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Contact With Extraterrestrials

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posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:45 PM
hmm that could be arranged, do you have an email adress i could give her?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by newage2012
hmm that could be arranged, do you have an email adress i could give her?

Sure - she can contact me at the Fellowship email address. If you do not know it, I will send you a private message.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:56 PM
to be honest i dont even know if i can recieve U2U's or send them... if you like just email me [email protected] ill forward it from there

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:14 PM
Any sort of preferred grounding method for when doing this? I am reading about Gnostic meditation and will be practicing that eventually, will that suffice for this sort of excersize? I know you said that the guided meditation has it covered, but eventually I would think I'd have it memorized, and go through the steps w/o it playing. Or is that probably a bad idea?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Novise
Any sort of preferred grounding method for when doing this? I am reading about Gnostic meditation and will be practicing that eventually, will that suffice for this sort of excersize? I know you said that the guided meditation has it covered, but eventually I would think I'd have it memorized, and go through the steps w/o it playing. Or is that probably a bad idea?

The hypno-meditation is simply designed to be an initiation. After a while, you will be able to telepathically commune with your guide without the need for the hypno-meditation. If you meet your guide in astral travel, you are always "grounded" in a sense with a silver chord. There is no danger of "losing" your astral body.

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by newage2012
what your saying about there being no good or evil i agree with, the concept is not new to me and i understand it well, but where you earlier mentioned astral travelling i have experience with this and i know many people who do this and it leaves them in pieces... you have to be careful about the advice you give those who arent prepared for the experiences... think of it this way, your offering information at any level to any person... most people want to "experience" they dont want to focus on grouding themselves... if a person astral travels and is not properly grounded there life force is drained... their bodies energy disapears and they are left with nothing... those who are grounded may astral travel... but out of the thousands of people iv met maybe 30% are grounded... and most of the ones meditating arent... although i am intruiged with your concept of contacting these entities... i have had many experiences myself and have been rather curious about how to go about meeting with them... but thats another matter all on its own... please listen to my warnings... i respect what you are saying but there are dangers for those who are ill equipped... take it from one teacher to another please?

Question, I'm very interested in the outter reaching of the human spirit (Hence my membership here at ATS) and I have always been leary of astral travel or projection, basically alot of the things that involve direct OBEs. I have a friend who told me recently that she had been "jumping into mirrors" since she was a little girl (7 or 8) and it blew me away. She also spoke of alot of "demons" in her life.. I myself have personally witnessed a dark spirit in the same room and it scared the hell out of me. Anyways, I was blown away because she bad been practicing OBE methods and was completely unaware of it, until I told her what I think she was doing (She's 34 now). So her experience with it shows me it can be a bad life altering tool for people that are not well "grounded" as you said... So my real question is, defined someone who is grounded? Do you know your charcter in completeness or... ?

I don't want to hijack the thread so a U2U or email works for me.

Thanks in advance.

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by HaTaX
So my real question is, defined someone who is grounded? Do you know your charcter in completeness or... ?

I don't want to hijack the thread so a U2U or email works for me.

Thanks in advance.

You are right in stating that it is nearly impossible to completely know yourself / your own character. To me, being grounded means having a positive mindset and projecting positive energies during the hypno-meditation. Of course, positive energies are an integral part of the hypno-meditation, and it is specifically designed to lead people into a relationship with an extraterrestrial guide of light and wisdom.

When a person is full of positive mental and spiritual energy (and you know when you are), then you will draw like extraterrestrial beings to yourself, or you will at least recognize beings that are imbalanced and will have the ability to resist allowing them to infiltrate your experience.

The danger with OBEs lies in the unrestricted practice of simply traveling whenever and wherever to meet whoever. When a person does that, there is no telling what extraterrestrial entities may come into the picture. But if you have a goal surrounded by positive energy, extraterrestrial beings of high spiritual unfoldment will automatically be drawn to you. Does this answer your question? If not, I'd be happy to go into more detail.

By the way, it is not possible to hijack a thread like this. Meeting your extraterrestrial guide is inherently spiritual, and any spiritual conversation is pertinent.

mod edit: quote edit for clarity
Mod Edit: Quoting Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 26-1-2007 by sanctum]

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 01:23 AM
Thanks for the response and the obvious selflessness for the thread, but I will take the night to stew it over and also try your meditation guide you've put together. I appreciate it.

I'll let you know how it goes and also if I have any follow up questions to your response, I think I digested most of it. I'm just looking for many different views on the OBEs overall.... Better to have a map of the state you're going into if you know what I mean.

mod edit: removed quote of preceding post

[edit on 26-1-2007 by sanctum]

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 01:33 PM
thanks for the edit sanctum, most of the threads I post in are moving so fast that when I start my post and by the time I finish it, there are 3 more posts infront of where I thought mine would be.

Anyways, I tried the hypno-therapy that you had posted and although I had an extremely successful relaxation session, I had a hard time keeping my mind from wandering and my thoughts become loud enough that I lose focus of the situation. I can feel the physical aspects of the relaxation / meditation quickly enough, (body feels light and I am okay with it feeling paralyzed and without feeling) but I feel that I hit a real barrier when doing this..

Perhaps it's because I am such a analytical thinker? Looking for any ideas or advice to overcome the barrier.

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 03:45 PM

is this you?

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne is the founder and director of Spirit Guide Connections and the Association for the Unified Mind. He has a PhD in Pastoral Counseling and a Master of Science in Metaphysics. With the help of his spirit guide, Diana, he has developed a spirit guide workshop utilizing hypno-meditation in order to introduce others to their spirit guide.

I was just wondering....

and this one?

The Fellowship of Yeshua / ET Connections is an organization committed to bringing spiritual awakening to humanity through communication with extraterrestrial guides. The mission of this site and all related services is to lead you into fuller spiritual awakening and to help create real peace on earth one person at a time by helping you connect with your extraterrestrial guides. Welcome to the site, and feel free to email me with any questions or comments. Blessings and Light!

[edit on 26-1-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 06:44 PM
I am 99% sure that is him.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by HaTaX

Perhaps it's because I am such a analytical thinker? Looking for any ideas or advice to overcome the barrier.

Hi Hatax,

What was your environment like when you listened to the meditation? Were you in a dark room with absolutely no disruptions? Also, did you do the meditation as just one other thing on a to-do list, or did you really gear your mind for the experience at least 30 minutes or so before doing it? I would also suggest using earphones (the ones that cover your entire ear).

If you were in a relaxed, focused state even before beginning the meditation and there were no disruptions, then I would recommend doing a mantra meditation before the hypno-meditation. A really good Buddhist mantra that I often use is Om Mani Padme Hum. Chant this for about 20-30 minutes before doing the hypno-meditation, and it will help you focus. You can chant lying down if you are certain you will not fall asleep. Otherwsie, you can chant sitting in a chair or in the lotus position. Be sure to do the chant and the hypno-meditation is a darkened room where you are sure not to be bothered.

posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone

is this you?

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne is the founder and director of Spirit Guide Connections and the Association for the Unified Mind. He has a PhD in Pastoral Counseling and a Master of Science in Metaphysics. With the help of his spirit guide, Diana, he has developed a spirit guide workshop utilizing hypno-meditation in order to introduce others to their spirit guide.

I was just wondering....

and this one?

The Fellowship of Yeshua / ET Connections is an organization committed to bringing spiritual awakening to humanity through communication with extraterrestrial guides. The mission of this site and all related services is to lead you into fuller spiritual awakening and to help create real peace on earth one person at a time by helping you connect with your extraterrestrial guides. Welcome to the site, and feel free to email me with any questions or comments. Blessings and Light!

[edit on 26-1-2007 by elevatedone]

Yes, that is me. I have two guides, one spirit and one extraterrestrial. Someone asked a bit back how I can know the difference between a spirit guide and an extraterrestrial guide. The reason is I have both, and they are as different as night and day.

I spend much more time with Gabriel, my extraterrestrial guide, and am beginning to phase out the Spirit Guide Connections / Association for the Unified Mind work because I sense that there is more to be done with Gabriel and the Fellowship.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 03:30 AM
I find it very interesting your guide is called Gabriel.

The Archangel Gabriel:
Gabriel is the Governor of the West and the element of Water. Ruler of Monday, psychic gifts, intuition, visions, magick, clairvoyance, scrying, astral travel, herbal medicine, the cycles of women, and female aspects of men. His symbols are the lily and the trumpet, and his stone is the moonstone.

But you'll find the information on any site about the Archangels.

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 04:25 AM
We've dozens of "contactee's" on this site, each with their own personal alien coming from their own homeplanet (names usually taken from scifi b movies or something) and their own interpretation of the bible....

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 09:34 AM
Wow there was a lot of negativity to read through to get to this point in the thread! Some times it takes the original point so far off topic it is difficult to remember how it all began.
That said, I would like to interject my thoughts on channeling.
Trust no one. No outside entity.
Look deep within and then take full responsibility for your own connection to the whole. In that responsibility all divisions disappear all races all ideologies, all concepts of good and evil.
What is left is 'you' taking responsibility for your own intelligence.
It does not lend credibility to what you know already deep inside to say it came from some great source far more advanced and unattainable to the common man.
Again this is not living true to your original face. It is not taking responsibility.
It is just like the people who do past life regression, everyone is somebody great in the past, were there no common people?
Take responsibility for your truth, bring it back down to this earth this planet this people, we need the lift so that one day as a whole we can reach higher to the stars and beyond. Together. Responsibly.

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 04:18 PM
Does anybody please have the link to this mp3/website, really want to give this a shot.

Sorry found links.

[edit on 9-12-2007 by DigitalKid]

posted on Dec, 9 2007 @ 04:22 PM
I need to arrange somthing with a guide how do i get one? I have good inttentions.

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 11:30 AM
I would like to know the link, where is it? thanks in advance

[edit on 12/10/2007 by Uber_Offizer]

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 12:03 PM
AFAIK you can talk to your guide with no external help. All you need is a quiet place and a clear mind. Then just wait for it. But before getting any answers you need to know what you want to find out, or what is your question.

As the OP said, you should not ask things like, what is the next lottery number, you will never get such answers, unless your guide is irresponsible which is impossible since everything he would do to you would be related to your growth.

And when you ask for an answer, try to keep your mind in a meditative state, do not think of anything, just let the answer come to you. It will ussually come in a form of an image. Like a flash. The way you interpret that image is the answer, more or less.

Everyone has a guide so be sure that he heard you, if you don't get a reply then well, either your question is wrong and not helpfull for you or he does not want contact, since that might change you drastically.

None the less, it's worth trying. Even if you don't get answers, meditating is good for you.

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