posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 03:06 PM
Heres my take on things.
Just about all first rate SF groups grom any country that takes SF tactics seriously are pretty equal. Humans from the dawn of known time when put up
against the "wall" become seriously insidiously and ruthlessly detrimined and efficient killing machines. from mongolians invaders. to todays
current SF teams across the world. anygroup that tries or is pushed hard enough will get "there" as far as proffesionalism and efectivenes goes.
I've talked to friends that are SEALS, and guys that are in Air Force SF, and Marine SF guys that I've grown up with. they have all been honest
with me when they say that they would never want to go up against another SF group from any first rate military period. full stop end of story.
I've done plenty of late night drinking sessions with these guys playing the old game of. If these guys were to take on these guys who would win.
even drunk their answers were always a sobering. if any of the SF guys went head to head it would be a very close call with a likelyhood of everybody
on both sides getting wiped out. 100 percent loss on both sides.
they do have notible experiences with other SF groups though. I've been told that the Austrailina SF guys take their job very seriously. Apparently
it's in the attitude not the money thats given to them to work with that makes the difference. Even the most hardened seals go into combat with
rudimentry tools. the basic m4 kept very clean and great team work. Thye rarely if ever get to play with any neato "toys." It's the attitude
that wins the day not the gadgets which aren't to be trusted when the actuall work needs to absolutely get done. old fashioned simple is what works.
Same guys have said on a few occasions that it's not the SAS )as good as they are) to watch out for in the UK but the Royal Marine squads that can
really do the hard core ass kicking. I got this from a SEAL so he might be a little biased.
Marine SF guys have all the attitude to get the job done too. maybe more than others and they are newcommers in this game (relative to the SAS) but
I'm pretty sure no SAS would ever want to mess with a US marine SF detachement. then again I'm sure it's the same from the Marine perspective.
they wouldn't want to go against some SAS dude either.
I've been told that the Spetsnaz were seriously hard core too. but one thing you can't do is hold SF teams to their track record. cause Mr Murphy
screws up ever op. nothing will go completley right, ever. SF guys have real limited control over what will and won't go right. storming a school
and something goes wrong, innocents die, is not a mark against the SF team. Remember Delta got annialated when trying to rescue hostages held in
Iran. not because they were the best, not because they failed to train hard enough, or operate with poor discapline. Mr. Murphy screwed them over.
No one really knows how to measure the skill and ability to accomplish a mission in the SF.
One thing I can say for sure is that most of the SF guys I know are, sorry to say it ...pretty loopy. Post traumatic stress is a real mother....
Most of these guys in their mid 30's have seen so much horrible conflct in their tourd that they all barely pass their required psyche exams. the
nightmares, stress with the family, and flashbacks are a serious reason to not get involved in the SF. they are just human beings in the end, and
most of them recommend to the curious about te military to join the coast gaurd. most SF guys i know wished that they had made that decision back
when they were 19.