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Bomb Evidence and Cover Up

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posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by sensfan

I just called a police office friend of mine, who was a firefighter before joining the police force. He stated that if their is any indication that a bomb is in a building that is on fire, the safety protocol is that the FIREFIGHTERS safey is of UPMOST importance, and they will NOT ENTER the building until the bomb, if present, is secured by the proper authorities.

Ok did you forget to tell him there is injured people inside the building? The body count being greater than 100? I believe you did.

[edit on 19-3-2007 by Connected]

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Connected

Originally posted by sensfan

I just called a police office friend of mine, who was a firefighter before joining the police force. He stated that if their is any indication that a bomb is in a building that is on fire, the safety protocol is that the FIREFIGHTERS safey is of UPMOST importance, and they will NOT ENTER the building until the bomb, if present, is secured by the proper authorities.

Ok did you forget to tell him there is injured people inside the building? The body count being greater than 100? I believe you did.

[edit on 19-3-2007 by Connected]

No, I did not. Hard for some to believe, but the lives are the firefighters are more important than anyone else when they are fighting a fire. If the firefighters are injured or God forbid lose their lives, then they are lacking personel, and the situation get's worse.

Edit to add....Of course, this is in Canada...I doubt it, but the firefighter safety standards in the USA might be different.

[edit on 19-3-2007 by sensfan]

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Connected
Crap I forgot the tags...

Do you really thing I'm going to buy your story? A explosives expert that trained with the firefighters that were present on 911? REALLY?

Thats rediculous.

Oh B.T.W. I am Elvis Presley!

well gee, i done gone and said i was done with this but apparently my marine friend here has never heard of cross training.

so, ill explain it in simple words.

my last assignment in the military before i got sick was with a wmd response team. we were assigned as active duty national guard so that we could operate on us soil without congress. ok? follow so far?

ok, so as part of what we did, we were all osha hazmat certified to level A. that way we didnt have to rely on mopp gear and could respond to the things that mopp wont stop. still follow?

ok so as part of our continuing ed courses, some of us went to a DOJ training center where they held what they called a COBRA course.


its an advanced hazmat course focusing on terrorism events for people like us, cops, firefighters. still follow?

this was in June of 02.

there were firefighters that were there on 911 that were taking this course at the same time i was, there were also cops from NYPD there as well as firefighters and cops from all over the country.

id post the class seating chart but who was all there is frankly none of your damn business.

so, in 12 years in the army, is it unreasonable to believe that i spent 5 as a combat engineer. 5 as an NBC NCO, took a year off then joined a WMD response team? or is that all too unlikely for you to comprehend?

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 03:55 PM
I don't know how they did it but, I know what I saw. (WTC 7) - That building was brought down in a controlled fashion. I watched that building (WTC 7) fall down in one piece. It fell in 6.7 seconds.

If that wasn't a controlled demo, I don't know what else it could be.
So, for someone to say that it wasn't, is like telling me the Earth is flat. It's ridiculous.

How they did it is not as important, to me, as knowing that they did it.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Smack
I don't know how they did it but, I know what I saw. (WTC 7) - That building was brought down in a controlled fashion. I watched that building (WTC 7) fall down in one piece. It fell in 6.7 seconds.

If that wasn't a controlled demo, I don't know what else it could be.
So, for someone to say that it wasn't, is like telling me the Earth is flat. It's ridiculous.

How they did it is not as important, to me, as knowing that they did it.

and ya know, thats an opinion i can respect.

i just think differently, for me to believe it was controlled i have to know how they did it. and since i DONT Know how they did it, that leaves me with questions.

i have NEVER said it wasnt a cd...just that i dont think that demo was involved and if it was i dont know how they did it, but id love to

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