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Announce your position on 911.

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posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:15 PM
I do not believe the official story.

1) Who benefitted?

2) Who failed to stop it?

All other evidence is supporting and more tentative. but the evidence of benefit for the failed defenders, the absolute failure of the defense, and intensive foreknowledge leaving little excuse for that failure are all copious. I try to be reonable and listen to the other sides; I hate that so much of the country still can't see this for real, and another chunk only believes it because of the temporary Loose Change spell. I'm a LIHOP/MIHOP fence-sitter. It's been time for a change before 9/11 and ever more overdue since then...

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:19 PM
I don't believe the official story

1. Free fall speed of building collapse

2. Blair's reaction to the event invoking the NATO treaty


[edit on 15-3-2007 by carslake]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:25 PM
I DO NOT Believe the Offical Story!!!!

1. Steel Buildings don't fall at free fall speeds due to fire!!! Theory of Resistance

2. Way too many silly coincidences of that day by the offical story
ex. Passports of Highjacks falling to the ground
Put Options
BBC reporting WTC 7 26 minutes before collapse
Larry S, "Pull it" comments

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:29 PM
I do not believe the official story.

1) Demolition of WTC no 7 - consequently the bbc report saying that wtc no 7 had collapsed, 23 mins before the building actually fell. (An you can clearly see the building in the background).....

2) CIA + FBI knowing of those so called terroist suspects, living in the USA, well before 911, Presidents Bush's relaxed reaction to being told of the planes hiting the two twin towers, Firefighers reporting explosions in the Both WTC's, Steel being shipped off before anyone had even had a chance to looks at them, to investigate the reasons behind the collapse/demolition of the two towers.

Loads more but is allI am gonna add for now, An im not going to get into this tit for tat arguments.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:34 PM
I don't believe the official story
I remember watching those buildings fall in High School thinking that looked like a controlled demolition, of course, I couldn't say that then, people would be pissed.

1. Rumsfeld on the lawn after the Pentagon attack helping people (military protocal anyone, he shouldn't be there) The lawn was also unsorched from a supposed plane crashing into it.

2. WTC 7

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:37 PM
I am enjoying how this thread is going. A lot of you have really good reasons to disbelieve. Also, it would be nice to keep the debates out of this, and just see the reasons people do or dont believe, without further questions.


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:38 PM
I don't believe the official theory

1) The 9/11 Commission ... The reluctance to investigatate, the formation, the individuals with conflicts of interest, the refusal to investigate certain possibilities, the refusal to include certain findings and testimonies, the refusal to "point a finger" at anyone from the beginning, the refusal to address the questions offered by the people who were the reason for the Commission in the first place, the lack of funding, the deadline, the agencies who refused to cooperate, Sandy Berger and Lee Hamilton's relationship, the refusal of Bush and Cheney to testify then after pressure they agreed but would only testify together and only 1 person could take notes and they had to be checked by the White House before they could distribute the info to other reporters, the 28 omitted pages, the final report had to be cleared by the White House before it could be released, Norman Mineta's testimony....

2) The seemingly careless attitude about capturing Osama Bin Laden and the response to the events of 9/11

3) Ties between terrorists and our government officials.... BCCI, Noriega, Sandanistas, Al-Queda, CIA hevy prescence in countries where drug cultivation seems to flourish, oil and the business relationships, ..etc

Also. I always get confused when someone says, "...No one can keep a secret" According to this logic, the terrorists couldnt have done 9/11 because someone wouldve have told us before it happened ... because "Only 1 person can keep a secret" ... right? This logic isnt logic at all. It is just the fact that you cant keep a secret applied to everyone. Also the people involved in the secret dont care if you know or not. So why would they tell you or me or anyone other than their buddies. Try to get over your self importance because they dont care about you or what you know.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Connected
I need to make a list of the believers and non believers on ATS.

Originally posted by esdad71
Between the both of you, maybe you can buy a blog with your ATS points...oh, i guess not. The government did not commit the act of 9/11. Happy Hunting.
1. Al Qeada
2. We saw it happen on TV, live.....

Originally posted by Connected
LMAO!!!!!!!!! Dis-info agent. Ignore list, here he comes.. He can't even follow directions either.. AND he had to have an indirect insult..
WOWZER, I don't have a lot of ATS points... OMG I'm not popular. LOL.

I wonder why?

Originally posted by sensfan
You want people to state an opinion so you can find out who are dis-info agents?

Good point. Do I need to re-start this thread in an inviting tone to get a real and representative response, or can people post freely here without such silly charges? There are MANY reasons people choose to believe the official story besides a cIA paycheck. You'll get nowhere convincing anyone with rhetoric like that.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Connected
I am enjoying how this thread is going. A lot of you have really good reasons to disbelieve. Also, it would be nice to keep the debates out of this, and just see the reasons people do or dont believe, without further questions.

Oops, too late. maybe you are enjoying it less now. Sorry.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Connected

No I'm using this thread to psychologically understand peoples position on 911.

Oh, forgive me, I must have misunderstood this statement of your in the OP

This will help me, and others figure out who stands where, and who is a dis-info agent and who isn't.

[edit on 15-3-2007 by sensfan]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:43 PM
Yep, sorry mee too. Wrong thread. Please disregard my posts however you see fit.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:51 PM
Caustic Logic,

esdad has made me believe he is a dis-info agent before he even posted on this thread. Just read his posts. He ignores photo and video evidence, and he denys all. You could have Pres. Bush himself confess that 911 was an inside job, and esdad will STILL deny it. Thats the impression I get. His 2 reasons for believing are still completely unacceptable..

1: Al-Qaeda?? What, does he actually believe that Al-Qaeda has more of an ability to carry out 911 than the US Government? What about Al-Qaeda makes him believe the official story? I don't understand.

2: Because he saw it live on TV? I mean, come on, who didn't? This is esdad's way of making fun of the people who still believe in the hologram theory. Which very few people do...

So I can't take esdad serious. I asked for the 2 most powerful reasons to believe or disbelieve, and his answer was that? That's just.. wrong on many levels.

Pshycologically, he is playing games.


back to the original format.

[edit on 15-3-2007 by Connected]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:53 PM
What if you're not sure what or who to believe?
I can't say with absolute certainty which side I'm on.
However, I do tend to be skeptical of the official story.
My reasons being:
1. I have an inherent distrust of the government and people in powerful positions.
2. There are a few discrepancies and holes in the story which trouble me...there should have been a much more thorough investigation conducted. Also, after hearing about operation northwoods (which is fact afaik) the conspiracy theories don't seem that far fetched.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:59 PM
So far the score is:

Believers = 2

Non Believers = 15

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:59 PM
1. No undisputable evidence has been provided to prove the official story...(Yes I know the CT doesn't really either, but for it to be an official story, it needs to have some creedence).

2. We needed a catalyst to begin the war on terror (aka try to rule the world and make Americans fear everything)

First it was Osama who was the mastermind, then we went into Iraq for Saddam....Now it's Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that was the mastermind...Ready for Iran? Pay no attention to the threats of Checks and Balances being totally ignored...

All we have gotten from this administration from the start is half truths and outright lies....Why should 9/11 be any different?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 06:01 PM
Just to clarify my position, although I state that I believe the offical story, that means I believe terrorists hijacked planes, crashed them into buildings which caused them to fall, etc, etc.

However, I DO BELIEVE that the powers that be in washington knew it was going to happen, and LET IT HAPPEN for their own gain. (war on terror, oil, etc).

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 06:03 PM
I also don't believe the "official story"

1. The odds of military training at the exact same time (coupled with the odds of training exercises at the exact locations and times the london bombs went off)

2. WTC 7

3. The Military bases in Afghanistan and Iraq along the pipelines.

4. I don't trust these Mother F@#$%rs as far as i could throw them.

I also don't believe in coincidences.

Live long

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by sensfan
Just to clarify my position, although I state that I believe the offical story, that means I believe terrorists hijacked planes, crashed them into buildings which caused them to fall, etc, etc.

However, I DO BELIEVE that the powers that be in washington knew it was going to happen, and LET IT HAPPEN for their own gain. (war on terror, oil, etc).

Clarification noted. So then, you are unique. But techincaly, that means you DO NOT BELIEVE the official story. The story being the 911 commision report.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
2. We saw it happen on TV, live.....

[edit on 15-3-2007 by esdad71]

Oh, i did not know they showed the Pentagon being hit or flight 93 crashing on TV. And so many other things that happned that day that people like to forget about, all the think about are the towers.

I do not believe the official story.

1. Thier are no FBI or NTSB reports on any of the 911 aviaiton crime scenes.


[edit on 15-3-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 06:10 PM
i disbelieve the official story

-the fact that those in power have been proven liars.

-the fact that it is just stupid to believe that a few planes took down complete towers that were built to withstand that type of specific damage.

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