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Secret Apollo Astronauts

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posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 01:11 AM
Some things certainly aren't what they seem, even though we are spoon fed from NASA. I always wondered why the astronauts would be worried the weight of lunar rocks, when they landed with the buggy and left the buggy on the moon and probably a lot of other stuff they left there.

I posted a long time ago I found some pics of the capsule splashdown and rescue teams going out to get them. The "frogmen" as they call them in wetsuits flippers probably from Navy. It showed the astronauts getting out of the capsule only wearing jumpsuits, instead of flightsuits, helmets, space suits etc. I saw this capsule before in a expo type fair and I don't see how these guys could have taken all that off and got out in a hurry into a rubber raft. After this they was then walking down the red carpet with everyone there to meet them on the battleship. It just seemed to be staged if you ask me. What would of happen if they opened the capsule and they found 3 dead people?? That would of broke up the party real fast now wouldn't it? It's as if they knew what, when, where, how all this was going to play out.

I'm with John on a lot of this stuff don't make sense. Heres Nasa going to the moon and everyones wearing ugly 60's sunglasses and driving 60's finned gas guzzler cars, but NASA can make a garbbage can fly to the moon.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 01:46 AM

This is not a quote of mine and is incorrect. No secret astronaut did anything like that.

Sorry John, didn't mean to misquote you. Must have let my imagination get the better of me.

That they had anti-grav on the Lander makes sense as the one thing I could never get past was the dust on the surface never being disturbed on landing or take-off. They complain about it being so fine that it gets into everything, yet it doesn't move at all when an apparent jet blast hits it. No crater at all, like the lander was gently placed there. I never even thought of anti-grav as the answer. For a while I was in the "we didn't go there" club, but if they integrated anti-grav then it all makes sense. Just another layer pulled back on the ever growing onion of government cover ups.

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 01:45 AM
I always sort of wondered about the lack of dust or scorch marks in the moon landing picture as well. Then again nothing we get told about the space program is close to true..

Look at venture star, they supposedly couldn't get carbon fiber fuel tanks to work so they scrapped a project where that was the single problem? Yeah because we don't have high temperature ceramics, good heck all of this happened after an american group of scientists finally got spinning ceramic super conductors to counteract gravity demonstrably! But the carbon fiber tanks didn't work so lets just scrap the whole thing guys!!

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 09:55 AM
John, is the identity of the secret astronaut the same as a certain astronaut that was apparently killed a few months earlier in a crash in a fighter jet? He may have been a new post to the Space Corps but died off not longer after his identity was killed off?

U2U me if I am warm.


posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by DuncanIdahoGholem
John, is the identity of the secret astronaut the same as a certain astronaut that was apparently killed a few months earlier in a crash in a fighter jet? He may have been a new post to the Space Corps but died off not longer after his identity was killed off?

U2U me if I am warm.


See and Bassett where killed in a T-38 crash at St. Louis. I don't think that either of them was in the Secret Astronaut Corps. But the secret astronaut who was killed in the Apollo 1 fire with Grissom, White and Chaffee had a son who I now believe is a current astronaut.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 05:58 PM
Hi John,

Who can be that a current astronaut (son of "secret corps" astronaut)?

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 04:28 AM
I'll have to hunt a bit harder. It's hard when you live in Oz and we never heard these guys names apart from the big succesful missions. I only learned who Gus Grissom was a few years ago (29 yrs old). He was a hero, even though I'm from another country this man deserves a lot of respect and I don't beleive he blew the hatch. (Salutes) Rest in peace Mr Grissom, you were a true pioneer.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Sylpho
Hi John,

Who can be that a current astronaut (son of "secret corps" astronaut)?

Would you mind rephrasing this sentence? Thanks.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 07:22 AM

But the secret astronaut who was killed in the Apollo 1 fire with Grissom, White and Chaffee had a son who I now believe is a current astronaut.

Sure. Maybe do you know a name of that son?

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Gary McKinnon

"What was the most exciting thing you saw?" I ask.

"I found a list of officers' names," he claims, "under the heading 'Non-Terrestrial Officers'."

"Non-Terrestrial Officers?" I say.

"Yeah, I looked it up," says Gary, "and it's nowhere. It doesn't mean little green men. What I think it means is not earth-based. I found a list of 'fleet-to-fleet transfers', and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren't US navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet."

"The Americans have a secret spaceship?" I ask.

"That's what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe."

"Some kind of other Mir that nobody knows about?"

"I guess so," says Gary.

"What were the ship names?"

"I can't remember," says Gary. "I was smoking a lot of dope at the time. Not good for the intellect."

A bit of background:

[edit on 26-3-2007 by Ambergambler]

[edit on 26-3-2007 by Ambergambler]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:46 AM

But the secret astronaut who was killed in the Apollo 1 fire with Grissom, White and Chaffee had a son who I now believe is a current astronaut.

John, maybe do you know a name of that son?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 06:06 AM
Secret astronauts, eh...

Doesn't sound too far-fetched, nobody knows what the military does in space compared to NASA.

You know Apollo had a twin sister named Artemis in Greek legend. She was the huntress.

You don't think there was a parallel secret program for the military called Artemis, during the time of Apollo, do you? Makes you think....

You might even say Gemini was dual purpose if it was just one program... get it?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:24 AM
When China eventually, (real soon as a matter of fact) starts sending probes and eventually manned space flights to the moon, how are we going to explain our years of presence. Are we going to start making publicized flights to the moon and say "hey look, we recently brought all this stuff up here!" or are we just going to sabotage all of there space flights so they never make it...Don't know how if we had much of a hand in the abysmal failure of the Soviet moon program. I have seen the lunar lander they had originally designed to send men to the moon, it was quite scarry...kind of reminded me of a turn of the century diving bell.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by van001]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by van001
When China eventually, (real soon as a matter of fact) starts sending probes and eventually manned space flights to the moon, how are we going to explain our years of presence.

There are a number of countries 'in' on the moon mining. China is probably one. Russia is probably one. Our current mining on the moon is a very controlled secret and must have the cooperation of several governments to work. It is unlikely you could keep that kind of a secret without that kind cooperation.

Are we going to start making publicized flights to the moon and say "hey look, we recently brought all this stuff up here!" or are we just going to sabotage all of there space flights so they never make it...

In my opinion we will probably stick the new moon mining effort at the south pole and keep it separate from current operations so that the 'new' mining operations will not find out about the current one. This is obvious because of the intended use of outdated rocket technology for our 'new' moon mining effort. Won't some of those involved figure it out? Of course. It will be an 'open secret' for those involved. It will eventually be an 'open secret' everyone knows, kind of like Israels nuclear arsenal.

And while we are trying to find out the moon mining secret there will be other operations going on with incredibly more secrecy. With the 'mind control' technology now available to the government there is very little we can find out if we are not 'supposed' to know.

And if there are 'accidental leaks' it will be handled exactly like Lazar, Burisch, Dulce and other leaks were handled.

Don't know how if we had much of a hand in the abysmal failure of the Soviet moon program. I have seen the lunar lander they had originally designed to send men to the moon, it was quite scarry...kind of reminded me of a turn of the century diving bell.

Everything you saw and heard about the Russians 'moon' effort' was propaganda designed to conceal the truth. For instance the 'cold war' was sheer, unadulterated propanganda to keep 'you' busy worrying about a nuclear attack from Russian while the 'real operations' were going on. We are in continuous cooperation with Russia, China and other countries on a very high level. Everything you read and hear is just the propanganda 'they' want you to hear. Who are 'they'? "They' are what is continually referred to as the "secret' or 'shadow' government and is composed of powerful families/institutions in many different countries, not just the U.S.

There are as many different 'truths' as there are 'lies'.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Sylpho

But the secret astronaut who was killed in the Apollo 1 fire with Grissom, White and Chaffee had a son who I now believe is a current astronaut.

John, maybe do you know a name of that son?

If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath for a meaningful answer


[edit on 27.3.2007 by yfxxx]


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

Everything you saw and heard about the Russians 'moon' effort' was propaganda designed to conceal the truth. For instance the 'cold war' was sheer, unadulterated propanganda to keep 'you' busy worrying about a nuclear attack from Russian while the 'real operations' were going on. We are in continuous cooperation with Russia, China and other countries on a very high level. Everything you read and hear is just the propanganda 'they' want you to hear. Who are 'they'? "They' are what is continually referred to as the "secret' or 'shadow' government and is composed of powerful families/institutions in many different countries, not just the U.S.

There are as many different 'truths' as there are 'lies'.

This is another fantastic post John. Not only have you stated somnething that has absolutely no truth in it but you also back it up with an astounding ZERO amount of evidence.
You are the only person on ATS that can make these claims without proving any tangible evidence just because of your name, John Lear.
Any other person that makes a statement like that is considered a dreamer and is essentially laughed at..

Just to set us straight, is this what you "reckon" is happening or are you "sure" it is happening?


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by sip
Just to set us straight, is this what you "reckon" is happening or are you "sure" it is happening?sip

Sip, thanks for the post. Your thoughts are always welcome.

As far as "reckon" or "sure" please check my signature line. Thanks again for your post.


posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by johnlear

Originally posted by sip
Just to set us straight, is this what you "reckon" is happening or are you "sure" it is happening?sip

Sip, thanks for the post. Your thoughts are always welcome.

As far as "reckon" or "sure" please check my signature line. Thanks again for your post.

Then what exactly can you present as fact? Have you ever presented any of your ideas as fact?


posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Sorry John, but maybe can you respond to my previous question?

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 04:16 PM
I love the way Lear passes off his speculations as though it were 'insider' knowledge that he had acquired. Teasing tidbits of disinformation carefully crafted to deceive and to astound. The truth of the matter is: he does not know a damn thing. Like asserting that the Moon's gravity is 64% of Earth's. Any physics university student can calculate the Moon's mass m from the equation:
mw^2r = GMm/r^2,
where r is the radius of the Moon's orbit, M is the Earth's mass and w is the angular frequency:
w = 2pi/T,
where T is its period of orbital revolution, and then calculate Moon's acceleration g at its surface from:
g =Gm/R^2,
where R is the moons' radius. When you do, you get g ~ 1/6 Earth's g. Not 64% Earth's g. If someone can make such scientifically incorrect statements like that, how can any of you suckers trust a single thing he says?

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