posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 02:27 PM
You get my vote for Way Above Top Secret.
Nice to see a post on the situation from someone who has......
1) Been there
2) Is not posting over emotional garbage based on what their favorite singer/entertainer beleives.
Couple of points on this thread and situation I want to make.
1. IF one or two of the carriers currently on station do not return, then we have a possibility of an attack. If 1 or especially 2 return, then I
think it's just rotation time. Ike's been there since OCT I think, so that's 4 mths on station, and they usually stay 6 to 9, so we could be
seeing something with the Regan and the Nimitz on the way. I don't know how long Stennis has been around.
2. Look for other depolyments, the carriers plus the "surge" is interesting. I read somewhere about 3 weeks ago a Brigade of the 82nd Airborne is
going to KUWAIT, but not Iraq and will be a "regional reserve" or something like that. Interesting.
3. No one likes war, but I would keep a couple of things in mind. There has been a movement in the Middle East to kick out all Western/Isreali
interests in the region at LEAST since the estabilsment of Isreal and going back to the way the United Kingdom carved up the area after WWI
(incidently British Petroleum and other Europena oil companies have FAR more interests in the region then the US). The problem is others in the
region, want those same ties to the West so their countries can prosper with the oil trade, education, and technological advancement.
The situation now is that in many of the middle east/islamic countries those of the militant/12 century interpretation of Islam are, if not the
majority, the ones with the power. Iran is militant, Syria is bathist (same as Saddam), Afgahanistan is teetering on the edge as is Iraq, especially
if we withdrawl. Turkey is sliding as is Egypt. Saudi is just the Royal Family being killed away from being the worst. Only Jordan and Kuwait seem to
want to operate in the modern world, and not be locked away by those that seek the 12th century again.
Now, you can throw in your conspiracies about the war being all about profitering, oil control, the Euro vs the Dollar, US/Western Imperialism, the
Jews, NWO, Aliens, Bush's etc controlling the world, and the end of the world according to Jewish, Christian, or islamic traditions. In fact I
won't even argue against those, because personally I beleive that some or even all of those may be true (to some degree, if not all).
BUT, if you put all that aside. At the end of the day, it comes down to two cultures; one Western Judeah Christian culture and the other Islamic that
cannot coexist according to militant whabist Islam, which are those in influence, if not control. They have a goal of everyone on this planet one day
(if not today, or tomorrow, or even 100 years from now) bowing to Allah, and if you won't they will erradicate you. If you don't want to beleive or
face this fine, but that doesn't make it any less true.
The war against terror, or islamic extremism, or whatever you want to call it needs to be fought. The US and the Bush administration may have made
some mistakes (they may even be more inclined to look at economic/oil reasons then military necessity for their choice and timing of targets: ie
Iraq). But at least we are fighting this war. One that many of our fellow posters seem not to want to. With Islamic radicalism gaining momentum in
Britian, France, and the rest of Europe, how long till some of you wake up. War is not a good thing, but neither is our own deaths, and loss of our
own culture and society.
And no, I am not a victim of propaganda... .I have been studying, reading, and interested in this situation for about 20 years now, NOT since 9/11.
None of what has or is happening has been a surprise or shock to me.