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jesus was a black man!!!

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posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:27 AM
Now I'm not an expert in the field of astrology, bun an inverted pentagram alliance below Venus in Pisces should ring a bell among the magi. Anyone here into astrology?


posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Ashlar
In order to revise history YOU need proof

Here is a description of Jesus:

Revelation 1
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

Nothing in that description looks like the current imposter of today who looks more like a Roman than anything.

There is no revision.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Ashlar
In order to revise history YOU need proof

I'm afraid it's the other way around my friend. The bible clearly says that Jesjuah cannot have looked like a Merovingean C�sar. Also funny that the first icons of "Jesus" came about just around the time of the Merovingean dynasty. And how the pope gave this French royal line the same blessing God gave David and Solomon is also interresting. The Merovingeans also had a tradition of boring a hole into the skulls of their kings in order to let the soul out after death. This is an ancient Tibetan custom. Hole in the head? "And one of the heads looked as though it had been wounded by sword...." It's also interresting to see how these Frankish kings look very much like the old Roman C�sars.......


posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:37 AM
Yeah, we need another "eikon" like I need another hole in the head.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:37 AM
yes, but that verse says his HEAD and his hair where white as snow.

His head being white, should we not assume that the rest of his body is white also.

It is man that created the difference between black and white, I dont think god sees the color of ones skin

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Ashlar
yes, but that verse says his HEAD and his hair where white as snow.

His head being white, should we not assume that the rest of his body is white also.

It is man that created the difference between black and white, I dont think god sees the color of ones skin

What kind of glasses are you using? It says his face shone like the Sun. Black people have a tendency of doing this when they are happy. May I suggest you both use a little time with an interlinear and study what the text really says?


[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Ashlar
yes, but that verse says his HEAD and his hair where white as snow.

His head being white, should we not assume that the rest of his body is white also.

It is man that created the difference between black and white, I dont think god sees the color of ones skin

LIKE WOOL! What race do you knw that has wooly hair? and his feet were brass! What color is BRASS? Stop with the selective reading.

If my icon's hair were white it would look just like wool!

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:40 AM
Yeah no offense but I'm still not convinced that Jesus was black. I don't know how white he was but he doesn't meet my definiton of black.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:42 AM
THENEO: Because the lie puts you at ease. If you were to disbelieve the lie then your whole thought process would be screwed.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:44 AM
"His HEAD and his hairs were WHITE LIKE wool, as WHITE AS snow"

Reading this verse as simply as i can, i find that the reference to wool and snow are used as color comparisons, not texture

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:47 AM

About how us whites came around in the first place. Look at this little fellow (the one on the other guy's shoulder). He is an African albino. They also have red eyes (eyes like fire) and their hair is like white wool.


posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Ashlar
"His HEAD and his hairs were WHITE LIKE wool, as WHITE AS snow"

Reading this verse as simply as i can, i find that the reference to wool and snow are used as color comparisons, not texture

Deny the truht, ok. It didn't say white like silk or white long hair. It said WOOL. And if that wasn't enough for you, his feet were like BRASS---WHAT COLOR IS BRASS?

(Try the same color as my icon.)

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 02:11 AM
your out a long way on this theory man.

The question i gotta ask you, is what would jesus achieve by being black?

so what if jesus looks like ceasar

dont you think the bible would be more clear on this point if it was of great importance.

What you have to accept is that civilisation arose with the arabs and in the middle east, and it was neither in europe or africa

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 02:51 AM
It really doesn't matter WHAT COLOR Jesus was. He came to preach to all the people in His area. In those days, they didn't discriminate by skin color. It was more along the lines of socail status and tribes.
You would all have something to think about if you could see me. I have been BOTH ...Black and White at different times in my life. (No, no relation to M. Jackson)
It was done by the Government and ETs....genetic manipulation.
Wouldn't it be funny if Jesus was a GREY????

Just joking, but you get the idea. Since MY color was changed, it makes no difference what anyone's color is any more. The technology exists to change skin color, type of hair, etc.


posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Cearbhall
You have gotten the Immaculate Conception wrong, it isn't about Jesus' conception, it is about Mary's our Lord's mother, conception. Catholics believe Mary wasn't born with original sin since she would be destined to carry our Lord and Saviour. God wanted a pure vessel for His Son.

Now quoting myself..

Imaculate conception, hmm magically Mary got pregnant. Jesus was an alien by definition as a being not of this world. Well he was half of this world then.

Check the logic of my sentence and what u said. Mary got pregnant from immaculent conception.. She conceived (got pregnant) WITH OUT sexual intercourse. THAT is what immaculent conception IS. Not Mary'S mother's conception that was earthly by sexual intercourse from Marys earthly Father.

Mary conceived from something not of this earth, as in alien. Jesus would then be half alien by definition when he was born from Mary. On the contradictory I am sure it could be said that Jesus being the Son of God and my saying he is half alien, then we are all alien having been created by God ourselves,, if we were, to which Im not sure if we may not have been the product of aliens messing with dna of something else. However:

To clarify perfectly my belief is that the one true God created all. This includes all Aliens as well as Angels and us.

Further if we can't accept our color differences on this Earth, then how are we to accept the aliens when they make themselves fully known in a few years. Perhaps the sooner they do the better. It will give us all a new focus as we all will be fighting some of the aliens due to them not all being nice lil creatures. Some of them probably eat us, they don't mind kidnapping us and having their way with us even now.
MJ = Majestic

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 02:46 PM
Thanks for the links Mikro. I will get onto this study immediately.
Just installed the fonts now actually

Hope I can search for the truth on my own, too. I have always said I wanted to research the Bible in its true form, but I have been unable to find out how up until now. Thanks alot!


posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Hamilton

Originally posted by Colonel
So, what is the real version?

There are no real versions except the originals written in their original languages. In other words, the correct one is Language, the Word. Buy a couple of Greek and Hebrew source texts (though it seems none of the books of the New Testament were actually written in Greek, but rather Aramaic) and buy a bunch of dictionaries, lexica and learn the languages. Then go and buy your self a bunch of almanacs, make yourself a bunch of blank starmaps without the constellations drwn in and without the Latin names. Also buy yourself a bunch of atlases, and old maps of the world, study the ancient texts of Mesopotamia and Egypt. And you would have great chances of making it. That's the only way to understand the bible. Buy gold from Jesjuah, not the Church. Meaning, clean sheets instead of beasts full of blasphemic names.


Is this what you have been doing? Wow man your really involved in finding the truth.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Well, its my understanding you can find God in a simplified manner. He doesn't amke it THAT hard for us.

somepeople have there own whay of doing it. This is how you get a genius to form.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Hamilton

About how us whites came around in the first place. Look at this little fellow (the one on the other guy's shoulder). He is an African albino. They also have red eyes (eyes like fire) and their hair is like white wool.


Yep sounds like jesus was an albino black man.Fits the discription as far as the hair and eyes go.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 08:35 PM
By the way that young Man below the child was originally meant to be called Thomas.


[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Hamilton]

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