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MPSL/St Paul: Muslim workers at Target refuse to handle pork

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posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:19 AM

MPSL/St Paul: Muslim workers at Target refuse to handle pork

How would you feel if a cashier made you swipe your own groceries because of his/her religious beliefs?


I'm a reporter who covers Target for the Star Tribune and the other day, I got a call from someone who said that an employee at the Target store downtown refused to run his bacon through a scanning machine. He was mighty upset, arguing that the cashier had "no right to work as a cashier at Target" if she wasn't prepared to swipe his groceries.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:19 AM
First Cab Drivers refused to carry passengers who were blind or carried liquor and now we get this. :shk:

When is enough enough? It is fine if they have beliefs but when it infringes on others it is wrong.

Can you imagine the problems it can cause if a mother or father buys a lot of pork products and those products are stacked over the whole conveyor.

I sure hope they never find out that JELLO is made with using pork by products. Ops and let us not forget when we buy dog food for fido which in some cases is also made of pork.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 12:14 PM
I guess there are going to be alot of unemployed muslims.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:55 PM
Throw the jerks out. Let them go work in one of their own stores where pork isn't sold and there are no dogs in their world.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Throw the jerks out. Let them go work in one of their own stores where pork isn't sold and there are no dogs in their world.

It really does not have to go that far.

All employers have to do is draw up new work rules that make it clear the company/companies serves the public which includes driving, handling and or selling whatever product lines they have. Not those exact words, I am sure a good legal staff could draft up rules that make it very clear failure to serve the public would end in termination of employment.

One thing is for sure something has to be done sooner then later. Can you imagine if someone gets hired as a bus driver that is a public conveyance where a little old lady who does not drive has only one way to get home and she carries a bottle of wine and they refuse to carry her?

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 05:19 PM
If this person had refused to sell the pork that would be a totally different matter, but since all they did was ask the customer to scan the pork over the scanner I don't see it as being such a horrible event, however people that have a problem with Muslims to begin with would I guess.

My neighbor is an airline attendant and was asked by a Hassidic Jew if she was having her period before she served him, so should we ban all Hassidic Jews from United States airlines. It doesn't hurt to make accomodations for some people? If the muslim person refused to sell the bacon I'd have a big problem with it, like that Evangalist who refused to sell birth control to a customer of a drug chain, so should we ban all Christian evangalists too from working in Pharmacies? Asking the customer to scan the bacon is trivial.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN

My neighbor is an airline attendant and was asked by a Hassidic Jew if she was having her period before she served him, so should we ban all Hassidic Jews from United States airlines.

How is that the same? She was serving him. Not the other way round. If he was the attendant and asked her if she was having her period before he served her then what you are saying may make sense.

The fact is when these people accepted the job they knew that they would more than likely have to serve everything in the store. If they have a problem with that don't work there. It doesn't matter if they are Jew, Catholic or Muslim if you have such a problem with what the company that pays your bills sells then move on.


[edit on 14/3/07 by tkmelb]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
If this person had refused to sell the pork that would be a totally different matter, but since all they did was ask the customer to scan the pork over the scanner I don't see it as being such a horrible event, however people that have a problem with Muslims to begin with would I guess.

But she/he was hired to do a job of checking out people it is not the job of the customer for crying out load.

My neighbor is an airline attendant and was asked by a Hassidic Jew if she was having her period before she served him, so should we ban all Hassidic Jews from United States airlines.

Sorry but that is not one I am buying. I find it very hard that someone would walk up to an invidual and ask them such a personal question, I think you are pulling some legs here or atleast want to..

Also by refussing to scan the item technically she refused to sell the item to him because unless it was scanned he/she could not take it from the store.

[edit on 3/14/2007 by shots]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 05:52 PM
This is the first step in many issues that will arise with the growing Mulsim population in America. Look into CAIR.

If your religion forbids something, then work in the bakery, or stocking the ice cream. I do not believe that they should fire her, but there is a precedent that needs to be set. Either that or find another job. This is the same as someone getting a job that they cannot perform to begin with, and then make it an issue when it arises. it is the responsibility of the worker to inform the boss, and not hte other way around.

I can believe the hassidic jew story also.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 07:16 AM
I say fire her. They refuse to assimilate and they are trying to shove their culture down our throats.

Get rid of her.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:22 AM
I wonder if the same popularity of this kind of news would be, if an a guy from India would refuse to handle cow meat...

Probably not.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:26 AM
I see no problem with this.

Anyone feel free to fire away.

[edit on 15-3-2007 by Selmer2]

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:35 AM
Simple solution.


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
I wonder if the same popularity of this kind of news would be, if an a guy from India would refuse to handle cow meat...

That is a good question. From what I have seen they unlike the Muslims will do the job they are hired to do. The very same goes with the Jewish communities they have no problem selling Pork in their delis and or restaurants.

The only ones causing this sort of problem are Muslims and it makes you wonder why all of asudden given the fact hundreds of thousands have been here for years and not one peep from them until the likes of CAIR arrived on the scene.

It is or at least to me it appears obvious they are testing the waters to see just how far they can push Americans and if I am right it will not be much farther before some sort of protests are filed.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:45 AM
So what's next?

A Satanist goes to the toliet?

An Athiest refuses to vote?

A Christian refuses sex before marriage?

or is the last one considered normal?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:34 AM
I am glad someone esle bought up CAIR. Your rights are not beign stripped, but your government is looking the other way to incidents like this. THere will be more. This girl should not be terminated, but like I said give her a job in another department. I won;t even make any quicky mart jokes...

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:46 AM
so why haven't other muslims stoped touching food packages that have some type of pork product in it. in the article, the cashier wouldn't ring up a frozen peporoni pizza?!? i would assume that other muslims work and have worked there and in other grocery in minneapolis myself, i haven't heard of this happening before.. .i guess this ,hopefully,..former..cashier is trying to be some type of ground breaker??

here are some more items muslim cashiers and workers better not touch or have already bought
Hog Blood-sticking agent, leather treating agents, plywood adhesive, protein source in feeds, fabric printing and dying
Hog Bones and Skin--glue, pigskin garments, gloves and shoes
Hog Dried Bones--bone china, buttons
Hog Bone Meal--mineral source in feed, fertilizer, porcelain enamel, glass and water filters
Hog Gall Stones--ornamentals
Hog Hair--paint brushes, insulation, upholstery
Fatty acids and Glycerin--floor waxes, pharmeceuticals, cosmetics, insecticides, herbicides, oil polishes, rubber, antifreeze, plastics, printing rollers, cellophane, cement, fiber softeners, crayons, chalk, matches, putty and linoleum


hmmm...cosmetics..dyes and
i wonder if the naive cashier was wearing makeup or buttons made from pigs?? if they don't want to be hypocrits, they better do some homework...

what can a company do?? is the cashiers refusal to do thier job protected as freedom of religion..legaly??

now that this has been repported, i wonder how many more muslim cashiers and clerks will stop ring up certain purchases???
isn't freedum great

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 09:59 AM
Shot you get the most wonderful stories around.

We all know that our nation is so politically correct that while we seen the issue with the worker as wrong our government will just ignore the problem.

The muslin worker is not the problem, the one to blame should be target for putting the worker in controversial position.

This bring the issues when the pro life workers were working at the wal-mart pharmacy dispensing medications.

They refuse to issue after morning pills because of their religious believes.

The problem was no the workers it was wal-mart for putting the workers in a controversial position.

I blame the stores for hiring workers and no taking into consideration their believes.

Or . . . should they . . .

But hey, we live in a politically correct society that make issues like this very much important.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by marg6043

The muslin worker is not the problem, the one to blame should be target for putting the worker in controversial position.

The worker sure is the problem she is the one who refused to scan the item> And I disagree when you want to blame it on target it is not their fault only a select few Muslims have the hang up on Pork and servicing the blind.

Now as for your comments on the morning after pill, that is not limited to one religion as is it is in this case. You are comparing apples to oranges and they are not the same.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by shots
First Cab Drivers refused to carry passengers who were blind

That's a blatent lie and you know it.

They refused to carry dogs, not blind people. Somedays I do wonder what the mobs do on this site when people are allowed to openly spread such lies.

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