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Brits were in Iranian waters - I have proof

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posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
Proof would be the GPS coordinates of the british vessel, the freighter that it stopped and the Iranian vessels.

I was thinking the same. Some where there is data that states the truth. I bet the US intelligence agencies know.

Can we hire Iran to solve the 10 million illegal aliens problem in the US?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by proprog
Iraqis seems to be admitting that birts WERE indeed in Iranian waters.

I'm glad that someone, at last, has got the balls to come out and tell the truth.

I had no doubt from the beginning that brits were in Iranian waters, and I hope they put them on trial for their undermining of iranian sovereignty.

Wheres this proof you mention? A quote that says "British gunboats in an area that is out of Iraqi control" means the area is out of Iraqi control...not that it is Iranian water. Christ the Atlantic Ocean is out of Iraqi control the Moon is out of Iraqi control. I bet when the Americans walked on the moon they didn't know it was Iranian Sovereign Territory. Hell they must have been at war since the moon landings. Wow, they were at war with the Shah

Originally posted by untilted
one must ask himself what would happen if Iranian sailors were inspecting freighters in Britain waters...?

Don't think they could navigate that far. Unless they hijack some planes which is de rigueur for terrorists these days

I smell setup. But who cares? The only sad thing is that when Iran becomes a land of irradiated glass there will be some Brits in the melting pot. A worthy sacrifice I think.

Personally I think they just kidnapped them in revenge for the film 300

This time Xerxes boys will fight in the shade for a nano second, the shade of mushroom clouds
Bring it on...the end game is soon, bad meanies

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[edit on 3-27-2007 by worldwatcher]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 02:43 PM
Oh i do believe they was in Irans waters, Keep jabbing the dog with a stick until it turns on you, then you and your friends can kick the dog to death and claim the dog started it.
Lets face it, Iran is gonna be bombed and theres nothing thats gonna prevent it.
I guarantee now that a few US troops will have to be sacrificed next, or how about a mortar attack on a camp near the Iran/Iraq border.
Something is due watch the headlines.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 02:49 PM
I would suspect that the British were in Iranian waters, the official story didn't really make any sense. However I looked through this thread and didn't see any proof, I had previously read that quote from local boats that the Brits were in Iranian waters, but it isn't proof.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by golddragnet
I would suspect that the British were in Iranian waters, the official story didn't really make any sense. However I looked through this thread and didn't see any proof, I had previously read that quote from local boats that the Brits were in Iranian waters, but it isn't proof.

Actually the British government are withholding the boat coordinates and I believe it was initially to try and talk some sense into the Iranians to secure the release of the personnel. as showin in this BBC article.

His spokesman said he was referring to a "different way" of handling talks, which could involve making public reasons why the UK was certain the group was in Iraqi waters.

It is understood this could include producing evidence such as boat co-ordinates and details of the searched vessel apparently still anchored in Iraqi waters.

I believe this evidence has been kept from the public in order to deal with this privately with the Iranians so the British could reason with them. As in "look you made a mistake which we are willing to forget about if you release them now".

If you go to the above BBC article there is also a video of one of the WRENs being held captive and also a satellite image of where the BBC believe the boat was when it was searched.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by daviroo
I believe this evidence has been kept from the public in order to deal with this privately with the Iranians so the British could reason with them. As in "look you made a mistake which we are willing to forget about if you release them now".

It could also be that they haven't released the coordinates yet because the guys were in fact in Iranian waters. If they do have the coordinates to prove they were in Iraq I would strongly suspect they would have released that info before now.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:03 PM
Alright so does this go along with the other post of American arresting Iranians in Iraq...They didnt belong there themselves thats why we arrested them. But I heard the same crap come out of the Anti-American/British/Israel force on these boards.

I say the same thing happening on land is happening in the water. Iran crossed into Iraqi water thus they should of been arrested and ships taken. They brought to Baghdad to be interrogated. HAHAhaHA

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:05 PM
More pressure now...

The UK is now demanding to see proof that they are treated well.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:12 PM
According to the BBC 10 O'Clock News, its political correspondent - Nick Robinson - says that the Ministry of Defence is preparing a news conference tomorrow morning in which satellite coordinates and photographic evidence will be shown proving that the British personnel were in Iraqi waters when captured.

Keep your eyes on the BBC Website - I think you'll be able to watch the 10pm news when it's finished on BBC One (so around 10:30-11pm UK time).

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Prime Minister and Foreign Minster are both to make PUBLIC statements to say private diplomacy has failed and "explicit measures" will be taken.


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by infinite

Prime Minister and Foreign Minster are both to make PUBLIC statements to say private diplomacy has failed and "explicit measures" will be taken.



BBC are not carrying this.... yet...

What would "explicit" measures be? I hate all this diplomo-babble...

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:07 PM

Story hasn't updated yet on Skynews...

but its Sky that was sayin "explicit measures" will be taken.


The source is believed to be Downing Street

[edit on 27-3-2007 by infinite]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by untilted
one must ask himself what would happen if Iranian sailors were inspecting freighters in Britain waters...? would most likely never happen, but if Iran did get bit by the "Imperial" bug and decided to bully.... errr I mean patrol Britain's waterways and inspect there freighters, then hopefully the same fate would befall them!

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:28 PM

You can find the report by Nick Robinson on the BBC Ten O'Clock News which is now on the BBC Website. That particular segment is 4:55 in, but here's a transcript (apologies for any mistakes, as I typed it quickly

Well, preparations are now in place, Emily, for a news conference at the Ministry of Defence tomorrow morning at which - I'm told - that what will be revealed be the is not merely the coordinates of where that capture took place but photographic evidence; photographs taken at the moment of capture itself.

Also, the vessel which the sailors and marines were searching is still where it was when it was being searched - In Iraqi waters (this snipped it about 3:45 in)

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by catchphraseneeded would most likely never happen, but if Iran did get bit by the "Imperial" bug and decided to bully.... errr I mean patrol Britain's waterways and inspect there freighters, then hopefully the same fate would befall them!

Standard maritime practice upon finding a foreign vessel that should not be in your waters is to ask them what they are doing. If they comply, then it's all sorted out peacfully. If no response is forthcoming, then a boarding party would be assembled. If the ship resisted boarding, or made attempts to escape, then a warning shot would be fired across the bows. If they still failed to comply and continued on whatever they were doing, then a forced boarding or perhaps an actual shot will be fired into the vessel.

You don't just board and kidnap. Thats just wrong.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:36 PM

The yanks on FOXNews are questioning our army and its tatics. Someone mail them in and tell FOX that our army is not trigger happy

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by infinite

The yanks on FOXNews are questioning our army and its tatics. Someone mail them in and tell FOX that our army is not trigger happy

Let them, bah! Honestly, they always think they could do better.

As is the common saying in the UK Forces "All the gear, but no idea". They may have shiny toys, but our guys have better training.

Having said that, if the ROE were different, then this whole story would be different. We may already be at War. Is that really what we want?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:58 PM
The Iranians need only give aljazeera the coordinatates that the british vessels were found on from their radar stations. That would prove the boats were in iranian waters. But the boats weren't in Iranian waters! The Iranian forces are lucky that British forces know restraint, if that was American forces the Iranians would have been blown out of the water. Instead Iran have commited a diplomatic incident. The kind that leads to military confrontation.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by infinite

The yanks on FOXNews are questioning our army and its tatics. Someone mail them in and tell FOX that our army is not trigger happy

Removed comment..........

[edit on 27-3-2007 by tombangelta]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 06:41 PM
UK has milspec GPS on Cornwall as well as excellent radar. Iran and the Indian vessel that was boarded have to use "commercial" GPS, either from the US birds or the Russian ones. They DO NOT have access to the very accurate milspec variety unless Russia was really stupid about releasing that data stream to them. Indian vessel would also have AIS - for ship identification and that broadcasts their position to any asset in the area with an AIS receiver - anything bigger than a rowboat would have known their position to commercial GPS specs....

Also, the Indian vessel is still at anchor where it was boarded and guess what - it's in Iraqi waters - go figure....

The diplomatic reason to not immediately release data, is that it is a big slap in the face. Unwritten diplomatic rules say keep things quiet until you have to do otherwise, but it is likely being shown on back channels to other countries to help apply pressure on Iran. UK can trot out GPS logs. radar data and satellite pictures if they need to and I'm sure the US has quite detailed info on the exact positions as well from a number of platforms....

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