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Vision of John Lennon in Hell

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posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 05:14 PM

As far as making any artsy-fartsy poems about John Lennon, they are not IMO really pertinent to the subject.

I asked about:

Why SINGLE John Lennon out?

Regarding the topic: Vision of John Lennon in hell.

Why would this particular church/group/children, mention John Lennon in their visions?

If people have singularities in their visions...does the particular singularity i.e John Lennon, represent something in particular.?

Did all 7 children foresee 'the image of John Lennon'? Or did just only 1 child see this?

If Mr. Lennon is in hell, then so be it (not that I would like to see happen), however, are these children(via their church) seeing things otherwise?

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 05:16 PM
I'm calling BS.

So these mexican kids are more reliable than the vast majority of people that have actually been clinically dead, including those that were clinically brain-dead, and confirmed that there was no hell, only a kind of purgatory that is self-inflicted?

I'm going to believe the dead guys before the kids that say John Lennon, of all people, is burning in hell, and if you don't pay your tithes than you're headed there as well!

How do we even know that anything like this even occured, is there documentation? Its a severaly biased website and its written very strangely. You can lie your butt off on the internet.

complete crap.

[edit on 16-2-2007 by BallOfPopulation]

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 06:11 PM
True true

BUT just because you CAN
does not by default mean that

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by BallOfPopulation
I'm calling BS.

So these mexican kids are more reliable than the vast majority of people that have actually been clinically dead, including those that were clinically brain-dead, and confirmed that there was no hell, only a kind of purgatory that is self-inflicted?

I'm going to believe the dead guys before the kids that say John Lennon, of all people, is burning in hell, and if you don't pay your tithes than you're headed there as well!

How do we even know that anything like this even occured, is there documentation? Its a severaly biased website and its written very strangely. You can lie your butt off on the internet.

complete crap.

[edit on 16-2-2007 by BallOfPopulation]

I agree totally, it's BS. We judge ourselves, and punish ourselves and the punishment we suffer is remorse and the pain of realising the fullness of the harm we have caused - this accords with most accounts of near death experience and also with information channelled through mediums and such like. I have seen a few accounts where people who have had NDEs have had negative experiences but they are nothing like these descriptions of hell. Those people just got trapped in some kind of inner darkness or lost in a place of confusion, and the numbers are very small.

I think this is a complete fabrication.

They call the Beatles a "Satanic music group" - I think that pretty much tells us where they're coming from with this. Somebody's still got their knickers in a twist about when the Beatles got off the plane on their first visit to the States and John (IIRC) said something about how the Beatles were now bigger than Jesus. It caused a massive furore. That's why they picked on John Lennon.

[edit on 16-2-2007 by skjalddis]

[edit on 16-2-2007 by skjalddis]

[edit on 16-2-2007 by skjalddis]

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 07:12 PM
I just read like 4 paragraphs of the hell scenario and i can tell this is made up..I actually dont think of the possibility of "demons" taking on a certain form and taking these kids to these two places.
Heres why:
1. it was seven kids, why not 8 or 10 or 1?
2. if anyone has read the bible extensively they describe the arrival of the angels and the king of kings as it has been depicted in the bible.
3. even his description is RIGHT OUT OF THE BIBLE but in their own words.

The one thing that had me scratching my head was..why would God carry a golden belt around his chest with golden lettering proclaiming himself as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?? Really? Why?

We audibly heard Him say to us, "My little children, don't be afraid, I am Jesus of Nazareth,..." I am no expert but I have read that his name is not Jesus but YAHWEH and Jesus was just some kind of confusing tactic to mislead the masses. Correct me if I am wrong. Just my two cents on the matter.

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

It's all according to the great deceiver's plan though. :shk:

You mean Hillary Clinton?

BTW, this claim about someone seeing John Lennon in hells is quite bizzar if I needed to point that out.

[edit on 16-2-2007 by MooneyBravo]

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by BallOfPopulation
I'm calling BS.

So these mexican kids are more reliable than the vast majority of people that have actually been clinically dead, including those that were clinically brain-dead, and confirmed that there was no hell, only a kind of purgatory that is self-inflicted?
[edit on 16-2-2007 by BallOfPopulation]

Thats what I dont get. According to the church and scripture, there is a purgatory. That is the place you go to be purified before you are permitted to enter the kingdom of God. If these children are catholic, did they forget about purgatory? Or is one mistake in your life,willfull or otherwise, after you have accepted Christ sends you to hell if you dont repent it? like the example of the man who died in the car crash? If this is the case, I guess we are all going to have alot of company in hell...all 99.999% of humanity.

This is the kind of stuff that turns people away from Christ more than anything else. People preaching that we are pretty much doomed unless we live and breathe the church. I think God is a little more compassionate than to send someone to hell for screwing up and not repenting.

Also, I was told that it was our faith in God, not our deeds that got us into heaven, so whats the deal? Do I have to blow myself up and kill 50 people before I go to heaven? Or should I just be the best person I can be and hope for acceptance from God? I dunno.

[edit on 16-2-2007 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 09:27 PM
Not really related to the john lennon part of this thread but I have a question about some of the bibal quotes and some of the things that these children were meant to have seen.

Firstly the bibal says things like greed and vanity etc now if these are bad things then why does the lord in this vision have a golden chain? why are the angels beautiful? It's kinda summed up in this quote.

Isaiah 3:24. "It shall be, that instead of a sweet smell, there will be rottenness; instead of a girdle, a rope; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of a rich robe, a wrapping of sack-cloth; instead of beauty, a branding mark."

So if these are some reasons for us to good on earth so we can go to heaven then why would it matter to us if we were bald, wearing sacks, and had a branding mark. Surely if we wanted to go to heaven for well set hair, rich robes and beauty we would be condemmed to hell?

I'm a little confused

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 10:04 PM

Why would it matter if we were bald or had no hair of relevance?

Why would it matter if we tithed or had no adherance?

-To this world?

(my take on poetry of this world.)

why would it matter?

when all is said and done. why would it matter-
-to those whov'e shown and done?

every single word is said?

would it really matter if we have exemplified the dead?

(this is my part in poetry)

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 10:34 PM

loving our world is a sin?


i should start hating everybody around me then.
i hate you all!

that's the most evil description of God i've ever read!

God is good... is sarcasm a sin?

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 12:19 AM
Some of my beliefs:

We should do our best to follow the gospels;

We should not judge other people’s lives. When it is obvious that the person in question is off the path we should do our best to counsel them without a nose to nose accusation moment; that is for a Jerry Springer like show, it is not for true life. It should be an honest discussion filled with logic and probable outcomes of continuing on the course with modern day and New Testament lessons used. I can see why Christ used parables to explain situations; it left it to the sinner to wonder about and work out their situations themselves;

Heartfelt offerings of help is tithing whether it is in the form of money or not; just so long as it is a sacrifice for the giver;

Hell is rejecting God and his Gifts and turning your back on God’s love. Once thrown away the person feels so much guilt and shame and also lacking Grace they do their all out best not to be confronted with what they had willingly thrown away. That is the state of Hell. Another poster already stated this but it is so worthy a statement I thought I would reiterate it.

As for the children’s’ vision of John Lennon in Hell, I will say this; I’ve had a dream/vision that included John Lennon as a side note and he was not in the state that they described. He was in a glowing version of London in the 60’s sitting on a corner curb with George Harrison and a couple other people I didn’t recognize talking about stuff. They were talking about what they were going to do that day, working out some lyrics and laughing about some witty ones, lighting a cigarette, sipping a beer, and as people walked by they would nod their heads and the people would smile back and nod as they passed. They were in total go mode, working harder than ever to create; and it sounded as if what they were spinning off would leave Sergeant Peppers in the dust and it was in a much more modern style. Don’t know for a fact if it was a true vision but it sure felt like it was much more than a dream.

I understand that in his later years John Lennon disavowed many Christian beliefs, but I also understand that when death is close many ex-Christians suddenly find their faith. I’ll pray for him and leave him in God’s hands.

Just my thoughts,


[edit on 17-2-2007 by seentoomuch]

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 01:24 AM
I can't believe I Just wasted 10 minutes of my Friday night reading this thread,So far one of the most ridiculous ones ever.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 02:33 AM
Its more than just tittilation to read this scare mongering unfortunately. Its disgusting, absolutley disgusting. There are countless people who live by their religious convictions, with all the good will in the world, that unfortunatley, can be exploited with this sort of nonsense.

Did everyone in hell speak English, or was it Spanish so that the mexican kids could understand? Why hadnt John Lennon's face entirely fallen off, sheesh he's been there for years now. The tithe thing is scary, what abuot people like me who didnt even know what a tithe was, or dont have access to churches, or are mentally or physically disabled?

Exploitative drivel like this is what alienates religions, it is precisely this methodology that was used to control the masses in the middle ages, fear through religion. What happened pre-Jesus? Was it he who comissioned the building of hell?

Nasty business

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by seentoomuch

As for the children’s’ vision of John Lennon in Hell, I will say this; I’ve had a dream/vision that included John Lennon as a side note and he was not in the state that they described. He was in a glowing version of London in the 60’s sitting on a corner curb with George Harrison and a couple other people I didn’t recognize talking about stuff. They were talking about what they were going to do that day, working out some lyrics and laughing about some witty ones, lighting a cigarette, sipping a beer, and as people walked by they would nod their heads and the people would smile back and nod as they passed. They were in total go mode, working harder than ever to create; and it sounded as if what they were spinning off would leave Sergeant Peppers in the dust and it was in a much more modern style. Don’t know for a fact if it was a true vision but it sure felt like it was much more than a dream.


Well it certainly has the ring of truth about it STM - this is more or less exactly what I'd expect to find him doing, still working and creating and evolving, following that creative impulse. I believe that that's what we do when we cross over, we keep on learning and evolving towards a state of spiritual grace, moving towards God. There's no instant damnation based purely on the record of just one life. That's my belief, others may not agree, whatever the case - someone sat down and invented that bit of nastiness with the intention of frightening people, but those they've done the greatest harm to is themselves - one day they'll realise that and come to rue it.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
If these children are catholic, did they forget about purgatory?

They definately are NOT Catholic. I read a part in there where they talked about seeing Mary (Jesus mother) in heaven and they said 'no on was worshiping her'. A Catholic knows that the Catholic Church does NOT worship Mary so if these children were Catholic they never even would have said such a thing. It sounded like they are FUNDAMENTALISTS and they have had pounded into their pointy little heads that Catholics worship Mary (they don't).

This is the kind of stuff that turns people away from Christ

I agree 100% !!!

Originally posted by angelslayer
why would God carry a golden belt around his chest with golden lettering proclaiming himself as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?? Really? Why?

That is directly from scripture. That also made me take notice. This 'vision' is directly from scripture - almost word for word in some places. It was rather worldly ... not etherial at all.

I really can't picture an uncaring Christ taking a stroll amongst millions of souls burning in cauldrons .... and I highly doubt that the imagery given in scripture is real. It's got too much 'world' in it IMHO.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
That is directly from scripture. That also made me take notice. This 'vision' is directly from scripture - almost word for word in some places. It was rather worldly ... not etherial at all.

Precisely, most of the imagery used in these 'visions' is taken directly from scripture, particularly obvious was the Lake of Fire described in Revelation, there was really no mistaking that.

I really can't picture an uncaring Christ taking a stroll amongst millions of souls burning in cauldrons

Precisely, shows how accurate these 'visions' could possibly be, since when did Christ not care? In scripture near the end of the Gospels it says Christ went down to hell to save the souls trapped there, so why can they not be redeemed in these 'visions'?

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 07:39 AM
Its nice to see some balance from those with Christian/Catholic convictions aswell. My personal thoughts are that religion/s are grounded in basic truth but the ideas evolve over time. I think the idea of eternal torment and damnation is slowly becoming outdated.

Incidentally, not being overly clued up on the various obscure branches of christianity, what type of group does this website belong to or represent? It fascinates me to observe the attempts at control through religion, as Im currently doing a lot of reading on the crusades period.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 07:53 AM
lol just a few thoughts, ill keep it brief

tithing. what happened to 'render unto ceasar that which is ceasars...etc'?

john lennon. hey, if a guy like him who really wasnt that bad of a guy is in hell what chance to the rest of us avg joes have? best be for repenting post haste..or some such silliness.

visions huh?

two words: magic mushrooms.

ill continue to believe what i believe adn hope im right. nuff said.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 12:40 PM
[edit on 17-2-2007 by fmoriss]

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 02:03 PM
Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

It was a "demon" disguised as Christ that they saw...

You seem pretty sure of yourself, here.
Got pictures ?
Audio ?
Video ?
Anything other than your self-righteous belief that you are correct ?

As usual, waiting.

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