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Bomb Evidence and Cover Up

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posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 02:32 PM
Please watch this... the movie, there is a part where a firefighter tells a man to clear out because there is a bomb in the building. What if you were that man? What if a firefighter was telling you there is a bomb? Would you still be an "official report believer"? Or would you question all of 911 and be a CT?

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 11:28 PM
Wow, not one single reply, thats great. I wonder why?

[edit on 19-3-2007 by Connected]

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 01:30 AM
I saw this once before, but I definately think it needed its own thread. Kudos to you.

I'm only posting here so I can find this thread if it gets buried later, this seems fairly important.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:20 AM
No believers want to touch this one.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 05:23 AM
The fireman's demeanor is also very telling, as you can hear the dejection in his voice. I imagine that he was one of the first to figure out what was really going down. Realizing the betrayal was not pleasant for any of us, but the FDNY was absolutely devastated and the list of victims continues to grow.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 11:54 AM
ok, lets try to look at this from an open minded perspective. we all have our opinions, including me, but lets set those all aside for a moment.

its early on 9-11 and two planes had just hit the towers. people are reporting explosions all over. people by now are also aware that this is no accident. is it unreasonable to assume that someone somewhere said he thought he heard a bomb go off and that by the time that info worked down the line that it had gotten changed to "there are bombs in the buildings"? and that for safety taht firefighter was relaying information he thought was accurate?

did anyone see any unexploded bombs before the towers collapsed?


did anyone see any bombs actually detonating?


did anyone find evidence of there being live explosive devices or parts from exploded devices?


is it possible that in the confusion people thoguht there were bombs but if you would ask the same people now if they still thought tehre were bombs would they say yes?


last, id like to offer this for you to consider.

in the list of people who's safety and well being you look out for when you are a firefighter/emt/cop...the victems are actually #3 on the list.

you look after yourself cuz youre no good to anyone if you are hurt.
you look after your team cuz alone you are boned, not to mention that if a firefighter/emt/cop goes down, all the other ff/emt/cops are going to focus on them and worry about them causing a possible distraction that could get them hurt.

THEN you look after the victims.

you may ask "what does that have to do with anything?"

well, do ANY of you REALLY believe that if the incident commander thought there were active BOMBS in the buildings that even ONE firefighter would have been in there?


its obvious they didnt think that the towers would collapse or there would not have been a single firefighter inside those towers. maybe a few cowboys would have run off on their own to help people, most of us would like to think we would, but no, if there were any reason for the chief to think there were bombs in the buildings no one would have gone in other than EOD.

and i think thats the ONE thing that everyone misses in this whole debate. imagine if yer the firechief and you sent those guys in knowng there were bombs. THOSE deaths wouldnt be on osama or george, they would be on you.

lemme guess...firechief in on it too?

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:10 PM
Just because someone told him there's a bomb doesn't mean there actually was once. I remember on 9/11 how a van backfiring as it drove by the pentagon turned into a story of a suicide bomb driver within a few minutes. People hear strange things, they think there's a bomb, someone tells someone there's a bomb, there's obviously a terrorist attack going on...

Remember how confused everybody was on that day, and how confused the firefighters must have been. One guy thinking there was a bomb in the building doesn't surprise me all that much.

As for the second guy, I don't know the physics behind it, but I'm not really sure you could be pushed upwards by an explosions that didn't destroy the floor below you. Now, he could have been exaggerating or imagining it was alot stronger because of the heat of the moment, but then you gotta wonder if the rest of his recollections are accurate.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:15 PM
Maybe I'm missing something here, last 2 posters, but wasn't that an actual bomb going off on the video? The one that makes the firemen jump out of their skin?

It's not hearsay when you can hear it go boom.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:20 PM
no, there was an explosion. ive said before and ill say it again, somethign going boom doesnt mean that there was a high explosive in place.

now, last time i said this connected said it was idiotic but if you think about it, and really understand will see what i mean.

so yeah, there was an explosion and honestly this is the only video thats ever made me go "hmm well, that was interesting" but still doesnt prove its an actual bomb.

when you hear an explosion you cant rule out everything and jump to the conclusion its a bomb right off or you are being closed minded. i dont think there were bombs anywhere near the twin towers myself but of all the 'evidence' this one is the only one thats ever made me curious. but, even with taht said, until we can rule out everything cant say it was a bomb.

how do we know that a gas line wasnt leaking and found a spark for example? fill a room with gas and have it find a spark and it makes a nice pretty boom. does that mean it was a bomb? no.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:20 PM
I guess the live newscasts of bombs going off were not good enough evidence for some of you jokers. There were multiple explosions all during the morning of 9/11 reported by various news agencies live at the scene. But, by all means, don't let me cloud your thoughts with facts. I certainly don't want to ruin anyone's fantasies. What time do you guys break for lunch?

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:23 PM
I'm tired of the arguments. I'm ready for a real investigation.

Perhaps Henry Waxman will investigate Able/Danger and get Sibel Edmonds to Testimony. I think the #-storm may start then.

While there may not be ample evidence proving 9/11 was an inside job (I personally believe that it was), there should be enough evidence for even the most hardened skeptic, that a new investigation should be undertaken.

It seems incredible to me that some still don't believe that criminal elements of our Government did 9/11 but, I know they did, and I still don't want to believe it.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:26 PM
and in a disaster scene like this, you find things exploding to be out of place?


ok then why wasnt lower manhattan totally evacuated until EOD arrived?

no one seems to be able to tell me that.

cuz no firechief is going to leave his men in harms way intentionally.


brace yourself...i agree with you to a certain point.

im all for a whole new investigation of 9-11. i dont think the buildings were demo'd but i dont necessarily believe our govt is totally innocent either and i say lets get it out on the table. whether they were in on it, let it happen or just incompetant...someone needs to, at the least lose their job, at worst spend time in a federal "pound me in the (use your imagination) prison" (its from office space if you didnt know)

[edit on 19-3-2007 by Damocles]

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:33 PM
Okay, we've established it was an explosion. Which means something exploded. We can hear it is an extremely loud, sharp report, with serious concussive force--since the firemen literally duck and cover.

Question, is this really what a gas-leak explosion sounds like?

Since gas leaks are diffused in the surrounding atmosphere, they have a lower register to them, a kind of whooshing boom as the vapor ignites. They don't go bang. Explosives go bang, because you're igniting a volatile compacted solid.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:44 PM
depends on the concentration of the gas and if its in an enclosed room or not. if theres enough gas in a bathroom, small explosion if its in a larger room. larger explosion.

also dont forget its not like the explosion in the vid was across the street. the accoustics of the sound passing between all the buildings etc will change the sound.

lastly, i used gas leak as an example. ONLY as an example as i didnt say it WAS a gas leak. all im saying is that during fires. things can explode.

but you are also correct in saying that it was a pretty sharp explosion which is less indicative of a gas leak explosion.

what about a gas tank bleve though? THOSE sound like an HE blast.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 12:49 PM
I didn't say there weren't any explosions. I said that there's no proof that the explosion was caused by a bomb.

Let's say there was a bomb in the basement. That would cause the buildings to collapse form bottom-up. However, they collapsed from top-down, where the planes hit. It would a bit counter-productive to go to all the trouble of flying planes into the buildings only to run the risk of everything going backwards. Why not just use the bomb to blow the building in the first place? What's the point of hijacking planes, unless they purposely wanted to destroy the airline industry? You get the same effect and spectacle of buildings collapsing, thousands dead, and a call for war, without the risk of totally screwing things up.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:01 PM

did anyone see any bombs actually detonating?

Yes. There are many videos out there where the firefighters are stating, plain as day, that they started seeing explosions. "Pop, pop, pop..." And then the building (in this case, WTC 7) began to fall. They state that they heard explosions in the towers too. In the BASEMENT. There was evidence of this as well and many testimonies about that. Yet, as is being displayed by the above quote, this information is being forced aside and ignored.

There are MANY eye witnesses that heard MANY explosions other than the planes hitting the towers.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by dariousg

Yes. There are many videos out there where the firefighters are stating, plain as day, that they started seeing explosions. "Pop, pop, pop..." And then the building (in this case, WTC 7) began to fall. They state that they heard explosions in the towers too. In the BASEMENT. There was evidence of this as well and many testimonies about that. Yet, as is being displayed by the above quote, this information is being forced aside and ignored.

There are MANY eye witnesses that heard MANY explosions other than the planes hitting the towers.

well, ive NEVER seen a video where anyone said they SAW an explosion, just heard it.

hearing something that "sounded like a bomb going off" doesnt make it a bomb.

again ill ask, why would the firechiefs let their people anywhere near a building that supposedly had bombs in it?

to rescue poeple or not you dont go running into a building with bombs in it until EOD arrives.

am i the only one that makes sense to? this isnt hollywood, mel isnt going to run in and "cut the blue wire' then grab a cat and run away before it blows up.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:08 PM

well, do ANY of you REALLY believe that if the incident commander thought there were active BOMBS in the buildings that even ONE firefighter would have been in there?

No, the fire chief was not in on it. I believe that the firefighter was referring to WTC 7 too. I can't tell because the link is shot. Maybe it can be reposted somehow.

Anyway, if they did think there were bombs in the towers then OF COURSE they would go in. Why are they in the business? To save lives. They KNEW that there were thousands of lives hanging in the balance and I guarantee you that you wouldn't be able to talk the majority of those firefighters out of going in to get those people regardless of what they may have thought.

However, I believe that argument is a moot point because they were not discussing the towers (if it is the clip that I have seen before) but were talking about WTC 7.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:16 PM

well, ive NEVER seen a video where anyone said they SAW an explosion, just heard it.

hearing something that "sounded like a bomb going off" doesnt make it a bomb.


am i the only one that makes sense to? this isnt hollywood, mel isnt going to run in and "cut the blue wire' then grab a cat and run away before it blows up.

I'm going to have to go through all of the videos I have on this I guess. There are a few different occassions where the firefighters are describing what they believed were bombs exploding. There are different clips that have not ever been reshown on the news where witnesses actually working in the lower levels of the towers claimed to have experienced a massive explosion in the basement at the same time the plane hit. Sorry, fire won't travel down that far and then decimate those lower basement levels. They claim that it came from below them and not above. They are on video too.

The primary statement I am talking about though is where the fire crew (that was being covered in the documentary that was being filmed by the brothers) plainly stated how they saw flashes and heard explosions for 15 floors. They said that it went "pop, pop, pop..." and he was showing with his hands moving from top to bottom.

If that isn't a statement from people that would at least be a little familiar with the subject then I don't know what you would accept. Unless someone else can point you to this video I guess I will have to begin watching them all again and try and find the exact spot.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:16 PM
Whether or not planes hit the buildings does not pertain to this thread. The people resonsible for destroying the WTC towers clearly had their act together. Theses structures were incredibly strong and required an extraordinary effort to bring them down. There are probably very few people alive today with the know-how to successfully pull off the job. I doubt any of them are participating in this thread. I don't pretend to know the methods used, and likewise seriously question anyone here trying to dismiss the pre-collapse explosions as irrelevant.

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