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Secret Apollo Astronauts

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posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 10:17 AM
John, We do not have to go to the movies to see Prison Planet I believe we have one right here on Earth especially in America. This is big big business with millions of Americans in jail or Prison, on parole, and on probation.

Do you think there are secret Prisons on the Moon or is it cheaper to imprison or eliminate humans on Earth? People killing people with no remorse mindless acts of agression and a population gone wild in America. I would like to know the tally of total killings in other words murders everyday in this country it probably would be staggering.

You made flights into Cambodia and thailand and you know as well as I do the drug traffic and growing of the crops keep the drugs and money flowing to keep black opps in business. Do you think they should legalize mariuana in this country to get rid of many that are in prison or is it too profitable to keep them in jail and the powers to be to sell them drugs.

Finally do you think Lisa Nowak, the woman astronaut, will do any time or will they plea bargain her actions to keep her out of jail. Do you think she knows to many secrets to take a chance of her spilling the beans in prison? Is she being deprogramed in Corpus Christi at the Navy base? Rik Riley

[edit on 14-4-2007 by rikriley]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 01:50 PM
Hi John,

are you a pessimist or optimist? what do you see the state of the world being in 10 years from now?

p.s. I would suggest you compile all the known moon pictures and their discrepancies and publish them into a coffee table book. that would be fun.

p.p.s. how do you come by with all your coool knowledge? is it through special contacts?


posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 04:24 PM
Hi John,

I've heard you mention the 4th astronaut on the Apollo spacecraft before. At that time, it seemed as if you were saying he was along for the flight. However, after reading this thread, I got the impression that he was just in the capsule to help with launch preperation, and climbed out again before the final count down.

If this is the case, why would it have been a secret? This seems to me like the "Bubby Crews" in the SR-71 Blackbird. It was another SR-71 pilot who helped the crew get the plane ready for it's mission. There was nothing secret about it.

Can you shead some light on why this would have been a secret?


posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Ghost01

Hi John,

I've heard you mention the 4th astronaut on the Apollo spacecraft before. At that time, it seemed as if you were saying he was along for the flight.

No I never said that. This was several weeks before the actual launch. It was a dress rehersal. This was a 'plugs out' test. There was no possibility of a 4th astronaut going along for a flight; there was no seat, no room, no nothing for a 4th astronaut. Apollo was designed for 3 astronauts and thats how many flew it. There is no way I said or implied that a 4th astronaut was going along for the flight.

However, after reading this thread, I got the impression that he was just in the capsule to help with launch preperation

He, Joe Shea and one or two others took turns in troubleshooting. Again, this was several weeks before the actual launch, it was just a test.

and climbed out again before the final count down.

No, all of them burned up. Nobody climbed out. This was not a final countdown. It was a test. A 'plugs out' test. Nobody was going into space. Nobody was going to climb out just before launch because there was not going to be a launch.

This was not a 'buddy crew' help where you help your friend fasten his seat belt. This was not an SR-71. It was not an everyday 'get ready for launch' it was a test, a practice.

If this is the case, why would it have been a secret?

It was not a secret. Everybody knew about the test. What was a secret was who was helping in the troubleshooting. It didn't happen to be Joe Shea that day it was one of the astronauts from the 'secret NASA astronaut corps'. I don't know why he was there that day. Maybe he was just filling in for Joe Shea. But the fact is he was there and he burned up. And there was no way to explain to the public and the press who the 4th guy was because his existence was a secret. It would have exposed the 'secret corps'.

So NSA went in right after the fire, sealed off the area, removed the 4th body, took it away and then let the regular NASA guys take over and remove the 3 other bodies. I think it took another 6 hours. The total time from the time NSA came in, got the 4th body out and let NASA in was about 45 minutes. It had to be done quickly so that the time line would be believable.

This seems to me like the "Bubby Crews" in the SR-71 Blackbird. It was another SR-71 pilot who helped the crew get the plane ready for it's mission. There was nothing secret about it.

I guess you don't understand. This was not an SR-71 and it was not like a "buddy crew" helping Grissom, White and Chaffee get ready for launch. There was to be no launch. It was a test. It was just practice. And the 4th astronaut was in there instead of Joe Shea helping out.

Can you shead some light on why this would have been a secret?

Tim, I am trying the best I can but it seems that you just don't understand what the problem is here. It was not an SR-71 and it was not like an SR-71. SR-71's are proven airplanes and launch all day long. This was Apollo's first flight. The very first one. They did not have 'buddy crews' helping them fasten their seat belts. They were trying to sort out hundreds of problems relating to the launch.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 05:40 PM
Originally posted by rocksolid

Hi John,

are you a pessimist or optimist? what do you see the state of the world being in 10 years from now?

Optimist. There might be global warming but if there is there is nothing we can do about it. There is no peak oil. There is plenty of oil for everybody and everybodies car. And there will be plenty of oil for hundreds of years. Oil is constantly renewed by natural does not come from dead dinosaurs. Nothing is going to happen in 2012. It will be a year just like every other year.

p.s. I would suggest you compile all the known moon pictures and their discrepancies and publish them into a coffee table book. that would be fun.


p.p.s. how do you come by with all your coool knowledge? is it through special contacts?

I do have a couple of contacts. But thinking independently also helps. I am not restricted by the facts.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 05:50 PM
Thanks John,

After reading your latest post, I think I got what you were saying all along. This was part of a dress rehersal for the coming launch. The fourth astronaut was never intended to be a part of the actual launch.

It was during this test run that something went tragically wrong, and the capsule went up in flames with the astronautes inside. This fourth guy was basically there as a troubleshooter. Since it was preperation for the first flight, this would have been something similar to the ground tech for a test flight.

I think I've finally got this right!



posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 03:12 AM

And while we are trying to find out the moon mining secret there will be other operations going on with incredibly more secrecy. With the 'mind control' technology now available to the government there is very little we can find out if we are not 'supposed' to know.

And if there are 'accidental leaks' it will be handled exactly like Lazar, Burisch, Dulce and other leaks were handled.

Hi John,

Hope you're having a great time mining!

Just a question to clarify: how would you characterize how the government handled the "leaks" of those people you mentioned...just ignore them and let them speak out to the tiny minority who actually listened to them?


posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by rocksolid

Just a question to clarify: how would you characterize how the government handled the "leaks" of those people you mentioned...just ignore them and let them speak out to the tiny minority who actually listened to them? thanks

That is the question of the century! I don't know but here are some thoughts.

Its possible that Burisch and Lqzar were supposed to leak information. Maybe somebody or maybe the majority want to let the information out.

However maybe those who want the information out are actually fighting those (probably NWO) who don't want the information out.

I was told many years ago that there was only one person on MJ-12 that still wanted to keep the information secret and he was the one that ruled.

Then I was told that the vote at MJ-12 was still 7 to 5 in favor of letting the informatin out.

We live in very interesting times. I wonder just who is looking at the moon thread. The fact that there is gravity and an atmosphere is such a huge and well kept secret is why most people scoff...they don't want to think they have been taken!

And Hoagland. You would think with his scientific background that he would have figured it out by now. But no. He is sticking to the "moon is a vacuum". Did he make some kind of 'deal'

Then its possible that the NWO has plans for us and they just don't care what information comes out at this point because for them it really doesn't matter.

Supposedly Admiral John Michael McConnell, alleged former head of MJ-12 and now Director of National InNtelligence wants the information out.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
The fact that there is gravity and an atmosphere is such a huge and well kept secret is why most people scoff...
(emphasis by me)

So you state this is a fact (thereby explicitly invalidating your "disclaimer"), which it is demonstrably not. So you are a liar! Seems that you are exempt from item 1) of the T&C: "1). Posting: You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate."

And Hoagland. You would think with his scientific background that he would have figured it out by now. But no. He is sticking to the "moon is a vacuum". Did he make some kind of 'deal'

Bizarre! One crackpot "fighting" another


posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 11:08 AM
Originally posted by yfxxx

So you are a liar!

If you insist on using inaccurate, derogatory terms I would prefer 'visionary'. But whatever floats your boat.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
If you insist on using inaccurate, derogatory terms I would prefer 'visionary'. But whatever floats your boat.

The word you were looking for is "hallucinations" and not "visions".


posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
The fact that there is gravity and an atmosphere is such a huge and well kept secret is why most people scoff...they don't want to think they have been taken!

No John, it's Nothing of the sort! The fact that the moon has gravity is a basic science fact that we teach in any elementry school science class room.

Humor me, please check your moon facts before posting. If you look in the encyclopedia under moon, you will find that lunar gravity is exactly 1/6 of earth's gravity

As to the atmospere claims, how do you get this? Ever single book I own on space and the Moon sais the is NO atmosphere there.

I would really love to know where and how you are getting this!



posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Ghost01
No John, it's Nothing of the sort! The fact that the moon has gravity is a basic science fact that we teach in any elementry school science class room.

Humor me, please check your moon facts before posting. If you look in the encyclopedia under moon, you will find that lunar gravity is exactly 1/6 of earth's gravity.

When he said "there is gravity .. on the moon", Mr. Lear referred to his fantasy that there is actually much more gravity on the than everybody else knows there is (65% of earth's vs. 1/6).

As to the atmospere claims, how do you get this? Ever single book I own on space and the Moon sais the is NO atmosphere there.

I would really love to know where and how you are getting this!

The "big gravity"? That's because he thinks he knows something about Newtonian physics in general and celestial mechanics in particular, when in fact he doesn't.

The atmosphere? Don't know ... maybe as a corollary to the big gravity, together with seeing things and patterns in fuzzy images where none exist.


posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 08:01 PM

You seem to be such an expert about Earth's moon. Please enlighten us ignorant ones as to how it came to orbit Earth ?

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 10:38 PM

Supposedly Admiral John Michael McConnell, alleged former head of MJ-12 and now Director of National InNtelligence wants the information out.

Hi John,

Thanks for your replies.

I wonder why someone on theMJ12 would want the info out? Wouldn't it mean that all the anti-grav technology, which would end the oil/coal/nuclear industries, become available? And don't all these guys have huge ties with all these industries?


posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by pippadee
You seem to be such an expert about Earth's moon.

I'm not an expert on the Moon, but I don't need to be to know the basic physical characteristics (including e.g. the surface gravity and the extremely thin atmosphere).

Please enlighten us ignorant ones as to how it came to orbit Earth ?

The theory, which is currently by far the best fit to the observational data, is that an impact of a planet-sized body on the proto-Earth about 4.5 billion years ago ejected the material which then coalesced to form the Moon. You can read about it in many sources, but as often, Wikipedia is a good start:


posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by pippadee

You seem to be such an expert about Earth's moon. Please enlighten us ignorant ones as to how it came to orbit Earth ?

He probably did exactly what I did: Paid Attention in Science Class

You don't need a PhD to figure out that John's ideas on the moon are completely wrong, Any middle/high school science text book, or even encyclopedia can tell you that. This is what we call common knowlege!


posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Ghost01

Originally posted by pippadee

He probably did exactly what I did: Paid Attention in Science Class


So you believe everything you were taught in school ? What did 'Sir ' teach you about the origin of Earth's moon ? That it broke away from Earth ? That some cosmic body collided with Earth and puff there it was just like that !!

As a complete ignoramus even I can deduct that our moon has a completely different geology to Earth. Helium 3 etc etc. It appears to be HOLLOW. And it is much older than Earth.

Ancient texts apparently refer to an age when there was no moon.

Please keep an open mind and do not dismiss Mr Lear's opinions. Remember not so long ago most intelligentcia thought the Earth was flat and that the sun revolved around the Earth.

Please bear in mind ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. This may be useful when very soon it becomes obvious that we have visitors.

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by pippadee
As a complete ignoramus even I can deduct that our moon has a completely different geology to Earth. Helium 3 etc etc. It appears to be HOLLOW. And it is much older than Earth.

Even given your credentials, just how is it that you can deduce these things? Any indication we have of the moon's geology is the result of scientific examination of samples brought back by the Apollo programme, or from telescopes, analysis of the light spectrum...other stuff plainly discussed in science class.

You got a better way? Hollow?

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 07:52 PM

April 29, 2007 posting ... Hey gang ... get this ... a little bird just got this message to me ... seems that NASA (Never A Straight Answer) has come up with a new plan ... since they never went to the moon ... and since they now still cannot get to the moon ... i got this from an inside source that they are going to start the ploy that "they really did go to the moon" ... but used some kind to super secret technology ... so secret that they could not share it with the public ... soooo they faked the moon landing and the pictures so they could keep their super secret moon landing ... well ... a secret ... i always knew they would try this ploy ... including the attempt to claim aspects of my work when they finally realized that the universe was in fact electrical ... the only problem is that i sat in the meetings with these jokers and listened daily to their tripe and ridiculously bad science when i was at cornell university ... so early on i developed the standard response to the Teflon Agency ...

Don't know that this post necessarily fits here John...nor am I familiar with Mr. McCanney's credentials/credibility. I happened across this link today on one of my Gold-Bug investment sites, and found the info interesting...just wanted to share.

Peace &
Good Fortune

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