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Taiwan President talks Independence

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posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 09:34 PM
The Taiwanese President Chen Shui-ban has raised the controversial subject of the independence of the country.

"Taiwan is a sovereign independent country outside of the People's Republic of China and to pursue independence is the common and long-held ideal of the Taiwan people," he said.

His comments naturally quickly drew condemnation from Beijing

China considers Taiwan part of its territory and has threatened military force if necessary to achieve eventual reunification.

Original Source

One has to wonder at the timing of this along with the announcement earlier this week that China is to increase it's military spending.Original Source

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 12:37 AM
It is odd that he would say this, especially cionsidering are idiot of
a president has declared he wont support Taiwan if they declare

Personally I support Taiwan, and am all for bombing PRChina into
the stone age if they try anything to threaten Taiwan.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 12:44 AM
I wonder if this has anything to do with the new missiles heading for taiwan?

This doesnt look good.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
It is odd that he would say this, especially cionsidering are idiot of
a president has declared he wont support Taiwan if they declare

Personally I support Taiwan, and am all for bombing PRChina into
the stone age if they try anything to threaten Taiwan.

Read this,hope you will be wiser.

Daily Press Briefing
Sean McCormack, Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 5, 2007

QUESTION: What are your comments on the latest remarks by President Chen of Taiwan regarding the possibility of his seeking independence for Taiwan and even changing the name of Taiwan?

MR. MCCORMACK: Yes. As is well established, the United States does not support independence for Taiwan. President Bush has repeatedly underscored his opposition to unilateral changes to the status quo by either Taipei or Beijing because these threaten regional peace and stability, U.S. national interest and Taiwan's own welfare. President Chen has repeatedly pledged that he would not alter the guarantees in his 2000 inaugural address not to declare independence, change the national title, push for inclusion of sovereignty themes in the constitution, or promote a referendum to change the status quo in regards to the questions of independence and unification. President Chen has also reaffirmed his 2004 inaugural pledge to exclude sovereignty themes from the process of constitutional reform, which would focus exclusively on good governance and Taiwan's economic competitiveness.

President Chen's fulfillment of his commitments is a test of leadership, dependability and statesmanship and of his ability to protect Taiwan's interests, its relations with others, and to maintain peace and stability in the Strait. Rhetoric that could raise doubts about these commitments is unhelpful.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 05:09 PM
What exactly was the point in me reading that.

It just stated what I already said.

None the less, I support Taiwan if it wishes to seek Independence.


[edit on 3/6/2007 by iori_komei]

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 06:12 PM
Taiwan is a seperate island, but does that mean it should be independent? it is a profiting, global trading, self sufficient (to the best of my knowledge) island. China wouldnt want to loose taiwan because it is what china wish it could be. I just hope the U.S. stays out of it. The last thing we need is to loose good soldiers over there. But the usa, as a country is going to spread democracy, so we would have to suppot taiwan. China's communist leadership will always be, unless the entire world goes against them and overthrows them. but China has such a large population, they out number any single country in the world. mabey india is close to the population but they have nukes, and they mind their own buisness. China is becoming more of a powerhouse and Russia has their backs. I wouldn't doubt if iran was part of their group also. god help us all!

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
What exactly was the point in me reading that.

It just stated what I already said.

Noen the less, I support Taiwan if it wishes to seek independance.

This evil man----Chen Shui-ban is determined to pull the
two giants--USA and China into a desperate war.
he is not pursuing freedom and democracy but spliting China.
If US government is as stupid as someone like iori_komei
and wage a war against China for Chen Shui-ban's evil ambition.
Americans will regret for their decision for 100 years!

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 06:38 PM
Carefull on the name calling...

it is not welcome here

I doubt Chen Shui-ban is trying to have US and China at war just for the fun of it

But overall, im not a hardcore supporter of nations dividing themselves since I feel we should go toward a World wide government

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by CanadianGlasnost
Carefull on the name calling...

it is not welcome here

"Personally I support Taiwan, and am all for bombing PRChina into
the stone age if they try anything to threaten Taiwan."
--- by iori_komei

what is your comments on this?
I believe he deserves the "name calling..."

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by gs001
"Personally I support Taiwan, and am all for bombing PRChina into
the stone age if they try anything to threaten Taiwan."
--- by iori_komei

what is your comments on this?
I believe he deserves the "name calling..."

You do realize I mean PRChina's military, not innocent civillian targets.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:00 PM
Just because President Chen stated that, it doesn't mean the PEOPLE of Taiwan want that... it's like the President of the U.S. wanting to keep troops in Iraq, does that mean the rest of America does?

Too many people confuse the lame-duck and extremist President Chen's ideals with the ideals of the majority of the people of Taiwan. Let's not forget, his approval rating is at 10% (10% FOR GODS SAKES), the opposition party which is in favor of reunification controls parliament, and did I mention, President Chen issued 14 (and counting) official apologies to the people of Taiwan for his mistakes. 14!!!

Lol, you're in favor of Taiwan bombing the PRC to the stone age? With what?
Nukes? Oh wait, the PRC has that.
Taiwan is a Chinese affair... What the hell does does the U.S. have to do with Taiwan? - your country, the EU, the UN, and even Taiwan's own constitution does not define Taiwan as an independent country... who are you to say otherwise?

[edit on 6-3-2007 by k4rupt]

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei/*

You do realize I mean PRChina's military, not innocent civillian targets.

yeah, because that has worked so well in the past. have you actually read the civilian casualty counts involved in either gulf wars one or two? smart bombs dont necessarily mean no civilians killed. i think the term used by governments all over the world is "collateral damage."

besides, as previously pointed out, they have nukes....think they wont use them?

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:24 PM
I think the bombing of innocents civilians is sick, but I also believe he got the right to his opinion

(which like he pointed out, talks about the People'army, I don't see chinese civilians threatening Taiwan anyway thats not the point)

But Attack the position, not the poster, I think that's how we're supposed to work it out

(without resorting to name-calling of course, but im not a mod, it was just a friendly reminder before you could get into trouble, take it or leave it

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by CanadianGlasnost
I think the bombing of innocents civilians is sick, but I also believe he got the right to his opinion

(which like he pointed out, talks about the People'army, I don't see chinese civilians threatening Taiwan anyway thats not the point)

But Attack the position, not the poster, I think that's how we're supposed to work it out

(without resorting to name-calling of course, but im not a mod, it was just a friendly reminder before you could get into trouble, take it or leave it

i hope like hell that wasnt directed at me, because if it was you have just made yourself look like a complete idiot. i attacked no one personally, called no one any names, and was also exercizing my right to an opinion.

so did you have something to add to the thread, or were you just brown nosing the mods looking for free points?

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 10:35 PM
herm... Actually it was directed toward gs001 with whom I was having an exchange...

I was actually answering his question

So I guess your hopes were founded, that I didnt sound like an Idiot and that you're doing the right thing by expressing your opinion

(by the way... I couldnt care less about the points... I don't even know their use, I was just giving a friendly reminder)

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by CanadianGlasnost
herm... Actually it was directed toward gs001 with whom I was having an exchange...

fair enough....but you might want to be careful to insure that you are clear as to whom you are responding. considering that your post was directly after mine, and included points that i had made in mine, you maybe should have quoted him or mentioned his name to reduce the chance of a misunderstanding.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by snafu7700
yeah, because that has worked so well in the past. have you actually read the civilian casualty counts involved in either gulf wars one or two? smart bombs dont necessarily mean no civilians killed. i think the term used by governments all over the world is "collateral damage."

There is a huge difference there, that being that we were invading both
times, and there military was integrated into or near civilian targets,
however that's not to say they were all like that.

China does not have military complexes in the middle of Shanghai
or Hong Kong.

Add to that that we would onyl be taking out ther emilitary capabilities,
not try and invade/occupy the country.

besides, as previously pointed out, they have nukes....think they wont use them?

China would not use Nuclear warheads, as they know that in the time it
would take to attack the U.S. (as in the country), we would have already
launched atleast twice as many at them, and we would be able to take
out a good many of there missiles.

They would not use them in the area either, as that would only screw
them over.

And overall China is not stupid enough to use Nuclear weapons, in fact
there are few countries that would.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 11:21 PM
What is this? Talks of a war between China and the U.S. over Taiwan again? How ridiculosu can this be... Iori you obviously know very little if nothing about Taiwan or the situation because it is obvious any military action is very distant.

What the President says was his own opinion, far from that of the people of Taiwan. He is a lameduck, hated, and extremist President who nearly got recalled. The KMT party is in control of Parliament and they favor reunification... the next president of Taiwan, I'm willing to bet, is going to be in the KMT party.

And the United State's policy is simple: if the President declares independence, the U.S. will drop all military support for Taiwan and the PRC has stated that it would only use force if the President declares indepedence... so in this case, if an invasion were to occur, the U.S. wouldn't have anything to do with it. But again, believe me, the President officially declaring indepedence is going to be impossible, even if he does, he'd be kicked out of office and the status quo would be again established.

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 12:06 AM
Good for Taiwan.
Some people seem to forget the security pact that the US signed in 1979 with Taiwan. It is our obligation to defend the island if it is attacked by the commies. Japan and Australia both signed security pacts with Taiwan I believe as well..

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 04:26 AM
USA is a country full of warmongers.
The only way to make those American-warmongers sober up
is to let enough amount of US armymen go back home like that

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