not being the brightest lightbulb.. its all good..


Read your post- whos an airhead? You two are made for each other. Really, read your stuff here, genius.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by WestAussie

Dude if its any consilation my girlfriend is just as dumb if not more. We live in the uk and after reading this i asked her 3 questions (1) What continent do we live in to which she answered the united kingdom. (2) Which is further away Austrailia or Luxemburg to which she answered Luxemburg. (3) How many cms in a metre to which she answere 12.... I am with you all the way as this is a daily occurance with her and it annoys the # out of me.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:49 AM

* She thinks minutes on a VHS cassete eg, 180,240,300 is to do with quality of the cassette, not the duration.

actually, she is right also. =) faster speeds mean more distance between tracks and there's less signal bleed, hence higher quality. it also reduces your record time though.

my wife says things sometimes that make my brain hurt. i don't dwell on it or think she's stupid for it though. she likes to substitute complicated words for easier ones - for example, in Everquest (i got her hooked on it) she calls Qeynos (pronounced Key-Nos) Quiznos. she's aware that she's doing it and we all think it's entertaining.

some possiblities to consider:

a)she has a learning disability
b)didn't care about school and never paid attention
c)school did not teach in a way that would let her learn effectively - some people learn through experience and fail at straight read-and-memorize routines
d)she had less than average opportunity to gain life experience

both my wife and I fall into b & c. The difference is when I was growing up I learned things on my own. She went out and gained a LOT of life experience. I always imagined myself marrying the intellectual geeky type because that's pretty much how i see myself. i went almost in the opposite direction. she was all into spirituality, moved all over the country, lived with all sorts of people - wherever life took her she went. we've been together for almost 7 years, we NEVER have shouting matches, we get along great, etc. we think of each other as our best friend. if you had asked me 10 years ago if i thought i would end up with her i would have doubted it. i did have to open my mind a bit when we started dating, but i thought of it more as a learning experience or adventure of sorts.

anyway, if you feel like you would need to struggle to deal with or overcome your concerns with her "stupidity" then i would advise you just let her go. not because she's "dumb", but because you probably don't have what it takes to hold up your end of the relationship.

if she's receptive then maybe you could build life experience with her and teach her things you think she should know along the way. that's a lot of what relationships are anyway. the biggest thing is whether or not you feel annoyed or burdened around her. as long as you have no reason to argue or dislike each other, you have a good foundation to build on.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by an0maly33]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 02:32 PM
sounds ok to me. does she have a sister? a member here is having a contest to win a date with him. maybe she would believe him. afterall anyone who thinks alligators live forever can't be all bad.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:36 PM
Here is an idea, why don't you show her this thread and tell her that you posted it and gee...tell her that it is about her. I don't think you will have the problem of a dumb girlfriend much longer, then you can go out and find one more to your intellectual liking. Maybe in a couple of months we might see thread from you about how your really smart girlfriend is so plain and ugly.
A quote from the Stones comes to mind ....
"you don't always get what you want..but you might get what you need".

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by WestAussie

If she's really as bad as you make her out to be why don't you just break up and get with a girl who knows geography and celebrities??

There are lots of fish in the sea!

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by WestAussie

lmao omg i have the same porb my g/f is super dumb i mean i fail classes and im smarter....let me kno if u figure out?

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