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Would you become a sucide bomber?

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posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by NewYorker
Dreamz: Agreed
However, the Palestinians do not have the resources to fight back in a fair manner. They do not have the militay experstise or funding that Israel does. This is because of the USA's unconditional support of Israel. It's as if the only option left for the Palestinians is killing themselves in order to achieve their freedom. I agree, the killing of innocent people is totally wrong. If anything, the suicide bombers should target military installations, government officials, and the like. Their cause would receive much more endorsement then, and hence, the illegal occupation by Israel may come to an end.

i read this and thought about it. your post looks good but blow yourself up in a crowd of civilians is the BEST method of fighting your enemy. why?

simple. it doesnt hurt the military to target them, they are behind "hardened" points but civilian targets are A) easy to find B) hard to defend C) takes the fight to THEIR people. my thinking behind it would be if enough civilians died they just might get tired of THEIR government and wear them down. indirectly going after the government via the people they serve/protect.

it makes life miserable for them in general, it makes them scared and paranoid. great for you, bad for them. again, the thinking is if you can make their lives miserable and keep them paranoid, never knowing when the next attack will occur, they might start getting the hint that we mean business. you take our lands and are left with nothing so whats left to lose? our lives? small pittance for getting back at you! (cant say i blame them either, i'd probably feel that way as well)

i dont agree with either side fully but i do see both sides and tend to agree with both sides but i also see neither side willing to compromise so as far as i'm concerned i hope they all wipe each other off the planet. someone else will just come in and claim the land for themselves after they are gone. good riddance. (not that i dont care but if they dont care why should i?)

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by tregan
All i can say is a would do anything to protect and serve my country. Living in the United States is a part of my dignity.
I would hope it would never lead to killing innocent people. But, innocent people are killed everyday. Besides, it's part of the bigger picture.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." JFK

God Bless America

Are you being sarcastic? That's like the stereotypical Ignorant American attitude....

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Flinx

Originally posted by tregan
All i can say is a would do anything to protect and serve my country. Living in the United States is a part of my dignity.
I would hope it would never lead to killing innocent people. But, innocent people are killed everyday. Besides, it's part of the bigger picture.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." JFK

God Bless America

Are you being sarcastic? That's like the stereotypical Ignorant American attitude....

well that attitude is generally one held by those who protect you and your right to call them ignorant...ironic huh?

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 09:55 AM
Hell no i wouldn't become a suicide bomber....
I would create bomb, shoot guns, and generally create as much havoc, devestation apon the enemy as much as possible, and inspire fear...lots of it.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by akummma
Also rememeber they celebrated the sept 11 terrorism attacks.

Wouldn't you if you where a Palestinian. After all everything that kills their mothers and fathers and children is bought and paid for with American tax dollars. Support of the Jews in Israel isn�t worth the suicide bombers it creates.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 01:12 PM
"Are you being sarcastic? That's like the stereotypical Ignorant American attitude.... "

hmm? there was me thinking americans dont understand sarcasm; stick one of them infront of a few episodes of fawlty towers and see the confusion in their eyes.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey

well that attitude is generally one held by those who protect you and your right to call them ignorant...ironic huh?

Yes Monkey, because America is the only country that has freedom of speech and only people with that particular attiude/worldview protect freedom of speech...

Aggression in, aggression out Pranky...

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by surfup
Would anyone here become a suicide bomber?

If yes, what situation would take you there?

And why?

What's it pay?
I gots to get paid UP FRONT, you feel me?

No, but that would be the typical mentality. Who would admit it anyway? Someone that wants to go to jail?

I could see a web page. Interested in learning to be a suicide bomber? Don't forget to sign my guestbook! Or e-mail me at [email protected]

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 07:24 PM
i don't get it. when american soldiers rain fire on civilians, it's called friendly fire, or collateral damage. i'm pretty sure the firepower of the military dwarfs the damage done by suicide bombers. i'm pretty sure the casualties in the israeli/palestinian conflict are way heavier on the palestinian side of the fence.
i've read testimony from an israeli soldier saying that once you start firing your rifle, you just keep firing, anything. little kids and mothers, even. why is this considered any different/better than suicide bombing. or planting mines around the schools and pathways used by children. or making bombs that look the same as food packets. or the straight dropping of huge bombs from airplanes. murder is murder. rationalize all you want.
it's ALL psychological conditioning. gurdieff was right. most people are just machines. follow your programming, R2D2.

my brother just had to pick up his buddy's intestines and try and tuck them back in. he was also temporary blinded by a laser. and he is one of the lucky ones. he's not so gung ho about the military and their 'noble mission' anymore.
i hate hate.

[Edited on 28-12-2003 by billybob]

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 07:29 PM
Remember Bbob...

Take a swing at a cop in America, you're 'resisting'. In Iraq, you're a 'terrorist'.

I know what you're saying about friendly fire. My WWII grandfather has told some shocking stories he thinks is no big deal. He was behind a crack pot that was shooting everybody. Germans, our guys, sheep, birds, rocks... he and his buddies finally off'ed him.

Oh well.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 08:13 PM
Maybe we just need to go back using swords for killing. It might give a person time to think before ending a life.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Flinx
Maybe we just need to go back using swords for killing. It might give a person time to think before ending a life.

Aye! (except for the thinking part :lol
Collar bone to crotch vivsection. If you can do that the bitch/bastard deserves it.

Or I like Chris Rock's $5,000 bullet theory. Man, he pissed someone off.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 08:44 PM

by billybob
if they promised me a big fat paycheck and a steak when i was finished, for sure i'd do it. how could you lose?

Sarcasm, I hope. Otherwise, that steak and paycheck are gonna be kinda hard to enjoy.

by akummma
Israel belongs to the jews. The arab and their old empire took it from the romans who then took it off the jews.

The owner of the house has came back to reclaim it, but the theif believes it is his.

Isn't this how almost every nation in existence started out at some point? One army invades someone else's country and tries to take it over. If they are successful, they gain a conquered country, if not the victorious country remains as it was. All nations now in existence, once "belonged" to someone else.

The truth of the matter is that no one owns the earth. We only imagine our names are written on it. If the land being fought over is already occupied by the Palestinian people, as it has been, Israel should (for the sake of peace and putting an end to all the death and destruction) let them have it. Why do they need the land SO badly anyways? Would it cause the country to collapse if they let it go? A piece of earth (dirt, water, and plants) is hardly worth the high price that has already been paid in human lives.

by surfup
If there were no nations, most of all the killing would be eliminated. Don't you agree?

Unfortunately, if individual nations were eliminated, people would just find something else to wage war over. People are greedy by nature, and always want what someone else has. Even though we know the grass isn't greener on the other side, humans still seem to think it will be. If people would stop trying to find fulfillment through acquiring what they don't have, and focus on understanding and improving themselves instead, then maybe we could finally evolve beyond the technologically advanced savages that we currently are.

[Edited on 28-12-2003 by jezebel]

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 09:41 AM
Pyros: "Despite their harsh living conditions, the Palestinians are alot better off then millions and millions of other people around the world. Palestinians, for the most part, are all very literate and receive primary and secondary educations. Most speak two or three languages, and are educated on current world events. Most Palestinians are well fed and have access to sufficient drinking water. They also are freed to practice their religion in freedom (as long as you are a Muslim). Also, despite what you see on TV, many Palestinians own vast tracts of land which is used to grow food, grapes for wine, olive groves, and for herding goats and sheep. A good percentage of Palestinians are employed or own their own businesses. And millions and millions of dollars are pouring into The West Bank and Gaza Strip, yet you can bet that those dollars are not being spent on the people. "

Wow, you're full of crap. The West Bank and Gaza are some of the most densely populated areas in the WORLD, and they have close borders. No leaving when you want to, and no getting back in when you want to. The average person in these two places makes far less than 2$ a day. They are OUTDOOR PRISONS. Most Palestinians own vasts tracts of land?! WHERE the heck did you hear all this garbage?

"Now, compare that to some poor, unlucky schlub who has had the unfortunate luck to be born in The Congo, or North Korea, or maybe in the slums of Kandahar. There are millions of people around the world who do not have a place to stay dry in the rain. There are millions more who cannot feed their own children. And there many, many more who will never know what personal freedom is. For crying out loud, there are people living in parts of the good ole USA who are worse off than the average Paletstinian! (just look around the Appalachian Mountains in Kentucky or out in the desert South West)."

The only difference being that the Palestinians have no freedom of movement and their entire country is OCCUPIED. They have NO personal freedom, NONE.

"No, the Palestinans are blowing themselves up because they are fanatiacal believers of a religion of death, and they are being deceived by their own leaders. They would be wise to put aside their violent ways and negotiate in good faith in order to gain worldwide support. It will be the only way they will ever gain their own freedom and autonomy. "

So the Palestinians blow themselves up because they follow Evil Islam and not because of 35 years of Illegal Occupation? Are you a Palestinian census-taker? Did you do some type of poll? Are you an expert on Islam? Or are you in fact talking out of your back orifice? To say that Palestinians perform suicide bombs because of their religion is ignorant and insulting to anyone who believes in Islam.


posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Jakomo

Wow, you're full of crap. The West Bank and Gaza are some of the most densely populated areas in the WORLD, and they have close borders. No leaving when you want to, and no getting back in when you want to. The average person in these two places makes far less than 2$ a day. They are OUTDOOR PRISONS. Most Palestinians own vasts tracts of land?! WHERE the heck did you hear all this garbage?

And yet the literacy levels in the disputed territories among the Palestinian-Arabs are very high. Most of them do speak three languages (Arabic, English, Hebrew), most Palestinian-Arabs are well fed with access to drinking water (water systems paid for by Israel), and many of them are landowners who grow all the crops Pyros mentioned.

Originally posted by Jakomo
The only difference being that the Palestinians have no freedom of movement and their entire country is OCCUPIED. They have NO personal freedom, NONE.

Their movements are restricted by checkpoints, but they enjoy whatever other freedoms are granted by their own government, the Palestinian Authority. The checkpoints are the result of the intifada, and will go away when the intifada ends.

Originally posted by Jakomo
So the Palestinians blow themselves up because they follow Evil Islam and not because of 35 years of Illegal Occupation? Are you a Palestinian census-taker? Did you do some type of poll? Are you an expert on Islam? Or are you in fact talking out of your back orifice? To say that Palestinians perform suicide bombs because of their religion is ignorant and insulting to anyone who believes in Islam.

I would suggest that it is the followers of Islam who do not believe in suicide-murder who are insulted (and placed in danger by) the Palestinian-Arabs and other radical fundamentalist Muslims who do. The fact is that Islam plays a key roll in recruiting and motivating suicide-terrorists, and pointing to Muslims who are as rightly horrified by that fact as you and I doesn�t change anything.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Or I like Chris Rock's $5,000 bullet theory. Man, he pissed someone off.

That guy is a genius.

If I had the chance to realy change the world for the good of the humanrace then yes. I would blow myself to #.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 12:36 PM
Mycroft: Haha, you kill me.

"Their movements are restricted by checkpoints, but they enjoy whatever other freedoms are granted by their own government, the Palestinian Authority. The checkpoints are the result of the intifada, and will go away when the intifada ends."

Anyone who says Palestinians are free has never been there. Or has, and is lying about it.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Jakomo
Mycroft: Haha, you kill me.

"Their movements are restricted by checkpoints, but they enjoy whatever other freedoms are granted by their own government, the Palestinian Authority. The checkpoints are the result of the intifada, and will go away when the intifada ends."

Anyone who says Palestinians are free has never been there. Or has, and is lying about it.

Umm... Mycroft did not say the Palestinians are free.... he simply stated that "they enjoy whatever other freedoms are granted by their own government, the Palestinian Authority".... not sure where you got that from~

Obviously this is a very emotional subject for you - and that is ok, but please don't misquote others to prove your point - that only discredits your line of reasoning...

Best Regards,

[Edited on 29-12-2003 by intelgurl]

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 02:39 PM
intelgurl: ""Their movements are restricted by checkpoints, but they enjoy whatever other freedoms are granted by their own government, the Palestinian Authority. The checkpoints are the result of the intifada, and will go away when the intifada ends.""

No, you see, this is implying that the Palestinians are granted freedoms from their government, when in fact Israel is the ones in charge of saying if they are free or not. Curfews, raids, destruction of livelihoods, etc.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 02:50 PM

Sarcasm, I hope. Otherwise, that steak and paycheck are gonna be kinda hard to enjoy.

blimey! i dont think you needed to mention that. of course it was sarcasm. (i dont understand u americans)

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