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"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

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posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 04:28 AM
Hello OTD have you heard of Gamma Ursa Magoris I had a vision where there are planets hear by this star with aliens do you know much of this?

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 05:18 AM
What's the buzz, Cyber_Wasp, win 52, ATSGUY, TD, Hello123456, and everyone else?

Just taking a brief moment to post before work.

Hey, Hello123456!! I see your post, as have many others, didn't hit the board when you clicked "Post Reply". We've all suffered this. Sometimes they hit immediately...And sometimes they don't...If that happens, then the next post made will also add yours to the board. You can also look up the user's profile (like I did yours), click "posts" and click on the post in question...

You asked,

Originally posted by Hello123456
Hello OTD have you heard of Gamma Ursa Magoris I had a vision where there are planets hear by this star with aliens do you know much of this?

I can't say I've read anything on that...I'll have to look it up.

You said you had a vision of this area...Can you expand on that? I'm actually curious (everyone gets a fair shake here), have you had other visions? How do these visions come about? Just curious...I'll look into Gamma though. Thank you for the info!!

Also, I saw your thread on the Seti hit. I see it's still developing. Personally, and I don't mean any offense, I think SETI is a worthless endeavor. NASA's (and amateur videographers, photographers and contactees/abductees) own footage has shown that the visitors are here NOW. And SETI is looking for a radio signal...

I think SETI, aside from NASA, is one of the last bits of misdirection for those few who are still asleep on this planet...It's clear you're sincere in your search, but you are going to see real, open contact before SETI gets a signal. I hope you get something though, radio or otherwise.

Hi, Cyber_Wasp!! I know that, despite the distance we've come, that your suggestion about expressing gratitude to an unseen group of beings may seem bizarre to some people at the very least. It's exactly what I've taken the time to do on occasion, however...Just saying hi to those folks who are following along...

My long work days are over for the time being. I get a kind of rest after today...At least for a week or so...

I wanted to say that I am seeing these same slow, low flying craft over the suburban neighborhoods in my area. I am now seeing craft just hovering over the neighborhoods in my area. For what purpose would a craft simply be hovering over a neighborhood?

I've seen news helicopters flying over rush hour traffic for a few moments, and then flying off, but the behavior of these craft that now swarm the skies between 5:00pm and 10:00pm is new and just bizarre...All sorts of light patterns, flight patterns, speeds (or lack thereof)...It's just strange...And most of these craft seem to be silent...

The only craft that can hover (or that WOULD hover over a neighborhood) are helicopters. These motionless craft are silent, and just seem to be sitting there...Strange...

I haven't had a chance to get video of any yet, but will post when I do...

Finally, I wanted to comment on win 52's prediction for February 1, 2008 (or February 2...Can't remember). There is a thread at GLP entitled, "Asteroid 2007 TU24 has NASA concerned. Numerous solutions indicate an Earth impact.. Here is the latest regarding this unfolding catastophic situation" which is discussing the "TU24" asteroid.

The thread suggests (from at least one apparent inside source) that despite articles stating this comet will make a "near pass" to Earth, NASA is actually following the asteroid and is showing concern.

I don't know what to make of it yet, but if you go to the simulator at the JPL Small-Body Databse website you can see the orbital path of this asteroid. It currently shows it very near Earth as of today, January 17, 2008.

If you run the simulator backwards a little by pressing the single arrow pointing left, you will see the asteroid and Earth markers separate enough to identify the path.

Now, if you forward the simulator by pressing the single arrow pointing to the right you can see what appears to be an extremely close pass, or an impact on about February 1 or 2...In that area...Is it related to win 52's premonition...? Inquiring minds want to know...

Possibly related is a comment that Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot) makes during a recent (Dec. 2007?) interview with Richard Hoagland. Kerry said that during her interview with Boriska, Boriska says that Moscow (or a similar Western city) would be inundated with water. Kerry said that Boriska wasn't sure (or didn't mention) the cause of this, but that it would happen...

The Boriska interviews should be available soon...They're being translated...

Just thought it was interesting...(Enjoying the ellipses today ahaha)


posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 01:16 AM
Hello everyone!

It has been really calm these past few days, not allot has happened, well actually allot has happened but i dunno i guess no one posted it...looool

I just wanted to post something i find very interesting, i started listening to the Riley Martin radio shows, and i am planning on getting his audio book or regular book because the information he gives is just fascinating. I found one thing to be very interesting!!!

Remember when Renato said in past interview and posts that in the future, immortality will be an option. You can age regress your body to your 18 year old self and clone or create a new body. The cloning only becomes necessary after your body rejects the age regression which will happen in a few thousand years...Renato also said that you could and probably will choose at some time to let go of life and go chill with the creator.

Well i want you to listen to this:

here is my little transcript of what he says:

Email Question:
Is the rejuvenation chamber aboard the mother ship used on Biave and is it possible to keep rejuvenation over and over, if so is there a need for cloning and brain transfer procedure that the Biavians have perfected.

Riley Martin:
Ahh Biavians can go…ahh good question…ahh Biavians can go for anywhere from 15 to 20,000 years before having to be re-cloned. We have found that human beings tend to start wearing out even with the best rejuvenation after about anywhere from 3 to 4 thousand years. So one can say that conceivably ahhh…eehhh you…you will need to go through the cloning process about once ever 3 to 3,500 years or something of that nature. You may think that ahh…it ahhh is a terribly terribly detrimental operation, but the way the Biavians do it using ahhh…ahh…ah neuro computers and things of this nature…ahh and ahh robotics, neuro surgeon robotics and all of this. They can complete the procedure in a matter of hours, you do not have to stay in the hospital long or whatever. Next morning you’ll get up and walk out with ahhh you know a 20 year old body and what have you. And then you’re good for another 3500 years. But remember this my dear friend Chuck, no matter how long you can live! We understand that this possibly can be done indefinitely, but no matter how long you can live. The Biavians say that one day you will chose not to be re-cloned, you will say hold it just let me grow old and go back and get some rest in the ether with the universal creator. They say there will come a time when one grows weary of life no matter how exciting, I know that is hard to fathom but ahh it is non the less true.

LoOOL the way Riley Martin speaks is enough to make you start laughing you guts out…man he is definitely one cool character!!!

But anyway, can you believe that...Of course we can...lolll, I am kind of getting tired of always saying Td said this "blah blah blah" like 5 months ago, and he said this today...stuff

so i will just say that Td has said this in the begging in of his story, and Riley Martin has also now said it in his words...

If you interested in listening to his show it is right here:

[edit on 18-1-2008 by ATSGUY]

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 06:03 AM
haha I don't want to make a one line post, but ATSGUY, you've just been promoted to Master Chief Petty Officer. I can just hand those titles out at my whim... *salute* hehe

I've been satisfied with all of the corroboration that I've found for TD's experiences, but it's still really cool seeing TD's accounts mirrored elsewhere by someone he's never met; someone who created their own website to share their own personal story years before TD shared his...

I'll link Riley Martin's website, the Coming of Tan.

Also related is the Helloearth website, where you can find recent audio interviews with a gentleman named Michael, who met with Riley on the mothership Riley speaks of, and who talks about our future...

I believe ATSGUY (correct me if I'm wrong) calls in (he mentioned this in an earlier post) to the Tuesday, January 8, 2008, audio interview with Michael, and asks about the mass landing that TD talks about. ATSGUY is in there about 15 - 20 min. in (about the start of the 2/3rds point of the interview)

Michael responds that yes, there will be a mass sighting of a huge, "...undisputable [sic] showing of the Galactic Federation worlds." It recalls the Alien Agenda interview with "Rick" who talks about his abduction experience and the, in his words, "mass arrival" that will occur...

ATSGUY is in the interview for a bit and shares TD's experiences with Michael, who goes on to say that we are all being prepared for this inevitability.

Also related is an interesting message board exchange between David Wilcock and a couple of other posters at, I believe, the message board, regarding a mass arrival/landing on or around 2012,

As many of you may have read by now, here's what Mr. X, the UFO archivist, said in one of his interviews:

B: Was there anything that you read at that time in the 1980s that pertained to what then was in the future?

X: Yes. There was talk about them, what was described as a mass landing, in 2012 at the end of the year.

B: At the end of 2012?

X: A mass landing.

K: And was that going to be something that the aliens were telling the Americans was going to happen? Or was it …

X: Well, they were telling them it was going to happen regardless of whether they wanted it to or not.
End Quote


How on earth do I 'splain the "mass landing" without people laughing their arses off? I like to talk about stuff that at least has hard science to blow out their mainstream-based scientific stuff that now have been busted, but an ET mass landing? Good Lawd!

Don't get me wrong--I would LOVE for this to happen and for me to personally witness it and board on them advanced crafts. Yea! I'd be like a kid in Disneyland for the first time. But splain'n this to others without looking like tinfoil-hat-wearing nut? Ugh.

But beam my arse up anways!


Dear Friends,

First of all don't push the subject. Some believe and others don't and that's OK. The first thing is to find out what someone else/others "believe." Do they "believe" in ET's and that an MBE may be possible? Do they even know what it might entail?

Most people I meet are open minded to the ET enigma, but when you mention the possibilty that there's going to be an MBE you loose alot of them. It's really hard for them to fathom. The usual question is "Why?" And that's not so hard to grasp given that most have their "notions" of ET are based upon what they see on the boob tube.

There is a possibilty that there may be some kind of MBE hoax coming. Several years ago I had a dream in which there was a mass landing and it turned out to be some type of psyop. On the other hand, I do think that there's going to be another type of "MBE," but it's not about "whisking" us off Mother, but more of an "awakening" of sorts...

Be Well, Be Love.



The interview between Project Camelot and Mr. X is linked HERE. At about 16min. 15sec. and 17min. Mr. X says that around 2012 there is going to be a mass landing (mass arrival if you prefer) "whether we are ready or not".

Here is the Project Camelot main interview page.

Everybody's saying the same thing - but they're sharing this from their own experiences...I sincerely believe that...

Excellent work, ATSGUY!!! We can't pay you ahah Seriously though, thank you for sharing your findings!!

Are you prepared for something like this?

[edit on 18-1-2008 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 12:04 PM
OTD i just watched the interview with Mr. X, my jaw dropped for the millionth time. I also find it funny that Mr. X was probably the first interview that was on that site, i kind of skipped it because i saw that he was a archivist and i thought..."ahhh he doesn't have any experience, there is no need to watch this". I guess my ignorance really showed itself when i chose not to watch that interview. I think it is really cool how he comes out and said "whether we like it or not", all so exciting!!! I think Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy really have to consider looking through their emails, i remember sending them allot of info on the people we found including TDs experience on the Mass far no word! But hopefully they will look in the emails.

As for the Micheal interview on, when i talked to him and told him about what TD remembers...he said to me " what you described is basically the plan" i think that is really cool, i didn't really get to share more because i was in a hurry but hey its all good.

And for the Riley Martin stuff...hahah thanks OtD i really appreciate the thanks, it blew me away the first time when i listened to what he said. although they use chambers for age regression and Td talks about nano technology drinks, i kind of got the impression that in the future we will get the info on all the Et technology, and in so doing we will also bend the technology to our desire. Just like there are different kinds of products for things like Mp3s, or cars...we may also have different kinds of technology for age regression. In the Mars books they talk about having a process of 1-2 weeks to age regress s someone, on the mother ship "New Jerusalem" they use a chamber that looks like a tanning booth. This are just some times of examples of age regression tech that i have found about in research and also the drinks that Td describes.

Oh and i want to post this before i forget, i was reading stuff about Boriska on the project Camelot site and i saw an interview in the past where Kerry says that Boriska describes life on Mars and how the space ships worked. Boriska also said that the people on mars where allot bigger than us and they would survive by breathing the carbon dioxide on the planet. I find it interesting that Alex Collier in his interview mentioned that in the past we were also bigger and had a great lung capacity, also our blood was copper based and we mainly would survive on carbon dioxide...over the course of a downgraded evolution and very sever wars and circumstances our body's were changed and we now breath oxygen and have red blood. So you know thats pretty cool!

i just ordered the audio book, and the symbol thing...i think its pretty sweet, Riley himself called me looool its funny talking to him man he cool as helll!!! peace

Take care, peace yahh''lll

[edit on 18-1-2008 by ATSGUY]

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 02:54 AM
Hey Everyone !!!!!!!!

That is all cool information that has been posted above.

Hey Win52 !!! Have you got an update for us for Feb?
I still am not getting anything coming through to me, so anything else that has come through to you might help.

I am still having at times intense dreams. I love the way they 'blend' from one scene to the next seamlessly. Things change around you and you can see that you are somewhere else, but at the same time you still think you are in the scene before for a while. It is kind of strange.
If nothing else it shows the control they have over your mind and what you experience in dreams.
Just knowing this helps. Also keep asking for interaction with them in your dreams. They do make appearances.

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 03:00 AM

This is lifted from the UFO Thread in ATS

It is only 1 minute long.

I think we are well past the stage now where you have no way of knowing what is real or not with video technology.
It is cool how the eyes blink.

Let me know if you have seen these dudes in your neighbourhood...

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 09:56 AM
Good morning, all!!

I am in the final stretch of an extremely busy period...Just wanted to pop in to share more on win 52's February 1, 2008 prediction and the GLP thread I linked to earlier ("Asteroid 2007 TU24 has NASA concerned. Numerous solutions indicate an Earth impact..."). This thread indicated that there would be a near Earth flyby (or remote chance of impact) on or around January 29.

A second thread has just been created, entitled, "Holy S***, I Know What Happened With Holmes And What Is Going To Happen To TU24", that links the asteroid mentioned in the previous thread, "asteroid 2007 TU24", with Comet Holmes.

The correlation is that this asteroid may undergo a similar eruption to Comet Holmes when it enters Earth's magnetosphere (reported to be passing at a distance of 0.0045 au). Here is an excerpt from the opening post,

TU 24 is Not going to hit, its going to explode like Comet holmes.
TU24 WILL move in to our Plasma Discharge. (which is positive)
The asteroid will come into closest proximity to Earth on 1/29/08 when it will be at just 0.0045 au.

The magnetosphere in front of the earth's orbit extends more than 4,000,000 to 7,000,000km at the rear end of our orbit(the path we come from on the orbit around the sun), which is where TU24 will be crossing.
When it moves into this path it will interact with our Plasma discharge. A Positive to a negative. And will explode like comet holmes.
It is totally possible due to its metalic composition and its incredible close proximity to earth, we could have a catastrophic firework display that will light the sky Red!!!


Still wondering if this asteroid has anything to do with win 52's prediction...

[edit on 21-1-2008 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 06:35 PM
"How do you feel about your own mortality,do you believe in God,how has passing through time affected your family life?"

"If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

"Which actually came the first,the chicken or the egg?"

"Was Jesus black and did Dinosaurs exist?"

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 01:34 PM
Hi OTD. Been a long time.

I've been experiencing very strange things, mostly theologically. In response to these changes, I've tried to come here many times, but school is NOT helping.

These are my questions:

1. I don't know if you ever saw an anime show called Serial Experiments Lain? Well, it proposed a very interesting theory: that humans can connect with each other using the Schumann resonance. Does it seem plausible?

2. It also claimed to be possible to exist in other places without physicality. In the anime, it would be a very advanced network that had the very similar principles of existence to those of reality. Is it possible to exist only metaphysically, without any physical manifestations, in this reality (or dimension, as many call it)?

Back to regular questions:

3. Was Hitler just a very bad person, or id he know something we don't? I ask this because I've encountered many articles on Nazi/alien bases, etc.

4. With events clustering all over the world, this seems like a time of great change, for better or worse. Are humans alone in this transaction? Are these changes affecting just our little planet, or other societies as well?

5. Will it be possible to travel in time just with our soul? Like, going there, but not suffering any physical pain, or even presence, just observing?

6. Can we make objects bigger, or smaller, in our desire?

7. How will family ties be? Will they be strong like nowadays, or will we become more like the the guy from the movie K-PAX, everyone being our family?

8. What about porn? since sex seems to be a common practise, will there be a need for porn?

9. Oh, and what about nerds? Will they be free to live the way they want to?

Thanks in advance.

Oh, one more thing. I've been becoming paranoid, some strange people in suits seem to be following me. Can you give me any description of these people that will come to get me because i volunteered? Or am i just becoming insane?

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 07:18 AM
What's goin' on, Kilgour, joao22990, win 52, Cyber_Wasp, ATSGUY, TD, Hello123456, sputniksteve, GUICE2, midniteracerx, FremenBlueEyes, pikypiky (I remembered !!), Question, jdposey, serracruz, pierreletrek, Yacov, debris765nju, Thill, ShadowEyes, spacevisitor, muzzleflash, and everyone else sitting in the darkened theatre, snacking on their popcorn and listening to the people in the seat next to them chatter on before the movie starts...

What the hell are we all doing here? Just a question...

Judging from the mood of the paranormal community, it seems like we're all, at the moment, experiencing a terrific silence...Like holding our collective breath, waiting for something to break...

Things in the public arena have stolen center stage, for the most part, in the form of the financial turmoil occurring right now. Although there have been some great sightings, one of which (Texas) was reported and covered in the mainstream media, that have produced some pretty good footage.

For the most part, however, it's been all about the financial markets. What that turmoil means in a larger sense is anyone's guess. I could say that you are watching old systems break down, which will be replaced by the new...We will have to wait and see...

What has not reached the mainstream media, but which has been equally interesting, is the fact that on (or around) January 30, 2008, both the earth and Mars will experience a "small body" flyby - Earth with the 2007 TU24 and Mars by the 2007 WD5. When these two separate stories were initially released it seemed there was a possibility of an impact by BOTH objects (one on Earth and one on Mars). This impact scenario seems to have been retracted, but who really knows...?

In any event, finances and asteroids seem to be the headliners in the public and private arenas at the moment. Very interesting correlation there as far as signs/revelations go...For those who thrive on the financial markets and live and die by the dollar, life is pretty stressful right now; but for those of us who are living just above the poverty level, it's life as usual. For those at the poverty level, nothing has changed. Walk a mile in our shoes.

I'm not mitigating the tragedy of those of us living under this system, who rely on what meager handouts (i.e., employment) we can get, because the troubles occurring at the top trickle down to mothers and fathers who are now going to be laid off...Those at the top, milking that teat for all its worth (at our expense) are suffering and will continue to...

On another note, I am seeing nightly flight patterns that bring aircraft - slow, low-flying, and extremely quiet craft - over my neighborhood. I'm completely at a loss as to why these craft are surveilling this area. These jets are silent, until they are directly overhead and the very muted sound of a jet engine can be heard. I've heard that they can equip jets with these sort of silencers, but I'd never seen it before. It's really strange...

At one point I read that if there was an economic collapse that the government could institute Martial Law. There was the suggestion that this would allow Bush to institute Martial Law and postpone, or prevent the elections until this crash was corrected...Are these planes a precursor to that sort of scenario, or are they not even ours...?

If there is a collapse that necessitates (in Bush's mind/administration) Martial Law, the you would have to conclude it was all a "Problem, Reaction, Solution" sort of scenario and was planned from the beginning. No one knows how or why this all started (although they've stated reasons), but it has, and it continues to get worse...Did someone create this scenario on purpose? Just asking the question...

In any event, these are very strange times. If you are focused on the money/financial markets, and that's all you see, then you are in for a hard time. There's more to life than making money.

This economic turmoil is not happening in a vacuum. While these things are going on on the ground, we are having more and more overt ufo and ufo fleet sightings overhead - as promised, I might add - and astounding events within, and revelations about our solar system and galaxy.

Everything must be taken together. There are highly advanced beings increasing the frequency and type of contact with our race as days pass by. You have to stand back and take in the whole thing. And when you do that, it truly is something to behold.

In any event, I'm with win 52, Cyber_Wasp, TD and others on this one - our brothers and sisters have our backs!!

OK, enough of that. I wanted to post TD's responses to you nice folks' questions. I wasn't sure he could (or would, given his experiences were from a different angle) answer them, but I sent 'em and he responded.

Hey, Kilgour!! What's the good word? You asked,

Originally posted by Kilgour
How do you feel about your own mortality?
Immortality, whether I have a body or not

do you believe in God?
something created it/us all or evolved first

how has passing through time affected your family life?
depends on the aspect and there are many

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make
a sound?
it cries out

Which actually came the first,the chicken or the egg?
the egg

Was Jesus black and did Dinosaurs exist?
jesus had dark skin, could have passed for almost anything on earth at the time with the right clothes and yes dinosaurs existed and still do, we are simply not exposed to them at this time and there is a disturbing theory on which may interest you.

Thank you for your questions, Kilgour!!

And TD, as always, thank you very much for taking the time to answer them!! I never thought I'd start a thread for people to toss questions at you and have it run for an entire year.

Yesterday, January 23, 2008, was the one year mark for this thread. *pops champagne bottle* ahaha It begs the question, where are we now? How far have we gone in a year...? I think quite a ways...But I know we're all still waiting for our concert/contact events. Patience is a virtue...OK, I'll take that trite aphorism and cram it...Moving on...

joao22990, how's it hangin'? Hopefully good haah You asked, well, a lot. Cool!!

Originally posted by joao22990
1. I don't know if you ever saw an anime show called Serial Experiments Lain? Well, it proposed a very interesting theory: that humans can connect with each other using the Schumann resonance. Does it seem plausible?
never saw the show but it does seem plausible, because just because you can not see it does not mean it is not there, wind is the best example, you cant see it yet it is there and this applies to many things, magnetic fields, wireless transmissions such as phones, TV and internet, you can see the vibrations but they are there, so my opinion is yes absolutely plausible.

2. It also claimed to be possible to exist in other places without physicality. In the anime, it would be a very advanced network that had the very similar principles of existence to those of reality. Is it possible to exist only metaphysically, without any physical manifestations, in this reality (or dimension, as many call it)?
I feel confident saying yes, some call it the soul or spirit.

3. Was Hitler just a very bad person, or id he know something we don't? I ask this because I've encountered many articles on Nazi/alien bases, etc.
I am not sure, there was certainly much negativity surrounding him, sometimes I think he was a genetic robot with no soul, but we will find out for sure at the concert

4. With events clustering all over the world, this seems like a time of great change, for better or worse. Are humans alone in this transaction? Are these changes affecting just our little planet, or other societies as well?
yes, this will effect other planets especially because we become an intergalactic race and it will ripple

5. Will it be possible to travel in time just with our soul? Like, going there, but not suffering any physical pain, or even presence, just observing?
that is called astral travel and if you practice you can do it now

6. Can we make objects bigger, or smaller, in our desire?
in the distant future, we meaning earth race's

7. How will family ties be? Will they be strong like nowadays, or will we become more like the the guy from the movie K-PAX, everyone being our family?
havent seen that movie but that idea has been introduced by abductees several times and they call it a "soul family"

8. What about porn? since sex seems to be a common practise, will there be a need for porn?
yes and no, sex will not be looked at the way it is now, there is no evil about it when there is nothing but love involved.

9. Oh, and what about nerds? Will they be free to live the way they want to? who you calling a nerd!!!

Oh, one more thing. I've been becoming paranoid, some strange people in suits seem to be following me. Can you give me any description of these people that will come to get me because i volunteered? Or am i just becoming insane?
who knows, if they need you they will come for you and if they are bad guys you have simply put out a point of reference.

Thank you, joao22990, for the interesting questions!!

All right, until next time. All you nice folks rock on responsibly!!

In honor of David Wilcock, Be Well, Be Love.


posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:49 AM
I would ask:

Excuse me, do you have the time?

Are you a good time traveler or a bad time traveler?

Are you from the past or future?

[edit on 24-1-2008 by Alxandro]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 09:01 AM
I got a question for good ole TD....first of all HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!

One year thread is nothing to laugh at...good job everyone.

Now for my question...have any of you been contacted by your future selves? Has anyone had any missions? Anyone actually travel into the future? Other than TD....i didnt get a chance to go through every post so i would have missed those stories. Did anyone on this thread who volunteered experience anything in the past year?

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:22 PM
i would like to ask something:

will we win in the future against the Reptiods/dracos?
the only tool we can use is love to win. 3RD time around well see if we can do it.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by darcon

What do you mean "the only tool we can use is love" ?
I mean....i agree that love is the only tool to solve all of our problems.
There isnt enough of it in this world....people constantly get caught in these futile cycles of self preservation which in the end are meaningless and end up hurting more people than they can imagine.
If we start accomplishing goals with love as a muses then the entire global society will be better off.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by GUICE2
reply to post by darcon

What do you mean "the only tool we can use is love" ?
I mean....i agree that love is the only tool to solve all of our problems.
There isnt enough of it in this world....people constantly get caught in these futile cycles of self preservation which in the end are meaningless and end up hurting more people than they can imagine.
If we start accomplishing goals with love as a muses then the entire global society will be better off.

Love is what will change this time. you see this is the third time it is going to happen. where in the last two times we failed, but in failure comes strength. This time around i believe we can use love to integrate. the reptiods believe they have a universal wright to take the universe into their grasp. But as human being souls, we not only have the power destroy the reptiods, but instead the power of showing them THE LIGHT, thus integrating light and DARK, To create the BALANCE THAT IS NEEDED. We can fight and lose like we did before, or we can use the unlimited power of love from within to show them the LIGHT.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by darcon

Well.....this is exactly how i feel with uniting all humans.
The reptoid thing i have not put much thought into because we have so many issues of unity on our own planet to overcome that a more immediete threat to life as a whole.
People in this world are so inundated with superficiality that they often times leave love behind, it just happend to me about two weeks ago and even though this is romantic love i am referring to i beleive that they are one in the same. unconditional love is something that i have for this woman....i made the revelation one day when i was sobbing like a baby in her arms that unconditional love can save us. It is the answer.....i completely agree. Humans are too grounded in physical reality (im talking about things like their job, cars, clothes, money etc..) to be at all aware of their emotions. Everyone around me just seems emotionless when they are at work even though they might be having some personal problems that cause them inner anguish. Well....pretending that these feelings do not exist or completely ignoring them does not help anyone.
Trust me...i know from first hand experience. I have no one that i can actually share with in this office that will understand my pain...and if you find someone who does they probably dont want to talk about it and are too wrapped up in working hard to "concentrate on themselves" or "build themselves up" which is total BS because no one person can survive alone in this world. No one is alone...we are all conected and are the same part of one spiritual construct. You hit the nail right on the head....LOVE is what makes the human race different from them all and it will eventually prevail.
What do you mean by this is the third time?

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 03:02 PM
Hey Guice2 !!!!!

Although I have not experienced contact from a future me yet, the enlightenment of this thread has helped to open channels with both my Higher Self and other Higher Life forms (The Blue that often interact with me in my dreams. It blows your mind in the realities they create to interact with you in this state. The places you appear in with them are places that you could not think up with your own imagination.

This I feel was has occurred from a change in thinking / outlook as a result of the discussions that this thread has generated. Thanks to everyone here !!!!!!!

Things will continue to escalate this year. I really want to find out more about the Blue Beings and would love to be able to coerce them in to appearing in the physical. They will get sick of me asking them

So it is all out there. We just need to tune into it.

Hey OTD !!!!
Which is the best video of what you have seen of the UFO in Texas? Do you have a link for it?

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Cyber_Wasp
I started to think differently years ago....thats why i came to ATS, to see if there were people out there like me. Blue guys?
I havent seen any of them....the only maginificent thing that happend to me is the way i perceive this world. A good example is the fact that money no longer stresses me out and neither does debt because i perceive it differently in every construct. Money is the root of all evil and the fact that we are all forced to carry it around in our pockets or use it for food and things we need to sustain life is sickening to me.
Those negative connotations and labels were created by man to divide and conquer and you are a FOOL if you ascribe to them so strictly as to dismiss ideas that would benefit the human race as a whole.

Its all about love always has been but there are too many ps3's and big screen tvs out there. Dont get me wrong.....entertainment has its purpose. Yet, oursociety is degrading by the minute and no one knows about it because they ALLOW the evils of superficiality to rule their hearts and are convinced that love should be put on the back burner for the sake of things like college, work, bills, bosses, houses, clothes etc....

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 01:15 PM
hey guys how are you doing, Last night TD posted on the bluestar website, Miriam is a contactee that has been saying for a while now that there will be big earth changes and a shift in the near future...also ets coming in mass which i thought was a no brainier...lool

its on the front of renatos website:

here is his post

Also finally the Boriska interview came out on Project Camelot!

there is also more updates on the jan 25 section with some reading...

google vid coming soon...

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