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Rosie O'Donnell asks for a Physics Expert to Explain the collapse of WTC7 on the VIEW..AWESOME!!!

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posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 01:26 AM
thank you left wing media for turning my statement into a quote that looks worse than what I said. Man trust, you should work for Fox or Al-Jazerra.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Man trust, you should work for Fox or Al-Jazerra.

I'm just doing my part brother.

Peace at all costs, even if it means war.

[edit on 30-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 01:46 AM
damn crazy rosie!!! i am not a big fan of hers but seriously BOLAS!!!! homegirl has some serious balls... i mean what the fudge?
saying on national tv that you think 911 was a planned thing by our govt is WILD!! i give her mad will at least get people thinking more and hopefully opening their eyes up more to what is really going down.
dang i wonder what is gonna go down...i wouldn't be surprised if she has a "car accident" or something like that...

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by TheBadge
i wouldn't be surprised if she has a "car accident" or something like that...

lol ya know, short of someone from FDNY coming to me with a chunk of a blasting cap, rosie having an "accident" or "committing suicide" might jsut get me to think it was the govt.

so, now there is one more thing that could sway my opinion.

til then i go with what i know.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 02:27 AM
LMAO this is probably the final nail in the coffin for these dillusional 9-11 "truth" (lie) seekers. Rosie is a fat stupid pig and pretty much a joke of a person. I can guarentee at least half of those 30 million viewers you are all foaming at the mouth at, just belive the official (true) story even more.

This helps the anti-conspirocy heads more than anyone else. Now that she came out and said what a nut job she is, it can now be fully written off by the media as the hoax it really is. It's not like enough credible people haven't simply destroied the 9-11 conspirocy theory, getting a trash celeb to belive in it is the perfect way for people finally to relize that the 9-11 thing is just as fake as the people who belive it.

Lol nobody in the entire world has an ounce of respect for rosie o donnel, and thankfully her idiot ways will just make more people have no respect for 9-11 truthers (liars).

So good job rosie, you just scored a huge victory for us REAL americans who actually belive that terrorists were behind 9-11

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
...terrorists were behind 9-11

Well thats obvious to everyone, duh.

I think the real question should be, who funded the terrorists.

[edit on 30-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 05:01 AM
The official investigation began 400 days after the attack - only at the request of the victim's fammilies, the governemnt had no intention to investigate on their own, they "knew" all from day one.
They spent 600000 $ on it , and they had a lot to investigate : 4 planes, NORAD not working, 3000 victims, thousands of witnesses
WTC 7 did not even make it in the report
On Monica Lewinsky they spent 40 million $

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 06:09 AM
Truth Hurts.

That was evident in the discussion.


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 06:16 AM
I'm no fan of Rosie, but calling her a "fat stupid pig" is typical of "REAL" Americans. Hey Spawwn do you even know what she said? All I got from your response is if someone is big or fat then they are stupid. And if you question the "official story" you are a nut job. Has the administartion told the truth about anything? Why is the 1st response from an official story believer to immediately start name calling and not even address the issues being raised. It's as if your saying if you are big or fat you are stupid therefore, you're not a REAL American and cant ever question anything you agree with. Name calling is the first response from elementary school kids when they are confronted with someone who disagrees with them. Being able to see both sides and ask questions is a process of people who have elevated to a higher thinking plateau. And it's also the basics for Democracy. Questioning the government and their motives is what brought this country into exsistence. So I will have to ask, wht is your definition of a "REAL" American?

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 06:36 AM
I think what Rosie should do is seriously educate herself on the 911 issue. There are tons of information on the internet that contain incredible facts and raise very important questions.

By presenting those facts and questions to her viewing audience, she will gain more credibility and get more people to take a serious look at this coverup instead of just labeling her as another celebrity trying to gain attention for herself.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 06:43 AM
I like rosie because she has never been afraid to state her opionin. I think there are more famous people who dont believe the 'official' story of 9/11 but are scared to too scared to say anything (which i can understand, you dont wannna lose ur fan base) but he had balls.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:05 AM
Hey all,

I am on the bandwagon for the truth behind the 11 sept 2001 bombing but I think
that Rosie is about the furthest thing from a good or appropriate spokesperson that any organization or individual could have.

After all if you want to get me to change the channel just mention Rosie and click
I am off and surfing. I think you will find this a common reaction to Rosie in many different circles. I would rather not have a spokesperson for this cause than to have her as a spokesperson what we really need is someone who has diplomatic skills or at least
has a grasp on manners and how to use them. at any rate just my two cents on the subject she may be a star but for all the wrong reasons.


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:37 AM
I've never liked Rosie, but what she said in that video really made me proud for her. It doesn't sound like she worries about any repercussions about given alternative views on WTC 7.

Elizabeth sounds like she has doubt on WTC collapse, but doesn't want to know the truth, because it would be too scary for her. She said something to the extent of, "During the time of war, you have to trust your government more." This would be all good, except when the war has been established on a mindset, and not a country, without a time line, without a single enemy, without any info being released to the public and everything being kept confidential, with new allegations what seems almost every month about another Bush Administration official being corrupt, with so much corruptions and billions of dollars meant to be aid for Iraq gone missing, and most of all, the one blamed for the attacks (Osama Bin Laden) is no longer a worry by Bush.

Elizabeth might have mentioned that Clinton didn't capture Osama, but she did fail to mention how Bush no longer cares about capturing Osama.

Also, I can guarantee you that Sean Hanity will air this footage on his show, but make it out like Rosie is saying un-American things, while Elizabeth is defending America.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by geocom
After all if you want to get me to change the channel just mention Rosie and click ...

I do not think you are probably in the target demographic for the View, but I am assuming.

Look, the Internet will only get us so far... Rosie speaks to an audience where a certain percentage have never even turned on a computer, fresh ears.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:50 AM
I wish I could watch "The View."

I stopped when they brought in Rosie. I can't stand the site of that woman. I retch everytime I see an image of her.

The only reason they hired her, IMHO, is for shock value. Talk shows almost never last without some sort of shock value.

For a lot of people, Rosie is someone they love to hate.

If they were that deperate for some shock value, I'd rather have seen them bring in Ru Paul.

Not that I really care for him, his would be a lesser of two evils in my mind.

[edit on 30-3-2007 by hlesterjerome]

[edit on 30-3-2007 by hlesterjerome]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by hlesterjerome
I wish I could watch "The View."

I stopped when they brought in Rosie. I can't stand the site of that woman. I retch everytime I see an image of her.

The only reason they hired her, IMHO, is for shock value. Talk shows almost never last without some sort of shock value.

For a lot of people, Rosie is someone they love to hate.

Rosie is great! The ratings have gone up since she has been on the show. If they hate her so much, why does she get such applause in the audience when she makes statements about 9/11 and Bush? I think TRUE AMERICANS (throwing in a little FOX brainwashing..hehe) Love her and respect her for standing up for truth.


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:05 AM
I'm not into these topics usually, but for this one i'll throw my opinion in. If Rosie didn't make her thoughts on her stance sounds believeable, then when the "sheeple" found out it was for ratings, she lose her "sheeple" while I don't hold much faith in the view of people thinking the government is out to get us, I respect the fact that they have the right to think that way. Thats why America is america, and not China or most of these other Rebel silencing countries. My stance is that what happened, happened like it was stated. I know too many ppl that work at the pentagon that saw what happened. do they make money off the story they tell, no. But I've yet to find the people that tell the other story to tell it in something other than a media you have to buy. That says something to me. Just my opinion and your entitled to your own.


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:21 AM
Rosie is great! The ratings have gone up since she has been on the show. If they hate her so much, why does she get such applause in the audience when she makes statements about 9/11 and Bush? I think TRUE AMERICANS (throwing in a little FOX brainwashing..hehe) Love her and respect her for standing up for truth.

I PERSONALY can't stand her. I'm not surprised ratings went up though. I know she has a lot of fans. My wife likes her.

She has, what I consider, a very “caustic” sort of personality. Turns me off, but a lot of people find that sorta thing “entertaining.” I don't.

I can't stand Howard Stern, for the same reason. That form of "Entertainment" just doesn't appeal to me personally.

I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Rosie or Howard are actually rather kind considerate people ( I personally doubt Rosie is though). Entertainers “Stage” personalities are not always the same as their “Home” personalities.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Azathoth
I'm not into these topics usually, but for this one i'll throw my opinion in. If Rosie didn't make her thoughts on her stance sounds believeable, then when the "sheeple" found out it was for ratings, she lose her "sheeple" while I don't hold much faith in the view of people thinking the government is out to get us, I respect the fact that they have the right to think that way. Thats why America is america, and not China or most of these other Rebel silencing countries. My stance is that what happened, happened like it was stated. I know too many ppl that work at the pentagon that saw what happened. do they make money off the story they tell, no. But I've yet to find the people that tell the other story to tell it in something other than a media you have to buy. That says something to me. Just my opinion and your entitled to your own.


I respect that. Ecerybody has the right to his/her opinion. But I really dont wanna sound stupid but i have to ask what is a 'sheeple' ? Did I miss something

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:56 AM
I know a lot of people hate Rosie. I'm not really sure why except for some of the same reasons people hate Tom Cruise, Brittney and others. I don't hate anyone. Rosie has her faults (unlike any of us...)
but overall, I like her. She has been hypocritical around gun control (you can't have 'em, but my bodyguards can), but hey, we all mess up sometimes. But she says what she means. And as someone who does the same, I really respect that about her.

As regards her challenge on the VIEW, I say... Woo-Hoo!

Way to go, Rosie!!!
30 million viewers!

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