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Contact With Extraterrestrials

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posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by lee anoma
Honestly I am very suspicious of the idea of 8ft tall Nordic/Aryan looking benevolent white people coming to enlighten us.

The whole idea of a superior benevolent race that's all white has a tinge of racial bias in it to me. ......

...No Asian angels in heaven?

Yea very suspicious, I often wonder this in the Paranormal Forum over there all such visions seem to be religious icons or creatures from mythology..including biblical. Myb there is enough Physical Asian Angels on Earth already

Originally posted by lee anoma
I'll admit this...I've had experiences with beings in astral and the psychical (no there is no proof) so I do believe what you claim is possible, but none of the beings I saw looked remotely human, just humanoid in structure. Some hid their face in shadow so maybe they could have human features but the shapes of their bodies were VERY odd and not like any human I've seen.

Yes I often note this. These imaginery experiences manifest as beings of your individual beliefs. I have noted over the forums how many experiences are similar but in the Paranormal these are demons, a religious deity etc. In the UFO forum similar experiences are greys, reptoids etc.

Originally posted by lee anoma
It also makes me wonder if some beings are hiding their true form and taking on the form of what we want to see.

Yep. Just like in t he Paranormal realm practiononers are aware that some negative energies "pretend" to be good guys. This could be a negative energy mind "coitus". The only evidence you have that they are for real is your belief in what they say. Dangerous.

Originally posted by lee anoma

I'll check out your link though, maybe I'm wrong about the "Nordics".

I checked out the link. Its just another meditation tape with preset perameters. Its like a Doreen Virtue Spirit guide cd but with Extraterrestials replacing the Spirit Guides.

I couldn't handle it though the voice reminded me of "2001 A Space Odessey" too much...."What are you doing Dave.............? Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do.........."

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by something smells

Originally posted by lee anoma
Honestly I am very suspicious of the idea of 8ft tall Nordic/Aryan looking benevolent white people coming to enlighten us.

The whole idea of a superior benevolent race that's all white has a tinge of racial bias in it to me. ......

...No Asian angels in heaven?

Yea very suspicious, I often wonder this in the Paranormal Forum over there all such visions seem to be religious icons or creatures from mythology..including biblical. Myb there is enough Physical Asian Angels on Earth already

Originally posted by lee anoma
I'll admit this...I've had experiences with beings in astral and the psychical (no there is no proof) so I do believe what you claim is possible, but none of the beings I saw looked remotely human, just humanoid in structure. Some hid their face in shadow so maybe they could have human features but the shapes of their bodies were VERY odd and not like any human I've seen.

Yes I often note this. These imaginery experiences manifest as beings of your individual beliefs. I have noted over the forums how many experiences are similar but in the Paranormal these are demons, a religious deity etc. In the UFO forum similar experiences are greys, reptoids etc.

Originally posted by lee anoma
It also makes me wonder if some beings are hiding their true form and taking on the form of what we want to see.

Yep. Just like in t he Paranormal realm practiononers are aware that some negative energies "pretend" to be good guys. This could be a negative energy mind "coitus". The only evidence you have that they are for real is your belief in what they say. Dangerous.

Originally posted by lee anoma

I'll check out your link though, maybe I'm wrong about the "Nordics".

I checked out the link. Its just another meditation tape with preset perameters. Its like a Doreen Virtue Spirit guide cd but with Extraterrestials replacing the Spirit Guides.

I couldn't handle it though the voice reminded me of "2001 A Space Odessey" too much...."What are you doing Dave.............? Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do.........."

Thanks for trying the mediation and writing about your experience. For many of us in The Fellowship, the experience is anything but imaginary. It is very real, and we have grown spiritually in our relationship with our guide. I do not know you, but I do know we usually get what we expect to get. Again, it's the principle of like attracting like.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by spiritconnections

Originally posted by Mr Totality
I am not 100% certain of what is being refered to as astral?

When I refer to astral meetings with extraterrestrial guides, I am speaking of the very real astral body traveling to meet guides. This can either be done in a deep state of meditation or in a sleep state.

much obliged for the response. I am interested in trying and did listen to the first 3 minutes or so of the video on your sight. However, I must admit that I am quite skeptical.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Mr Totality

Originally posted by spiritconnections

Originally posted by Mr Totality
I am not 100% certain of what is being refered to as astral?

When I refer to astral meetings with extraterrestrial guides, I am speaking of the very real astral body traveling to meet guides. This can either be done in a deep state of meditation or in a sleep state.

much obliged for the response. I am interested in trying and did listen to the first 3 minutes or so of the video on your sight. However, I must admit that I am quite skeptical.

As I've said before, I welcome initial skepticism much more than blind faith. I think being cautious is healthy, particularly in regard to spirituality.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:07 AM

I've exhausted my resources in real life, no1 wants to tell me jack past a certain point- screw that.

Could you check out my post a few pages back? And also, what do you have to say about being shown technology? I'll send you a U2U about it.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:15 AM
I did it!

Thanks spirit!

I am inexperienced with meditation, but I was able to have a daydream-like experience.

I saw the guide and did manage to ask three questions (which he answered) but it was annoying how my own mind would jump in and interrupt.

I don't want to write about it specifically here because it might hinder someone else's attempts, but I will tell you I did enjoy this.

Was it all in my head or was it real? That's another debate, and my own. And I'll figure that out as I do it more, yeah I'll do it more, it's fun and relaxes your body, and I wish I could have seen and heard better (and smelled lol). But I am really glad I tried it.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by IamnomanasIamallman

I've exhausted my resources in real life, no1 wants to tell me jack past a certain point- screw that.

Could you check out my post a few pages back? And also, what do you have to say about being shown technology? I'll send you a U2U about it.


I just sent you a private message. Your guide may choose to show you any number of different things, and it most likely will have to do with your interests in every day life. For example, I am very interested in religion and counseling in my everyday life (my degrees are in those fields), so my guide works with me with that type of knowledge. If you interested in certain technologies, your guide may choose to work with you in that arena. The possibilities are virtually limitless.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Novise
I did it!

Thanks spirit!

I am inexperienced with meditation, but I was able to have a daydream-like experience.

I saw the guide and did manage to ask three questions (which he answered) but it was annoying how my own mind would jump in and interrupt.

I don't want to write about it specifically here because it might hinder someone else's attempts, but I will tell you I did enjoy this.

Was it all in my head or was it real? That's another debate, and my own. And I'll figure that out as I do it more, yeah I'll do it more, it's fun and relaxes your body, and I wish I could have seen and heard better (and smelled lol). But I am really glad I tried it.

Hi Novise,

Nothing makes my day better than hearing experiences such as yours. Thanks for sharing!

At first, the conscious mind tries to interupt the communication because it is so out of the ordinary. However, the more you do it and are comfortable with the experience, the stronger your connection to your guide will become, and the easier it will be to communicate without being interrupted by yourself^^

It was definitely real. What is reality but the sum of our experiences? Thanks again for posting about your experience, and feel free to share the meditation with anyone you think may enjoy it.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:48 AM
I will be able to fully try this later this evening, however I was wondering if anyone could either post or send me a private note about what happened during their experience. Thanks

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:54 AM
Once Again, my friends, I will have to say good night! It's 2 am here, and I'm getting drowsy. I'll answer any messages public or private tomorrow. Peace and Blessings!

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:59 AM
I don't think you will want to have any pre-conceived notions about what will specifically happen. I can tell you there are no surprises.

Why do you want to know? What are your concerns?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 11:46 AM
well, what was you experience

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 06:15 PM
Ok I downloaded the mp3.

I settled into a comfortable position and let the talking guide me into a deep state of relaxation. It felt as if my body was still there but I could not move easily - everything felt heavy I guess. My mind was still active in the sense the energy was there instead.

From my experience it all seemed and felt pretty good until the talking about the ufo coming down (it just didn't feel part of the process) - I felt a sense of insecurity and put up my mental barriers. I've had nightmares about seeing UFOs so there was very little chance I'd let myself imagine this in a state of vulnerability. So I tried anyway and couldn't picture the ET so I ended up letting it look like Gandalf haha. Then I basically tried to communicate with it and it was just like talking to myself.

The thing that did surprise me was the depth of relaxation and I suppose hypnosis I was under - I really felt I almost needed the talker to talk me out of it. Two thumbs up there!

As for meeting my ET guide, I think it was a failure, maybe I should try again. Gandalf belongs in Tolkeinverse hehehe.

Thanks for the mp3 tho it's very interesting.

Take care,
- Naz

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by nazgarn
Ok I downloaded the mp3.

I settled into a comfortable position and let the talking guide me into a deep state of relaxation. It felt as if my body was still there but I could not move easily - everything felt heavy I guess. My mind was still active in the sense the energy was there instead.

From my experience it all seemed and felt pretty good until the talking about the ufo coming down (it just didn't feel part of the process) - I felt a sense of insecurity and put up my mental barriers. I've had nightmares about seeing UFOs so there was very little chance I'd let myself imagine this in a state of vulnerability. So I tried anyway and couldn't picture the ET so I ended up letting it look like Gandalf haha. Then I basically tried to communicate with it and it was just like talking to myself.

The thing that did surprise me was the depth of relaxation and I suppose hypnosis I was under - I really felt I almost needed the talker to talk me out of it. Two thumbs up there!

As for meeting my ET guide, I think it was a failure, maybe I should try again. Gandalf belongs in Tolkeinverse hehehe.

Thanks for the mp3 tho it's very interesting.

Take care,
- Naz

Hi Nazgarn,

First of all, thanks for posting your experience. I would like to reiterate the importance and effects of what has been culturally ingrained into our subconscious minds since childhood concerning extraterrestrial beings. It is almost as if we are trained to be afraid of them and to resist meeting them at any cost.

I have worked with a few people who have had an initial experience similar to yours. After also leading them through some psychotherapeutic counseling to rid them of their subconscious fears of extraterrestrials, they were able to undergo the meditation and have a very concrete experience of meeting their extraterrestrial guide. I think the key in your case was your automatic resistance to allowing the UFO to enter your sacred space. This is a very natural repsonse for many people, and if you are able to deal with those fears, you will have a much more concrete meeting with your guide. Your guide WILL NOT force himself or herself into your life.

Also, be aware that your ET guide will choose to manifest at first in a way to make you most comfortable. I am not necessarily claiming he or she would manifest as Gandalf, but I suggest not fighting the mental images that arise in your mind concerning how your guide looks. At first, he or she may be any kind of physical being, a shape, etc. I've even had clients who first met their guide as a color. Later on, the true physical shape of the guide manifested to the channel as they became more comfortable working with each other.

Don't give up - keep striving to create only positive thoughts towards your ET guide, and you will meet them. Thanks again for your post, and I look forward to hearing more from you.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 08:19 PM
what your saying about there being no good or evil i agree with, the concept is not new to me and i understand it well, but where you earlier mentioned astral travelling i have experience with this and i know many people who do this and it leaves them in pieces... you have to be careful about the advice you give those who arent prepared for the experiences... think of it this way, your offering information at any level to any person... most people want to "experience" they dont want to focus on grouding themselves... if a person astral travels and is not properly grounded there life force is drained... their bodies energy disapears and they are left with nothing... those who are grounded may astral travel... but out of the thousands of people iv met maybe 30% are grounded... and most of the ones meditating arent... although i am intruiged with your concept of contacting these entities... i have had many experiences myself and have been rather curious about how to go about meeting with them... but thats another matter all on its own... please listen to my warnings... i respect what you are saying but there are dangers for those who are ill equipped... take it from one teacher to another please?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by newage2012
what your saying about there being no good or evil i agree with, the concept is not new to me and i understand it well, but where you earlier mentioned astral travelling i have experience with this and i know many people who do this and it leaves them in pieces... you have to be careful about the advice you give those who arent prepared for the experiences... think of it this way, your offering information at any level to any person... most people want to "experience" they dont want to focus on grouding themselves... if a person astral travels and is not properly grounded there life force is drained... their bodies energy disapears and they are left with nothing... those who are grounded may astral travel... but out of the thousands of people iv met maybe 30% are grounded... and most of the ones meditating arent... although i am intruiged with your concept of contacting these entities... i have had many experiences myself and have been rather curious about how to go about meeting with them... but thats another matter all on its own... please listen to my warnings... i respect what you are saying but there are dangers for those who are ill equipped... take it from one teacher to another please?


Thank you for your words of warning, and I do accept them as from one teacher to another. I and Gabriel are aware of the energetic dangers associated with astral travel, and the hypno-meditation includes subconscious suggestions on remaining grounded while traveling.

[edit on 25-1-2007 by spiritconnections]

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 08:41 PM
well then your not half bad after all, iv met alot of people who say they teach the energy work to others... meditation and such... and they have black hearts... you seem to be doing alright... anyways how long have you been at this for? just since you were a kid?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by newage2012
well then your not half bad after all, iv met alot of people who say they teach the energy work to others... meditation and such... and they have black hearts... you seem to be doing alright... anyways how long have you been at this for? just since you were a kid?

My relationship with Gabriel began when I was seven, though I was not consciously aware of it until a few years ago. I have only recently started offering the hypno-meditation, and have formed The Fellowship of Yeshua for like-minded individuals.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 08:59 PM
its interesting you refer to your guide as gabriel, the woman i spoke of before also refers to her "partner" as gabriel... im not quite sure if theres any correlation though just thought id mention it

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by newage2012
its interesting you refer to your guide as gabriel, the woman i spoke of before also refers to her "partner" as gabriel... im not quite sure if theres any correlation though just thought id mention it

It is possible that we are working with the same guide. Does she have a website. If you would like, you could give her my information. I would love to communicate with her.

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