posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 11:22 AM
sheesh, ladies. Telling her to lie and deceive her husband as retaliation isn't going to solve anything. Let's assume that he has been lying to
her and cheating on her as it sure sounds like he has (forget the two sides to every story part for now). Do two wrongs make a right? Will her lying
and deceiving him make his lies and deception any easier to swallow? No, it will further widen the rift between them. If Shar wants to leave, then
leave. Don't screw with him in return. What it will do is make it easier for him to lie and cheat and he will have the ability to say "she's
doing it too, so why shouldn't I?" It sounds to me like leaving him scares him somehow. So, leave him. Tell him you are going and you will
contact him when you get settled somewhere. Don't give in and if he says he will track you down, tell him you will gladly tell the authorities that
he is bothering you and they will make sure he doesn't get too close.
Now, let's take the other side of this. What if Shar is paranoid and nothing is happening beyond a few lies here and there (who doesn't lie from
time to time in a relationship?). What if her husband is no longer cheating? She lies and deceives him as punishment for acts he is no longer
committing and he then says "screw this, she's cheating on me so I might as well go back to my old ways."
The relationship cannot survive more lies and deceit.
Crakeur is not a licensed mental health specialist but he is a member of several self help groups. He is an immature boy in a 38 year old man's
body. Taking his advice should be done at your own risk.