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Possibly Space Weapon-Building Will Rotate Every 7 Days

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posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 11:25 PM
In Maxim Magazines April 2007 issue under Future Shock their is this
article about Dubai to build a Rotating Tower

In June work will begin on a 30-floor, 200 unit residential tower that will


Something about reading this justs screams GOVERNMENT.


Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 31/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 11:37 PM
Please expand on the weapon and space part a little more if you wouildn't mind. Forgive me I'm an idiot, a bit thick-in-the-head and don't get it but I've the feeling you want to share. BTW: Happy April Fool!

A link to the rotating Solar Residency Project in Dubai for those with an interest:

[edit on 31-3-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 11:44 PM
I found this article. Looks like it's going to be a big rotating apartment building.

Rotating tower to be solar-powered
By Robert Ditcham, Staff Reporter

Dubai: Dubai's latest mind-boggling project will be yet another global first - a fully rotating tower powered by the sun.

Project engineers say the Dh400 million Time Residences tower in the City of Arabia master development will turn through 360 degrees, its rotation mechanism driven by stored solar energy.

The project, which will put 200 apartments onto the market, is another addition to Dubai's list of world exclusives which will include the world's tallest tower, biggest mall and largest man-made island - even a collection of dozens of man-made islands dubbed The World.

In July, Dubai-based High Rise Real estate launched the Rotating Tower, a Dh175 million project in Jumeirah Village South featuring four rotating penthouses and a rotating villa with its own car lift.


posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 12:35 AM
HAARP bulges the atmosphere. When you bulge something on a
regular basis, things expand. The air pressure, atmospheric pressures
is like playing with silly putty. When you press on it, the sides expand

Rotation would re tighten the tension so to speak inside of EARTH.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:02 AM
Huh? Like I said I'm thick. Please tell me how it works, I'm dying to know. This could be the big break through. The next level - top drawer. You may have cracked it. Revolutionary revolving revlover of? Uh sorry what's a HAARP? Does it cost a much? I want a HAARP! I want something that my own spinning gazebo can do something spinny in the Earth in my backyard just like them solar powered Dubai fellahs. Gee they have it good. Solar HAARP's. So this HAARP plays chords and the building screws it into the dirt - whatever it does - I want that.

To heck with them Dubai HAARPsichordists. I know you... you figgered it out eh. Wow. You write real fancy good English too... I bet you went to University.

Are you published. Do you have an agent or a publicist yet? Good luck! You must be very proud. I bet your family loves you very much. Does your family know?

I can't wait to tell my hero Steven Macon Greer when he reads my thoughts after I vector "them" in so he can exploit the zero-energy flux inversion my mind puts out after "contact". I must remember not to have a seizure again... "They" don't like it when you hang up on them... "they" say it "hurts".

This is so exciting! Do you have a web page or a non-profit charity I can support? This screw-effect dealy-bob Dubai revolvatron won't affect my vectoring flashlight will it... I just got it, a Maglite LED a great big one... "they" reverse energized my old one and it popped. Hit me in the head - since then I "hear" their radiance... a bit like snoring. That's when they set up the relay. Regular flashlight just isn't good enough.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:23 PM
Mr Kaminiski

We all know a hired debunker when we see one.
Its a easy job and someone's got to do it for the Governement.

Your tellsign was how many gosh darn times you have posted on this
forum and your playing blond on HAARP.

Playing thick on purpose is your job. Got to get paid don't you.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:28 PM
best thread ever!

(with no one-liners at all, I might add)

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by endrna
In Maxim Magazines April 2007 issue under Future Shock their is this
article about Dubai to build a Rotating Tower

In June work will begin on a 30-floor, 200 unit residential tower that will


Rotating something to the left with a motor has nothing whatever to do with left-handed magnetic materials.

Here are some real simple explanations...

There is an extension of the magnetic right hand rule that will give you the vectors of the electric and magnetic fields of a EM wave.

edit: Oh, by the way, rotating to the left from what point of view? Were you looking down on it from the top, it would seem to be rotating right. From the bottom, left.

second edit: Don't worry! We already countered their revolutionary tension weapon by building the Tower of the Americas (just SCREAMS gubmint!...ever hear of School of the Americas??!!) in San Antonio. It rotates to the RIGHT if looked at from the correct perspective. It's not as big, but it's been running longer, so it's already built up anti-tension to compensate.
[edit on 1-4-2007 by Tom Bedlam]

[edit on 1-4-2007 by Tom Bedlam]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by endrna
HAARP bulges the atmosphere.

That's a dramatic stretch...what's happening is that it excites the ionosphere, and it expands locally, somewhat.

When you bulge something on a
regular basis, things expand. The air pressure, atmospheric pressures
is like playing with silly putty. When you press on it, the sides expand

Your analogy is inexact and mostly inapplicable. The atmosphere isn't like a balloon with a membrane surface under a lot of tension. Further, it expands and contracts constantly. The ionosphere expands as it rotates into the day side of the Earth, and contracts on the night side. Constantly. Always. That's why you can receive far away AM stations at night, but not during the day, for example.

Rotation would re tighten the tension so to speak inside of EARTH.

Couldn't figure that one out. A rotating building is going to increase some sort of tension in the Earth? Odd. We should stop them immediately!

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 01:26 AM
Nice try about San Antonio and everything.

But HAARP herself her funnels of energy are known to be right
handed torus's. You get a 1,000 of those going up in the sky lines
all rotating right manipulating the weather, experimenting with
ways to create energy from the Beast of HAARP, then common sense
says you need some tension wires turning to the left or something
huge like this rotating to the left

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 01:34 AM
Yes the atmosphere is like the inside of a ballon when they let loose
the scattering targets that are used to excite the quadrapoles of the
chemicals used in all the chemtrails they are laying down that also
have a silica product in it which creates the microfiber of the clouds
to bond like a huge blown up ballon. When you aim that same bulge
at the Earth instead of aimed in the direction of the ozone layer,
you expand the atmospheric pressures here on Earth.

If they have found a way to aim it one way at the Ionosphere, you can
bet your bottom dollar they have found a way to aim it our way too.
For every action their is a reaction or that is how the story goes.

The Atmosphere and Earth are inside the electromagnetic field they
have created to surround the Globe. When you control the EM field,
then common sense says he who has the most toys controls the
rotations and axis too to some extent.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 01:37 AM

The picture in the magazine showed an arrow circle pointing left of which way the building would rotate.

I assume when you point an arrow in a direction that is the direction they are indicating it will be build to rotate.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 01:44 AM
THEY created the Magnetic Field? Try again. The Magnetic Field was here LONG before any person walked the Earth. And he wasn't saying that the building would ACTUALLY rotate right. He said it would APPEAR to rotate right from certain perspectives.

Magnetic fields are produced by the motion of electrical charges. For example, the magnetic field of a bar magnet results from the motion of negatively charged electrons in the magnet. The origin of the Earth's magnetic field is not completely understood, but is thought to be associated with electrical currents produced by the coupling of convective effects and rotation in the spinning liquid metallic outer core of iron and nickel. This mechanism is termed the dynamo effect.

Rocks that are formed from the molten state contain indicators of the magnetic field at the time of their solidification. The study of such "magnetic fossils" indicates that the Earth's magnetic field reverses itself every million years or so (the north and south magnetic poles switch). This is but one detail of the magnetic field that is not well understood.

So if THEY created the Magnetic Field, how could they have found out it reverses every million years? It would have had to have happened at least once for them to have evidence that it happens at all.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 01:58 AM
Yes one Magnetic Field was here before we were.

But not HAARP's Magnetic field which is 10 times more powerful than

HAARP uses the technology of how Magnetic Fields are produced.
Because of her magnitude they created a four poled magnet called
a Quadrapole.
She feds off of negatively charged ions. She must be fed continually
negativelly charged ions.

Part of Enron was because they were leaking energy to HAARP and
made us pay the electrical bill to boot too. When you have a story like
Enron you got to change the story line or people will go looking where
they don't want people to look. Someone's got to be the fallguy so
they control the story.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by endrna
Nice try about San Antonio and everything.

But HAARP herself her funnels of energy are known to be right
handed torus's. You get a 1,000 of those going up in the sky lines
all rotating right manipulating the weather, experimenting with
ways to create energy from the Beast of HAARP, then common sense
says you need some tension wires turning to the left or something
huge like this rotating to the left

Oh, my, that has to take the cake for the best HAARP story yet.

You couldn't be more wrong. Where do you get this "funnel of energy" and "right handed torus" thing?

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by endrna
Yes the atmosphere is like the inside of a ballon when they let loose
the scattering targets that are used to excite the quadrapoles of the
chemicals used in all the chemtrails they are laying down that also
have a silica product in it which creates the microfiber of the clouds
to bond like a huge blown up ballon. When you aim that same bulge
at the Earth instead of aimed in the direction of the ozone layer,
you expand the atmospheric pressures here on Earth.

This is just technobabble. Not a word of it makes sense. "Creates the microfiber of the clouds?" Please, tell me that English is not your primary language.

If they have found a way to aim it one way at the Ionosphere, you can
bet your bottom dollar they have found a way to aim it our way too.
For every action their is a reaction or that is how the story goes.

It's a phased-array HF transmitter. It can't "aim your way", because the Earth is round. Maybe you've heard that? Perhaps you'll also explain what you're talking about with Newtonian physics there, too, because that seems to be a non-sequitur. Are you having what they call "flight of ideas"?

The Atmosphere and Earth are inside the electromagnetic field they
have created to surround the Globe. When you control the EM field,
then common sense says he who has the most toys controls the
rotations and axis too to some extent.

If you had a clue, you would be able to compare the energy involved in the Earth's mass rotating, to the very small output of HAARP, and you'd realize that there's no freaking way that HAARP can "control the axis and rotations" whatever that means to you.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by endrna

The picture in the magazine showed an arrow circle pointing left of which way the building would rotate.

I assume when you point an arrow in a direction that is the direction they are indicating it will be build to rotate.

From one perspective. Look at it from the top, and it will appear to rotate clockwise, from the bottom, counter-clockwise.

They® are trying to fool you. Everyone knows it's the bottom view that you have to consider when you're twisting magnetic fields.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by endrna
Yes one Magnetic Field was here before we were.

But not HAARP's Magnetic field which is 10 times more powerful than

Why 10 times? Why not 7.6, or 11.2? When you see someone spout off a comment like "10 times" , they're usually telling you a story, which is pretty evident from the other stuff you're saying. I don't know if you're making up the tale or read it somewhere. Read it, most likely. There's a lot of crap on the net about HAARP.

HAARP is a really trick shortwave radio transmitter. It does not produce static magnetic fields, so you can't directly compare the two in terms of "strength". However, the Earth's field is produced by the Earth, which is pretty large and is whereever you go on Earth. This means that the field strength isn't all that dependent on where you are, at least not in that inverse square way that a propagating radio wave would have. Thus, if you stand in the output pattern of a TV transmitter, you won't see your compass pointing toward the transmitter.

HAARP uses the technology of how Magnetic Fields are produced.
Because of her magnitude they created a four poled magnet called
a Quadrapole.
She feds off of negatively charged ions. She must be fed continually
negativelly charged ions.

Part of Enron was because they were leaking energy to HAARP and
made us pay the electrical bill to boot too. When you have a story like
Enron you got to change the story line or people will go looking where
they don't want people to look. Someone's got to be the fallguy so
they control the story.

HAARP uses the technology of a phased-array HF transmitter. It doesn't use ions. The array itself is powered by a grid of diesel generators. It doesn't use commercial power, although the building does if it's available. So Enron couldn't have sent any power there at all.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 12:04 PM

It appears I got the words funnels of energys in a lot better place
then you got your line

Oh my. That takes the cake as the best HAARP story yet.

Debunkers are alive and well on this forum.

First Haarp was suppose to be a tommy gun to shoot down pollution.
Now all you debunkers have changed her to a short wave transittor.
What will you debunkers think of next to pretend HAARP is.

HAARP and her cousins are all the other projects that tie into her
is many many programs and projects.

She can bounce radiowaves off of her clouds. She can bounce images
off of her clouds. She can reflect sound and images off of her clouds.
She is also a photographic surface. She is also an embedded computer
program hidden in the chemicals and transparent liquids gases of
the chemtrails. The program or computer commands can be seen
using UV detectors and 3D imaging. The energy field she creates can
be seen using UV detectors and 3D imaging. Which is probably why
they are about to build a football size stadium Megatelescope. A spyglass
so big of 100 feet wide. It will have 800 mirrors which will be controlled by a supercomputer and projected to be 100 times more powerful than
the Hubble. This same article was also on the same page as this rotating
building story from Maxim Magazine.

Oh by the way the new hidden lingo to call a UV detector by is a
colourimeter or colorimeter

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 12:18 PM

You are acting lilke you were born yesterday. Microfiber is the new
terminology for just about everything especially the fibers they have
been using to make clothes over the last 5 years.

Microfiber is just a fancy way of say they can stretch it. Silica is a
stretchable composition.

And who stated HAARP produced a Static Magnetic Field? I did not but
I am assuming you know a heck of a lot more about HAARP and her
twisted cousins then you are letting on to this forum. Actually we
the world are leaking Static Energy of negative Ions to HAARP. But thank
you for showing your true colors, I am sure the rest of us appreciate
knowing who who in the bad guys zoo.

And who the heck are you trying to kid here. Any satellite can aim a
laser any old direction they want it to go. Makes absolutely no difference
whether the Earth is Round or not. You aim a laser straight at a target
the line will stay true whether the Earth is round or not.

Lots of things can be made to control lots of different things.
Lots of people can be made to tell stories to try and control the spin
of a project lilke HAARP and BlueGene/L and Lilith and so many other
twisted sister projects Big Business and our Governement has let loose
on its population.
Projects that should of never been brought out into the open out of
the Enclosed Quantum Experiment Labs have been years ago.

And since it is evident you have more than a clue about HAARP and
her twisted sisters, than we all know you have a job to do called
debunking us away from any other ideas other than now HAARP
is just a short wave transittor. What a joke Tom. Once again, it is
a job and you got to get paid don't you.

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