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Introduction to alternate history and Annunaki

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posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 05:10 PM
We have a lot of great research references and well thought out ideas mentioned here. Good thinking people.

On the issue of our shared alien genetic history, it has been found that Homo sapiens have 223 alien genes. But there are a number of glitches that the aliens have not yet overcome in their genetic manipulation over the many centuries. For example, primates outside of Homo sapiens never have to cut their hair or nails. And the first Homo sapiens - according to Sitchin's findings - could not reproduce. Further genetic tampering amended that problem. The Anunnaki wanted to replenish their slave population.

Bob Lazar, physicist and engineer, who worked for the U.S. government to reverse engineer acquired Zetan spacecraft in 1989, said that governmetnal briefing documents state that humans have had their DNA altered by extraterrestrials up to 65 times. This corroborates the findings of Zecharia Sitchin.

On the issue of stargates, I am skeptical that they have ever been developed. The reason for this is because of the nature of teleportation, as it is beyond the scope of physically based technology. The people in recent years who have had experiences with teleportation - like this lad for example - do not manifest it with machines but through mystical means (a large Group Entity).

I agree that the Sumerian texts and those found in India are wonderful for digging up the truth about our ancient history. For example, in ancient India it is mentioned that the Atlanteans were materialistic, imperialistic, and technologically oriented, and considered themselves to be the leaders of the world. Within the ancient India epics called The Mahabharata and the Drona Parva there is mention of a conflict between the Atlantean Empire and India which entailed the use of high-tech weapons that have a close resemblance to our current understanding of nuclear devices.

Atlantean weapons were known to be able to destroy an entire city.

So yes...some of the alien slave-masters did, if only indirectly, eventually share their technology with one or more tribes of Homo sapiens here. One or more of those tribes led to the formation of the Atlantean civilization.

With Atlantis being the most formidable nation on the planet at that time, it is a logical conclusion that they could have only been defeated by an alien force that was greater in technological capability - the Anunnaki or Zetan-aliens.

I conclude through intuition and logical extrapolation that about fourteen thousand years ago, the Atlantean Empire attempted their own War of Independence against the Anunnaki or Zetan Empire. The latter retaliated with a nuclear strike on Atlantis that was so horrific that it caused worldwide earthquakes, The Great Flood - which is documented in various ancient cultures - and even the tilting of the world on it's axis.

Evidence For Ancient Atomic Warfare

Bob Lazar explains in his DVD documentary that the aliens have antimatter weapons capability and that their crafts are powered by small antimatter reactors. John Lear confirms this in other ATS threads. Antimatter weapons - which probably were used on Atlantis - are far more powerful than traditional atomic devices. Lazar illustrates this point fully in his DVD.

Also, it is important to realize that the Anunnaki never truly went away. Their descendants are very much here today in various degrees of interference. Governmental insiders like retired Army Sgt. Clifford Stone of The Disclosure Project estimated that there are probably twelve or fewer alien bases locally, and another governmental insider in that group testified that a very large alien base exists in the Moon.

Hope that helps.

[edit on 13-4-2007 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 06:44 PM
Hi Ghaele, Regarding physical evidence of earliest cultures I found this from 2004 New Scientist. 4000 BC Tell Brak in modern Syria includes administrative buildings and a seal stamp from the 5th millenium BC. 3500 to 3700 BC traditional date for earliest buildings known at Uruk southern Mesopotamia- modern Iraque. 5000 BC earliest writing. Balkan-Danube Script found along Danube River, europe.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 07:07 PM

Actually, star gate usage is not beyond us or science, and many of the sumerian/akkadian/babylonian and egyptian texts hint to their
usage, repeatedly.

Remember in Enuma Elish, when Abzu and Tiamat get together? Before this reference, Abzu was not a being, it was a thing. Tiamat wasn't in existence at all, until Enuma Elish because it was really just another part of the thing that is the Abzu. The Abzu is the original word for Abyss. Abyss is not the ocean, although there was an Abyss on the Ocean Floor off the coast of Sumer, during the days of Eridu. The Abyss or Abzu, was a star gate to another world.
In the texts that PRE-DATE Enuma Elish by hundreds of years, Enki pilots his E.ABZU spacecraft out of the Abzu, and onto dry land where he lands it. It floats, it hovers, it glows, it gives advice, it is a twisted thread beyond understanding, it roars. It's not a ziggurat. Suddenly, however, we find the Abzu is below the E.ABZU in Eridu. If he just piloted it out of the Abzu, and to the spot along the Euphrates where he intends to set up shop, how is it the Abzu has hopped from the ocean to Eridu ?

Answer: 2 star gates. a huge one on the ocean floor, threw which he flew the E.ABZU spacecraft, and a smaller one that he set up himself, on the site at Eridu. The smaller one was to facilitate the "birth of the gods" (the arrival of the gods) threw the gate to Eridu, and for his own passage to and from "the underworld" (the Abyss, the Abzu). The Abzu is defined as many things. When you combine them all, you find that it is more than what you've been lead to believe. It could be possible, he already knew it was there at Eridu, and set that specific site for landing because of it

As far as scientific proof:

Well here's a few things to consider

BBC News on April 12, 2000:

According to Sergei Krasnikov of the Pulkovo Observatory in St Petersburg, the new wormhole can create its own abundant supply of exotic matter. This way, the wormhole would be big enough and could stay open long enough for people to use.[2]

"What's new is that this wormhole actually generates enough to make it arbitrarily large," says Krasnikov who works at the Laboratory of Stellar Physics.

Here's an e-book I started writing on the topic:

And for the clincher, AFRL talking about it as if they've already done it, but still presenting it as research only:
Air Force Research Lab Teleportation Physics Study

There's tons more textual and artifact support.


posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 10:59 PM
Hi Undo,

I bookmarked your reference links.

Thank you for allowing me the rare opportunity to actually put forth a skeptical perspective. Usually I am the one trying to further what most consider to be a speculative idea at best.

We both agree that stargate technology essentially entails the transportation of matter over great distances, i.e., teleportation. Not just duplicating one or more atomic particles, which has already been officially done by Terran scientists, but the actual moving of an object over a vast expanse almost instantaneously.

We also agree that the Anunnaki were Reptilian, with me also espousing that they were Zetan as well. And, according to Zecharia Sitchin's archeological findings, they first started to colonize this world approximately 450,000 years ago. Their genetic manipulation of the hominids here in order to produce a slave race to work the mines is estimated to have begun in full force, again, according to Sitchin's findings, about 300,000 years ago.

A period of 450,000 years is a hell of a lot of time to explore the Milky Way, colonize other planets, and slowly create an infrastructure of supply lines, mining, farming, trade, military bases, etc.

It also entails a vast amount of time to improve upon science and technology, which includes genetic engineering, space travel, weapons designs, computers, etc.

For a moment, let us entertain the idea that there is a connection between the ancient Anunnaki and the present-day Zetan aliens who are usually represented by the short Greys that most abductees report seeing when kidnapped.


A common scenario reported by abductees is that they first see a very bright white light, often through an uncovered or open window, an open door, etc. This white floodlight acts as as paralysis beam. What follows is a period of unconsciousness. This white floodlight is far brighter than a police helicopter searchlight and Zetan craft are usually totally silent. Their ships and probes are also known to be optically invisible - even while projecting their beams. Sometimes the paralysis beam is focused like a laser and takes upon the color of a bright sky blue - as with the beam that hit, knocked back, and knocked out Travis Walton of Fire In The Sky fame.

Various contactees have reported that the aliens that abducted them can read their minds, teleport, and walk through walls. But the interesting thing about this is that those ideas are fully developed in the abductee ONLY AFTER the initial kidnapping experience. This points to brainwashing and the manipulation of the belief system of the victims with implanted screen memories. The reason behind the psychological manipulation is that a prisoner who thinks his captors have godlike abilities is less likely to resist them and/or try to escape.

From my own personal experience, there were also a couple of times when I was almost abducted. Once, in the early 1990s, late at night in the winter, a white light paralysis floodlight was projected through a second-story bathroom window in the house where I lived. We avoided the beams, had no missing time, eluded capture, and were not teleported away. The aliens will not enter a home, boat, or automobile unless they know their intended is either paralyzed or unconscious

It should also be mentioned that for the present I have no special telekinetic Gift.


If the Zetan-aliens, who are likely to be the descendents of the ancient Anunnaki (at least in a representative capacity), are much more technologically advanced than we are in having explored the Milky Way and beyond for literally hundreds of thousands of years: then why are they limited to first palalyzing their intended victims before they kidnap them?

Why don't they just teleport first-time abductees into a holding facility onboard their ships?

Answer: because the mechanistic extraterrestrials do not have stargate or teleportation technology

If they do not have teleportation or stargate capability now, then logic dictates that Enki and the boys way back when couldn't pull it off either.

This is much like my argument in logic about why time travel is also beyond the Zetans.

Right after atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945 there was a large UFO flap, particularly over US military bases. Subsequent abductee testimonial indicated that the Greys and Zetans in general did not want this world to develop nuclear weapons. No surprise there. They prefer not to have to nuke the farm (again) and ruin many containers needlessly, just as they did at the time of Atlantis.

The Zetan-aliens are characteristically service-to-self (STS) humanoids. They are selfish and they take what they want without asking or bothering to consider the moral, ethical, or spiritual implications. And they certainly don't have the hindrance of a Star Trek non-interference directive.


If the technically advanced aliens were and are very opposed to this world developing nuclear weapons and, according to their methods of operation, tend to take whatever and whomever they want: then why didn't they time warp back to when The Manhattan Project was just about to start and prevent that atomic R & D from happening?

Answer: because the mechanistic extraterrestrials do not have time travel capability


The spiritually retarded Anunnaki/Zetans not being able to time travel, teleport, or build a stargate is a good thing to those who cultivate spiritual values and striving to live by The Golden Rule.

Don't you think?

[edit on 13-4-2007 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 01:37 AM

Whew, that was a big post, and very interesting. I developed a theory, awhile back, that the problem for "gate" usage is local, and was local for quite a while. The gates were closed down following and during the Tower of Babel fiasco, which was really just Nimrod's attempt to reopen Enki's Abzu gate and rebuild a copy of Enki's E.ABZU, as a temple to him. All gates on this planet, were therefore, inaccessible to Anunnaki and hybrids within this system, after the formal closing of them. The next step was to erect some kind of barrier so that travel and access to gate technology, would not be available to the Anunnaki and hybrids in this system until further notification.

Flash forward.

According to the book of Revelation (chapter 9, to be exact), a time will come in the future (if it hasn't already in the not too distant past), where the gates of old will be found and reopened. From them, at some point (which is not necessarily the instant after opening) will emerge some rather unpleasant ...things.

I believe the best description is alien craft armed with special weapons. I can't ascertain conclusively, whether they are auto piloted or inhabited craft, but I'm willing to guess these are actually beings in physical craft, manifesting on the Earth side of an open star gate. It's an invasion force, in fact, it's an invasion force from the same Anunnaki who were imprisoned as a result of the damage to Earth and that lead to the flood.

Their imprisonment was, I believe, that they were either sent to a penal colony somewhere else, or they were sent to the other side of the known universe, in the least populated area, where they could no longer influence other civilizations. This is called "Outer Darkness." (reminds me of that scene in Superman II where the interdimensional prison of the criminal elements of the movie, is accidentally reopened by a nuclear bomb exploding in the vicinity).

This open gate is the same gate system that was and still is, in the vicinity of Eridu. Since I believe there were 2 gates by Eridu originally, one in the E.ABZU complex and one off the coast of Sumer on the ocean floor, and these are craft large enough to need a big gate (or so it would seem), I'm going to assume its the big one Enki originally arrived here from.

Because of river silt run off for thousands of years, the original coastline is no longer the same. It's been modified dramatically. In fact, Eridu use to be 65 miles or so closer to the sea than it is today. I theorize, that under that river silt that formed new landmass over the ocean floor, is the big gate.

Once the gates are opened, all bets are off and the thing accelerates out of control.

i don't personally believe any ETs coming into this system, can interact or interfer with our species with any type of time or teleportation device, until the official re-opening of the Eridu gate.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 12:37 PM
You know folks…it really is amazing what one can ascertain about a mystery when one uses the tools of logical extrapolation, indirect reasoning, and direct reasoning.


You completely ignored the questions that I was so careful to explain at length in my last post….SHAME ON YOU

Here is a condensed summary…

A stargate is essentially a form of teleportation, whereby matter is moved almost instantaneously from one place to another, not just duplicated on a subatomic scale.

We also both agree that the Anunnaki = Reptilian.

Many abductees have reported seeing Grey aliens onboard their spacecraft. A smaller percentage of abductees also report seeing a Preying Mantis and/or a Reptilian. The short and tall Greys, as well as the Nordics (which have been reported to serve as onboard security), all appear to fall under the leadership of the Reptilians and Preying Mantises in Zetan society.

Zetan = Reptilian


Anunnaki = Zetan


I had a couple of personal experiences whereby I eluded capture by avoiding the partial or full impact of a paralysis beam in my residence. I did not experience any of the characteristics of an alien abduction like missing time, surgical scars, radiation sickness, etc. Nor did the aliens - once they realized I was not going gently into that night - walk through walls or teleport me onboard their spacecraft.

In applying indirect reasoning to the above, a conclusion is drawn:

Zetan-aliens DO NOT have teleportation capability

In putting together all of the above logically:

1. The Anunnaki were Reptilian.
2. The Reptilians are Zetan.
3. The Zetans DO NOT have teleportation capability.
4. The Anunnaki DID NOT have teleportation or stargate technology

I suggest that you and your researchers are misinterpreting ancient documents when they mention one or more stargates that entail teleportation.

Further, if you have any evidence of a present-day stargate in operation – like personal testimony from or about someone who actually used one in recent years - this would greatly help to further your argument that stargates exist.

Until you provide some evidence of a true stargate or at least of Zetan teleportation capability, I find that I cannot accept your theory that hundreds of thousands of years ago the Anunnaki utilized stargate/teleportation technology

Of may believe whatever you wish.

If anyone else would like to chime in on this issue, feel free to do so.

Thank you.

[edit on 15-4-2007 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 04:28 PM

I think what Undo maybe trying to say is that stargates use a wormhole kind of technology to move matter across great distances not really teleportation, this takes a very short time and is not instantious, I think.

[edit on 15-4-2007 by ixiy]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 04:59 PM
Different gates for different places:

Enki's E.ABZU complex gate, called the Abzu:

Enlil's E.KUR complex gate, known more formally as the DUR.ANKI, as its legend depicts it being carted by heavenly boat, flanked by gate guardians./ From the Book of Gates:

Take a moment to compare the doors and their frames.


This is Tiamat:

Tiamat is a wormhole. Tiamat is cut in half. This occurs at the throat of the wormhole:

This event is described in a Buddhist text

Mt. Sumeru (Meru) is a wormhole:

The wormhole hourglass, again, of Mt. Sumeru (Meru)
(this one discovered by Zorgon)

What's left when Mt. Sumeru wormhole severs at the throat and the structure is dismantled (see whirlpool in center of pic) (this one discovered by Zorgon)

Related links:

Inana's Descent to the Nether World (via the gate system)

Epic of Gilgamesh (Tablet IX) Depicting Gilgamesh's use of the Gates of Paradise

[edit on 15-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 05:50 PM
moved to above post

[edit on 15-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 10:25 PM
re stargates, I now think we have inside us, some kind of electromagnetic telekinetic ability... I used to think stargates were external to us (These are just my thoughts) but lately, due to some personal experiences, I am leaning away from that. I am starting to think we have an ability and it has to do with our chakras, energy.

I will share an experience and you might understand why I now think the way I do and by all means put forward your thoughts.

I in a vision (these are where I am awake but meditating) I was taken for a walk by a guide
I walked upwards, the tip of the first mountain was above the clouds; I walked past the first mountain and continued up. I went past two other mountains and then came to an abyss. But, once there I started to see a gate/door. I turned the key and went through. It was like a vortex, that once in you just were sucked you through it. lol (I am not very good at describing these things). At the end of this tunnel, I stood and all I could see was space and all the stars were blue. This is hard to describe! I then was somewhere else but the higher I walked, I started to change form, and my body seemed to merge with colour. My outline was there, but I changed colour to suit the level. Now, I didn't get past that as I was too freaked out. I stopped at the second gate and then went back.

What happens when people die? Their soul turns to spirit and goes perhaps what I saw means that we can do this without dying?
I am not sure, but it definitely left me thinking.

Perhaps everyone of us has the ability and it just has to be activated in some way? How is it that spirits travel to and fro? How can other spirits, entities do this? And perhaps, if there are external stargates, they are used when they are transporting a lot of people all at once?

[edit on 15-4-2007 by NJE777]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 12:18 AM
yes there are 2 schools of thought on this. the spiritual gate and the physical gate. prior to the tower of babel fiasco, i'm under the impression that the gates of the sons of Anu were physical and anyone who had the correct gene to access them, could do so. at the same time, there was a spirit gate, which was interdimensonal, which the sons of Anu (the fallen ones, anyway) could not and cannot access. later the physical gates were locked as well.

it could be that its all the same banana, but i don't think so. there are too many images of physical gates of old.

consider also the passage in Enki in the World Order where it claims the Abzu is connected to the Field Constellation.

[edit on 16-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by undo
... there was a spirit gate, which was interdimensonal, which the sons of Anu (the fallen ones, anyway) could not and cannot access later the physical gates were locked as well.

Oh fantastic... that answers one of my big questions AND so refreshing !!

oh I just had to also say that the last image looks sort of like a brain

[edit on 16-4-2007 by NJE777]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by NJE777

Originally posted by undo
... there was a spirit gate, which was interdimensonal, which the sons of Anu (the fallen ones, anyway) could not and cannot access later the physical gates were locked as well.

Oh fantastic... that answers one of my big questions AND so refreshing !!

oh I just had to also say that the last image looks sort of like a brain

[edit on 16-4-2007 by NJE777]

of course, i don't know for certain that i'm right about any of this. it's a theory based on ancient texts and images. seems logical. what i particularly found interesting about it, is it explains alot, and its repeated in nearly every ancient text, including biblical texts, sumerian, chinese, hindu, egyptian, akkadian, and so on. so you get the impression they are confirming one another.

[edit on 16-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 03:07 AM
(p.s. i need to add a modifier to the conditions i mentioned: the sons of Anu (the fallen ones, specifically) use technology and science as a mimic. whereas the interdimensionals seem capable of all of the above, the fallen seem to be stuck with mimicry, in this physical dimension. until humans can tell the difference, the question becomes one of spiritual understanding. if you don't think there's a difference between the physical and the spiritual, you will not be able to tell which is the copy and which is the original. if you follow my meaning.

[edit on 16-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 03:35 AM
(another postcript: a comparison would be the alamantra working of Aleister Crowley, where he contacts a being called Lam, who he says is a spirit being of some sort. Lam is a mimic, not a spirit being, if I'm not mistaken. He's a fallen one, using science and technology to mimic interdimensional powers and entities. In truth, he's stuck here with us humans, who are currently not in full access of our interdimensional bodies because the current container (carbon-based flesh with a built-in destruct sequence) can't do interdimensions without losing the container entirely. that's my theory, anyway.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by ixiy

I think what Undo maybe trying to say is that stargates use a wormhole kind of technology to move matter across great distances not really teleportation, this takes a very short time and is not instantious, I think.

Hi ixiy,

I am certainly open to the idea of wormhole technology but have yet to see any evidence of that in operation.

Physicist, engineer, and governmental insider who worked at S4 to reverse-engineer acquired alien spacecraft, Bob Lazar, explains the propulsion system of Zetan (aka Anunnaki) craft. He says that they project a gravity wave in front of their ships and probes which in turn pulls them along. The interstellar drive with a stronger gravity wave enables them to bend or fold space and travel over great distances in a relatively short period of time. But this is still not anything approaching a stargate, teleportation, or wormhole technology.

Originally posted by NJE777
re stargates, I now think we have inside us, some kind of electromagnetic telekinetic ability... I used to think stargates were external to us (These are just my thoughts) but lately, due to some personal experiences, I am leaning away from that. I am starting to think we have an ability and it has to do with our chakras, energy.

Hi NJE777,

You are absolutely right in your appraisal.

On a small scale, teleportation is demonstrated today with the various people who have a Gift of Telekinesis from a large Group Entity. But we should not be too impressed by these gifts because they are artificial and not generated by the self but by a collective of spirits who are not highly evolved and who are not focused beyond basic spirituality.

Individuals have a much greater potential to develop teleportation ability in the Spirit than do Group Entities which are severely limited in scope of power. Which is why you don't see David Blaine or Criss Angel filming their teleportation feats of venturing to distant humanoid systems. Large Group Entities cannot generate enough energy to do that.

We get there through our Radiance of Love, serving others, and by cultivating compassion, humility, and purity. Then, when we leave the flesh, we will be able to expand our consiousness in The Light to the point of having the energy to manifest miracles - on an individual basis - like teleportation, the creation of matter, etc.

Originally posted by NJE777
I will share an experience and you might understand why I now think the way I do and by all means put forward your thoughts.

I in a vision (these are where I am awake but meditating) I was taken for a walk by a guide
I walked upwards, the tip of the first mountain was above the clouds; I walked past the first mountain and continued up. I went past two other mountains and then came to an abyss. But, once there I started to see a gate/door. I turned the key and went through. It was like a vortex, that once in you just were sucked you through it. lol (I am not very good at describing these things). At the end of this tunnel, I stood and all I could see was space and all the stars were blue. This is hard to describe! I then was somewhere else but the higher I walked, I started to change form, and my body seemed to merge with colour. My outline was there, but I changed colour to suit the level. Now, I didn't get past that as I was too freaked out. I stopped at the second gate and then went back.

That was a good vision and illustrated a couple of illuminating points:

1. The auric and discarnate color of sky blue is the gateway to the higher levels of consciousness; and,

2. The higher the vibration in the spirit, the more one becomes pure energy and light.


Those are nice drawings that you have provided for us. But we still have yet to see any indications that teleportation, stargates, or wormhole technology was in practice at the time of the Anunnaki or that it exists today.

Since the Reptilians, the Anunnaki, and the Zetans are all one and the same, then that technology would logically be around NOW. In fact, it would likely be significantly improved upon since the Anunnaki - according to Sitchin - first came here approximately 450,000 years ago

Additionally, I think that with all the thousands of abductee accounts, there would be some mention of the aliens using a stargate if they truly had that capability. There is also no mention of an alien stargate anywhere among the hundreds of governmental insiders in The Disclosure Project. don't offer us any evidence - like eyewitness testimony instead of graphics, drawings and paintings - to support your theory about stargates.

Its like when the alien spirit channelers offer "proof" of their contact with aliens from their drawings and paintings. This only points to them being mediums of alien spirits, not contactees of physical extraterrestrials.

Colorful drawings, paintings, and graphics do not prove that stargates exist now or ever did in the past.

Is there some eyewitness testimony for us in the future?

Or are we to simply take your colorful illustrations and drawings as proof positive that stargates exist?

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 06:37 AM

The star gates aren't in usage, currently. if they are, it would be only recently and there will big trouble to follow. Remember i explained that to you before. they've been shut down. that's what the whole Tower of Babel fiasco was. if i'm correct on this, the last one was shut down after Nimrod absconded with the Dur.Anki gate, put it on a barge and sailed it to Egypt. The Dur.Anki gate was from Enlil's E.KUR. He took it to Abydos Egypt where it was placed in the Osirieon ( ) he died during this event. (he was known in Egypt as Narmer, and after his death, became Osiris).

That's why, when Seti I discovered the Osirieon many hundreds of years later, during excavations for his own temple at Abydos, he ordered the writing of the Book of the Gates. He found the Dur.anki gate, in the Osirieon.
my theory.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 06:57 AM
related shabaka stone passage:

This is the land ////// the burial of Osiris in the House of Sokar. ////// Isis and Nephthys without delay, for Osiris had drowned in his water. Isis [and Nephthys] looked out, [beheld him and attended to him]. Horus speaks to Isis and Nephthys: "Hurry, grasp him ///."
Isis and Nephthys speak to Osiris: "We come, we take you ///."
////// [They heeded in time] and brought him to [land. He entered the hidden portals in the glory of the lords of eternity]. //////. [Thus Osiris came into] the earth at the royal fortress, to the north of [the land to which he had come.

the royal fortress was in Abydos, which was considered the seat of Osiris. The Osirieon was the Abzu chamber,built for the gate, just like under Enki's Abzu and Enlil's Abzu (Dur.Anki).

Abydos is a greek word. In egyptian it is spelled "Abdju". The "dj" is pronounced "z", so Abydos is actually "Abzu." It was a huge hint that Nimrod had carted the Abzu gate to this exact location, built an Abzu chamber and placed it in there. Later, he dies. this is recounted in the egyptian stories AND in the akkadian stories such as "Inana's Descent to the Underworld" (Inana=Isis). This was the gate Inana used to rescue him. He apparently died, offworld. This gate and the chamber, were locked up tighter than a drum, and no one found eitehr of them for centuries. When Seti I finally found the Osirieon, all he had were myths and old stories to go on and had no idea how to use the gate. So he guessed. His guess is The Book of the Gates.

[edit on 16-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 07:29 AM
i've always wondered if he perhaps found a text with it, as well. it would've been written in a language he wasn't entirely familar with, that's for sure.

before it's asked, i might as well outline the research i've done as to where the Dur.anki gate went after Seti I found it:

When Nimrod/Osiris died, as described in part on the Shabaka Stone, his body was sent through the Osirieon Abzu gate and the entire thing was buried and forgotten. (why it was forgotten is another subject). It stay hidden there until Seti I found the OSirieon while excavating for his own temple. Inspired by the find but not knowing how it worked, he had his scribes pen the Book of the Gates, which was the first time it was seen in egyptian history. He then had them carve the entirety of it on his alabaster sarcophagus, which was placed in his burial chamber in the Valley of the Kings.

If this theory is correct, there's a gate out there, somewhere, that has nothing to do with the Eridu gate (Enki's gate at Babel) . There's several possibilities of where it might have gone, if indeed it was ever there:

1. Isis/Inana had it moved following the death of Osiris
2. It's still there, in the Osirieon, buried under the structure
3. Seti I had it moved to his tomb in the Valley of the Kings and it either was a) buried in that last tunnel that descends below the water table past his sarcophagus, or b) was found when Seti I's tomb was discovered and Giovanni Battista Belzoni or Henry Salt made off with it.
4. Someone else found it either before Seti I, or after Seti I (but prior to Belzoni/Salt) and they made off with it.
5. Someone else found it after Belzoni/Salt, in that descending corridor that goes below the water table, past Seti I's sarcophagus, and made off with it. (this corridor, although it goes below the water table, has hieroglyphs that continue down into the water, however the tunnel, according to officialdom, has not been fully excavated),
6. Someone else found it in the Osirieon, sometime after Seti I. Possible suspects could be any one of several people who discovered and rediscovered the Osirieon over the years (it's been rediscovered at least 3 times): either by Strabo or Flinders Petrie and Margaret Murray, or Henry Frankfort.

[edit on 16-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by undo

The star gates aren't in usage, currently. if they are, it would be only recently and there will big trouble to follow. Remember i explained that to you before. they've been shut down.


It is not logical that in all the hundreds of thousands of years since the Anunnaki first came here, that their descendents (the Zetan-Reptilians) would not be using them now in some capacity.

That's like concluding from one nuclear reactor being shut down that all future nuclear reactors will never be activated or used to power the homes of millions of people.

If there truly was star gate technology, it would be in use today

Hey...I would only be too happy to promote the idea that star gates exist.

But that would at least require some good evidence, like eyewitness testimony.

Have any?

[edit on 16-4-2007 by Paul_Richard]

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