posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 08:08 PM
Dear Seewhatudo:
First off, you started a damned good thread, if I may say so. I was feeling ‘a little worthless’ myself until I read your post and figured I had
to say a few things!
1. 9-11 was indeed a self-inflicted attack by our own authorities. And by the way, so was the 1993 WTC bombing. Interestingly, both incidents were
the first and only time ‘islamo-terrorism’ ever purportedly ‘occurred’ within our national boundaries. Remarkably, throughout the sixties,
seventies, eighties and nineteen-nineties, Moslem radicals refused to live up to their international reputation and blow something up within the
United States proper. They just wouldn’t cooperate (with our strategic planners). So they needed a little help — from our covert services and
those of our allies.
2. You may be right, most Americans might believe that JFK’s murder was an inside job. But average people stop there with that realization. They
won’t ‘dig’ any further. They do not want to understand exactly why, how, by whom JFK’s assassination was committed. They don’t want to
know the details. People just want to go on with their lives. They don’t want to get involved. Of course this is a very dangerous attitude. None
of us live in a vacuum. By doing nothing, others will decide for you. If all of us were more like you Seewhatudo, then things very well might be
different. It seems one would have to get up very early in the morning to pull the wool over you!
3. Part of the problem is that our political system is so prone to corruption, far more than is generally thought. Our two main parties, Democrats
and Republicans, are essentially one and the same. Their differences are nuanced. Whenever they bicker back and forth they are merely ‘shadow
boxing’. Before you protest — why will neither party start a REAL investigation into the JFK assassination or 9-11? Because they’re both
‘in’ on both occurrences. It’s that simple. Sure they feud in public. But in private, our representatives are ‘laughing their heads off’.
They’re jovially small-talking over martinis at cocktail lounges. Both parties, and our mainstream media are controlled by select powerful
interest groups. If people took a more critical stance — such as yourself Seewhatudo — than the internet could change all this. Never before in
the history of mankind has ALL the information been available to EVERYONE.
The Wizard In The Woods