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Possible interpretations of the book of revelations

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posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Siren
. The antichrist is ruling now and has been ruling. His time is almost up and he is doing everything he can to wipe out the remnant. The beast is the world system which was set up during the time of John the Baptist and is soon to be dissolved. Currently the violent have the rule which is why there is turmoil, chaos, and wars all over the world.


You may be correct in some respect. It is common knowledge that Satan has been given dominion over earth. Considering he is has had the impact he has had on the earth, your suggestion is not as far-fetched as some might want to declare it.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Siren

As for angels... if they are supernatural (I don't really believe in supernatural beings, only beings with supernatural abilities.), then they should also be timeless like God. Because they are immortal (I also don't believe in immortality, everything dies... something might take so long to die and it might seem like it is immortal.)

What if... what you call supernatural were natural, normal, everyday, and you were led to believe that it is not. Currently, everything physical dies but, not everything spiritual.

Get a cut and it heals, get a cold and it goes.

What is "so long to die"? Only God can determine a persons time.

True, there might also be a possibility that "angels" walk among us like normal people, I won't disagree about that. But I still don't get this spirituality thing... I've heard about this spiritual plane/universe/place (heaven and hell)... but there is no evidence about it... No person has died, came back and talked about it. Those who die (and stays dead for a while), becomes a vegetable when he suddenly starts living again.

Sometimes some people wasn't meant for this time (eg. someone's life is utter hell, and is extremely religious, but isn't happy about it), and God will let them live... and only the ones who are able to have a "happy" life (blissfully happy), usually dies in an accident or get murdered.

Thanks for your views on the book of revelation... I've come up with a kind of a "philosophy". When Jesus lived he was the best man (meaning he was a real good man, good in every way), and some people followed him, but most hated him (and avoided what he did or wanted). Those who hated him, crucified him, and look where we are now... people hating each other, betrayal, war... basically, everything that is the opposite of Jesus...

Now, we need an anti-christ (which is the exact opposite of Jesus, complete evil, decieving, hating, lying, etc.), some will follow him, most will avoid everything the anti-christ wants. Then probably, the people will kill/crucify in a different manner, thus bringing peace to the world. No more lying, no more hating, no more war.

or this whole "rapture" thing might happen.

I'll send more possible predictions, I'm reading the book, again and trying to figure out all the possibilties what *might* happen next.

If anyone finds something, please be my guest and post your findings. Even if it links to current/past/possible future events, every little bit helps.

[edit on 6-2-2007 by The_unraveller]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 02:27 PM
I personally think Revelation has alot to do with Islam.

I think the False Prophet could be a coming influential Shiekh Hassan Nasrallah type of fellow except from the Sunni persuasion of Islam. He will prophecise victory over 'unbelievers' leading terrorists and jihadis into a larger war. Whipping up the muslim masses into taking arms and marching to Israel.

I think Armageddon will occur between the forces of the False Prophet and the forces of the country of Israel, assisted by certain western nations, notably the United States. The forces from the 4 corners of the Earth, along with Magog which most have pinpointed to Russia and Central Asia, will be involved in the battle.

I see Russia attempting to out-do America in the future as the main diplomatic Superpower, not the technological one, perhaps the military one as well. By supporting the enemies of Israel & America, like building nuke plants and setting up state of the art anti-air systems at the nuke plants in Iran. Russia will support the Islamic revolution that will occur.

Theres only 1 religon on Earth who's active doctrine is to convert or kill if refused all people on Earth, to control the entire Earth, which is Islam. This is not Islamophobia, it is fact, read up on it.

Islam is the religon which takes stories from Judaism and Christianity, changes them around (Isaac to Ishmael as the sacrificial offering asked of Abraham by God, Jesus not being crucified or resurrecting but ascending to heaven flesh and all, etc). One has to be true and one false, or both false, both cant be true, im referring to stories that contradict like Isaac/Ishmael and the cruficixion. So if one is wrong does thast not make it FALSE?

And if it is false, isnt it a lie? and if its a lie, isnt it a sin? so sin is being preached and taught as a basis? Sounds like the grounds from which a false prophet would spring forth. The only thing left to wait and see is if it is Israel's Jewish population that is going to be chastised by God for having the teachings incorrect and sinful, or if it will be the followers of Islam, depending on which actually has the true story. You probably know what I think, but it doesn't go nearly as far as you may think so please do not insult me.

PS = The anti-christ is whichever ruling Caliph that is ruling the entire Islamic Sunni Kingdom at said time. The Temple has already been rebuilt; it is Al-Aqsa Mosque. It was built by Caliph Omar(Umar) and finished by his successor Caliph. It is directly on the spot of the "holy of holies" of Judaic lore. Mohammed said he ascended to the highest heaven and sat equally with God on the night of the journey, when he supposedly flew from Mecca to Jerusalem on a Pegasus, landing on the Temple Mount, and ascending to the highest heaven. Then came back to tell us all about it! This is more outlandish than anything Jesus ever said. The Dome of the Rock, where Mohammed proclaimed himself Godly, is a part of the Al-Aqsa Compound. If Mohammed was the 1st Caliph then there you go.

[edit on 2/7/2007 by runetang]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:27 PM
Thanks for your views runetang, I thought of the same thing today (about islam being the false prophet). It made a lot of sense to me, when I thought about it, muslims look up to Mohammad like christians look up to Jesus...

And what you said is true... if one thing is true and the other false it makes it false... sounds a lot like maths.
truth x truth = truth (duh)
Truth x lie = lie
lie x lie = (false) truth.

Maybe Mohammad is the false prophet (not in flesh-and-blood)... now for the anti-christ to rise... who will this person/group be?

Thanks again runetang, this possibility got me thinking...

I'm studying the signs of "the end times"... the seals being broken, the trumpets being blown, the bowls poured, etc... I'll try and link them somehow with today's events, and possible future events.

PS. this is a new page in the thread, so for those who isn't in the mood for reading the other pages...
post, your possible predictions, what you might think will happen according to the book of revelation. Post your interpretations. A bunch of minds together is better than one trying to figure it out alone.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by The_unraveller

I'm studying the signs of "the end times"... the seals being broken, the trumpets being blown, the bowls poured, etc... I'll try and link them somehow with today's events, and possible future events.

The fifth book of Revelation is perhaps the most mysterious one. Most people say that it refers to Christ, but does it? It actually seems to refer to a physical individual who will be living on the earth during the end times. Who is this person who opens the seals?

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
It actually seems to refer to a physical individual who will be living on the earth during the end times. Who is this person who opens the seals?

I don't have a bible with me right now, but, isn't God/the angels supposed to open the seals? Correct me if I'm wrong.

IMO, I think it will be someone less popular than what people might percieve... it would be too obvious if it was someone popular ot famous. If so, then no-one will know, as is said in the bible. Maybe he'll be like Jesus, known by only a few and later be known... and probably be hated as well.

Even the 2 witnesses who must come and go,and then get resurrected and go to heaven (I'm going off memory now)... Some people say 1 is Saddam... but I doubt that. As it is stated, "these 2 prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth." (I remember this one though, its stuck in my head for some reason), and then goes to heaven after that. I think, these people are sort of like "harbingers of truth"... What's the thing that torments people the most... hearing the truth. Most people can't take it. I think these witnesses might also be people out of the blue. Not famous or popular. I might be wrong too.

What do you think SpeakerofTruth?

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 01:51 PM
Certainly. As aI stated, the orthodox way of looking at the fifth book of Revelation is that it is Jesus that opens the seals..I don't necessarily get that..

Most of the major players in the "end times" will be relatively unknown individuals and they will, as you suggest, "come out of the blue."

As far as "harbingers of truth," look at the way unorthodox people are perceived. They are met with resistence at every turn. Why? Because people don't want to hear what they have to say because it is so foreign to what they have been taught all of their lives.

[edit on 8-2-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Certainly. As aI stated, the orthodox way of looking at the fifth book of Revelation is that it is Jesus that opens the seals..I don't necessarily get that..

Neither do I... Sometimes the orthodox way can be... a little weird (to me).

As far as "harbingers of truth," look at the way unorthodox people are perceived. They are met with resistence at every turn. Why? Because people don't want to hear what they have to say because it is so foreign to what they have been taught all of their lives.

Good point.

The (orthodox) witnesses, seem a bit invincible in the book: "And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner." and have awesome powers too: "... and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire."... I really find this hard to believe. But it sounds awfully a lot like biological/chemical scientists. But the fires from their mouths bit, sounds a bit... weird. It sounds like soldiers to me, or something similar. What do you think?

Or maybe their lucky type
A drive-by shooting turns into a crash. Or a sniper on top of a building wants to take a shot at them, then slips and falls to his death

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 11:20 AM

As far as "harbingers of truth," look at the way unorthodox people are perceived. They are met with resistence at every turn. Why? Because people don't want to hear what they have to say because it is so foreign to what they have been taught all of their lives.

Amen. Just check out the sparring match on the "Atheists In America" thread (between Christians, mind you) for proof of that.

Anyway, I've found that wisdom in interpreting the Scriptures is directly proportional to my Faith and submission to God's will.....almost like a "reward", if that makes any sense. My point is, I never make much headway in my studies when I approach it as a solely "scholastic" thing, i.e., studying merely the words themselves, consulting outside texts, charting out time-lines, etc. (although I definetly DO approach my studies this way sometimes) But when I trust in God, often in matters having nothing to do with prophecy/Revelation (such as money/relationship/car trouble issue, etc.) wisdom will then be revealed to me. One such instance is the verse I use as my signature...this is television, or the media/internet in general. For His own reasons, God made this as clear as day to me.

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