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FREEDOM TOWER to replace the fallen WTC

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posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 11:49 AM
This thing is just another target for the terrorists to go after. I hope they put Anti-Aircraft batteries on this one! And while I agree that the name could probably have been different, I do under all my emotions think it is a good thing that something grand be placed there.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 11:57 AM
isn't building a new tower at the same place of the previous tower just like...defying the terrorists?

Sounds like "Blow us up, we don't care, we'll build back"

I don't like the name either, especially after the whole freedom fries fiasco.

I think a nice memorial,park, or a simple monument would have been a better idea. (just my opinion)

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:00 PM
right after the 9-11 attacks, for a few days I was making the statement

" I think that we should build the 2 biggest and most beautiful buildings there are and DARE anyone to try and knock them down"

I've calmed down a lot since then.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by William One Sac
This thing is just another target for the terrorists to go after. I hope they put Anti-Aircraft batteries on this one! And while I agree that the name could probably have been different, I do under all my emotions think it is a good thing that something grand be placed there.

what if this one goes down as well? what happens then

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:41 PM
Very good points,making a monument in honor of the people that lost their lives MUST be done BUT
placing munitions on a non-millitary building would indicate to the terrorists that we are worried about more attacks.This would provide evidence that terrorism is working and would probably fuel the flames.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:44 PM
10 years, 12 billion dollars $$$ and dozens of people dead.. like in all (big) construction sites..

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:48 PM
10 years, 12 billion dollars $$$ and dozens of people dead.. like in all (big) construction sites..

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:49 PM
Over and Over and Over again until we have exterminated every terrorist on the planet. Just like the cockroaches thay are.


We HAVE BILLIONS to spend, nice huh?


posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:52 PM
I like the new look for the towers,new name?eh,well,it doesn't bother me,but I liked the old name better,I strongly agreed with rebuilding,to not rebuild (to me) would be giving a sign of weakness,like eventually if they hijacked enough planes they could level the whole country,yes I'm glad we rebuilt.

[Edited on 19-12-2003 by Allen]

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:54 PM
Working space lost after the fall of WTC must be reconstructed.
That's all about it. And I think that the value of this commercial space will increase. The 9/11 will be remembered for long and Freedom Tower will be an even more popular place of doing business than the WTC.
Yes- commerce. A park won't bring as much profit for the city compared to a park or something. Unless they took charges off people visiting the park...

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 12:58 PM
Here's some interesting tidbits about the new "Freedom Tower" as well.

The growth is not only symbolized by the rising of a great tower on the horizon, but also by what will grow inside it. The Freedom Tower's upper levels will contain a massive vertical garden known as �Gardens of the World.� Call it a tribute to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the original seven wonders of the world. The same culture that sprang from Babylon is the one that was perverted by the 20th century zealots who used religion to justify the slaughter of thousands at the World Trade Center. The Freedom tower is just one of several buildings that will be erected to compose the new World Trade Center.

Also worth noting is the �Wedge of Light� -- an area designed and aligned with the heavens so that on September 11th of each year, the area will remain free of shadows from 8:46am to 10:28am -- the time from when the first tower was attacked until the second tower collapsed.

Wow, sounds like this Babylon place was truely a Divine City. Especially with such incredible Towers and Temples. Let's find out more shall we....

Babylonian society consisted of three classes represented by the awilu, a free person of the upper class; the wardu, or slave; and the mushkenu, a free person of low estate, who ranked legally between the awilu and the wardu. Most slaves were prisoners of war, but some were recruited from the Babylonian citizenry as well. For example, free persons might be reduced to slavery as punishment for certain offenses; parents could sell their children as slaves in time of need; or a man might even turn over his entire family to creditors in payment of a debt, but for no longer than three years.

Slaves were the property of their master, like any other chattel.
They could be branded and flogged, and they were severely punished if they attempted to escape. On the other hand, because it was to the advantage of the master that the slaves stay strong and healthy, they usually were well treated. Slaves even had certain legal rights and could engage in business, borrow money, and buy their freedom. If a slave married a free person and had children, the latter were free.

How about a Grand Tower within Babylon?

In this classic story from the Old Testament of the Bible, the people of the Earth were building a colossal staged temple-tower or multi-storeyed ziggurat - that would reach heaven. But did they really believe they could reach their Gods? Most likely the tower would be used as a place of worship.

Actually, the purpose of the tower was to provide a common religious center as a rallying point, lest the people be scattered. The builders of the tower were in open defiance of God's command (Genesis 9:1)

Archaeologists have long desired to locate the Tower of Babel. They have been unfruitful in their efforts. There may be Scriptural evidence for why the ruins have not been found. The land of Shinar is shown in Zechariah 5:11 as a site for the city of Babylon.

I find it interesting that so many references of Ancient Babylon and The Freedom Tower are made. Then when considering The Tower of Babel and the Wedge of Light aligning with the heavens.....Symbolic isn't it??

Link to Freedom Tower Info...

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 01:33 PM
I think the building itself sounds OK. But what sort of nationalistic party political cadre thought up the name, and all the symbolic temple, pseudo religious associations with the structure?

It reminds me of Communist China or Soviet Russia. Its the sort of monument with the same sort of indoctrination aspect as they would build, all thats missing is a statue of the famous Worker out the front, (you will probably get that as a statue of a fireman) a giant national flag, and a massive picture of "Dear leader".

I don't think any other nation in the western world has screwed the word "freedom" as much as the US, but then as we all know, the political side is merely for internal consumption and internal socialization.

So all the patriotic flag waving, mom and apple pie citizens can all get emotional on cue, and get all choked up in their pavlovian responses as dictated and socialized from birth.

sheesh, we call the Russians and the chinese manipulated...

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 01:36 PM
Here's another aspect of the "Freedom Tower" being the new World Trade Building and it's 1776 ft.

1) 1776 as I said before is the offical date of Illuminati foundation, but is also found on American Monetary Notes.

2) The Ancient Tower of Babel was said to be a type of National Temple of Worship, even though it was anything but an actual Temple of God.

So the new World Trade "Freedom Tower" being symbolic of the Ancient Tower of Babel could also imply that the "God to be worshiped by this temple is none other than Money". Seems to fit in a kind of similar way again don't ya think??

And how about those Antenna that are on top of the New Tower.

29 May, 2003 - The New York Times reports that the Metropolitan Television Alliance has signed a deal to put as many as 22 antennae on top of Freedom Tower. The World Trade Center was home to many of New York's television and radio transmitters until the attacks of September 11, 2001. The Freedom Tower will be the new home to TV channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 28, 30, 31, 36, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 47, 53, 56, 61, and 68.

So it seems that from even above those 1776 feet of Worlds Tallest Tower there will come a Broadcast of Information for all the Followers of see and hear. Almost like a Voice from a False God (Money) speaking from the Heavens just above the Worlds Highest Temple/Tower.

Just a thought.......Anyone else see the connection???

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 06:27 PM

Gargano estimated the tower's construction would cost $1.5 billion, or $1 million per 500 square feet.

Thats pretty cheap.
I always though that skyscrapers costed in the double digit billions.


posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 10:40 PM
i think they should go ahead with the towers...

it would be a very beuatful site..

but also a SAD site to see...

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
sheesh, we call the Russians and the chinese manipulated...

Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes.

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 10:48 PM
i like the idea of the tower with the middle finger on the top to say FU!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 04:00 PM
Just something I saw--not making a deal out of it: to 4a.

The structure on the folded bill looked a little too familiar to me--the new Freedom Tower? Just my imagination I guess--maybe not--just having fun

[Edited on 20-12-2003 by lavenderlyndi]

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 04:07 PM
Ah the new tower of BABEL!

With homage to ISIS!

1776 feet the masonic creation of the NWO!

CRystal too, the Atlantean power source!

Ah the ruminations.

posted on Dec, 22 2003 @ 07:02 PM
It's actually not going to have the gardens. It's going to have energy generating windmills that will provide 20 percent of the building's energy.

Freedom Tower

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