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Possibly Space Weapon-Building Will Rotate Every 7 Days

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posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:43 PM

Truth be told you haven't even touched me with a taunt
for a first time yet. You can't get to second base without landing
a good stomp on first base yet.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:47 PM

I have seen how you are now clearly trying to back pedal.

You haven't even had the guts to touch the questions I raised back to you.

Back to psycobabble on your part. Did you call Zap out of sleeping to
help you because your debunking baloney was falling thru the
cracks and fizzlilng?

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:49 PM
And if anyone had to toss in the towel it was you Tom

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:54 PM


Ever hear of Silicon on Wafer Chips?

A nanoparticle size transittor varistor no wires needed.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:57 PM

The issue is that you have no understanding of the topics you're discussing, to the point that I can't carry on a rational conversation with you.

It's really tough to follow the flight of ideas/word salad thing too. Like that post about CMOS. Good lord.

I mean, I sometimes disagree with Neon Haze or MBKennel, but at least they can dish it out as well as take it, and you have to really be on your toes to stay in a geek fight with them. I respect John Lear while not knowing a lot of times if he's elaborately pulling my leg; he's always on the ball.

But you, admit it, you're not taking your geodon on schedule, are you? Or are you more of an abilify sort of guy?

edit: "transittor varistor" I knew clang was going to start pretty soon

[edit on 2-4-2007 by Tom Bedlam]

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 09:41 PM

What is geodon suppose to be. A metal vitamin supplement of something?

But I would have to assume since you know about it to bring it up in
some subject, it must be something you have forgot on your daily

And what you can't keep up with is your own debunking. You ran
out of the normal tinhat comments and now you have nothing left
other than to try and ignore the comment from me that addressed computer codes and so you pretend to turn your next comment into
something else and ignore the previous replys.

Because if you really addressed the previous replys you would be
blown so fast out of the water, that you would be asking your buddies
for a parachute.

See the truth is, we are speaking the truth. And when it comes
down to it, it is awful awful hard to debunk the truth with any
meaningful comeback with any stuttering lies to mislead the
truth from being heard.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:04 PM
so if haarp is nothing to do with shortwave radio, how come i can listen to it on HF?

if any of you actually understood anything about how radio worked, then the haarp website will show you exactly what they are doing, and guess what, get a shortwave radio and you can even keep an ear on them!

Its a very interesting project. Yes it could have some uses for military applications, but thats more do do with comms & jamming options, not causing earthquakes.

For goodness sake people, comment on what you understand, and don't make it up as you go along when you don't.

Do you think if the evil henchmen had a world destroying laser system they would send out QSL cards to radio enthusiasts, eh no.

Its funny that you people make up complete rubbish about haarp, but yet at the same time, you miss all the really interesting stuff that goes on round about it.

Thats fine, you continue living in your magical world of pixies and rayguns, ill go and listen to some real "numbers stations".

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:04 PM
so if haarp is nothing to do with shortwave radio, how come i can listen to it on HF?

if any of you actually understood anything about how radio worked, then the haarp website will show you exactly what they are doing, and guess what, get a shortwave radio and you can even keep an ear on them!

Its a very interesting project. Yes it could have some uses for military applications, but thats more do do with comms & jamming options, not causing earthquakes.

For goodness sake people, comment on what you understand, and don't make it up as you go along when you don't.

Do you think if the evil henchmen had a world destroying laser system they would send out QSL cards to radio enthusiasts, eh no.

Its funny that you people make up complete rubbish about haarp, but yet at the same time, you miss all the really interesting stuff that goes on round about it.

Thats fine, you continue living in your magical world of pixies and rayguns, ill go and listen to some real "numbers stations".

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:16 PM
and just which website and you trying to point the masses to.

The governments official HAARP Website by chance?

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:17 PM
Tom and Zap must of called this Cie guy out of sleeping too.

Those 2 guys knew they were had so now they are calling on the back
ups to come and attack me now.

I guess those boys have no guts so no glory.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:22 PM
Hey IE

You mean all the interesting stuff like fake contrails that do not
dissipate and instead have the chemical composition to expand
that are Xing our skies across America made up of the composition
for HAARP to do a bulge whether skyward or whether at Earth?

Or maybe the interesting stuff about faking clouds and faking 9/11
and maybe faking the Bristish Hostage Situation and maybe faking
they didn't create Hurricane Katrina.

Or maybe just faking it all cause you have no real come back to
really use to mislead misdirect misinform us away from finding,
sharing the real truths.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:24 PM
I think you're perceiving the events of this thread a little differently than the rest of us.

Tom isn't attacking you. He just doesn't understand your posts, and honestly, they are pretty incoherent. Things like "transitor" and "varristor" or whatever might seem like words to you, but they don't carry any implicit meaning.

I think it would be in your best interest to leave the computer alone for a while, and talk to a professional about the disturbances you've been experiencing. Once again, this is not an attack... i'm speaking out of genuine concern.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:44 PM
Well Tom is the one who seems schooled in short wave transittors isn't he.
You would think someone schooled in short wave radio's would know about
the subject wouldn't you.

Now here you go showing you have no knowledge on the subject.
And just because you have no knowledge therefore it must be
incoherent. Why Because you say so. I am sure their are many
others here that just do not want to play all of the obvious debunking
games that have been played out on this thread.

Just because I enjoy playing with you debunkers doesn't mean
everyone does.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:47 PM
And once again the debunkers pull a sleeper out of their hat
by calling on parrellogram here.

Didn't take them long to go back to the old stand by of tinfoil hat.
You would think by now you guys would come up with something more
original. But how can you, when your whole spiel is built on lying to the

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by endrna
Tom and Zap must of called this Cie guy out of sleeping too.

Those 2 guys knew they were had so now they are calling on the back
ups to come and attack me now.

I guess those boys have no guts so no glory.

If thats me you are talking about (which i assume you are) then i guess you have me. Im a sleeper cell for the NCISSICIS, but dont tell anyone, shhhhhh!

On a serious note, i do suggest you speak to a professional also, as there is a tone in your posts that is quite worrying.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by endrna
Tom and Zap must of called this Cie guy out of sleeping too.

Those 2 guys knew they were had so now they are calling on the back
ups to come and attack me now.

I guess those boys have no guts so no glory.

If thats me you are talking about (which i assume you are) then i guess you have me. Im a sleeper cell for the NCISSICIS, but dont tell anyone, shhhhhh!

On a serious note, i do suggest you speak to a professional also, as there is a tone in your posts that is quite worrying.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by endrna
And once again the debunkers pull a sleeper out of their hat
by calling on parrellogram here.

Didn't take them long to go back to the old stand by of tinfoil hat.
You would think by now you guys would come up with something more
original. But how can you, when your whole spiel is built on lying to the

i don't work for the government, endrna, i'm just a guy on the internet.

we're not lying to you, and we don't have power to allow us to lie to any kind of "masses".

please try to realize that i'm only worried for your well-being. the real danger isn't from government mind-waves, it's from within yourself, and it can destroy you completely.

there is real evil in the establishment, endrna, and you need an intact mind to combat it.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:52 PM

Once again the use of the bad guys old standby. When everything else
you guys/gals try to use to debunk fails, the only rabbit you all have left to
throw at anyone is this tired old tinfoil hat label to pin on someone so
people will stop reading their posts.

I get the impression your hat tricks are not working as well as they
use to in the beginning on the masses.

But when this is all you have left in the bag of tricks kit they all gave you
people, well you got no other choice but to continually and try using it.
You got nothing real or substantial to debunk most topics and you got
to get paid don't you so you got to use the last trick in your bag
over and over and over and over again.

It just isn't working as well as it used to huh Cie.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:58 PM

If Tom is not attacking me then how come he seems clueless how a device called a transittor has no meaning with his subject of
short wave transmissons he is spouting about???

Go look it up on a library site. If a person is going to pretend something
is something else and point a finger and pretend to be knowledgable
about a subject called short wave transmissions then you would think
they would be coherent about a device called a transittor at the very

Give me a break.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:02 PM
Oh you are so right paragram.

We are in absolutely no danger from sublimnal messages, backward
musical compositions or sublimnal colors being used to manipulate
anyone's mind.

A sleeper has spoken, no conspiracy of anything happening in the world.

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